2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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That's is not "clear" at all. I'd suggest that's mostly just your subjective lens. Looking at the Republican party machine as a whole, they seem far more scared of Bernie and Warren than Biden.

As much as they would love to face Sanders and simply frame the Gen as a referendum between Socialism and Capitalism, they are anticipating a more realistic scenario of facing Biden, who is beating Trump in his own internal polling. That could of course change down the road but that’s how the Trumpsters see it.
That's is not "clear" at all. I'd suggest that's mostly just your subjective lens. Looking at the Republican party machine as a whole, they seem far more scared of Bernie and Warren than Biden.
Strictly speaking Harris would be the hardest one for them to smear. Willie Brown? Sexist. Prosecutor career? Tough on crime (!). Woman of color, strong stage presence, limited national profile to parse.

They’ve been trying to frame Biden as weak and old for a while now. Sleepy Joe will be the 2020 ‘low-energy’ Jeb, and Biden didn’t exactly help his case with the debate.
As much as they would love to face Sanders and simply frame the Gen as a referendum between Socialism and Capitalism, they are anticipating a more realistic scenario of facing Biden, who is beating Trump in his own internal polling. That could of course change down the road but that’s how the Trumpsters see it.

Its funny how you are doing exactly what the right wingers do.

Your comments simply don't echo what I hear on conservative talk radio when I drive. They literally defend Biden against Harris' "awful far left identity politics". They want a Biden v Trump because then they win either way. Its not that they are scared of Biden (watching that debate no one is scared of Biden) the right defends him because they want him to win the nomination.
Strictly speaking Harris would be the hardest one for them to smear. Willie Brown? Sexist. Prosecutor career? Tough on crime (!). Woman of color, strong stage presence, limited national profile to parse.

They’ve been trying to frame Biden as weak and old for a while now. Sleepy Joe will be the 2020 ‘low-energy’ Jeb, and Biden didn’t exactly help his case with the debate.

When has that stopped them?
When has that stopped them?
Well they will bring it up regardless, but it won’t jive is the point. Women were divided on Slick Willie’s past transgression in 2016, with young women decidedly against, I doubt an extramarital affair will hold back their support the same way.
Like most memoirs of this sort the specific details are probably a little embellished, but the CIA and related alphabets absolutely do this type of thing (School of the Americas). Its quite common when you look at everything that's been declassified from MKUltra to Operation Sea Spray, Operation Paperclip, Tuskegee Syphilis, etc. Iran-Contra was a massive conspiracy that gets sort of ignored these days, its really remarkable the power of the masses' disposition to believe what makes them feel the safest.

I believe they are directed but not by any collective policy that is approved by Congressional Committees.
The Doctrine of Plausible Deniability exists for a reason.
I prefer looking at his behavior. He is clearly rattled by the prospect of facing Biden over any other candidate.
I'd say that's it's because Biden is leading the polls. If Bernie leads the polls, he'd be talking way more about him.
Well they will bring it up regardless, but it won’t jive is the point. Women were divided on Slick Willie’s past transgression in 2016, with young women decidedly against, I doubt an extramarital affair will hold back their support the same way.

I'm reading articles saying that Trump will hit Harris hard on her busing position if she makes it through, based on the fact that a majority of "moderate" (hint: white) voters are opposed to such measures.

Slightly different to sexism but I don't think voters are as immune to such smears today as you think.
I'm reading articles saying that Trump will hit Harris hard on her busing position if she makes it through, based on the fact that a majority of "moderate" (hint: white) voters are opposed to such measures.

Slightly different to sexism but I don't think voters are as immune to such smears today as you think.

True, but then again I only said she’d be the hardest to smear, not immune to them.

Warren would have been in that position had she not bungled the Native American thing. She still might, but that DNA letter is a matter of public record now.
Its funny how you are doing exactly what the right wingers do.

Your comments simply don't echo what I hear on conservative talk radio when I drive. They literally defend Biden against Harris' "awful far left identity politics". They want a Biden v Trump because then they win either way. Its not that they are scared of Biden (watching that debate no one is scared of Biden) the right defends him because they want him to win the nomination.

Much of what I described has been repeatedly published in mainstream reporting.
I'd say that's it's because Biden is leading the polls. If Bernie leads the polls, he'd be talking way more about him.

True. It remains to be seen whether Sanders has the political mojo to actually move ahead in the key state polls where he needs to excel. Won’t be easy in a 5-6 person race.
Much of what I described has been repeatedly published in mainstream reporting.

Yes, you are repeating the mainstream corporate Dem media line that is biased for Biden.

Its not the message being pushed repeatedly across mainstream conservative media. Conservative media is panicking a lot more about a Bernie or Warren candidacy and now Harris. Biden doesn't scare anyone. If the corporate Dems keep up with this hubris filled echo of 2016 that Trump would be fearful of a Biden matchup after those debates then they really haven't learned much and will lose to Trump.

Biden's trend of dropping in the polls indicates a growing perception that he would get eaten alive by Trump which is what people are saying on the street. Its interesting that Biden drops 10+ points in most polls, yet because the corporate donors are sticking with him the narrative pushed by the corporate Dem media pretends the debates didn't show Biden to be a cardboard cutout. Trump would love to debate Biden. Not so much Harris
Yes, you are repeating the mainstream corporate Dem media line that is biased for Biden.

Its not the message being pushed repeatedly across mainstream conservative media. Conservative media is panicking a lot more about a Bernie or Warren candidacy and now Harris. Biden doesn't scare anyone. If the corporate Dems keep up with this hubris filled echo of 2016 that Trump would be fearful of a Biden matchup after those debates then they really haven't learned much and will lose to Trump.

Biden's trend of dropping in the polls indicates a growing perception that he would get eaten alive by Trump which is what people are saying on the street. Its interesting that Biden drops 10+ points in most polls, yet because the corporate donors are sticking with him the narrative pushed by the corporate Dem media pretends the debates didn't show Biden to be a cardboard cutout. Trump would love to debate Biden. Not so much Harris

Would say the main reason the Dems are pushing Biden is because they win with either Biden or Trump.

The Dems fear Bernie more than anyone else.
@Eboue @Red Dreams

I actually think Warren dropping out would benefit Biden the most as her votes would split between Harris and Bernie.

We may not like it but Bernie dropping out would probably hurt Biden the most because almost all his support would go to Warren.
Yes, you are repeating the mainstream corporate Dem media line that is biased for Biden.

Its not the message being pushed repeatedly across mainstream conservative media. Conservative media is panicking a lot more about a Bernie or Warren candidacy and now Harris. Biden doesn't scare anyone. If the corporate Dems keep up with this hubris filled echo of 2016 that Trump would be fearful of a Biden matchup after those debates then they really haven't learned much and will lose to Trump.

Biden's trend of dropping in the polls indicates a growing perception that he would get eaten alive by Trump which is what people are saying on the street. Its interesting that Biden drops 10+ points in most polls, yet because the corporate donors are sticking with him the narrative pushed by the corporate Dem media pretends the debates didn't show Biden to be a cardboard cutout. Trump would love to debate Biden. Not so much Harris

It’s standard reporting from outside the Sanders bubble, and consistent with Trump’s recently leaked internal polling data. I would imagine that Trump would spend an inordinate amount of time attacking Sanders if he was in any way concerned about him, which if recent polling trends are anything to go by, is increasingly less by the day.
@Eboue @Red Dreams

I actually think Warren dropping out would benefit Biden the most as her votes would split between Harris and Bernie.

We may not like it but Bernie dropping out would probably hurt Biden the most because almost all his support would go to Warren.

In that case, I also call on Harris to drop out. Running against Bernie is running as a spoiler.
@Eboue @Red Dreams

I actually think Warren dropping out would benefit Biden the most as her votes would split between Harris and Bernie.

We may not like it but Bernie dropping out would probably hurt Biden the most because almost all his support would go to Warren.

I see where you are coming from.
But I am not a 100% convinced Warren is not a stealth candidate for the Corporate Dems.
Should she win, she will compromise big time.
She is not for single payer for one.
It’s standard reporting from outside the Sanders bubble, and consistent with Trump’s recently leaked internal polling data. I would imagine that Trump would spend an inordinate amount of time attacking Sanders if he was in any way concerned about him, which if recent polling trends are anything to go by, is increasingly less by the day.

The only attack Trump can use is calling him a socialist and crazy Bernie.

neither has any effect.

Those who are concerned about 'Socialism' as a word were never going to vote for Bernie anyways.
I see where you are coming from.
But I am not a 100% convinced Warren is not a stealth candidate for the Corporate Dems.
Should she win, she will compromise big time.
She is not for single payer for one.
That changed with the debate, didn’t it?
After months of equivocation on the topic of health care, Elizabeth Warren firmly supported Bernie Sanders’s Medicare for All bill during the first Democratic primary debate of the 2020 presidential campaign. When the candidates were asked if they would support abolishing private insurance in favor of a single-payer program, Warren raised her hand before saying straightforwardly: “I’m with Bernie on Medicare for All.” Asked two days later if she stood by her answer, she didn’t budge: “Yes, I held my hand up. What part did you not see?”
It’s standard reporting from outside the Sanders bubble, and consistent with Trump’s recently leaked internal polling data. I would imagine that Trump would spend an inordinate amount of time attacking Sanders if he was in any way concerned about him, which if recent polling trends are anything to go by, is increasingly less by the day.

It's more like standard reporting inside the Biden bubble.

If the Republicans attacking someone is allegedly proof of who they are "most scared of" then Biden is the one they are least afraid of out of Bernie, Warren, Harris and Biden.

Biden really has zero chance of beating Trump after that debate. You bring up "polling trends" but you fail to recognize Biden is tanking much more than Bernie in recent polls.
It's more like standard reporting inside the Biden bubble.

If the Republicans attacking someone is allegedly proof of who they are "most scared of" then Biden is the one they are least afraid of out of Bernie, Warren, Harris and Biden.

Biden really has zero chance of beating Trump after that debate. You bring up "polling trends" but you fail to recognize Biden is tanking much more than Bernie in recent polls.

lots of bubbles.

Thinking of West Ham now..
lots of bubbles.

Thinking of West Ham now..

It amazes me that Biden drops ~10 points in most polls, reports come out about his campaign advisors panicking, its clear to everyone who watched the debates that he looked awful "not even a deer in the headlights because deer can jump, he was more like a turtle in the headlights" and how pretty much everyone said Harris and Warren and even Bernie (begrudgingly in some quarters) looked more presidential than Biden yet now a week later the pro-corporate media keeps trying to sell this bizarre line that its Bernie that was hurt the most after the debates rather than the obvious that Biden's support is weakening and so is perception.

Some seriously gaslighting going on there.
It amazes me that Biden drops ~10 points in most polls, reports come out about his campaign advisors panicking, its clear to everyone who watched the debates that he looked awful "not even a deer in the headlights because deer can jump, he was more like a turtle in the headlights" and how pretty much everyone said Harris and Warren and even Bernie (begrudgingly in some quarters) looked more presidential than Biden yet now a week later the pro-corporate media keeps trying to sell this bizarre line that its Bernie that was hurt the most after the debates rather than obvious Biden's support looking like its crumbling.

Some seriously gaslighting going on there.

Biden confirmed what we have been saying here.
He had nothing to offer the country and he believes in nothing.

That his VP position was entirely a visual pick by Obama.

He also has a lot of baggage which the public is beginning to see.

I'm not sure if it is the corporate strategy to court the racist vote to compete with Trump btw.
Most of the traditional general election hoohahs are useless, the tv ads, the rallies, the conventions, the debates.

It’s all a big charade, and people are obliged to keep it up because elections in the US have become a big money making industry.
Biden confirmed what we have been saying here.
He had nothing to offer the country and he believes in nothing.

That his VP position was entirely a visual pick by Obama.

He also has a lot of baggage which the public is beginning to see.

I'm not sure if it is the corporate strategy to court the racist vote to compete with Trump btw.

If we look at the fundraising I think the smart money is already hedging on Harris and Pete because one more debate like the last and Biden is finished. As soon as he drops below a Harris or Warren for the first time I think he just keeps sinking.
If we look at the fundraising I think the smart money is already hedging on Harris and Pete because one more debate like the last and Biden is finished. As soon as he drops below a Harris or Warren for the first time I think he just keeps sinking.

I always felt he was 'persuaded' to run.
I don't think he wanted to.

Harris/Pete ticket may look good on paper. But in the GE not so hot.

Mid West/Rust belt is not a gimme for the Dems.
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