2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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I tend to agree - I think if they go with Warren, Sanders or Biden they will struggle

Warren says she is not running and Sanders and Biden are comfortably beating every one in the polls. They destroy Trump in head to heads. I think both would have enough to win for the Dems although I agree they need new blood, and would definitely need much younger VP's if they did run.
Warren says she is not running and Sanders and Biden are comfortably beating every one in the polls. They destroy Trump in head to heads. I think both would have enough to win for the Dems although I agree they need new blood, and would definitely need much younger VP's if they did run.

Sanders-Harris for the win.
Obama wasn't even registering in the 2008 primary polls until he was on the cover of Time in late 2006. You never know when a situation is going to propel someone to the forefront.
Obama wasn't even registering in the 2008 primary polls until he was on the cover of Time in late 2006. You never know when a situation is going to propel someone to the forefront.

Yeah, still a decent chance a candidate could emerge out of nowhere. How they compare to Trump specifically will be very key.
Yeah, still a decent chance a candidate could emerge out of nowhere. How they compare to Trump specifically will be very key.
It will be interesting to see if this odd ''resistance'' thing has a voter base or just media buzz noise.
It will be interesting to see if this odd ''resistance'' thing has a voter base or just media buzz noise.

Have you not been watching the results of all the recent elections? The Dems flipping seats in areas they have never held before and just look at the projections for Texas. I think the resistance is real and their influence is becoming very clear.

The mid-terms will be the ultimate tell really but they could be a bloodbath. Trump really isn't endearing more voters for him, actually the complete opposite. He's causing thousands to come out and vote against him and his party.
Have you not been watching the results of all the recent elections? The Dems flipping seats in areas they have never held before and just look at the projections for Texas. I think the resistance is real and their influence is becoming very clear.
Oh sorry I should of it made it clearer, the resistance stuff which of course completely anti Trump(Although that's to do with Trump breaking of political norms rather than policy)but has of nostalgia looking back at the Bush/Ragan/Clinton years and the completely admiration of Obama time in office(Basically the centre right and liberals). Is there a voter base for this type of politics and if so how much is it of the democratic base.
Oh sorry I should of it made it clearer, the resistance stuff which of course completely anti Trump(Although that's to do with Trump breaking of political norms rather than policy)but has of nostalgia looking back at the Bush/Ragan/Clinton years and the completely admiration of Obama time in office(Basically the centre right and liberals). Is there a voter base for this type of politics and if so how much is it of the democratic base.

The more young people get involved in the political process over the long term, the more we'd see a change in policy that affects their lives. They need to understand that they cannot just sit idly by expect people like Mitch McConnell, Orin Hatch and those kinds of politicians to have their best interests at heart. the problem Democrats still face however is that Republicans have gerrymandered many states.
Oh sorry I should of it made it clearer, the resistance stuff which of course completely anti Trump(Although that's to do with Trump breaking of political norms rather than policy)but has of nostalgia looking back at the Bush/Ragan/Clinton years and the completely admiration of Obama time in office(Basically the centre right and liberals). Is there a voter base for this type of politics and if so how much is it of the democratic base.

The so called Resistance is anti-Trump. There's no nostalgia about going back to the Obama days. If anything, its about advancing more progressive policies in the future.
Wait are people saying Sanders as in Bernie Sanders? Is being ancient some sort of prerequisite for running? Why would people elect an 80 year old as their leader. I've never understood this about politics. Sure, wisdom comes with age, but only up to a certain point. There comes a time where you need the next generation to take over. I don't mean you should elect a 30 something as president, but over 70? Pretty much all professions you retire around 65, but for arguably the most important job in the world you're somehow very much eligible at this age?

I personally think it's wierd. A wise ruler looks at the future and looking at the future is much easier, when you will actually be alive during part of it.
I think if Bernie runs he may choose a running mate who is not just younger, but slightly more establishment than he is (but still supports his policies). He'd be wide to consider someone like Newsom, Garcetti, or O'Rourke.
Wait are people saying Sanders as in Bernie Sanders? Is being ancient some sort of prerequisite for running? Why would people elect an 80 year old as their leader. I've never understood this about politics. Sure, wisdom comes with age, but only up to a certain point. There comes a time where you need the next generation to take over. I don't mean you should elect a 30 something as president, but over 70? Pretty much all professions you retire around 65, but for arguably the most important job in the world you're somehow very much eligible at this age?

I personally think it's wierd. A wise ruler looks at the future and looking at the future is much easier, when you will actually be alive during part of it.

Most people would prefer younger candidates, but unfortunately there's little in terms of meat on the bone in that category. There are no Obama like, transformational communicators available for 2020 In Sanders' case, he may have won in 2016 if not for the DNC superdelegate nonsense, so it stands to reason that he will try again. Its basically a choice between Bernie and Joe Biden for 2020, unless someone else comes along.
Wait are people saying Sanders as in Bernie Sanders? Is being ancient some sort of prerequisite for running? Why would people elect an 80 year old as their leader. I've never understood this about politics. Sure, wisdom comes with age, but only up to a certain point. There comes a time where you need the next generation to take over. I don't mean you should elect a 30 something as president, but over 70? Pretty much all professions you retire around 65, but for arguably the most important job in the world you're somehow very much eligible at this age?

I personally think it's wierd. A wise ruler looks at the future and looking at the future is much easier, when you will actually be alive during part of it.

I totally agree with you. A POTUS should be no older than 60 when their first term starts IMO.
Most people would prefer younger candidates, but unfortunately there's little in terms of meat on the bone in that category. There are no Obama like, transformational communicators available for 2020 In Sanders' case, he may have won in 2016 if not for the DNC superdelegate nonsense, so it stands to reason that he will try again. Its basically a choice between Bernie and Joe Biden for 2020, unless someone else comes along.
I guess the fact you need a lot of money to run a successful campaign is a factor as well. A sad truth when you think about it. In the end a presidential campaign is not much more than a very large scale episode of Idols.
I guess the fact you need a lot of money to run a successful campaign is a factor as well. A sad truth when you think about it. In the end a presidential campaign is not much more than a very large scale episode of Idols.

The money issue is there for every one. Even Bernie needs a lot of it to conduct a proper campaign.
The money issue is there for every one. Even Bernie needs a lot of it to conduct a proper campaign.
Yes I know, but I mean accumulating wealth and connection with said wealth is probably harder for younger candidates? Old boys club and such.

I admit, I'm not that savvy on the machinations of the primary's.
Yes I know, but I mean accumulating wealth and connection with said wealth is probably harder for younger candidates? Old boys club and such.

I admit, I'm not that savvy on the machinations of the primary's.

Not necessarily. Obama did perfectly fine as a candidate in his 40s.
Yes I know, but I mean accumulating wealth and connection with said wealth is probably harder for younger candidates? Old boys club and such.

I admit, I'm not that savvy on the machinations of the primary's.

Money - Check
Friends in high places in the Democratic Party - Check
Name Recognition - check
they even had him deliver the state of the union rebuttal

Not sure how he will do but i fully expect him to be in the race

Money - Check
Friends in high places in the Democratic Party - Check
Name Recognition - check
they even had him deliver the state of the union rebuttal

Not sure how he will do but i fully expect him to be in the race

There's a good chance he'll be involved in some way. Although I wouldn't expect him to be the nominee.
There's a good chance he'll be involved in some way. Although I wouldn't expect him to be the nominee.
Im still hoping for Duane "THE ROCK" Johnson...
It may make a mockery of your democracy but from the perspective of an outside observer the thought of the debates being hosted by vince mcmahon and reduced to little more than a wrestlemania teaser as trump moans about fake media would be car crash TV but at the same time compulsive viewing
There's a good chance he'll be involved in some way. Although I wouldn't expect him to be the nominee.

That looks like a vintage pin from the 1950s. Is he a dynamic speaker though? Can he be Opie Obama?
That looks like a vintage pin from the 1950s. Is he a dynamic speaker though? Can he be Opie Obama?

I don't see anything special about him tbh. He's got the Kennedy name and is young, which will always draw a lot of interest, but in terms of political skills, there's nothing special there imo. But as i said, he is still young, so he could well grow into a more polished political actor over time.
Doesn't young Mr Kennedy have some flaws though? Such as isn't he paid off by some health insurance and pharmaceutical companies?

I can't remember exactly but I'm sure he has some spurious connections and isn't the progressive saviour 2nd coming of the Kennedy that everyone expects him to be.
Doesn't young Mr Kennedy have some flaws though? Such as isn't he paid off by some health insurance and pharmaceutical companies?

I can't remember exactly but I'm sure he has some spurious connections and isn't the progressive saviour 2nd coming of the Kennedy that everyone expects him to be.

Yeah he's shit
Doesn't young Mr Kennedy have some flaws though? Such as isn't he paid off by some health insurance and pharmaceutical companies?

I can't remember exactly but I'm sure he has some spurious connections and isn't the progressive saviour 2nd coming of the Kennedy that everyone expects him to be.

He has plenty of time to sort these things out. He's only 37 - an infant in political terms.
Obama was a special kind of candidate.
Not really

If you exclude johnson who took over after the kennedy assassination then the last 4 Democrat Presidents at the time of coming to office were

Kennedy 43
Carter 52
Clinton 46
Obama 47

Average age 47

By strange coincidence though three of the last 4 presidents were born in 1946
Clinton, Bush and Trump
Not really

If you exclude johnson who took over after the kennedy assassination then the last 4 Democrat Presidents at the time of coming to office were

Kennedy 43
Carter 52
Clinton 46
Obama 47

Average age 47

By strange coincidence though three of the last 4 presidents were born in 1946
Clinton, Bush and Trump

I wasn't really referring to his age though. He was just simply the kind of politician with the oratory skills and his ability to communicate his ideas of which we haven't seen in a very long time. Added to that his use of social media to galvanize his supporters was nothing like we've seen in decades.
I wasn't really referring to his age though. He was just simply the kind of politician with the oratory skills and his ability to communicate his ideas of which we haven't seen in a very long time. Added to that his use of social media to galvanize his supporters was nothing like we've seen in decades.
take out the social media and really clinton and kennedy were good speakers who had a knack of connecting with people... Obama was not unique in this
take out the social media and really clinton and kennedy were good speakers who had a knack of connecting with people... Obama was not unique in this

Obama wasn't a good speaker because of social media (whatever that means). He was simply a great public speaker, with or without the prompter.
Im still hoping for Duane "THE ROCK" Johnson...
It may make a mockery of your democracy but from the perspective of an outside observer the thought of the debates being hosted by vince mcmahon and reduced to little more than a wrestlemania teaser as trump moans about fake media would be car crash TV but at the same time compulsive viewing
Holy crap I would become an American Citizen to vote for The Rock. Not even sure Im kidding.
take out the social media and really clinton and kennedy were good speakers who had a knack of connecting with people... Obama was not unique in this

We'd agree to disagree but I know a good communicator when I hear one and Obama was/is on another level. Clinton is also very good at breaking things down so that the ordinary guy could understand it...even very difficult issues.
Holy crap I would become an American Citizen to vote for The Rock. Not even sure Im kidding.

He would be more likely to run as an independent if he did go for it .

I agree Biden and Saunders are both too old and as good as they may be I don't see them beating Trump .

They could go out every debate and destroy Trump and still wouldn't win it come the election.
We'd agree to disagree but I know a good communicator when I hear one and Obama was/is on another level. Clinton is also very good at breaking things down so that the ordinary guy could understand it...even very difficult issues.
Obama is the definition of a charismatic leader. I saw his interview with Letterman on Netflix and the contrast between him and Trump is bizarre. Political acumen aside, Obama just oozes class, intelligence and likability, where as Trump, well he just Oozes.
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