2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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The Republicans are accused of being openly corrupt.

Are the Democrats much better? When Pelosi and others speak about Medicare for All they mention ridiculous figures from 27 Trillion to 30 Trillion. That's Trillions.
The National debt is 22 Trillion.

So they just lie.

And we are supposed to vote for them.

Many don't bother to vote and we cannot blame them. They have given up.
Those who follow Trump blindly will show up.
Their voices will be heard.

It is essential to vote for True Progressives if lives matter.
You sure they weren’t saying it would rise up to 27-30M instead?
The figures are 30 trillion over a decade. Over a decade is left out because the overall figure is a catchier headline/easier smear. Last year I think 3.4 trillion was spent on healthcare in the US.
Yeah, it's as if Biden's whispered implication is: "We've got a good thing going here. Let's not allow Trump to risk it, and we can get back to business as usual." It's the gravy train that dare not speak its name.

He's actually running on the same message as Trump : make america great again. But instead of an illusory 1950s he's inventing an imaginary 2000s to return to.
"...and keep me away from your sister."
He hang out with a person of colour for eight years

To me anyway the Democratic version of Trump is Pete Buttigieg/Beto O'Rourke a political empty but with openly liberal, basically Ben from Parks and Rec. But it seems at the moment they dem base just wants Trump in a blue suit.
When I copied Steve's post it worked. Then I deleted d and retyped and it worked. Then I deleted d and s and retyped and it worked. But when I deleted d and s and I it didnt work again. @Damien
I don’t know how you can have so much trouble typing 3 letters :lol:
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