2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Apropos nothing @Eboue, Mike Duncan has arrived at the Russian Revolution in his Revolutions podcast. He's seven episodes in, and still hasn't made it to Russia, let alone or 1905 or 1917. I think you might be interested.
Apropos nothing @Eboue, Mike Duncan has arrived at the Russian Revolution in his Revolutions podcast. He's seven episodes in, and still hasn't made it to Russia, let alone or 1905 or 1917. I think you might be interested.

i listened to the british one and about half of the french one. its not bad but i just dont like podcasts that much unless im driving. and i commute 7 minutes now
i listened to the british one and about half of the french one. its not bad but i just dont like podcasts that much unless im driving. and i commute 7 minutes now

He did a short one on the Paris Commune, only eight episodes, if you're ever driving to... I don't know, Kansas, or something. That's somewhere in the middle, right?
He did a short one on the Paris Commune, only eight episodes, if you're ever driving to... I don't know, Kansas, or something. That's somewhere in the middle, right?

I've never listened because the length is so intimidating. Maybe I'll try that one.
I've never listened because the length is so intimidating. Maybe I'll try that one.

It's very good. And yeah, some of his series have been very long . Though nothing quite beats the original History of Rome, which he started in 2007 and finished in 2012, for a total of 179 episodes. Though to be fair many of the episodes are quite short, and in the beginning he was still figuring this whole podcast thing out. It's great though, if you like history, which as a history teacher I am sort of contractually obligated to do.

This is all getting very off topic now, due to circumstances completely beyond my control, so I'll leave it at that.
The census every 10 years. Thats why Republicans want the citizen question on the census that the supreme court reviewed. They want to chip away at California and maybe new york congressional delegation
Can somebody explain this to me
From the outside looking in the "what country / countries are you a citizen of" seems a fairly normal question?
it would seem logical to want to keep track of migration - what areas have got lots of people on temporary visas or immigration from certain communities in order to better plan medical, education needs etc
i get that some people worry that there could be a more sinister idea behind it but the idea that somebody is asked if they are a citizen (and im guessing here but there is no obligation under law to answer any question you dont want to anyway) seems fairly innocuous and certainly in many countries i have visited and worked in I have been expected to have paperwork / passports on me to show authorities etc?
Perhaps Im missing something or simply the USA is so charged up politically over their divisions at the moment that every little things seems super divisive but it seems a pretty normal question?
Biden isn't close to Clinton in unpopularity and if the idiots that stayed home because they they refused to vote for Clinton or Trump had voted for the lesser of the two evils the world would be a better place
My understanding is that it was a record turnout?
and in terms of % turn out at 55.5% its pretty high - higher than the previous election and one of the better ones since 1968
I dont know if Biden is going to inspire millions of extra people to go out and vote - frankly im not sure any of the candidates are... must admit I was surprised that the % turnout in the USA is even lower than in the UK
i dont think anyone who joins the cia or the dod is particularly left leaning. equal gender representation is desirable in general but i doubt it matters to the people getting drone striked if the operators were male or female.

I have nothing against the CIA or the Pentagon or having superior military power.
But these organisations/institutions have to be fully accountable and not allowed to go on to do their own operations as happened before.
But to have that accountability we need to have elected officials who answer to the people and not special interests as happened for decades.
I have nothing against the CIA or the Pentagon or having superior military power.
But these organisations/institutions have to be fully accountable and not allowed to go on to do their own operations as happened before.
But to have that accountability we need to have elected officials who answer to the people and not special interests as happened for decades.

I do. Their history is just a constant procession of atrocities.
Can somebody explain this to me
From the outside looking in the "what country / countries are you a citizen of" seems a fairly normal question?
it would seem logical to want to keep track of migration - what areas have got lots of people on temporary visas or immigration from certain communities in order to better plan medical, education needs etc
i get that some people worry that there could be a more sinister idea behind it but the idea that somebody is asked if they are a citizen (and im guessing here but there is no obligation under law to answer any question you dont want to anyway) seems fairly innocuous and certainly in many countries i have visited and worked in I have been expected to have paperwork / passports on me to show authorities etc?
Perhaps Im missing something or simply the USA is so charged up politically over their divisions at the moment that every little things seems super divisive but it seems a pretty normal question?

It's not far fetched given this country's history of, sinistry, for lack of a better word, regarding these matters. If there was no history then it would be a normal question, but there you go.
They are trained to take orders.

The atrocities are directly attributable to those who give them the orders.
I mean... they're sometimes doing a bit of 'whatever the feck they want', and hiding the details from the White House and Congress.
I mean... they're sometimes doing a bit of 'whatever the feck they want', and hiding the details from the White House and Congress.

They don't go out and do things on their own.
That simply does not jive with their training.
These people can be ruthless.
But they need direction. They are on missions.

That is how they are efficient.

My point is the people who give them orders do not tell the whole story in open hearings of Congress.
Just think of an appointee like Pompeo giving orders.
Do you think he is a patriot?
I think we should have one that doesnt torture and assassinate and overthrow governments.

These directions come from the top. I believe as a nation we should not be involved in such things.
That is why it is critical to elect people who are accountable to the American people and not to business interests.
Just read up on how business interests resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent people through out our history.
All in the name of the American people.
The Democratic Party will give America either a Biden Warren ticket or a Sanders Harris one and try to please everyone.

I'm 100% sure Bernie will not accept any VP position.
99% sure Warren will not accept a VP position.

If either are nominated for president Bernie will pick Nina Turner. Bet your house on that.
Have no idea who Warren will pick.
Tell the Bernie Bros and the guy who saying he would only vote for Sanders or Warren that.
Tell it to the Clinton voters who voted McCain in 08 (more than Sanders voters who voted Trump).

The point of a primary is to get the best candidate. The GOP went to war with Trump in their primary and it didn’t stop him in the general, I don’t know why the Dems are such pussies about people getting primaried (at the same time planning to primary AOC because she doesn’t fit their neo lib hackery).

This “get behind the chosen guy” only swings one way, like all the “party unity” stuff, it’s another spin, there’s no doubt if Sanders gets the nomination a boatload or conservative Dems will say F that and either not vote or write #ImWithHer on the ballot and post it on twitter.
@adexkola if you have extra reading time this is a great read:
Trump attacks Biden and generally ignores Sanders. That should tell you where his anxieties about potential Gen opponents lie.
True. Though I would only put so much stock into what your future opponent thinks-the Clintons were once all too happy to see Trump coming through the GOP primary
True. Though I would only put so much stock into what your future opponent thinks-the Clintons were once all too happy to see Trump coming through the GOP primary

At the same time Bill O'Reilly, Rush and the right wing media viciously attack Bernie and Warren and keep saying "Biden is the best chance for the hated liberals to beat Trump, they should all support Joe" so if Rush and O'Reilly want a Biden v Trump matchup that clearly isn't what the Democrat voters should want
I have read this. Can’t really say how much of it was fiction and how much was fact.

Like most memoirs of this sort the specific details are probably a little embellished, but the CIA and related alphabets absolutely do this type of thing (School of the Americas). Its quite common when you look at everything that's been declassified from MKUltra to Operation Sea Spray, Operation Paperclip, Tuskegee Syphilis, etc. Iran-Contra was a massive conspiracy that gets sort of ignored these days, its really remarkable the power of the masses' disposition to believe what makes them feel the safest.
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I prefer looking at his behavior. He is clearly rattled by the prospect of facing Biden over any other candidate.

That's is not "clear" at all. I'd suggest that's mostly just your subjective lens. Looking at the Republican party machine as a whole, they seem far more scared of Bernie and Warren than Biden.
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