2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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He's been incoherent about that. If anything it's an assumption (that's probably right), but all I hear from him is "we gotta defeat Trump".

I think Harris differs on healthcare and tax reform. Sanders and Warren definitely belong in the same bucket.

Yes, as someone posted earlier, the Dem party is split into two, traditionalists vs reformists.
- Biden is a traditionalist and so is against decriminalization of border, repatriation to slavery, still supports Obamacare etc.
- Warren/Sanders/Harris are all reformists who all have the same objective, but differ slightly in the hows to go about it.

What we are seeing here is a the split within the reformists that'll eventually split the votes in favour of Biden, who will then get majority and nomination. And then all reformists would then vote for Harambe splitting Biden's vote leading to Trump getting majority and as second term.
Both Warren and Sanders agree on pretty much most major issues. There are some minor differences and none on Immigration, Healthcare, Guns etc. In fact I don't see Harris differing much from Sanders/Warren too

:lol: yikes

If you cant see any difference I worry about your critical thinking skills
Like it or not many have fond memories of the Obama presidency especially as compared to Trump.
Just the decency and respect the country had then. Mostly it is nostalgia.
In terms of actual policies he at least started some work on Health Care and did save the Motor Industry and the economy from nosediving.

Obama was all form, little substance. I think he was an ineffective president who squandered a lot of good will and after the crisis of 2008-2009 had an opportunity to refashion a lot of policies both domestically and internationally but failed to do so. He did indeed produce Obamacare, though given his majority in both houses could have been more sweeping reform of the healthcare system. Yes, the economy recovered as a result of the Fed's bulging balance (printing money), but inequality didn't narrow and you could argue that taxpayer led bailout of Detroit's automakers has not really produced a lasting change for the industry and the area.

And his foreign policy was a disaster, starting with misreading/mishandling of the Arab spring, his ill-advised intervention in Libya, the "Assad must go" policy in Syria which was a disaster, his handling of Russia/Ukraine, inability to handle ISIS, not closing Guantanamo, the exponential increase in drone killings etc. He was doomed from the moment he chose people like HRC, Susan Rice, Samantha Power, John Brennan, Robert Gates in key foreign policy and security positions, as those are firm believers in US global leadership who never saw an international issue that didn't think the US should play a major role in "solving".

Obama did make progress on climate change, and he was a thoroughly decent man - that's clear without a doubt.
What Trump has going for him is his supporters have been given a voice. it is now acceptable to be a racist.
There is enthusiasm.

But there are more Democrats.
But no enthusiasm.

Will voters show up?
If they don’t show up then they are silently condoning racism, child cruelty, human trafficking, possibly sex trafficking, paedophilic, rape, treason, tax evasion, lawlessness, perjury, money laundering etc
If they don’t show up then they are silently condoning racism, child cruelty, human trafficking, possibly sex trafficking, paedophilic, rape, treason, tax evasion, lawlessness, perjury, money laundering etc

I condone perjury, tax evasion, treason, money laundering, and general lawlessnes.
Think Trump will crush Biden, regardless of what some polls say right now. Biden is just very unlikeable, and will not energize the party base to come vote (aka Hillary MK 2). I'm not sure his record under Obama is anything to write home about either.
Between the W and the Donald regimes, Obama's Era seems like a golden age even if it was a disappointment judged on its own merits.

And the candidate that will energize the Democrats most of all is actually Donald.
I dont know what to tell you if you havent realized it yet. They all have distinctly different policies and records.

A brief compilation of macro view in major issues.

Pro nuclear power
- Biden: Yes
- Harris/Sanders/Warren: No

Single payer healthcare
- Biden: No
- Harris/Sanders/Warren: Yes

Reparations for slavery:
- Biden: No
- Harris/Sanders/Warren: Yes

Syria Intervention:
- Biden: Yes
- Harris/Sanders/Warren: No/Undecided

Decriminalization of border violations
- Biden: No
- Harris/Sanders/Warren: Yes

Though their objectives remain the same Sanders comes across more anti-establishment whereas Warren would work with amended rules within same structure. Also the extent of scope of the objective differs slightly with Sanders again wants sweeping changes and Warren a bit more muted and perhaps more clear on the rules to achieve it.
Reparations for slavery is one of the top 5 issues. Great job. You also have the attention to detail of a goldfish. If you think each issue is a simple yes / no and if you think theres no difference between a social and a "capitalist to my bones" and a corrupt prosecutor then you really shouldnt be wasting everyone's time.
Yes, as someone posted earlier, the Dem party is split into two, traditionalists vs reformists.
- Biden is a traditionalist and so is against decriminalization of border, repatriation to slavery, still supports Obamacare etc.
- Warren/Sanders/Harris are all reformists who all have the same objective, but differ slightly in the hows to go about it.

What we are seeing here is a the split within the reformists that'll eventually split the votes in favour of Biden, who will then get majority and nomination. And then all reformists would then vote for Harambe splitting Biden's vote leading to Trump getting majority and as second term.
Harris is a Traditionalist dressed up as a reformist.
Reparations for slavery is one of the top 5 issues. Great job. You also have the attention to detail of a goldfish. If you think each issue is a simple yes / no and if you think theres no difference between a social and a "capitalist to my bones" and a corrupt prosecutor then you really shouldnt be wasting everyone's time.
I'm also surprised an HBO mini-series on Chernobyl suddenly created another top 5 issue.
Obama was all form, little substance. I think he was an ineffective president who squandered a lot of good will and after the crisis of 2008-2009 had an opportunity to refashion a lot of policies both domestically and internationally but failed to do so. He did indeed produce Obamacare, though given his majority in both houses could have been more sweeping reform of the healthcare system. Yes, the economy recovered as a result of the Fed's bulging balance (printing money), but inequality didn't narrow and you could argue that taxpayer led bailout of Detroit's automakers has not really produced a lasting change for the industry and the area.

And his foreign policy was a disaster, starting with misreading/mishandling of the Arab spring, his ill-advised intervention in Libya, the "Assad must go" policy in Syria which was a disaster, his handling of Russia/Ukraine, inability to handle ISIS, not closing Guantanamo, the exponential increase in drone killings etc. He was doomed from the moment he chose people like HRC, Susan Rice, Samantha Power, John Brennan, Robert Gates in key foreign policy and security positions, as those are firm believers in US global leadership who never saw an international issue that didn't think the US should play a major role in "solving".

Obama did make progress on climate change, and he was a thoroughly decent man - that's clear without a doubt.

good summation.
No one is Nostradamus here.
But we are making predictions based on facts.

Biden does not have any policies.
He has baggage we were not aware of or was not highlighted.
All he has done is go the Hillary route of keeping Obama policies and saying we need to get rid of Trump.

Hardly comforting.
He is not hated universally the same way Hillary was. That's the big difference. What I am doubting here is the statement that he will be last. No question that he is a shit candidate.

No, I’m reading Natasha.

Seems like Trump took some DOJ investigators to London with him who were part of the team investigating his “oranges”. They were supposed to discredit Steele. He had said that he was going to tackle May about the dodgy dossier but it looks like it may have backfired a bit. Reads like the investigators were impressed with Steele and as a result it has delayed the IG report.

So, they got him now ?
I'm also surprised an HBO mini-series on Chernobyl suddenly created another top 5 issue.

Reminds me of when Roosevelt said the four freedoms were the freedom from want, freedom to watch Blue Bloods on CBS at 10 / 9 central in 1080p with Dolby surround sound, freedom from fear and freedom from the threat of Ottoman invasion.

Let me summarize:
- Both want to cancel student debt - Bernie wants to cancel all, Sanders has a tiered system.
- Both want to tax wealthy - Sanders has a idea. Warren has a plan.
- Both support Universal Healthcare: Bernie supports it . Warren "I support it, but there are different ways to get there"
- Climate: Both agree. Bernie has ideas, Warren has a plan.

Variations to same objective.

Warren is more realistic and practical. Bernie is more idealistic.
Bernie’s claims of democratic socialism are tenuous based on the true definition of the term. Essentially, he can only call himself that in the United States.

He, like Warren, both want to use government power and regulation to reform the capitalist market system within the United States, not abolish it. He and Warren are both in the realm of the social democrats / liberal socialists / compassionate capitalists.
Let me summarize:
- Both want to cancel student debt - Bernie wants to cancel all, Sanders has a tiered system.
- Both want to tax wealthy - Sanders has a idea. Warren has a plan.
- Both support Universal Healthcare: Bernie supports it . Warren "I support it, but there are different ways to get there"
- Climate: Both agree. Bernie has ideas, Warren has a plan.

Variations to same objective.

Warren is more realistic and practical. Bernie is more idealistic.

...Or you could say Bernie actually means what he says.....and Warren is Obama very lite.



I did not intend any racial connotations there.

Just think Warren will make excuses pretty fast.
You should stop replying to me then, if you feel it's not worth your time. Stop wasting my time if you don't want to discuss at my level.

Dude stop derailing this thread with personal attacks and inane comments. It's one thing to want to debate posters, another thing to be posting annoying and ill-informed comments ad nauseum.
Dude stop derailing this thread with personal attacks and inane comments. It's one thing to want to debate posters, another thing to be posting annoying and ill-informed comments ad nauseum.

I just made a single comment that Sanders and Warren agree on major issues, but differ on how to implement them. I stand by that view. Nothing more. nothing less.
Bernie’s claims of democratic socialism are tenuous based on the true definition of the term. Essentially, he can only call himself that in the United States.

He, like Warren, both want to use government power and regulation to reform the capitalist market system within the United States, not abolish it. He and Warren are both in the realm of the social democrats / liberal socialists / compassionate capitalists.

The liberal media has been pretty kind to Warren.

But they have either ignored or have been attacking Bernie.
What’s that got to do with my point?

She is a Democrat. Not an independent.
Will she really fight the establishment?

That montage that was posted by another poster had two faces that were 'blocked'.

Bernie and Tulsi.
Tulsi was denied DNC funds for her re election campaign because she directly went against Hillary and supported Bernie.

While I am not accusing Warren of being a Harris.
I will reserve my judgement till later.

At this point I like what she is saying or endorsing.
She is a Democrat. Not an independent.
Will she really fight the establishment?

That montage that was posted by another poster had two faces that were 'blocked'.

Bernie and Tulsi.
Tulsi was denied DNC funds for her re election campaign because she directly went against Hillary and supported Bernie.

While I am not accusing Warren of being a Harris.
I will reserve my judgement till later.

At this point I like what she is saying or endorsing.
Okay. That still is a completely different tangent from what I was saying, but at least you admit that you like the policies she’s putting forward now and have moved on from saying she doesn’t support something that she’s supported for years.
For all those in this forum, what are your top 3 issues you want the candidate you support to address?

Immigration, Healthcare, Infrastructure, Deficit...?
Pivot to Asia - increase US presence to contain Chinese aggression
Environment - maybe too late anyway
Lock him up - Trump deserves to spend the rest of his life in isolation in a super max
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