2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Well I'm sure Joe Biden is sure going to get these people out.

You've literally admitted there is a candidate with better policies and yet for bizarre reasons such as - America ''not being ready''(Quick reminder the Earth is dying because of climate change) and Biden having a better chance of beating Trump(Although polling shows Bernie beating Trump in similar numbers to Biden. But.....none of this fecking matters because everyone thought Hilary was going to beat Trump, predicting electability is useless.) you've decided to go against the best candidate.

For most of America, Biden is the best candidate. I dont like him and would prefer Warren or Sanders, but I'm a realist.

Are you from the US? This is a left wing forum and they aren't the majority here despite what they would like to think.
Well I'm sure Joe Biden is sure going to get these people out.

You've literally admitted there is a candidate with better policies and yet for bizarre reasons such as - America ''not being ready''(Quick reminder the Earth is dying because of climate change) and Biden having a better chance of beating Trump(Although polling shows Bernie beating Trump in similar numbers to Biden. But.....none of this fecking matters because everyone thought Hilary was going to beat Trump, predicting electability is useless.) you've decided to go against the best candidate.

I think that trend is going away. Anyone that watched that debate performance and thinks Biden has the best chance of beating Trump I cannot take seriously at this point. If that was a general debate Biden would have just happily handed Trump his second term. He is going to get slaughtered by Trump.

Harris really looks more Presidential and possesses much stronger stage presence.
For most of America, Biden is the best candidate.
Why ?

but I'm a realist.

Far right nationalism on the rise, concentration camps on your border, mass inequity, climate crisis/breakdown, the most powerful person on the planet is a former television clown. At what point do you stop being a ''realist'' and become someone falling to address the problems of the world

Are you from the US?
Thankfully I'm not.

I quite like universal free healthcare
I think that trend is going away. Anyone that watched that debate performance and thinks Biden has the best chance of beating Trump I cannot take seriously at this point. If that was a general debate Biden would have just happily handed Trump his second term. He is going to get slaughtered by Trump.

Harris really looks more Presidential and possesses much stronger stage presence.

Harris is clearly focused and direct and aggressive.

Where she falls short is policies.

That is what will sell with voters.
Majority of All voters want Medicare For All. Only Bernie (Ok Tulsi too) provides that. Not even Warren does that.
And Climate Change.

Lots more but that is a lot more than Biden who has...nothing.
Harris is clearly focused and direct and aggressive.

Where she falls short is policies.

That is what will sell with voters.
Majority of All voters want Medicare For All. Only Bernie (Ok Tulsi too) provides that. Not even Warren does that.
And Climate Change.

Lots more but that is a lot more than Biden who has...nothing.

Then why is Biden leading? I get that you desperately want Bernie to win the nomination, but let's be a little bit pragmatic here. Right now, any of Harris, Warren and Biden are probably more likely to win the nomination than Bernie.
Then why is Biden leading? I get that you desperately want Bernie to win the nomination, but let's be a little bit pragmatic here. Right now, any of Harris, Warren and Biden are probably more likely to win the nomination than Bernie.

ahhh. Polls.

Based on what you say we really should hand over the nomination to Biden correct?
We have had one debate for each of them.

What will move the needle is substance. Which means policies and credibility based on records.
ahhh. Polls.

Based on what you say we really should hand over the nomination to Biden correct?
We have had one debate for each of them.

What will move the needle is substance. Which means policies and credibility based on records.

If this is true then why isn't Sanders leading now ? The country has after all already been introduced to his policies in 2015/16 and he's not offering much more than he was back then.
If this is true then why isn't Sanders leading now ? The country has after all already been introduced to his policies in 2015/16 and he's not offering much more than he was back then.

People refocus based on campaigns and debates.
We have a long way to go.
Biden clearly will fall away as he believes in nothing.
He cannot reinvent himself.
Both Warren and Bernie have been consistent.
I believe it will be one of these two.
Harris has not been tested so far. When the field gets smaller, then things will get clearer.
Lot of noises between all of the polls released so far, but basically:

  • Biden has a *soft* floor of about 25% (soft, because his black voters edge can be gotten at, as Harris showed, yet on the other hand he probably won’t drop below 20% because none of the other candidates can win over his stranglehold on self identified conservative/moderate voters)
  • Harris got a big bounce that makes her coalition at the moment very Obama/Clinton-esque (white college graduates+southern blacks). The thing is we’ve seen this script before (Carly Fiorina got a similar bump in 2016 before fading away), so it’s a matter of whether she can defend that gain.
  • Buttchug has no hope, consistently polling at 0-1% with black voters, despite raking in shit load of money from donors.
  • Anyone below 5% at this point should just get the feck out and stop wasting everybody’s time+money.
On Sanders, I’ve always thought that his most plausible path to nomination is a brokered convention, so despite the mediocre number thus far nothing changed on that front.
Lot of noises between all of the polls released so far, but basically:

  • Biden has a *soft* floor of about 25% (soft, because his black voters edge can be gotten at, as Harris showed, yet on the other hand he probably won’t drop below 20% because none of the other candidates can win over his stranglehold on self identified conservative/moderate voters)
  • Harris got a big bounce that makes her coalition at the moment very Obama/Clinton-esque (white college graduates+southern blacks). The thing is we’ve seen this script before (Carly Fiorina got a similar bump in 2016 before fading away), so it’s a matter of whether she can defend that gain.
  • Buttchug has no hope, consistently polling at 0-1% with black voters, despite raking in shit load of money from donors.
  • Anyone below 5% at this point should just get the feck out and stop wasting everybody’s time+money.
On Sanders, I’ve always thought that his most plausible path to nomination is a brokered convention, so despite the mediocre number thus far nothing changed on that front.

Not even a single bullet dedicated to Warren or Yang? I am disappoint
Yang kinda fell into point 4. If he wants to continue and try to champion UBI that’s his right, but it’s simply not high on the list of priorities for voters.

I don’t believe the debate has an impact on Warren either way. Her numbers are consistent with the few state and national polls prior.
Biden had baggage we did not know about. He was not vetted.
Other than some of what I have read here I do not know too much about what baggage Harris has.
But I'm pretty sure Warren does not have any baggage and we know Bernie does not have any or it would have come out last cycle.
Pete is very lightweight and eventually when people get interested his numbers will fall.

So it will be between Biden and Harris the centrists and Warren and Bernie the Progressives.
Obviously Biden is the farthest right. But that is not where the Democratic voters are, even if the party is where he is or even further right.

But we are at a time where people are looking for real solutions.
Health Care
Climate Change
Social Security

How the candidates address these real needs will ultimately determine who gets the nomination.
Biden had baggage we did not know about. He was not vetted.
Other than some of what I have read here I do not know too much about what baggage Harris has.
But I'm pretty sure Warren does not have any baggage and we know Bernie does not have any or it would have come out last cycle.
Pete is very lightweight and eventually when people get interested his numbers will fall.

So it will be between Biden and Harris the centrists and Warren and Bernie the Progressives.
Obviously Biden is the farthest right. But that is not where the Democratic voters are, even if the party is where he is or even further right.

But we are at a time where people are looking for real solutions.
Health Care
Climate Change
Social Security

How the candidates address these real needs will ultimately determine who gets the nomination.
Good post
Obama's election in 2008 was a rejection of centrism. Though he eventually proved to be centrist president.
2016 was a complete rejection of centrism.
Chuck Todd said the one thing I agreed with. The next nominee will be much further left than Hillary.

All the hand wringers. 'We are moving too far left'. Translation is voters actually want policies that benefit them.

The nomination process will be very interesting to say the least.
Biden had baggage we did not know about. He was not vetted.
Other than some of what I have read here I do not know too much about what baggage Harris has.
But I'm pretty sure Warren does not have any baggage and we know Bernie does not have any or it would have come out last cycle.
Pete is very lightweight and eventually when people get interested his numbers will fall.

So it will be between Biden and Harris the centrists and Warren and Bernie the Progressives.
Obviously Biden is the farthest right. But that is not where the Democratic voters are, even if the party is where he is or even further right.

But we are at a time where people are looking for real solutions.
Health Care
Climate Change
Social Security

How the candidates address these real needs will ultimately determine who gets the nomination.

The Democratic Party will give America either a Biden Warren ticket or a Sanders Harris one and try to please everyone.
The Democratic Party will give America either a Biden Warren ticket or a Sanders Harris one and try to please everyone.

The issue with Sanders or Warren being on a ticket is that the Dems will lose a seat in the senate. The governor who would pick their replacements in Massachusetts & Vermont are republicans.
@Fergies Gum @InfiniteBoredom

If Warren or Sanders go into an administration...

Filled by special election 145-160 days after vacancy occurs. If a vacancy occurs after April 10 but on or before the 70th day before the regular state primary, the office shall appear on the regular state primary ballot. If a vacancy occurs after that time, the office shall appear on the state election ballot that November.

Filled by special election. A date is set by the governor within 3 months following vacancy, unless vacancy occurs within 6 months of the general election, in which case the vacancy is filled at the general election.

Rules for every state
That’s a bad take, let’s staff the Pentagon with more Haley and Nielsen instead of Bolton, as if that makes any tangible impact.
Yes that.

this basically

That’s a bad take, let’s staff the Pentagon with more Haley and Nielsen instead of Bolton, as if that makes any tangible impact.

its the hire more women guards tweet come to life. representation doesnt mean anything when the job is filled by evil people. you could see it in some of the reaction to gina haspell, a torturer, being the first female cia cheif
this basically

its the hire more women guards tweet come to life. representation doesnt mean anything when the job is filled by evil people. you could see it in some of the reaction to gina haspell, a torturer, being the first female cia cheif

I mean, if nothing else the fact that women are generally more left-leaning than men should make it enough for you not to complain about it. And either way feminism is major part of socialism, so equal gender representation should in general be desirable.
I mean, if nothing else the fact that women are generally more left-leaning than men should make it enough for you not to complain about it. And either way feminism is major part of socialism, so equal gender representation should in general be desirable.

i dont think anyone who joins the cia or the dod is particularly left leaning. equal gender representation is desirable in general but i doubt it matters to the people getting drone striked if the operators were male or female.
i dont think anyone who joins the cia or the dod is particularly left leaning. equal gender representation is desirable in general but i doubt it matters to the people getting drone striked if the operators were male or female.

No candidate is going to say they want to abolish the CIA and demolish the Pentagon, though, so if nothing else going on about gender parity is on message. Sometimes I think you skip pragmatism and jump straight to cynicism. If Warren wants to win, she's got to play the game, one way or another.
No candidate is going to say they want to abolish the CIA and demolish the Pentagon, though, so if nothing else going on about gender parity is on message. Sometimes I think you skip pragmatism and jump straight to cynicism. If Warren wants to win, she's got to play the game, one way or another.

i dont think she had to do that. the article says a bunch of candidates including bernie signed the same pledge. shes just running on it, which i think sucks.
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