2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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In what way?
I was half joking but Harris idea would add more financial surveillance.

However, others have argued that the added data alone may not be much of a game-changer in terms of creating a new pool of potential home buyers. The 2018 legislation, for instance, didn’t require lenders to abandon the traditional FICO score altogether. As a result, some argued lenders may choose to ignore the alternative scores or, if they used them, consider those borrowers to be riskier and thus charge them a higher interest rate.

Others have also suggested consumers’ credit scores could potentially go down if this additional data is added in earnest to the calculations. For instance, utility companies can already report late payments to credit bureaus, but typically only do so after several months have passed. If utility companies were obliged to report all consumer payment information to the credit reporting agencies, consumers could be dinged for a single late payment, even if they quickly resolved the situation.
People could get fecked over far more quickly for something as simply as missing a single payment. Maybe it's well meaning or she is just lying again but it does seem like a very cop solution to the problem.
Two polls that came out couple days prior had him at 23/19%. Most of these have MoE of +/-5 so it’s a bit premature to say Sanders is in trouble.
I was half joking but Harris idea would add more financial surveillance.

People could get fecked over far more quickly for something as simply as missing a single payment. Maybe it's well meaning or she is just lying again but it does seem like a very cop solution to the problem.

There's nothing really controversial about including how good you are with your financials in a score that rates how good you are with your financials. The issue with credit scores is that they're either inaccurate a lot of the time, or you get fecked over for somebody elses actions because they mix people up. Cell phones are already part of credit scores in many places, it strikes me as weird that this apparently isn't the case in the US.
There's nothing really controversial about including how good you are with your financials in a score that rates how good you are with your financials. The issue with credit scores is that they're either inaccurate a lot of the time, or you get fecked over for somebody elses actions because they mix people up. Cell phones are already part of credit scores in many places, it strikes me as weird that this apparently isn't the case in the US.
I'm fairly certain it is. Credit scores are definitely checked when signing up for a cell phone contract. If you miss payments, your cell phone provider will likely report it to the credit bureaus adversely affecting your credit score. Similar to missing mortgage, car and credit card payments.
Its fine in the abstract but the reality is that it punishes poor people and further shuts them out of a normal life.

I don't think the credit score punishes poor people in and of itself. It's simply a reflection of their financial state. It has no inherent involvement with their life. Predatory practices of those offering credit however, and targeting those who can't pay it back pushing them into a spiral that leads them to have bad credit is another thing though. feck those guys.
I don't think the credit score punishes poor people. It has no inherent involvement with their life. Predatory practices of those offering credit however, and targeting those who can't pay it back pushing them into a spiral that leads them to have bad credit is another thing though.

I dont know about where you live but it absolutely does here. Lots of job applications require you to give them access to your credit report ffs.
I dont know about where you live but it absolutely does here. Lots of job applications require you to give them access to your credit report ffs.

Sure, but the issue in that instance is surely what causes people to have bad credit in the first place, and the predatory nature of those companies and the various policies and situations that leave people in these struggling situations.

Also the issue is that job applications require you to disclose your credit rating, not that the ratings reflect your financial situation with rent and cell phones and shit.
Sure, but the issue in that instance is surely what causes people to have bad credit in the first place, and the predatory nature of those companies and the various policies and situations that leave people in these struggling situations.

Also the issue is that job applications require you to disclose your credit rating, not that the ratings reflect your financial situation with rent and cell phones and shit.

What causes most people to have bad credit is not making enough money to pay for the regular bills of life and also save anything. So when their car breaks down or their kid gets sick they have no choice but to start racking up debt. For lots of people you get to the end of the month and decide which bills to pay. And sometimes that means paying rent over a phone bill. But now even that decision will hurt their credit rating, which is used to deny them housing and jobs and loans with reasonable interest rates. So it's just another way to squeeze the poor.
What causes most people to have bad credit is not making enough money to pay for the regular bills of life and also save anything. So when their car breaks down or their kid gets sick they have no choice but to start racking up debt. For lots of people you get to the end of the month and decide which bills to pay. And sometimes that means paying rent over a phone bill. But now even that decision will hurt their credit rating, which is used to deny them housing and jobs and loans with reasonable interest rates. So it's just another way to squeeze the poor.

Something I definitely agree with. I've been always told 'live within your own means' and 'credit/credit card is bad'. For the first three years, I never even thought about a credit card, living off debit cards and within my salary. Think of my surprise when I go to the car dealer when I was told I had no credit history/bad credit score :wenger:

Bookies odds on democrat candidate
Harris 2/1
warren 4/1
Biden 5/1
Bittigieg 10/1
Sanders 10/1

another poll like that and probably time to stick some money on Mayor Pete

looks like being one of those 5 at the moment but of course there is plenty of time for somebody to say or do the wrong thing
Warren calls for eliminating criminal penalties for people “entering the country without authorization” but would leave in place civil penalties for illegal border crossings.

What does this mean? Illegal immigrants cannot be imprisoned but should pay a fine? What happens to their status after they pay the fine?
Single digits people shouldn’t get too disappointed

What causes most people to have bad credit is not making enough money to pay for the regular bills of life and also save anything. So when their car breaks down or their kid gets sick they have no choice but to start racking up debt. For lots of people you get to the end of the month and decide which bills to pay. And sometimes that means paying rent over a phone bill. But now even that decision will hurt their credit rating, which is used to deny them housing and jobs and loans with reasonable interest rates. So it's just another way to squeeze the poor.
Spot on. Also, try getting really sick just once without full coverage insurance that you can’t afford to begin with because your job is low pay.
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