2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Donny Deutsch said that. He would rather vote Trump than Sanders.
He now has his own show on 'Liberal media' MSNBC :smirk:

Still think we should vote for any candidate pushed by the DNC?
Yes, the alternative is Trump! :rolleyes:
This witch hunt is getting ridiculous. The guy is not a pedophile.

Regardless, he needs to understand personal space and social norms. “Not a paedophile” does not mean it doesn’t make the child, parents and many others feel entirely uncomfortable. Similarly, when he does it to adult ladies, “not a pervert” doesn’t make them feel anymore comfortable when he’s got his hands rested on their hips in front of a huge crowd of people when their husband is 3 feet away nor does their husband feel any comfort in that when he puts his hands on their wife’s neck/shoulders and he gets looks from other men saying “that’s your wife and you’re not going to say anything?”

He needs to fecking stop it already, whatever his intentions are people don’t like it.
Donny Deutsch said that. He would rather vote Trump than Sanders.
He now has his own show on 'Liberal media' MSNBC :smirk:

Still think we should vote for any candidate pushed by the DNC?

He also quickly changed his mind when Scarborough reminded him of some of the things Trump said. Did you mention that bit ?
Donny Deutsch said that. He would rather vote Trump than Sanders.
He now has his own show on 'Liberal media' MSNBC :smirk:

Still think we should vote for any candidate pushed by the DNC?

Trump has put two men on the supreme court and there will be another vacancy in the next year or two. He has appointed over 100 federal judges. One day whether it's January 20th 2021 or January 20th 2025, Trump will go, but these judicial appointments will dictate the law of the land for thirty years.

So yes I think you should be voting for the democratic candidate. Look at what is happening with abortion --- if Trump gets a second term Roe vs Wade will be taken back to the supreme court and women's rights will be in danger.
This witch hunt is getting ridiculous. The guy is not a pedophile.
Also this expectation that it's his sole responsibility to make people around him feel "comfortable". It's becoming batshit crazy. Of all the fecked up things US politicians do in the US and around the World this is the thing they moan about... telling a 10 year old that she's as bright as pretty.


I mean how comfortable do you think Joe feels when journos try to exploit his daughter's* death to get clicks!?

*Edit: I wrote son at first, but wasn't sure. Turns out the poor man has lost both a son and daughter :(
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Also this expectation that it's his sole responsibility to make people around him feel "comfortable". It's becoming batshit crazy. Of all the fecked up things US politicians do in the US and around the World this is the thing they moan about... telling a 10 year old that she's as bright as pretty.


I mean how comfortable do you think Joe feels when journos try to exploit his daughter's* death to get clicks!?

*Edit: I wrote son at first, but wasn't sure. Turns out the poor man has lost both a son and daughter :(

If you watch his town hall he actually spends seven minutes answering her question. That little tidbit was when he asked her what her favorite subject is (was a teacher town hall), she replied journalism, and he was like "journalism wow...over there is the New York Times, Washington Post....without a free press blah blah blah"

That tweet makes it sound Biden randomly picked her out. And judging by the reporter's feed that's all she took from his town hall.
Also this expectation that it's his sole responsibility to make people around him feel "comfortable". It's becoming batshit crazy. Of all the fecked up things US politicians do in the US and around the World this is the thing they moan about... telling a 10 year old that she's as bright as pretty.


I mean how comfortable do you think Joe feels when journos try to exploit his daughter's* death to get clicks!?

*Edit: I wrote son at first, but wasn't sure. Turns out the poor man has lost both a son and daughter :(

He called a 10 year old girl good looking. Hes a creep.
He also quickly changed his mind when Scarborough reminded him of some of the things Trump said. Did you mention that bit ?

you mean he got cornered.

The DNC is a vehicle for corporations.
Just look at the candidates it is pushing.
As for Deutsch. He cares nothing about working families. He is a multi millionaire.

But hey. Whats new about the Democratic party now. It long ago ceased to be the party of FDR and JFK.
Trump has put two men on the supreme court and there will be another vacancy in the next year or two. He has appointed over 100 federal judges. One day whether it's January 20th 2021 or January 20th 2025, Trump will go, but these judicial appointments will dictate the law of the land for thirty years.

So yes I think you should be voting for the democratic candidate. Look at what is happening with abortion --- if Trump gets a second term Roe vs Wade will be taken back to the supreme court and women's rights will be in danger.

That is not enough to vote for the other option. Whoever wins the Democratic nomination needs to convince Americans he/she is worth being president. Clinton has shown that just saying, "I'm not Trump" is not enough. Castigate those who won't go for a mediocre option all you want but it's the truth.
Only if you relate every visual experience to sexuality. Which makes you a creep.

An old man shouldnt call a 10 year old good looking, especially one with a history of being a creep like Biden.

But sure, I'm the creepy one. Not the guy who has had many women speak out and say his actions have made them uncomfortable.
I hope whoever become the Dem nominee is taking note of these kind of stories. Its going to be so easy for the nominee to paint Trump as a weak, insecure and cowardly person when they are having the presidential debates.

It wasnt even that. It was "you're as bright as you are good looking", which is creepy to say to a 10 year old.

Absolutely, 'good looking' comes across as very specific and the sort of thing you'd say to an adult. He may not have meant it that way but he seems remarkably tone deaf as to why people find his behaviour weird.
That is not enough to vote for the other option. Whoever wins the Democratic nomination needs to convince Americans he/she is worth being president. Clinton has shown that just saying, "I'm not Trump" is not enough. Castigate those who won't go for a mediocre option all you want but it's the truth.

Hillary Clinton was a poor campaigner but she won the nomination with 3 million more votes and got 3 million more votes in the general despite all the mudslinging she received and election inteference. Don't forget that.

Moreover the pied piper effect Trump had in 2016 that his populism message has nothing to lose has blown up.

A Liberal Case for Donald Trump by Walker Bragman

He has not pivoted to the middle nor has he proven malleable. The idea that a man who for years said Obama was born in Kenya, called Mexicans rapists/ drug dealers/murderers and called for a Muslim ban, could be malleable but Hillary Clinton was targetted for some things her husband signed into law therefore was not to be trusted was as dangerous as laughable. It's proven that way. Many voters are Anyone But Trump. And not all these people are politically illiterate neoliberal corporate centrist establishment dems. They want change too but they sure as hell aren't getting it if Trump gets four more years after spending the last two eroding the progress Obama made on healthcare, environment and social justice.

Obama remains the most beloved democrat figure by a mile. That will be a big factor for the nomination.
Regardless, he needs to understand personal space and social norms. “Not a paedophile” does not mean it doesn’t make the child, parents and many others feel entirely uncomfortable. Similarly, when he does it to adult ladies, “not a pervert” doesn’t make them feel anymore comfortable when he’s got his hands rested on their hips in front of a huge crowd of people when their husband is 3 feet away nor does their husband feel any comfort in that when he puts his hands on their wife’s neck/shoulders and he gets looks from other men saying “that’s your wife and you’re not going to say anything?”

He needs to fecking stop it already, whatever his intentions are people don’t like it.

Indeed. I think some people are missing the problem with Biden's behavior. Its not that he is a literal rapist its that he comes from this old American elitist sub-culture where control of personal contact is used as a subtle sign of dominance to demonstrate who has the power because of who can control the personal space when they want.

If people ever hung out at certain power elite circles you experience this. Its not sexual per se (though it does have some sexual undertones its more about power) but its intentionally using physical contact to demonstrate who is the alpha. I've been in situations like this as a man where the person starts putting their arms around you, getting close as they talk, it has proven psychological effects.

Even seemingly innocuous things like when some men during a handshake wrap their second hand over the top of your shaking hand. That is dominance power gesture.

(BTW gesture and body language analysis is very interesting stuff. David McNeil ran the gesture lab at University of Chicago for 20 years and some of his research papers are fascinating
Hillary Clinton was a poor campaigner but she won the nomination with 3 million more votes and got 3 million more votes in the general despite all the mudslinging she received and election inteference. Don't forget that.

Moreover the pied piper effect Trump had in 2016 that his populism message has nothing to lose has blown up.

A Liberal Case for Donald Trump by Walker Bragman

He has not pivoted to the middle nor has he proven malleable. The idea that a man who for years said Obama was born in Kenya, called Mexicans rapists/ drug dealers/murderers and called for a Muslim ban, could be malleable but Hillary Clinton was targetted for some things her husband signed into law therefore was not to be trusted was as dangerous as laughable. It's proven that way. Many voters are Anyone But Trump. And not all these people are politically illiterate neoliberal corporate centrist establishment dems. They want change too but they sure as hell aren't getting it if Trump gets four more years after spending the last two eroding the progress Obama made on healthcare, environment and social justice.

Obama remains the most beloved democrat figure by a mile. That will be a big factor for the nomination.

The progressive argument is actually more like this:

A Trump presidency will at least see the Democrats united in opposition to prevent any of the worst and retaking the Senate would solve the Supreme Court issue.
A Biden presidency "working across the isle" with people like McConnell could very well cause extreme damage to the economy (as when Clinton worked "across the isle" on the FSMA and CFMA that were big causes of the financial crisis or when Obiden worked "across the isle" with for-profit health business execs to install the worst incentive structure for health insurance for developed nations in history).

At least with a Trump presidency and a strong Democrat Senate and AOC there will be a strong alternative voice. With a corporate Biden "working across the isle" I am absolutely terrified of the types of corporate policies they are going to push and the amount of Orwellian marketing they are going to sell.

Oh and the other thing is Trump's people are sloppy. They make mistakes. I'd rather a Trump right wing policy that is full of holes that can be soundly challenged than a Biden-McConnell center-right policy that is water tight and can't be to challenged.
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Better than getting behind a Democrat who is trying to spread these rumours now he is losing

What 'rumours,' we're literally discussing things Biden has done?
The progressive argument is actually more like this:

A Trump presidency will at least see the Democrats united in opposition to prevent any of the worst and retaking the Senate would solve the Supreme Court issue.
A Biden presidency "working across the isle" with people like McConnell could very well cause extreme damage to the economy (as when Clinton worked "across the isle" on the FSMA and CFMA that were big causes of the financial crisis or when Obiden worked "across the isle" with for-profit health business execs to install the worst incentive structure for health insurance for developed nations in history).

At least with a Trump presidency and a strong Democrat Senate and AOC there will be a strong alternative voice. With a corporate Biden "working across the isle" I am absolutely terrified of the types of corporate policies they are going to push and the amount of Orwellian marketing they are going to sell.

Tell that to the people who have seen their civil liberties eradicated by the Trump presidency.
I hope whoever become the Dem nominee is taking note of these kind of stories. Its going to be so easy for the nominee to paint Trump as a weak, insecure and cowardly person when they are having the presidential debates.


In fairness Trump hate of Mccain is really funny.
Tell that to the people who have seen their civil liberties eradicated by the Trump presidency.

If you are making that argument then you better not get mad at anyone for not voting for Clinton and Biden who already had their civil liberties eradicated by their War on Drugs or by Biden's failure to install a public option (which costs many people their health and/or savings with medical bankruptcy).

Thing is, from my life, I have lived and seen more victims of Clinton Democrat policies than direct victims of Trump policies. The War on Drugs and for-profit healthcare has negatively affected more people than any of Trump's direct policies so that's why Clinton and Biden have no standing making the argument you just made.
The progressive argument is actually more like this:

A Trump presidency will at least see the Democrats united in opposition to prevent any of the worst and retaking the Senate would solve the Supreme Court issue.
A Biden presidency "working across the isle" with people like McConnell could very well cause extreme damage to the economy (as when Clinton worked "across the isle" on the FSMA and CFMA that were big causes of the financial crisis or when Obiden worked "across the isle" with for-profit health business execs to install the worst incentive structure for health insurance for developed nations in history).

At least with a Trump presidency and a strong Democrat Senate and AOC there will be a strong alternative voice. With a corporate Biden "working across the isle" I am absolutely terrified of the types of corporate policies they are going to push and the amount of Orwellian marketing they are going to sell.

Oh and the other thing is Trump's people are sloppy. They make mistakes. I'd rather a Trump right wing policy that is full of holes that can be soundly challenged than a Biden-McConnell center-right policy that is water tight and can't be to challenged.
That's warped logic right there. So what you are saying is let's not vote for the Democrat against trump in the general because then it will be so bad that the dems might take the Senate and the country can can come to a standstill while trump cements himself and goes even more batshit crazy.
Why not just vote him out of office and then fight the fight. You're post indicates to me that none of his policies have affected you personally. This isn't a fecking game.
If you are making that argument then you better not get mad at anyone for not voting for Clinton and Biden who already had their civil liberties eradicated by their War on Drugs or by Biden's failure to install a public option (which costs many people their health and/or savings with medical bankruptcy).

Thing is, from my life, I have lived and seen more victims of Clinton Democrat policies than direct victims of Trump policies. The War on Drugs and for-profit healthcare has negatively affected more people than any of Trump's direct policies so that's why Clinton and Biden have no standing making the argument you just made.

Biden is not the only option. However other names such as Kamala Harris, Beto O'Rourke, Pete Buttigieg, Cory Booker have also been on the end of the same criticism. One's a cop, the other is texan big oil, the other is military, the other is new jersey big pharma. Even Warren who if details mattered should be clearing everyone else in the polls has to deal with it.

The point in my original post is Trump was seen as malleable by some. Walker Bragman is a Bernie progressive yet he penned that article. Why does the benefit of doubt not extend to other dems?
That's warped logic right there. So what you are saying is let's not vote for the Democrat against trump in the general because then it will be so bad that the dems might take the Senate and the country can can come to a standstill while trump cements himself and goes even more batshit crazy.

Its not really any crazier than people arguing we should vote for Biden in the primaries because Not Trump, Not a Pedaphile. I have seen literally no sound argument

Why not just vote him out of office and then fight the fight. You're post indicates to me that none of his policies have affected you personally. This isn't a fecking game.

This argument is not compelling because the counter is simply: Clearly none of the worst War on Drugs/Health Care policies from Clintons and Biden have affected you personally. This isn't a fecking game.

What you need to realize is that there are already millions whose lives, livelihoods, savings, homes, career prospects have been shattered by Clinton and Biden policies over the years. There are valid reasons why many progressives victims of the war on drugs, for-profit medical care and neoliberal military adventures won't vote Biden and Clinton. Their voices are just as valid and you shouldn't condescend to their experiences either.
Biden is not the only option. However other names such as Kamala Harris, Beto O'Rourke, Pete Buttigieg, Cory Booker have also been on the end of the same criticism. One's a cop, the other is texan big oil, the other is military, the other is new jersey big pharma. Even Warren who if details mattered should be clearing everyone else in the polls has to deal with it.

The point in my original post is Trump was seen as malleable by some. Walker Bragman is a Bernie progressive yet he penned that article. Why does the benefit of doubt not extend to other dems?

Well you can take that issue up directly with people who said that. I am talking about Biden and Clinton here. I have said that Biden in 2020 is the only one that I absolutely will never cast a vote for just like I would never cast a ballopt for Clinton after their policies have had such negative effects I have seen personally.
If you are making that argument then you better not get mad at anyone for not voting for Clinton and Biden who already had their civil liberties eradicated by their War on Drugs or by Biden's failure to install a public option (which costs many people their health and/or savings with medical bankruptcy).

Thing is, from my life, I have lived and seen more victims of Clinton Democrat policies than direct victims of Trump policies. The War on Drugs and for-profit healthcare has negatively affected more people than any of Trump's direct policies so that's why Clinton and Biden have no standing making the argument you just made.
But doesn't the Republican party and base want to push these fecked up policies to a more extreme level while the Democrats want to eradicate them.
No one is arguing that these stupid policies from Bill Clinton or Joe Biden were any good and millions of people had their lives and livelihoods destroyed but we must move with the times. The last person I want running in 2020 would be Biden or Clinton but right now the person in the seat is a deranged egotistical prick who's wealth comes from organized crime and shithousery.
Could you not suck it up and vote for Biden if he is the candidate or is it acceptable to do nothing and allow this piece of shit another term (and in his mind confirmation that he is the best president ever).
Some excellent analysis by @oneniltothearsenal especially Biden's 'touch and feels'.

While I understand the views of @Raoul and @Boycott and other centrists, that Trump is a danger to the country and the world, the blame lies squarely with the Democratic party. And to reward that same party by voting for a corporate stooge like Biden is not going to change things.

Reality is the Democratic party no longer represents Working Americans.
There are now two parties which in reality blend into each other as explained above.

Sometimes you cannot repair a house. It has to be completely knocked down and rebuilt.

In my analysis any Democratic nominee will win because Trump is so hated.
But unless that nominee is a true Progressive, someone else like Trump will come again.
Well you can take that issue up directly with people who said that. I am talking about Biden and Clinton here. I have said that Biden in 2020 is the only one that I absolutely will never cast a vote for just like I would never cast a ballopt for Clinton after their policies have had such negative effects I have seen personally.
Forget Clinton. You are very naive to think that if you're chosen candidate wins that it would be plain sailing in to paradise, this is the USA, nothing works for the betterment of the population but I would rather not have a criminal sexual abusing fascist deciding the present and future of my family.
Some excellent analysis by @oneniltothearsenal especially Biden's 'touch and feels'.

While I understand the views of @Raoul and @Boycott and other centrists, that Trump is a danger to the country and the world, the blame lies squarely with the Democratic party. And to reward that same party by voting for a corporate stooge like Biden is not going to change things.

Reality is the Democratic party no longer represents Working Americans.
There are now two parties which in reality blend into each other as explained above.

Sometimes you cannot repair a house. It has to be completely knocked down and rebuilt.

In my analysis any Democratic nominee will win because Trump is so hated.
But unless that nominee is a true Progressive, someone else like Trump will come again.
And yet the alternative is the Republican party who are on a fast track to ripping this country to shreds.
I agree with a lot of what's said in here but would you rather fight this fight with a dem in office or a Republican? Why should the Republicans party get away with it? Where is you're disgust for them?
Forget Clinton. You are very naive to think that if you're chosen candidate wins that it would be plain sailing in to paradise, this is the USA, nothing works for the betterment of the population but I would rather not have a criminal sexual abusing fascist deciding the present and future of my family.

I'd probably hold my nose and vote Biden if I was in the US but the point the left are making is that there are several other candidates besides Biden who represent them much better in the Dem field than he does. And that they might not vote Dem if one of those other candidates isn't chosen. I think it's arguably a silly approach but the Dems aren't automatically owed the votes of these people, said votes have to be earned.
But doesn't the Republican party and base want to push these fecked up policies to a more extreme level while the Democrats want to eradicate them.
No one is arguing that these stupid policies from Bill Clinton or Joe Biden were any good and millions of people had their lives and livelihoods destroyed but we must move with the times. The last person I want running in 2020 would be Biden or Clinton but right now the person in the seat is a deranged egotistical prick who's wealth comes from organized crime and shithousery.
Could you not suck it up and vote for Biden if he is the candidate or is it acceptable to do nothing and allow this piece of shit another term (and in his mind confirmation that he is the best president ever).

The top sounds good. I am glad I can expect your support during Democrat primary season for Bernie or Anyone But Biden if it comes down to it.

The bold is literally like Republicans asking the very people you said have been negatively affected by Trump policies to go suck it up and vote for Trump. PT Barnum was right about suckers born every minute.

If you think people being negatively affected personally by Trump policies is valid then you also have to accept that no one who has been personally negatively affected by those three major neoliberal policies of Clinton and Biden over the last 30 damn years are not going to "suck it up" and give votes to the very feckers that have caused direct damage to their family, friends and community.

This is primary season anyway. Absolutely zero reason to vote for Biden or even be bringing up this ultimatum. And I already explained why I am petrified of anyone Democrat in 2020 saying "working across the isle" is something they want to do.
And yet the alternative is the Republican party who are on a fast track to ripping this country to shreds.
I agree with a lot of what's said in here but would you rather fight this fight with a dem in office or a Republican? Why should the Republicans party get away with it? Where is you're disgust for them?

@Red Dreams has consistently shown nothing but disgust for the Republicans.
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