2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Speaking strictly in Newsom's case, it would be rather dumb of him to attack Trump. If necessary, he can gloss over his own issue by vaguely referencing it and saying he has made mistakes in the past and then not attack Trump immediately after. This worked for Dubya back in 2000 when his cocaine use in the 70s was simmering below the surface of the campaign.

As we saw in 2016 though it's inherently different for Dems and Republicans, because the GOP hard-right are willing to forgive just about anything that they would typically disagree with morally to support a candidate who they feel represents them.

Newsom would be hard pressed not to attack Trump personally when asked to do so by the media - any attempts not to do so when asked direct questions would be construed as him not being strong enough in his condemnation of him, which will energise voters who are unsure if they want to support the Dem candidate but can't stand Trump.
As we saw in 2016 though it's inherently different for Dems and Republicans, because the GOP hard-right are willing to forgive just about anything that they would typically disagree with morally to support a candidate who they feel represents them.

Newsom would be hard pressed not to attack Trump personally when asked to do so by the media - any attempts not to do so when asked direct questions would be construed as him not being strong enough in his condemnation of him, which will energise voters who are unsure if they want to support the Dem candidate but can't stand Trump.
that's not the real lesson of 2016, trump appealed to the inner desires of the GOP base, the dems need to pick someone who appeals to the democratic base
As we saw in 2016 though it's inherently different for Dems and Republicans, because the GOP hard-right are willing to forgive just about anything that they would typically disagree with morally to support a candidate who they feel represents them.

Newsom would be hard pressed not to attack Trump personally when asked to do so by the media - any attempts not to do so when asked direct questions would be construed as him not being strong enough in his condemnation of him, which will energise voters who are unsure if they want to support the Dem candidate but can't stand Trump.

The media wouldn't be dictating Newsom or any other Dem strategy though. When dealing with Trump, the old maxim of "Don't mud wrestle a pig. You will only get dirty and the pig will like it", applies. The general public aren't interested in squandering debate time talking about someone Trump attempted to fondle decades ago when they could be talking about single payer, taxes, gun control etc. Ultimately, whoever beats Trump will do so by articulating a positive vision by winning the battle of ideas - not by wallowing in negativity.
that's not the real lesson of 2016, trump appealed to the inner desires of the GOP base, the dems need to pick someone who appeals to the democratic base

Of course - not disputing that. But it's also the case that a Dem candidate with scandals the GOP can point to (personal or political) will be hindered in the process, irrespective of whether they're left/centrist.
The media wouldn't be dictating Newsom or any other Dem strategy though. When dealing with Trump, the old maxim of "Don't mud wrestle a pig. You will only get dirty and the pig will like it", applies. The general public aren't interested in squandering debate time talking about someone Trump attempted to fondle decades ago when they could be talking about single payer, taxes, gun control etc. Ultimately, whoever beats Trump will do so by articulating a positive vision by winning the battle of ideas - not by wallowing in negativity.

I'm not suggesting that they wallow in negativity or don't discuss policy - I'm saying that personal issues are inherently going to be an extensive point of discussion among the news media, and that Newsom would receive a lot of scrutiny for any perceived scandals he has.
I'm not suggesting that they wallow in negativity or don't discuss policy - I'm saying that personal issues are inherently going to be an extensive point of discussion among the news media, and that Newsom would receive a lot of scrutiny for any perceived scandals he has.
Didn't hinder Bill.
I love Joe Biden but just think he will be too old to start a first term. Personally I think POTUS should be between 35 and 65 and the start of a first term.

I think 2020 is going to be one of those situations where there are a couple of anointed candidates, who in the end are beaten to the nomination by a younger upstart. We just dont yet know who that person is.
Definitely Stein as well since she is already in the Green Party. Gabbard and Turner are unelectable. Merkeley is a Dem, but fairly anonymous and also unelectable.
Is Gabbard not well known and taken seriously enough to get the Green Party some votes? You're quite critical of Nader aren't you?
Is Gabbard not well known and taken seriously enough to get the Green Party some votes? You're quite critical of Nader aren't you?

I think she would run as a Dem (since she currently is one). She'd get a fair amount of niche votes during the primary season, but would struggle against more seasoned politicians on the Dem side. She also happens to be in the Bernie wing of the party and since he is already looking into running, her best shot may be to position herself as a potential VP candidate. That would allow him to balance his age alongside a younger candidate who has some degree of connection with younger voters.
Tusli should go for it....I have always wanted to get behind a politician I wouldn't mind getting behind...if you know what I mean.


Mike, this is not a Sir Mix-A-Lot video. We're talking politics here. ;)
So back on topic. I hope all of the US caftards that are Dems are going to get involved in the next election cycle. Register with the Demcratic party. Volunteer to take people to the polls if you have a car, do something.
Keep an eye on Beto O'Rourke. Currently within single digits of Lyin' Ted Cruz in their Texas Senate race. He likely won't win but is carrying himself very well to where he may become a factor as a VP or possibly even a Presidential candidate.

If Lyin Ted is ever in danger of losing an election he'll promptly pull up tent and go for a legal position.
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