2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Wait a minute... You’re saying the union contract didn’t have in it the # of hours they’re to work?

Honestly I do not know the details of this contract.

From my experience Salaried employees were judged on completion of tasks/jobs given.

Now depending on how the jobs were planned they may take shorter or longer than 40 hours per week.

Remember not all jobs are judged on how long people work but on what they accomplish.
Honestly I do not know the details of this contract.

From my experience Salaried employees were judged on completion of tasks/jobs given.

Now depending on how the jobs were planned they may take shorter or longer than 40 hours per week.

Remember not all jobs are judged on how long people work but on what they accomplish.
And they’ve been in this dispute since May and haven’t figured out how to get them up to a $15 per hour wage when salary was divided by time worked.

And this whole time during this dispute the campaign has been going on and saying $15 an hour should be the national minimum, otherwise you’re in “poverty wages”.
Prove it.

Show me his policies that advocate for public ownership of the means of production and the replacement of market capitalism.

yeah no thanks. im gonna go barbecue instead of argue with someone who has a history of distorting the facts and misrepresenting things to fit his own argument. im not a teacher so i actually work full time and have to take advantage of my time off.
yeah no thanks. im gonna go barbecue instead of argue with someone who has a history of distorting the facts and misrepresenting things to fit his own argument. im not a teacher so i actually work full time and have to take advantage of my time off.
So, you can’t.

Good talk.
And they’ve been in this dispute since May and haven’t figured out how to get them up to a $15 per hour wage when salary was divided by time worked.

And this whole time during this dispute the campaign has been going on and saying $15 an hour should be the national minimum, otherwise you’re in “poverty wages”.

You simply are distorting the facts to suit your argument.

We do not know all the facts. And rightly we should not as this is a negotiation. The length of time?

What is acceptable to you?
how long a union negotiation should take?

We do not know what other matters are being discussed.
Well, we do know that salary and benefits are being discussed, because we know that a higher salary was put on the table, but it would have meant that the workers would lose their 100% funded health benefit and drop to 85% funding... so they rejected it.

And to the first point, for a campaign that pushes the message of a $15/hr minimum, how long would it need to take to look at the numbers and say “wow, you’re right, we screwed that up”...?
Well, we do know that salary and benefits are being discussed, because we know that a higher salary was put on the table, but it would have meant that the workers would lose their 100% funded health benefit and drop to 85% funding... so they rejected it.

This much I am certain off whatever the details.
Bernie would not have set up a rate to hurt the very people who are supporting his candidacy.

Firstly it would be stupid.
Secondly it simply goes against the grain of what he has done all his life.

And no. I do not believe the guy is a saint. ;)
This much I am certain off whatever the details.
Bernie would not have set up a rate to hurt the very people who are supporting his candidacy.

Firstly it would be stupid.
Secondly it simply goes against the grain of what he has done all his life.

And no. I do not believe the guy is a saint. ;)
I added this after posting...

And to the first point, for a campaign that pushes the message of a $15/hr minimum, how long would it need to take to look at the numbers and say “wow, you’re right, we screwed that up”...?
@Red Dreams and if Sanders has no part to play in it, then he really should look at his campaign manager, Faiz Shakir, because this is an unnecessary issue that can be used against his candidacy.
Is Texas purple enough for Beto to be relevant as a VP candidate?
Nope. He couldn't defeat Ted Cruz, who is not as popular as Trump. If he was the presidential nominee, he would have got nearer than any of the other Democrats to get the state (but likely fail in the process), but as a VP he will be irrelevant for that.
Definitely. If its Biden I'm sure he would get a look. Also potentially Warren as well.
I hope not. If it is Warren, it should be someone with good foreign policies and good knowledge on foreign relations (same for Bernie, while unlike with Warren, I think that he has okayish foreign policies, he is inexperienced in that aspect). If it is Biden, then yes, Beto could be a decent choice for VP.

Beto made a bad choice running for president this time though. He had momentum, but upon close inspection, he is as fake as Las Vegas.
I hope not. If it is Warren, it should be someone with good foreign policies and good knowledge on foreign relations (same for Bernie, while unlike with Warren, I think that he has okayish foreign policies, he is inexperienced in that aspect). If it is Biden, then yes, Beto could be a decent choice for VP.

Beto made a bad choice running for president this time though. He had momentum, but upon close inspection, he is as fake as Las Vegas.

I doubt either Biden or Warren would pick someone based on foreign policy skills since a vast majority of candidates out there don't have much of it. They will probably pick someone they can get along with, who shares most of the policy ideas, and who may be able to help the ticket carry a prominent swing or purple state.
That tracking number from CBS while nice to look at is fairly meaningless. There are A LOT of on the fence/softly pledged voters that can jump around, especially minority, before Nevada/SC and the Super Tuesday states, unlike in ‘16 when the demographics were baked in and didn’t move full stop. If Biden got his ass whooped in any of Iowa/NH/NV then I’d bet my house against him winning SC by 20 points.

The only important number from that poll is 3/4 of Democrats saying they are at least ‘somewhat likely’ to watch the next debate. Bit of a do-or-die territory here and if the numbers didn’t move afterwards we may see the field winnowing down to 5 or 6 by the 3rd debate in Sept. Mr. Texas is in 7th/8th in most polls and he raised a paltry 3.6m last quarter, they will run out of money very quickly.
If Harris does well in the next two debates against Biden, she will do well in the Southern States.

It will take more than a 30 second zinger to help her in the south. She is already beginning to sink back down to where she came from in the polls after the initial hype of what she said dissipated.
It will take more than a 30 second zinger to help her in the south. She is already beginning to sink back down to where she came from in the polls after the initial hype of what she said dissipated.

That's because its only been 1 debate and the mainstream media has been hard shilling for Biden the last month. With her and Biden in the same debate and both Warren and Bernie on a different day, this next debate, with a much larger percentage of people starting to pay attention will be a massive window of opportunity that both Harris and Biden need. Biden still has very shallow support. No one is passionate about him except his wealthy corporate donors and if he doesn't make a deeper impact his breadth is in danger of being swept away if Harris consistently has a stronger debate without the distraction of the Bernie/Warren angle.
That's because its only been 1 debate and the mainstream media has been hard shilling for Biden the last month. With her and Biden in the same debate and both Warren and Bernie on a different day, this next debate, with a much larger percentage of people starting to pay attention will be a massive window of opportunity that both Harris and Biden need. Biden still has very shallow support. No one is passionate about him except his wealthy corporate donors and if he doesn't make a deeper impact his breadth is in danger of being swept away if Harris consistently has a stronger debate without the distraction of the Bernie/Warren angle.

They’ve also been shilling hard for Harris. Just look at the likes of Harry’s Enten and the CNN posse who have been talking her up from day one. I also doubt Biden will go into debate two with his shields down after what happened last month. Harris will no doubt try to pull another zinger on him since he continues to beat her among black voters, and she knows she has zero chance if he continues to dominate her on her own demographic.
So what do you believe will elevate Biden going forward?

Nothing. He’s already elevated well ahead of the field. He could say something stupid to bring his own numbers down, but that too is doubtful given the sorts of things Trump gets away with saying these days.
Nothing. He’s already elevated well ahead of the field. He could say something stupid to bring his own numbers down, but that too is doubtful given the sorts of things Trump gets away with saying these days.

Biden's so called 3rd policy roll out....Health Care while attacking Medicare For All is exactly what Ted Cruz and the Republicans have been doing.
Those guys sure need help.
Everyone knows about Trump.

He is hardly offering anything worthwhile.
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