2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Biden is not the only option. However other names such as Kamala Harris, Beto O'Rourke, Pete Buttigieg, Cory Booker have also been on the end of the same criticism. One's a cop, the other is texan big oil, the other is military, the other is new jersey big pharma. Even Warren who if details mattered should be clearing everyone else in the polls has to deal with it.

The point in my original post is Trump was seen as malleable by some. Walker Bragman is a Bernie progressive yet he penned that article. Why does the benefit of doubt not extend to other dems?

All of those things are true though.
The top sounds good. I am glad I can expect your support during Democrat primary season for Bernie or Anyone But Biden if it comes down to it.

The bold is literally like Republicans asking the very people you said have been negatively affected by Trump policies to go suck it up and vote for Trump. PT Barnum was right about suckers born every minute.

If you think people being negatively affected personally by Trump policies is valid then you also have to accept that no one who has been personally negatively affected by those three major neoliberal policies of Clinton and Biden over the last 30 damn years are not going to "suck it up" and give votes to the very feckers that have caused direct damage to their family, friends and community.

This is primary season anyway. Absolutely zero reason to vote for Biden or even be bringing up this ultimatum. And I already explained why I am petrified of anyone Democrat in 2020 saying "working across the isle" is something they want to do.
Don't forget the people negatively affected by Reagan and Bush 1 and 2. There is no denying that this country has eaten itself over the last 40 years but this is Donald Trump we are talking about here.
I do agree with you on Biden though and I hope his history is carefully debated by the candidates in the primaries. But, and it is an apologetic but, I cannot sit it out when the alternative is someone like trump.
@Red Dreams has consistently shown nothing but disgust for the Republicans.
Except for when voting day comes. I believe in picking my battles and to fight a Senate or house under Republican majority or slim minority is infinitely harder when you don't hold the white house.
I have no time for Biden but as I say, if the alternative is trump then I know what the safest bet for my family is.
This witch hunt is getting ridiculous. The guy is not a pedophile.

Anyone can be spontaneously framed as a paedo or have a me too magically ginned up when they lead Sanders by double digits in the polls. It’s how politics works these days - you find ways to bring your opponent’s numbers down by any means necessary, which in turn suppresses their vote and gives you a chance to frame yourself as the more viable alternative. Trump going negative on Hillary was a masterclass in cynicism which has apparently now been adopted by the left as well.
Don't forget the people negatively affected by Reagan and Bush 1 and 2. There is no denying that this country has eaten itself over the last 40 years but this is Donald Trump we are talking about here.
I do agree with you on Biden though and I hope his history is carefully debated by the candidates in the primaries. But, and it is an apologetic but, I cannot sit it out when the alternative is someone like trump.

Trump getting elected again. The more you try the more you'll be pissed off in the end. Sit back and let the world burn, you can't stop it anyways.
Deride the Republicans to your heart’s content, but what’s the use of electing Democrats when they do shit like this?

The people of Nevada held firm for Harry Reid in 2010, they turned out for Clinton in 2016, they gave Democrats both a Senate seat and governorship in 2018, all for what?
It's crazy that Hillary Clinton didnt have a "metoo moment ginned up" by Bernie Bros. After all, she led him in the polls. Maybe its because she wasnt someone who touched multiple women inappropriately and made them feel uncomfortable.
Line around the block to see Bernie. Most diverse crowd I seen at a political event Bernie volunteer wearing a United track jacket from United Palace match

Compared to all the lobbyists at Biden rallies.

Still think it is Bernie's to lose. Want to see what the Corporate DNC will do to disenfrancize Bernie voters.

It’s currently Biden’s to lose since he seems up by like 20 points.
Joe Biden is not a poor debater...

I meant he has no policies to run on.

Look at what happened in 2016. Trump trounced the other Republicans because they offered the same ol stuff. But no substantive policy ideas. Ok. Trump lied. He also brought out of the shadows anti immigrant feelings that the GOP had fanned.

Hillary. No change. Every election is a change election.
I meant he has no policies to run on.

Look at what happened in 2016. Trump trounced the other Republicans because they offered the same ol stuff. But no substantive policy ideas. Ok. Trump lied. He also brought out of the shadows anti immigrant feelings that the GOP had fanned.

Hillary. No change. Every election is a change election.
Elections generally aren't won on policy proposals, but on charisma.
I don't really follow American politics much - what are the chances of trump getting another run as the leader? Is he viewed by the population to be doing well or not so good?
I don't really follow American politics much - what are the chances of trump getting another run as the leader? Is he viewed by the population to be doing well or not so good?

Trump is extremely unpopular. I think The Democratic nominee will win.
But the key is he or she must deliver. 4 more years of lip service will bring forward another crazy.

The country is at the brink.

the sad thing is people on either side want the same thing and neither party is honest enough to deliver.

Both parties are owned by corporations.
Trump is extremely unpopular. I think The Democratic nominee will win.
But the key is he or she must deliver. 4 more years of lip service will bring forward another crazy.

The country is at the brink.

the sad thing is people on either side want the same thing and neither party is honest enough to deliver.

Both parties are owned by corporations.

Thanks mate.
I am baffled honestly by centrists saying we should vote against Trump...but in the same breath saying not much can be done.
What motivates people to rush to the voting booth.

Many people don't bother because they see how little things change.
Isn't it early though?

Sure, but he announced, had a big rally, and then mostly disappeared.
As I said, he's the favourite now, clearly. But hiding didn't work out so well for Hillary in 2016.
I am baffled honestly by centrists saying we should vote against Trump...but in the same breath saying not much can be done.
What motivates people to rush to the voting booth.

Many people don't bother because they see how little things change.

Trump is obviously the main priority this cycle. You have to stop the bleeding before applying long term care.
Sure, but he announced, had a big rally, and then mostly disappeared.
As I said, he's the favourite now, clearly. But hiding didn't work out so well for Hillary in 2016.
Yep, I agree. And I don't think its a layup by any means. I think Sanders does have a chance (gulp). But I just don't think that its going to be because come debate time, Biden will be some sort of stammering and insecure figure that is out of his depth because he says that he wants to expand ACA's mandate vs single-payer, for example. The man's been doing this for a long time and is somewhat a natural.
Trump is obviously the main priority this cycle. You have to stop the bleeding before applying long term care.

Annoying as it may seem, the reason why Trump's base is so energized is because the Dems have done nothing to show them they are actually going to do anything.

Centrists may not like it, but Bernie resonates with Trump supporters needs. Because he actually offers policies that help them.

The Electoral College favours the Dems, especially with a candidate that is not as toxic as Hillary was. Which is why I say a Democratic win is likely.
But that does not change long term results.
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