2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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This just proves that sometimes the smartest people on earth are also dumb. For example, no one is smarter about Frankie Muniz than I am but somehow I didnt see this. A real lesson in humility.
Stalker of Frankie Muniz seems more accurate.

How can anyone argue with any of this?

Loath as I am to communicate by meme...

Loath as I am to communicate by meme...


Sadly that's tame for these days. I hear the Rush/Hannity crowd going straight to comparing Bernie to Stalin and Mao.
This week’s new Economist/YouGov poll also has Warren up with the best favorability ratings.

% favorable minus % unfavorable, among Democrats:

Warren: 50
Biden: 43
Sanders: 43
Harris: 41
Buttigieg: 40
Booker: 34
O’Rourke: 31
I think she was implying that the total debt after all of Medicare for all would be $30 trillion instead of adding an extra $30 trillion to the debt. But by saying so it does sound worse and I don’t believe that was an accident.

The correct question that should be asked is How much does Medicare for All save employees and employers?

And it costs the government nothing.
Insurance Companies are removed from the equation.
Pharmaceutical prices are negotiated so the costs drop.

So employees net pay increases. (no more premiums/co-pays/deductibles) Employers costs drop. They actually can pass on such cost savings as pay increases to employees.

Payroll taxes go up a bit is all.

Warren is surging in the polls.

If Warren can keep this going for the next couple of months, then Sanders should quit the race and give his full support to Warren.

Still a long way to go though. Who knows what polling will look like around Dec/Jan.
If Warren can keep this going for the next couple of months, then Sanders should quit the race and give his full support to Warren.

Still a long way to go though. Who knows what polling will look like around Dec/Jan.

Sanders and Warren will be in the race for a long time so one of them dropping out wont matter much since most of the primaries would've already happened by then.
Biden has flatlined around 35%. That’s pretty poor for a frontrunner. Obviously we will have to wait until most of the no hopers drop out but I won’t be surprised to see a three or four way race deep into the primaries.

Warren’s strongest group is college educated white liberals. While she definitely hurts Sanders, I don’t think it’s a foregone conclusion this crowd will uniformly go for him even if she drops out.
Biden has flatlined around 35%. That’s pretty poor for a frontrunner. Obviously we will have to wait until most of the no hopers drop out but I won’t be surprised to see a three or four way race deep into the primaries.

Warren’s strongest group is college educated white liberals. While she definitely hurts Sanders, I don’t think it’s a foregone conclusion this crowd will uniformly go for him even if she drops out.

If she's on the same ticket as Bernie though, they will at least not sit in their home for the general election
Fox News Analyst Admits Bernie’s Speech Is Convincing

The more people hear about Democratic Socialism ,the more they like it , even some at Fox.
When the debates start, there will be greater attention to details.
It is encouraging that Progressive ideas are being heard.

There's definitely something afoot with Warren. If she has strong debates in a couple of weeks and next month on CNN, I wouldn't be surprised to see her in Biden territory.
There's definitely something afoot with Warren. If she has strong debates in a couple of weeks and next month on CNN, I wouldn't be surprised to see her in Biden territory.

She is very good at articulating policy.

What I am encouraged by is that True progressive policies are resonating.

Really looking forward to the debates. Its still very difficult to forecast anything of course.
The correct question that should be asked is How much does Medicare for All save employees and employers?

And it costs the government nothing.
Insurance Companies are removed from the equation.
Pharmaceutical prices are negotiated so the costs drop.

So employees net pay increases. (no more premiums/co-pays/deductibles) Employers costs drop. They actually can pass on such cost savings as pay increases to employees.

Payroll taxes go up a bit is all.

Not convinced negotiating pharma is a winner. What is there that speaks against the govt. unilaterally fixing the price of patent protected meds (obvs. a fair price)? There is no competition for these meds and our current economic system relies heavily on that to set the pricing of (necessary) goods. Since there is nobody else to do it the govt must burden this work.
Not convinced negotiating pharma is a winner. What is there that speaks against the govt. unilaterally fixing the price of patent protected meds (obvs. a fair price)? There is no competition for these meds and our current economic system relies heavily on that to set the pricing of (necessary) goods. Since there is nobody else to do it the govt must burden this work.

You can get the same medication for a fraction elsewhere.
the politicians are in their pockets for big money.

Its not about fixing prices.

Its about asking them to be compete with other manufacturers.
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