2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Biden must be regretting being persuaded to run.
He could have retired as a VP in a popular administration.
Now he will be remembered as a bumbling buffoon.
I think creepy joe might be what sticks

either way it does look like he should have gone out on a high
20 years ago, working families were starting to feel the difficulties..or perhaps not much of the pain was being reported.
But shit for brains Dubya destroyed the economy and got us into an unnecessary war, for which Biden voted. That will come back to haunt him as Iran rears its head.
Obama stabilized the economy but did not do anything for working families other than giving a Republican health plan.

2016. The pain was much worse for ordinary people. Bernie offered real policies. But the corporate DNC pushed their person. And that is why we got Trump.

We are now looking at an electorate that has woken up.

Popularity contests are over.

its show me the money time.

Harris is a double talker. She will be tested soon and will have to answer for her decisions. She is the perfect calculating politician.
We are realistically left with either Bernie or Warren.

You are left with which person can get things done.
Surprised given she speaks against Wall Street and finance industry so much.

She's right on Wall Street and crony capitalism. She's right on student loan debt forgiveness, and even though it wouldn't affect me personally, can't deny it's good for the economy and country. She's right on universal healthcare. And she's right that the State Dept needs more funding than the DOD.

Warren is also one of the few people who answered no to the question of whether people should be allowed to be billionaires. I think I agree with that, in principle.
The thing is, she didn’t even have to ‘walk back’.

Can just say that she brought up the example to show Biden’s lack of principle in the face of oppression, or to highlight the role the federal government should play in combating racism and structural discrimination, and our society and technology have improved in a way that we can now come up with more efficient, elegant solutions than busing.

Politicians are actually bad at politicking, or they all think the masses is so stupid they couldn’t comprehend a nuanced answer.
In some sense I'm happy that Hillary did not win. I think America needed a wake up call
You were affected how? I'm not contesting that you think he is bad.. I'm sure most of us think the same
I have to be another skin color to be affected by his being a dick to refugees? I have to be another skin color to be affected by his policies towards people that don’t look/love like/believe like me?

He goes against everything I believe America is supposed to be.
White men like red dreams and Raoul had nothing to lose by Trump. But many had to pay the price for Trump.
Everyone but the richest 1% have paid the price with Trump. Skin colour has nothing to do with it. His presidency is distressing in so many ways to so many people and the poor are suffering the most. Almost everyone will suffer eventually under this man.
I have to be another skin color to be affected by his being a dick to refugees? I have to be another skin color to be affected by his policies towards people that don’t look/love like/believe like me?

He goes against everything I believe America is supposed to be.

America is just like any other nation, acting in her own self interest. I'm saying that you aren't personally affected by trumps policies. Even enviroemt issues doesnt affect you when you are living in Georgia. This last year alone, I've helped relocate about 15 families who were denied visas. I personally think the 'we needed this wakeup call' mentalist are a total disgrace.. A bit like Rd protest voting Leave on brexit. I wish I can bow my head to the little Che inside him but I only can wish to bitch slap the feck out of him.

I think you are a sound guy personally and a left leaning centrist like me. I also think militant leftists like Eboue aren't the solution but I'm telling you that I get wound up when people who aren't materially affected start the 'maybe this is a good thing'. No it's fecking not
A spectre is haunting redcafe — the spectre of Eboue. All the powers of old caf have entered into a unholy alliance to exorcise this spectre: Carolina and Fish, Raoul and Nimic, French wolves and British sun-tzus.

Where is the poster in CE that has not been decried as Eboueistic by its opponents? Where is the posting clique that has not hurled back the branding reproach of Eboueism, against the more advanced leftist thought-leaders, as well as against its reactionary adversaries?

-- Karl Marx, 1848
A spectre is haunting redcafe — the spectre of Eboue. All the powers of old caf have entered into a unholy alliance to exorcise this spectre: Carolina and Fish, Raoul and Nimic, French wolves and British sun-tzus.

Where is the poster in CE that has not been decried as Eboueistic by its opponents? Where is the posting clique that has not hurled back the branding reproach of Eboueism, against the more advanced leftist thought-leaders, as well as against its reactionary adversaries?

-- Karl Marx, 1848

Don't think you are far off it either. When I see you in India, you are going to face some tough questions from me, don't expect a hug ok? :D
America is just like any other nation, acting in her own self interest. I'm saying that you aren't personally affected by trumps policies. Even enviroemt issues doesnt affect you when you are living in Georgia. This last year alone, I've helped relocate about 15 families who were denied visas. I personally think the 'we needed this wakeup call' mentalist are a total disgrace.. A bit like Rd protest voting Leave on brexit. I wish I can bow my head to the little Che inside him but I only can wish to bitch slap the feck out of him.

I think you are a sound guy personally and a left leaning centrist like me. I also think militant leftists like Eboue aren't the solution but I'm telling you that I get wound up when people who aren't materially affected start the 'maybe this is a good thing'. No it's fecking not

I'm saying you haven't been personally affected by Clinton and Biden policies. Even income inequality issues don't affect you when you have a cushy job for corporate McDonalds with full benefits. The last 25 years alone I have helped over 15 families that have had lives ruined by Clinton and Biden's War on Drugs that decimated their lifelong earning potential, Iraq War and slipped through the cracks of Obama's privatized healthcare to face medical bankruptcy. I personally think the "vote for lesser of two evils because I benefit from Clinton" is a fecking disgrace.

I think you are probably a nice guy personally but I think narrow minded militant centrism like you plead for does more harm than good. I get wound up when people who haven't been psychologically, financially and emotionally affected by Clinton neoliberalism start trying to lecture people who have had the lives of their families and friends wrecked and then centrists try to lecture that we should just "suck it up" for some more short term bullshit.
If there is a thread discussing the problems of slavery and the use of slave ships, One fecking nil to the arsenal will write an essay on how it was started by the Clinton legislation in the 1993 fall session and how it went hand in hand with the Reagan-Corporate Democrat evil axis.
If there is a thread discussing the problems of slavery and the use of slave ships, One fecking nil to the arsenal will write an essay on how it was started by the Clinton legislation in the 1993 fall session and how it went hand in hand with the Reagan-Corporate Democrat evil axis.

Great post fishfilet. A strawman that shows you really don't get it at all.

You work this cushy job at Trump's favorite corporation in the world where your corporate benefit package alone is worth more than the total salaries of people I know with Masters and PhD who are trying to help people but can only get hired as adjuncts because of results of Obamacare designed to benefit only the corporations, yet you continually show you are completely disconnected from the lives of the working and middle who paid the cost of neoliberalism to benefit the elites with their financial security, health and even lives in some cases and really have no clue why and how Trump even happened because you keep demanding people do the exact same things that created the environment for a Trump.
Oh and you might want to study some marketing and PR if you want to keep doing this. If you centrists really want progressives who have lived through the evils of neoliberalism to suck it up and Vote Blue No Matter Who, then you need to go back to the drawing board for your arguments because this establishment Dem style condescending to progressives is definitely not going to convince any of us to suck it up in 2020.
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