2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Bookies odds on democrat candidate
Harris 2/1
warren 4/1
Biden 5/1
Bittigieg 10/1
Sanders 10/1

another poll like that and probably time to stick some money on Mayor Pete

looks like being one of those 5 at the moment but of course there is plenty of time for somebody to say or do the wrong thing

Suckers bet. He is too short. It sounds shallow but its probably one of the most powerful subconscious factors of "electability". After I saw this photo I thought it doesn't matter how articulate or how much this guy has stacked his resume he has no chance at Pres ever in today's media driven universe.

Suckers bet. He is too short. It sounds shallow but its probably one of the most powerful subconscious factors of "electability". After I saw this photo I thought it doesn't matter how articulate or how much this guy has stacked his resume he has no chance at Pres ever in today's media driven universe.


I don’t think height is nearly as relevant as not being a white male is.
Suckers bet. He is too short. It sounds shallow but its probably one of the most powerful subconscious factors of "electability". After I saw this photo I thought it doesn't matter how articulate or how much this guy has stacked his resume he has no chance at Pres ever in today's media driven universe.


hes just so small and dorky. Theres only 3 types of acceptable presidents in this country.

1) killed a wild boar and commited atrocities against native Americans
2) professorly and obsessed with trains
3) wears salmon shorts and boat shoes to yale frat parties and plays soggy biscuit with future titans of industry

That's it. America isnt going to vote for some round headed freak from Indiana who smiles nervously all the time.
I don’t think height is nearly as relevant as not being a white male is.

You're comparing a single trait (height) to two traits (race and gender). 30 years ago you might be right but I don't think its quite the same now. A lot of people will actively try to override unconscious preference for the "white male" but height is much more subtle.

Personally I'd bet on a tall Black man over a short, white male. For women height is a bit different but I think there is still a minimum in heels.
You're comparing a single trait (height) to two traits (race and gender). 30 years ago you might be right but I don't think its quite the same now. A lot of people will actively try to override unconscious preference for the "white male" but height is much more subtle.

Personally I'd bet on a tall Black man over a short, white male. For women height is a bit different but I think there is still a minimum in heels.
I think it's probably the opposite for women, if they're too tall a lot of insecure men won't vote for her
What causes most people to have bad credit is not making enough money to pay for the regular bills of life and also save anything. So when their car breaks down or their kid gets sick they have no choice but to start racking up debt. For lots of people you get to the end of the month and decide which bills to pay. And sometimes that means paying rent over a phone bill. But now even that decision will hurt their credit rating, which is used to deny them housing and jobs and loans with reasonable interest rates. So it's just another way to squeeze the poor.

As somebody who was in exactly the situation you describe, and worse and as a result had a bad credit rating for the better part of a decade, you have way too narrow a view on it. What you've described is just one reason, that even a bigger wage wouldn't fix outright.
As somebody who was in exactly the situation you describe, and worse and as a result had a bad credit rating for the better part of a decade, you have way too narrow a view on it. What you've described is just one reason, that even a bigger wage wouldn't fix outright.

That might be your case but for most people the solution to not having enough money is to have more money.
I think it's probably the opposite for women, if they're too tall a lot of insecure men won't vote for her
Definitely. Small women in power are less scary.

That's why Warren was not doing great until people got to know her better...all the old men were scared she could wack their knuckles with a yardstick like a Catholic school nun at any given time.
That's a wildly unrelated simplism of what we were talking about.

I dont think it is. I took your point as implying that some people have money problems due to bad habits. If that's not right then my bad. My response is that most people have money problems because they barely make enough to pay their bills and when something unexpected happens they have no choice but to borrow from unscrupulous lenders and get into a spiral of debt. So the simple is answer is to raise their income and reduce their expenses. Shorthand for that is they dont get paid enough.
You're comparing a single trait (height) to two traits (race and gender). 30 years ago you might be right but I don't think its quite the same now. A lot of people will actively try to override unconscious preference for the "white male" but height is much more subtle.

Personally I'd bet on a tall Black man over a short, white male. For women height is a bit different but I think there is still a minimum in heels.

It would depend on the specific person but I don’t think Buttigieg will miss out any many votes because of his height, much as Harris (who is 5’2) won’t either. In both cases race/gender and sexual orientation will be much more of an implicit bias factor.
Suckers bet. He is too short. It sounds shallow but its probably one of the most powerful subconscious factors of "electability". After I saw this photo I thought it doesn't matter how articulate or how much this guy has stacked his resume he has no chance at Pres ever in today's media driven universe.

Ross Perot did amazing at 5'5
@Red Dreams

A little bit for you to chew over before coming out with ‘Warren is the DNC’s stealth candidate’ the next time.

The fact that Warren and Sanders’ bases don’t perfectly overlap hasn't garnered much public attention, but it’s something very much on the minds of their aides and allies.

“It shows that the media does not base their perceptions on data that is publicly available,” said Ari Rabin-Havt, chief of staff to the Sanders campaign. “I think people develop overly simplistic views of politics that presume that people who live in the real world think the same way as elite media in D.C. and New York.”

It’s not a given that Sanders voters would flock to Warren, or vice versa, if one of them left the race and endorsed the other. In Morning Consult, Reuters-Ipsos and Washington Post-ABC News polls, more Sanders supporters name Biden as their second choice than Warren — and a higher percentage of Warren voters pick Kamala Harris as their No. 2 than Sanders, according to recent surveys.

I had bad credit for 7 years because Kohl's kept sending my billing to the wrong address for 4 months and then reported it as default. Total bill was 20 dollars. cnuts
I bet he weighs more than that. But theres a difference between fat and thicc

Last year remember they tried to say he was 239 pounds putting him just under obesity. Now he’s saying 243, so he’s obese, and that’s likely an underestimation anyway.

Cory Booker was a pretty decent athlete back in college. How many times could he bench Peteigieg
I think it was fairly certain early on since their support are divided by income primarily. Was saying something to the same effect.

No hard data for this, but my guess is that Warren's taken all the old, middle and upper income support Bernie had last time. He's left with that part of his 2016 base which is either young or poor.
hes just so small and dorky. Theres only 3 types of acceptable presidents in this country.

1) killed a wild boar and commited atrocities against native Americans
2) professorly and obsessed with trains
3) wears salmon shorts and boat shoes to yale frat parties and plays soggy biscuit with future titans of industry

That's it. America isnt going to vote for some round headed freak from Indiana who smiles nervously all the time.

This is why the world is fecked
If the 15% proportional delegates threshold requirement is in play, Biden takes all and everything else get nothing.

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