2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Really a shame it wasn't Haim Saban who passed away. This guy is a completely scumbag through and through. Truly the epitome of a trash human being. He represents everything wrong with billionaire corporate Democrates, everything wrong with Hollywood and is just a piece of shit human being. On a personal level not just political level.
Donald Trump triumphed in 2016 by winning narrowly these three Rust Belt states, which he was expected to lose. Pennsylvania was the biggest surprise as well as the biggest prize among them. In theory, Trump can win without these three -- either by replacing them with three other large states -- or by picking up several smaller states that equal their combined 46 electoral votes.

But where will those replacement states come from? Presently, according to the New York Times, Trump is far behind in Pennsylvania (16 percentage points), Wisconsin (10 points) and Michigan (11 points). According to the Morning Consult, Trump’s current approval rating in Pennsylvania has plummeted 19 points since Inauguration Day.

Yeah, and according to those same polls 2 days before the election, Hillary was leading on all them states by 5-6 points and she had it in the bag. Polls are unreliable, especially in the form they're presently conducted.

Agreed on the polls. I still think these 3 plus Florida maybe are the key battleground states and whoever takes them wins.
The question are the Democrat voters going to learn their lesson and listen to people that really care and know whats up like George Lakoff and Michael Moore

Moore once predicted before the 2016 election that Trump would overcome long odds to defeat Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, who was widely favored in polls.

"Donald J. Trump is going to win in November. This wretched, ignorant, dangerous part-time clown and full time sociopath is going to be our next president," the filmmaker wrote on his website at the time.

"President Trump. Go ahead and say the words, ‘cause you’ll be saying them for the next four years: 'PRESIDENT TRUMP.' "

Michael Moore who has his ear to the ground and interacts with thousands of regular people every week. Ignore him at your own peril.
The question are the Democrat voters going to learn their lesson and listen to people that really care and know whats up like George Lakoff and Michael Moore

Michael Moore who has his ear to the ground and interacts with thousands of regular people every week. Ignore him at your own peril.

He is going to win. I have no doubt in my mind.
He is going to win. I have no doubt in my mind.

Yeah its looking like Dems are poised to make the same mistakes they've been making.

George Lakoff said:
"Progressives want to follow the polls … Conservatives don't follow the polls; they want to change them. Political ground is gained not when you successfully inhabit the middle ground, but when you successfully impose your framing as the 'common-sense' position."
Yeah its looking like Dems are poised to make the same mistakes they've been making.
Yeah its looking like Dems are poised to make the same mistakes they've been making.
As much as we like to mock the Republicans, the Republicans have managed to successfully paint the Dems as a radical left party with pie in the sky ideas. It is all about who can get their part to the ballot box.
Anyone have information on 2020 senate elections? From what I can see only Alabama (Doug Jones), Arizona (McSally) and Colorado (Gardner) seem to be on the fence. Looks like the current split is likely to continue or get worse if Jones loses in Alabama. Opinions?
As much as we like to mock the Republicans, the Republicans have managed to successfully paint the Dems as a radical left party with pie in the sky ideas. It is all about who can get their part to the ballot box.

As they say in the military, the Democrats are always fighting the last war and that's why they lose.

Just looking at their polling strategies as Lakoff points out, the Dems are looking at yesterday's polls and trying to adjust today's opinion to yesterday's poll. Meanwhile the GOP is using the information from yesterday's polls to frame things today to shift the perception for tomorrow.
Also it's telling there's not been a peep from Obama to defend Biden against some of the charges that Kamala leveled at him. Nothing. It doesn't bode well for Biden that neither Barack nor Michelle are voicing any type of support for him. I'm not talking a full endorsement - although they should - but at a bare minimum Biden is entitled to a "he's not racist" statement from the Obamas.

Biden's just not a good candidate, and not that smart.
Also it's telling there's not been a peep from Obama to defend Biden against some of the charges that Kamala leveled at him. Nothing. It doesn't bode well for Biden that neither Barack nor Michelle are voicing any type of support for him. I'm not talking a full endorsement - although they should - but at a bare minimum Biden is entitled to a "he's not racist" statement from the Obamas.

Biden's just not a good candidate, and not that smart.

tbf to Obama, he cannot intervene in the primaries and he wont, to be fair to the other candidates.
In a sign of the shifting tides within the Democratic Party, all of the major presidential candidates skipped the most recent AIPAC summit (the annual D.C conference of the pro-Israel lobbying group). Haim blames Sanders for that phenomenon.

"I can't deny the impact that Bernie has had on the Democratic Party," he adds. "I love it when Bernie says, 'I recognize Israel's right to exist.' That's how he expresses his support of Israel. Well, thank you so very much. Are you out of your freaking mind? Oh, I'm allowed to live. Hallelujah, praise the lord."

Political watchers have taken Haim's inactivity on the primary front as a sign that he might flip to the Republicans. Not a chance, he says, though there are some Republicans he admires — "We loved McCain. We love Lindsey Graham." But he insists the Sabans will remain Democrats.

These guys are single issue donors

"We love Lindsey Graham."
Not sure what your thoughts are about the economy and markets should Bernie become president.
But I honestly do not see any negative impact. I see steady market growth.

I can see those who do not like regulations putting up a fight though.
Probably a shock to the economy then rebounds. Kinda like we saw with Trump.
I'm about ready to apologise on this one. I was very sure the debates wouldn't hurt Biden but it really looks they have.
It's surprising that a self proclaimed democratic socialist has a 50% unfavorability rating among all registered voters in the United States?

It's surprising that a person who has 50% unfavorability rating is a leading contender for nomination. Same goes for Biden too.

Saving grace is probably that Trump is more unfavourable than either, I suppose.
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