2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Who is Israel gonna get to vote Trump that didn’t already? It’s not like Israel is some new found GOP vote getter.

Unlike the previous elections, this time Israeli support to Trump is clear to everyone. This is a major asset for any US candidate.

But as I said, let's be positive. All the opposition needs to do is not to nominate someone whose political dirts can be easily exploited. I would like to be as optimistic as you are about Trump getting an easy defeat.
That was the problem last time: democrats can't rely on a "traditional" candidate anymore. Anyone who can be associated to the "system" is at high risk of being shredded by the digital troll army that Trump has at his disposal, just by digging old political dirts of that candidate.

Democrats are galvanized now. As soon as their favorite candidate don't get past the primary elections, a lot of those democrats will become frustrated and preyed. The political climate might be kind of "unique", but I really can't see a turn of events unless the opposition gives a solid charismatic candidate.

But let's hope that for once the polls are really accurate and hope for the american people to show that discontent.
Oh don’t get me wrong. I’m so against having a traditional Democratic candidate. I still think Biden stumbles his way out of the lead for being a complete charlatan and we’re likely left with Bernie, Warren, and Harris who I think will appeal to the wider voting blocs with policy and charisma.
Unlike the previous elections, this time Israeli support to Trump is clear to everyone. This is a major asset for any US candidate.

But as I said, let's be positive. All the opposition needs to do is not to nominate someone whose political dirts can be easily exploited. I would like to be as optimistic as you are about Trump getting an easy defeat.
I don’t see how you think Israeli support of a candidate is some new thing.

Also, it’s not going to be easy. I just don’t see Trump’s voting bloc growing.
1 - The bi-polarization of US political system: most people support political parties even if the opposition candidate brings good proposals
Okay, but how is that any different from any other election? This is a description of American politics, not a reason why Trump will win. And considering there are more people who describe themselves as Democrats than Republicans, if this were so impactful then it would in fact hurt Trump.

2 - He has a large loyal core of supporters. Add that to the huge percentage of indecisive people...
Every President has a large loyal core of supporters. Nixon had an approval rating in the twenties, and he was being successfully impeached (with help from his own party).

3 - The polls in the end of term are always negative. It always go up as soon as campaign starts and they will show "the good things this administration brought" and a lot of people will change their minds quite easily. The idea of "continuing the project" is appealing to humans, who are highly adverse to changes.
This just seems untrue. I think it's rather the opposite. The grass is always greener on the other side, and people get tired of the same old. It's also easier to make empty promises when you haven't had to break your previous empty promises the last four years. Government fatigue is a very real thing.

4 - Remember the "Bush(s) will never get reelected"? Look at how that worked out.
How is this an argument?

5 - External influence: Israel will offer full support for Trump reelection. This is worth millions of american votes.
Israel usually supports the Republican candidate, and most American Jews still usually vote for the Democrat.

6 - The democrat candidates need to be very very good.
Hillary Clinton got 3 million more votes than Trump, and she was an historically unpopular candidate.

7 - The war against illegal immigrants: doesn't matter how many people drown / die crossing the border, this brings him a lot of votes into the table.
It mostly brings people who were already going to vote for Trump. For that matter, as this graph shows, there are about as many people who favour increased immigration as favour decreased immigration.
8 - Military support: the US army strongly supports Trump.
The US army usually support the Republican.

9 - The digital army: I know that Trump probably doesn't even know how social media warfare tactics work, but he sure had hired a team that knows what they are doing, as you can check by social networks. And they also use this strategy to influence the democrat supporters whose favorite candidate lost in the primary elections and are frustrated.

About as many Bernie-supporters voted for Hillary, as Hillary-supporters voted for Obama.
Okay, but how is that any different from any other election? This is a description of American politics, not a reason why Trump will win. And considering there are more people who describe themselves as Democrats than Republicans, if this were so impactful then it would in fact hurt Trump.

Every President has a large loyal core of supporters. Nixon had an approval rating in the twenties, and he was being successfully impeached (with help from his own party).

This just seems untrue. I think it's rather the opposite. The grass is always greener on the other side, and people get tired of the same old. It's also easier to make empty promises when you haven't had to break your previous empty promises the last four years. Government fatigue is a very real thing.

How is this an argument?

Israel usually supports the Republican candidate, and most American Jews still usually vote for the Democrat.

Hillary Clinton got 3 million more votes than Trump, and she was an historically unpopular candidate.

It mostly brings people who were already going to vote for Trump. For that matter, as this graph shows, there are about as many people who favour increased immigration as favour decreased immigration.

The US army usually support the Republican.

About as many Biden-supporters voted for Hillary, as Hillary-supporters voted for Obama.

Fair enough. Let's hope this is not a replay of a "he's never going to win it".
There are soooo many voters especially in the midwest who became disillusioned with Trump. He already lost the popular vote by 3M to an extremely unpopular Hillary and barely squeaked a victory in the battleground states by less than 80,000 votes in those midwestern states + Pennsylvania. You’re also discounting the fact that so many more Democratic voters will be galvanized to vote against him because of his behavior over the past four years, which has exceeded all of our expectations since 2016. Look at 2018 to have any indication. Lastly, you can’t use any other past presidential election as a barometer because our political climate right now is unprecedented.

As long as we have the electoral college this isn't meaningful. I'd say how often it gets repeated and the context its even becoming misleading to a degree.
The entire popular vote was because of California alone.
HRC had over 4 million more votes than Trump:



As long as we have the electoral college this isn't meaningful. I'd say how often it gets repeated and the context its even becoming misleading to a degree.
The entire popular vote was because of California alone.
HRC had over 4 million more votes than Trump:



interesting stat... didnt know that

also is there any mechanism in law by which the number of electoral college votes are periodically reviewed in line with population changes etc?... or are they set in perpetuity?
interesting stat... didnt know that

also is there any mechanism in law by which the number of electoral college votes are periodically reviewed in line with population changes etc?... or are they set in perpetuity?
Yes, they have been changed multiple times, but the changes are periodical and due to the fact that you can have states like Wyoming or Montana with 1 congressional district but 2 senators, there will always be discrepancies in intrastate voting leverage.
interesting stat... didnt know that

also is there any mechanism in law by which the number of electoral college votes are periodically reviewed in line with population changes etc?... or are they set in perpetuity?

The census every 10 years. Thats why Republicans want the citizen question on the census that the supreme court reviewed. They want to chip away at California and maybe new york congressional delegation
I actually think Trump has a very good chance of getting re-elected in 2020. Unless the economy just turns to complete shit. Nothing to really base this on other than a gut feeling. And the realization that democracy doesn't work when you've got a lot stupid people voting.
I actually think Trump has a very good chance of getting re-elected in 2020. Unless the economy just turns to complete shit. Nothing to really base this on other than a gut feeling. And the realization that democracy doesn't work when you've got a lot stupid people voting.

Much will depend on who the Dems run against him. Trump himself allegedly fears Biden because he will make it very difficult for him to hold on to PA, MI, WI, which would likely cut off all his paths to 270.
and you think Bernie cannot win those states?

Biden is polling better than Sanders in most swing states at the moment. That's not to say that can't change, but given the recent leak of Trump's internal polling that shows him trailing Biden by 16 points in PA and 10 in WI, it shows that Trump is correct in being more fearful of Biden than anyone else at the moment.
I actually think Trump has a very good chance of getting re-elected in 2020. Unless the economy just turns to complete shit. Nothing to really base this on other than a gut feeling. And the realization that democracy doesn't work when you've got a lot stupid people voting.

Thing is, Trump is already defying conventional wisdom by being an extraordinarily unpopular president with a great economy. He should have far higher approval ratings, based on past presidents. So he can't expect the economy to bail him out in 2020.
Biden is polling better than Sanders in most swing states at the moment. That's not to say that can't change, but given the recent leak of Trump's internal polling that shows him trailing Biden by 16 points in PA and 10 in WI, it shows that Trump is correct in being more fearful of Biden than anyone else at the moment.
Don't you see, Raoul?! That Bernie is the one and only true champion of the people! There's no election past, present or future that he wouldn't win!
Biden is polling better than Sanders in most swing states at the moment. That's not to say that can't change, but given the recent leak of Trump's internal polling that shows him trailing Biden by 16 points in PA and 10 in WI, it shows that Trump is correct in being more fearful of Biden than anyone else at the moment.

The point is if you lose by 10 or 15 you are still losing.
Its a false narrative to say one candidate has to be feared more.

Trump has been pretty dismissive of both of them.

Importantly when crunch time approaches loyalty to Trump will have to be weighed against what another candidate brings to the table. In that regards Biden brings nothing.
The point is if you lose by 10 or 15 you are still losing.
Its a false narrative to say one candidate has to be feared more.

Trump has been pretty dismissive of both of them.

Importantly when crunch time approaches loyalty to Trump will have to be weighed against what another candidate brings to the table. In that regards Biden brings nothing.

Trump attacks Biden and generally ignores Sanders. That should tell you where his anxieties about potential Gen opponents lie.
The point is if you lose by 10 or 15 you are still losing.
Its a false narrative to say one candidate has to be feared more.

Trump has been pretty dismissive of both of them.

Importantly when crunch time approaches loyalty to Trump will have to be weighed against what another candidate brings to the table. In that regards Biden brings nothing.

Sanders has all the right policies but the US simply isn't ready for him. I'd take Biden over Trump any day and think he has the best shot at beating him.

The Dems have to come behind a candidate and focus on actually winning. Ideas don't mean anything if you are sitting in opposition while your opponent destroys a lot of the things you are fighting for.
Trump attacks Biden and generally ignores Sanders. That should tell you where his anxieties about potential Gen opponents lie.

he attacks them both whenever I have seen him.

That so called poll leak which you refer to is a point.
What I am talking about is the substance of what each candidate brings to the table.
I saw another report that Trump fears Harris the most.
Sanders has all the right policies but the US simply isn't ready for him. I'd take Biden over Trump any day and think he has the best shot at beating him.

The Dems have to come behind a candidate and focus on actually winning. Ideas don't mean anything if you are sitting in opposition while your opponent destroys a lot of the things you are fighting for.

Isn't that what the primary process is for :confused:
I actually think Trump has a very good chance of getting re-elected in 2020. Unless the economy just turns to complete shit. Nothing to really base this on other than a gut feeling. And the realization that democracy doesn't work when you've got a lot stupid people voting.
He was still the betting favorite last I heard, but if you take a closer look at the numbers in the few states that actually matter a path to electoral victory looks unlikely.

And @Raoul is right when he says Biden smokes Donald in some of these critical states (somewhat unfortunately...).
Sanders has all the right policies but the US simply isn't ready for him. I'd take Biden over Trump any day and think he has the best shot at beating him.

The Dems have to come behind a candidate and focus on actually winning. Ideas don't mean anything if you are sitting in opposition while your opponent destroys a lot of the things you are fighting for.
Must be great having the ability to completely forget 2016.
Must be great having the ability to completely forget 2016.

Biden isn't close to Clinton in unpopularity and if the idiots that stayed home because they they refused to vote for Clinton or Trump had voted for the lesser of the two evils the world would be a better place
Biden isn't close to Clinton in unpopularity and if the idiots that stayed home because they they refused to vote for Clinton or Trump had voted for the lesser of the two evils the world would be a better place
Well I'm sure Joe Biden is sure going to get these people out.

You've literally admitted there is a candidate with better policies and yet for bizarre reasons such as - America ''not being ready''(Quick reminder the Earth is dying because of climate change) and Biden having a better chance of beating Trump(Although polling shows Bernie beating Trump in similar numbers to Biden. But.....none of this fecking matters because everyone thought Hilary was going to beat Trump, predicting electability is useless.) you've decided to go against the best candidate.
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