2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Best case against a Biden candidacy.

To be fair I don't think this would necessarily stop Biden from winning - Hilary was considerably more unpopular than he is, and still managed to beat Trump in the popular vote. Provided Biden doesn't crash and burn he's got a very strong chance of beating Trump.

The problem is beyond that. He's someone who quite clearly is just beyond tone deaf on most of the major issues affecting people today and that's bordering on dangerous. Some of the supposedly vacuous candidates like O'Rourke, Harris and Buttigeg, even if they don't plan to do much about said anger, at least seem to recognise it, and so might at least be able to slightly shift their ideological underpinnings once in power depending on where the tides shifting, even if they won't do so massively or to an extent that would satisfy the left. But Biden seems to genuinely just think everything's fine. Probably the poster boy for someone who's become insulated by being so involved in top-level politics over the years.
the comments are interesting.
What’s interesting about conspiracy theories?

Two things can simultaneously be true, that Sanders is overwhelmingly popular with the younger age groups, and Biden still holds a commanding lead, because Democratic primary voters are actually old as feck.
What’s interesting about conspiracy theories?

Two things can simultaneously be true, that Sanders is overwhelmingly popular with the younger age groups, and Biden still holds a commanding lead, because Democratic primary voters are actually old as feck.

Sanders addressed a NH poll which showed Biden ahead and said the same thing. That it was skewed towards older people.

Nah. No conspiracy there I'm sure. But it suits MSM to push such 'data'.

And you are simply wrong. Democratic primary voters are not all old.
See 2016.
If the majority of the voters would show up to the polls Sanders wouldn't stand a chance and someone like Biden would win in a landslide. Simple as that imho. That's also why to me it's clear what Trump and the Rs are doing - prop up Bernie even more because in the general election I still believe there is no way he could win. It's still a center right country and probably will be for a little while yet. I really hope the DNC doesn't feck up this time however and estrange the Sanders crowd...we all saw how that turned out last time.
If the majority of the voters would show up to the polls Sanders wouldn't stand a chance and someone like Biden would win in a landslide. Simple as that imho. That's also why to me it's clear what Trump and the Rs are doing - prop up Bernie even more because in the general election I still believe there is no way he could win. It's still a center right country and probably will be for a little while yet. I really hope the DNC doesn't feck up this time however and estrange the Sanders crowd...we all saw how that turned out last time.

It is a Center left country and moving left all the time. By left I mean issues orientated. health Care, Minimum wage, Education for a start.

Biden is an empty suit who is pretty vacant. He is the the typical Center type candidate who does nothing when in power. This is what brought Trump.
Sanders will win easy even in much of Trump country.

But the DNC will do whatever it needs to marginalise him and therefore his supporters.

2016 will repeat itself.

DNC strategy? If a strategy fails..try the same thing again.

I still believe Sanders will prevail.
If the majority of the voters would show up to the polls Sanders wouldn't stand a chance and someone like Biden would win in a landslide. Simple as that imho. That's also why to me it's clear what Trump and the Rs are doing - prop up Bernie even more because in the general election I still believe there is no way he could win. It's still a center right country and probably will be for a little while yet. I really hope the DNC doesn't feck up this time however and estrange the Sanders crowd...we all saw how that turned out last time.

Between Biden and Trump there is absolutely no difference, simple as that.

There is nothing the DNC can do to make Bernie bros go and vote for Biden. The Bernie crowd is the most informed in the country, and is sick and tired of having to accept mediocrity and the lesser evil (any status quo corporate candidate). They know Biden will be as bad as Trump, so they will not going to vote.

On the other side, the dems voters that are not in team Sanders, might go and vote for Bernie just because they want to take Trump out.

So, in conclusion, it's Bernie or repeat the meal with Trump.

ps. even if this is too obvious, the DNC will do all in their power to nominate Biden, because even if he loses, the democrat bosses (big corporations) are just as happy with Trump or Biden.
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It is a Center left country and moving left all the time. By left I mean issues orientated. health Care, Minimum wage, Education for a start.

Biden is an empty suit who is pretty vacant. He is the the typical Center type candidate who does nothing when in power. This is what brought Trump.
Sanders will win easy even in much of Trump country.

But the DNC will do whatever it needs to marginalise him and therefore his supporters.

2016 will repeat itself.

DNC strategy? If a strategy fails..try the same thing again.

I still believe Sanders will prevail.
With all respect the US has never been a center left country. If you look at statistical analysis of US polling on a per country level over the decades that has changed little. Sure it might be tilting more left now than it ever has before but I don't believe that we re left of the center by any means yet. Even a lot of non whites are now also tilting right thanks to the Dems with their stupid stance on the immigration debate. Now, on a issue by issue case like you seem to be arguing I would agree with you. Even some of the right have become more open to formerly purely leftist policies.
With all respect the US has never been a center left country. If you look at statistical analysis of US polling on a per country level over the decades that has changed little. Sure it might be tilting more left now than it ever has before but I don't believe that we re left of the center by any means yet. Even a lot of non whites are now also tilting right thanks to the Dems with their stupid stance on the immigration debate. Now, on a issue by issue case like you seem to be arguing I would agree with you. Even some of the right have become more open to formerly purely leftist policies.

the point is Health Care and Climate Change is front and center of what people are concerned about.

To be precise it is no longer a left and Right matter.

Health Care and Climate are leftist agendas and as you say are being embraced by the majority.
Between Biden and Trump there is absolutely no difference, simple as that.

There is nothing the DNC can do to make Bernie bros go and vote for Biden. The Bernie crowd is the most informed in the country, and is sick and tired of having to accept mediocrity and the lesser evil (any status quo corporate candidate). They know Biden will be as bad as Trump, so they will not going to vote.

On the other side, the dems voters that are not in team Sanders, might go and vote for Bernie just because they want to take Trump out.

So, in conclusion, it's Bernie or repeat the meal with Trump.

ps. even if this is too obvious, the DNC will do all in their power to nominate Biden, because even if he loses, the democrat bosses (big corporations) are just as happy with Trump or Biden.

the point is Health Care and Climate Change is front and center of what people are concerned about.

To be precise it is no longer a left and Right matter.

Health Care and Climate are leftist agendas and as you say are being embraced by the majority.
Fair enough. Now if we could only get the right's leaders to recognize that we might be making some actual progress for a change.
Fair enough. Now if we could only get the right's leaders to recognize that we might be making some actual progress for a change.

Many in the Rust belt voted for Obama. Ohio voted twice. They went strongly for Trump in 2016. The reason is centrist candidates have done little for people facing hardships.
The worse part is Trump has made racism acceptable. He has blamed Democrats for job losses and he is partially right. NAFTA. Even if Republicans have blocked any infrastructure bills.
But he now says illegal immigrants are taking their jobs.

Bernie speaks directly to their concerns and he is the only one who can win a state like Ohio. These people are not bothered about Social matters. Its bread and butter issues.

Though Biden may not be openly offensive as Trump. His past record is not all that great in matters of race.
These issues will come out in the debates.

He is clearly a corporate man and regrettably Corporations will prefer Trump to Sanders as has been said.

The trust in the DNC is completely gone.
...this coming war Biden will support it once those troops are there.

While the DNC centrists will look at not losing the center in a war vote, they will once again have miscalculated where the voters are.

Just watch the debacle that will unfold.
Sanders addressed a NH poll which showed Biden ahead and said the same thing. That it was skewed towards older people.

Nah. No conspiracy there I'm sure. But it suits MSM to push such 'data'.

And you are simply wrong. Democratic primary voters are not all old.
See 2016.

53% of Dem primary voters are 50 and above, seems pretty old to me.

Also 2016 is a really poor example because Democratic primary polling with the exception of Michigan were generally spot on.

Biden is a poor candidate, and the more he opens his mouth the more he will estrange people. That, however, doesn’t mean at the moment he isn’t holding a commanding lead due to the old and conservative portion of the Democratic primary base.
If the majority of the voters would show up to the polls Sanders wouldn't stand a chance and someone like Biden would win in a landslide. Simple as that imho. That's also why to me it's clear what Trump and the Rs are doing - prop up Bernie even more because in the general election I still believe there is no way he could win. It's still a center right country and probably will be for a little while yet. I really hope the DNC doesn't feck up this time however and estrange the Sanders crowd...we all saw how that turned out last time.
Sanders likely cost himself the chance with his actions 3-4 years ago.

Whilst I get most people live in a bubble in terms of interacting with crowds of similar political leanings and I do know a lot of people who would have liked to see Hillary president.

I’ve seen and heard a lot of evidence that there is a significantly large portion of her base who are now ‘Never Bernie’ crowds and would vote whoever leads the Dem primaries ahead of him.
Sanders likely cost himself the chance with his actions 3-4 years ago.

Whilst I get most people live in a bubble in terms of interacting with crowds of similar political leanings and I do know a lot of people who would have liked to see Hillary president.

I’ve seen and heard a lot of evidence that there is a significantly large portion of her base who are now ‘Never Bernie’ crowds and would vote whoever leads the Dem primaries ahead of him.

you live in singapore. its hilarious to see you act like you have your finger on the pulse of the electorate
you live in singapore. its hilarious to see you act like you have your finger on the pulse of the electorate
I don’t live in Singapore and I know plenty of Americans who can and will vote next year.

Online polls are much better indication of the current pulse than your Bernie bro bubble
Sanders likely cost himself the chance with his actions 3-4 years ago.

Whilst I get most people live in a bubble in terms of interacting with crowds of similar political leanings and I do know a lot of people who would have liked to see Hillary president.

I’ve seen and heard a lot of evidence that there is a significantly large portion of her base who are now ‘Never Bernie’ crowds and would vote whoever leads the Dem primaries ahead of him.

What is with your weird obsession with Hilary where it's now somehow her lingering popularity that's going to be undoing? Even within her own party most don't like her. If Biden wins out it'll be because people like him. And because he's associated with Obama's regime which a lot of people still view fondly. Same with any of the other candidates and their own respective virtues, Bernie or otherwise.

Bernie didn't even really do anything wrong in 2016. Considering a portion of his base were telling him to abandon the Dems and go third party, it was fairly decent of him to campaign for Hilary instead despite their political differences.
What is with your weird obsession with Hilary where it's now somehow her lingering popularity that's going to be undoing? Even within her own party most don't like her. If Biden wins out it'll be because people like him. And because he's associated with Obama's regime which a lot of people still view fondly. Same with any of the other candidates and their own respective virtues, Bernie or otherwise.

Bernie didn't even really do anything wrong in 2016. Considering a portion of his base were telling him to abandon the Dems and go third party, it was fairly decent of him to campaign for Hilary instead despite their political differences.
Let’s not go over this again, this is my last reply on 2016.

What is the point of dragging out the primaries for extra months when he had NO path to victory at all?
I didn’t even talk about the Bernie Bros until you stuck your nose in. :rolleyes:
Sanders likely cost himself the chance with his actions 3-4 years ago.

Whilst I get most people live in a bubble in terms of interacting with crowds of similar political leanings and I do know a lot of people who would have liked to see Hillary president.

I’ve seen and heard a lot of evidence that there is a significantly large portion of her base who are now ‘Never Bernie’ crowds and would vote whoever leads the Dem primaries ahead of him.

What actions exactly?

Also, that would go well with Hillary's supporters.

Do you know for instance, despite your drive to blame everything on Bernie and his supporters, that the same percentage of Hillary's voters voted for Mccain in 2008 as Bernie supporters didn't vote for Hilary total in 2016?

That is to say that the percentage of people who voted other than Hilary (third party, Trump, didn't vote at all) in 16 were the same percentage as those who just voted Mccain in 08 (and therefore doesn't include those Hilary supporters who also voted third party or stayed at home).

Yet Obama and his supporters don't cry about it becuase he was actually a good enough candidate to win elections.

God give me strength.
It will be 2050 and Cal? will still find some way to spam the thread with references to 2016 :lol:
What actions exactly?

Also, that would go well with Hillary's supporters.

Do you know for instance, despite your drive to blame everything on Bernie and his supporters, that the same percentage of Hillary's voters voted for Mccain in 2008 as Bernie supporters didn't vote for Hilary total in 2016?

That is to say that the percentage of people who voted other than Hilary (third party, Trump, didn't vote at all) in 16 were the same percentage as those who just voted Mccain in 08 (and therefore doesn't include those Hilary supporters who also voted third party or stayed at home).

Yet Obama and his supporters don't cry about it becuase he was actually a good enough candidate to win elections.

God give me strength.

Actually its even worse for the HRC fans, only 9% of Bernie supporters voted Trump whereas 25% of Hilary supporters voted McCain (88% of Bernie supporters voted HRC)
It will be 2050 and Cal? will still find some way to spam the thread with references to 2016 :lol:
Except for the fact I didn’t mention 2016 in my original post today and it’s the Bernie bros not being able to handle anyone saying anything negative about him without getting all touchy about it. :rolleyes:
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