2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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You can get the same medication for a fraction elsewhere.
the politicians are in their pockets for big money.

Its not about fixing prices.

Its about asking them to be compete with other manufacturers.

Yeah but what are you going to do with the patent protected meds?
Not convinced negotiating pharma is a winner. What is there that speaks against the govt. unilaterally fixing the price of patent protected meds (obvs. a fair price)? There is no competition for these meds and our current economic system relies heavily on that to set the pricing of (necessary) goods. Since there is nobody else to do it the govt must burden this work.
That sounds... Fair
But in practical terms the real winners will be the lawyers and the real loosers will be people I think
What is a fair price... What is the true r&d costs... What about all the medicines that never come to market etc... Lawyers will have a field day and either medicine won't come to market or it will take ages
And if a metric is ultimately agreed then I think you will see r&d focussed on mass use medicine as that's the way to cut costs and increase profit... Look at the lack of work now into new antibiotics because it will be by design a super low use product... I suspect any metric that sets a fair price will simply make the stop go decision on research more about how the drug would fit into the metric
Your idea sounds fine... But lawyers and the fact that people running these organisations are under a legal obligation to maximise returns and minimise risk for shareholders and we'll generally human nature makes me think that it will be far more complex than it should be
That sounds... Fair
But in practical terms the real winners will be the lawyers and the real loosers will be people I think
What is a fair price... What is the true r&d costs... What about all the medicines that never come to market etc... Lawyers will have a field day and either medicine won't come to market or it will take ages
And if a metric is ultimately agreed then I think you will see r&d focussed on mass use medicine as that's the way to cut costs and increase profit... Look at the lack of work now into new antibiotics because it will be by design a super low use product... I suspect any metric that sets a fair price will simply make the stop go decision on research more about how the drug would fit into the metric
Your idea sounds fine... But lawyers and the fact that people running these organisations are under a legal obligation to maximise returns and minimise risk for shareholders and we'll generally human nature makes me think that it will be far more complex than it should be

So pharma companies should just call whatever price they want?
So pharma companies should just call whatever price they want?
I think the fair price sounds fair... I just don't think it's that easy and the ramifications as to how to incentivise essential rather tha profitable research would be a very tricky balance...
What the USA pays for drugs Vs the rest of the world though is a huge issue and addressing the reasons behind that might have the biggest effect... Part of it is undoubtedly reducing the big pharma lobbying powers .... But bringing USA prices in line with Europe should be achievable and practical in the short term
About time these also-ran candidates like Klobuchar, Castro, Inslee, Gillenbrand, Swalwell, Hickenlooper, Willamson, Bullock, Ryan and Delaney etc drop out. Just five or six candidates like Biden, Warren, Sanders, Harris, Buttigieg to run and maybe have Yang, O Rourke and Booker also in the fray because of VP Picks. Let's go
Day 1 is favorable to Warren and Beto

Day 2 looks like Buttigieg may have a chance to cast himself as a viable and stable alternative to the inevitable handbags among the senior citizens.

Day 1 is favorable to Warren and Beto

Day 2 looks like Buttigieg may have a chance to cast himself as a viable and stable alternative to the inevitable handbags among the senior citizens.

The downside for Warren could be without the big name - Biden & Bernie no one will watch. But apart from that she will easily be the best of that group.
The downside for Warren could be without the big name - Biden & Bernie no one will watch. But apart from that she will easily be the best of that group.
I actually quite like that lineup. I'll definitely watch both. I. E. It should give us an early indication if Beto and Warren could fit through the same door so to speak. I'm guessing Gabbard is pissed though.
I actually quite like that lineup. I'll definitely watch both. I. E. It should give us an early indication if Beto and Warren could fit through the same door so to speak. I'm guessing Gabbard is pissed though.
Yeah I image Gabbard wanted to go after Biden on foreign policy. Although having said that Warren has pretty close ties to the US military and has backed huge amount of funding for the military as well.
The downside for Warren could be without the big name - Biden & Bernie no one will watch. But apart from that she will easily be the best of that group.

I wanted Tulsi/Inslee to be the backup for Bernie. Guess he has to make do with orb lady :lol: (against Biden-Buttegig-Harris).
I actually quite like that lineup. I'll definitely watch both. I. E. It should give us an early indication if Beto and Warren could fit through the same door so to speak. I'm guessing Gabbard is pissed though.

Gabbard wouldn't be a significant factor in either case since her one trick pony anti-interventionism schtick doesn't even make most polls on issues that are important to Dem voters. Jay Inslee and Tim Ryan on the other hand, could use the light card to make a name for themselves.
Day 1 is favorable to Warren and Beto

Day 2 looks like Buttigieg may have a chance to cast himself as a viable and stable alternative to the inevitable handbags among the senior citizens.

Hmm.. Yang has an opportunity to come out well in Day 2. It might not get him anywhere but his policies should get a wider audience. Poor Seth Moulton couldn't even get to the debates.
Day 1 is favorable to Warren and Beto

Day 2 looks like Buttigieg may have a chance to cast himself as a viable and stable alternative to the inevitable handbags among the senior citizens.

A bump for Beto and Betty both, by chance? I could see that.

He needs it with the numbers he’s getting right now, while she’s surpassing my expectations.
yes. another racist.
I don't like the guy either, but he's not been making much noise from what I can tell. I can even at least appreciate that he signed an amendment to the Medical Marijuana law to allow the sale of actual marijuana buds instead of just oils and topicals. Any Republican can easily veto that otherwise.

Also I lost respect for Gillum for selling out to CNN.
Gabbard wouldn't be a significant factor in either case since her one trick pony anti-interventionism schtick doesn't even make most polls on issues that are important to Dem voters. Jay Inslee and Tim Ryan on the other hand, could use the light card to make a name for themselves.
Gabbard is completely right about anti-interventionism, but she's living in 2008 if she thinks that's gonna sway voters. Also, her dealings with Syria/Assad are gonna bother a lot of voters. Though I don't hold that against her.
If Yang doesn't get more than 1% after the first debate, he may as well give all his ideas to the main contenders
I'm so happy he's put in with Bernie and Biden because it's clearly gonna have more viewers. Because there are a lot of Republican and Trump-voter types who've taken a liking to him among Democrats, I reckon he'll eat up a lot of the centrist votes. And I think most of Bernie's voters are too adamant for him to switch to anyone else.
I'm so happy he's put in with Bernie and Biden because it's clearly gonna have more viewers. Because there are a lot of Republican and Trump-voter types who've taken a liking to him among Democrats, I reckon he'll eat up a lot of the centrist votes. And I think most of Bernie's voters are too adamant for him to switch to anyone else.

I'd be shocked if Yang polled at 3% after the debate.
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