2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Trump may win Texas.But he cannot win the election. He will lose the Senate too.
Every Senator who voted to repeal pre-existing conditions will pay a price.
Health Care and Climate Change will have a huge impact on this election.

I still think it will be Bernie to fight Trump.
He is doing the right things. Attacking Biden's policies. And people across all lines believe he is honest.

Biden has sucked the oxygen out of everyone else's campaign (including Sanders) at the moment. I doubt that will last much longer once the debates kick in. The younger candidates will come on much stronger at that point imo.
Biden has sucked the oxygen out of everyone else's campaign (including Sanders) at the moment. I doubt that will last much longer once the debates kick in. The younger candidates will come on much stronger at that point imo.

Its still an establisment name recognition at this point.
Biden will be shown to be what he is in the debates.

The others will all go after him too.
When that happens, Bernie's credentials will carry him.
He has the young vote already. the independents will follow too.
No one else has any concrete plan for Health Care and Climate Change.
You're overplaying Trump's popularity. He is down considerably in most states since the 2016 election. He's more popular in GOP circles and in red states now, but that's because the GOP base has shrunk from 33% to roughly 28%, which makes for a greater concentration of popularity in the Republican party but significantly less so among independents who are the ones who will decide the elections. Demos like white women and rust belt voters who helped elect Trump are trending in the Dem direction at the moment.


He is +3 in Texas and -4 in Ohio just for reference (and especially in light of that article above).
He is +3 in Texas and -4 in Ohio just for reference (and especially in light of that article above).

Makes sense since Texas was significantly redder than Ohio going into 16. Obama actually won the latter in 08 and 12, whereas no Dem has won TX in over 40 years.
Its still an establisment name recognition at this point.
Biden will be shown to be what he is in the debates.

The others will all go after him too.
When that happens, Bernie's credentials will carry him.
He has the young vote already. the independents will follow too.
No one else has any concrete plan for Health Care and Climate Change.

I think Sanders is losing out this cycle because he's one of many as opposed to one of two choices, where he seems to fare better. It will take a Jeb Bush style implosion for Biden slip out of front runner status (which may happen if the country galvanizes for someone else after the debates).
Texas have 22 different media market, which is insanely expensive for an underdog party to get a foothold in and change minds.

They also have too big of an population, which makes tantalisingly close margin in polls hard to translate to actual election swings.

The state’s Hispanic population, which Dems need to win, actually are much more receptive towards the GOP than their other states’ counterparts.

Robert Francis raised 50m and still lost against the most unlikeable man in the world. In a presidential year you are talking about 100m+ to be dumped in there to make a long play, that’s unwise even with corporate backers.
Makes sense since Texas was significantly redder than Ohio going into 16. Obama actually won the latter in 08 and 12, whereas no Dem has won TX in over 40 years.

Yes, and yet people are talking about using limited resources on Texas.
Texas have 22 different media market, which is insanely expensive for an underdog party to get a foothold in and change minds.

They also have too big of an population, which makes tantalisingly close margin in polls hard to translate to actual election swings.

The state’s Hispanic population, which Dems need to win, actually are much more receptive towards the GOP than their other states’ counterparts.

Robert Francis raised 50m and still lost against the most unlikeable man in the world. In a presidential year you are talking about 100m+ to be dumped in there to make a long play, that’s unwise even with corporate backers.

They are also the most gerrymandered state in the country which is part of the reason it has managed to remain red for so long. Despite this, it is currently trending blue and will go blue at some point in the near future much as what is happening in AZ at the moment.


I think Sanders is losing out this cycle because he's one of many as opposed to one of two choices, where he seems to fare better. It will take a Jeb Bush style implosion for Biden slip out of front runner status (which may happen if the country galvanizes for someone else after the debates).

It still will be policies, not personalities in the end.

Biden has no substance. His views no longer resonate with the needs of the electorate.
The others offer lip service.

Sanders and Warren are the only ones who actually bring substance to the table.

Texas is unimportant. It will eventually come to the Democratic side, providing the Democrats nominate honest candidates.
AZ was touted to go blue since 2012, two cycles later we are still not getting it.

2016 took a big dump on the ‘demographic is destiny’ common wisdom (enforced further with Florida’s 2018 result). You can’t just assume a state is going to go blue because population trends suggest it.
AZ was touted to go blue since 2012, two cycles later we are still not getting it.

2016 took a big dump on the ‘demographic is destiny’ common wisdom (enforced further with Florida’s 2018 result). You can’t just assume a state is going to go blue because population trends suggest it.

They have a Dem Senator and will probably get a 2nd in 2020. The progressives overplayed their hand there and lost in 18, otherwise they would also have a Dem governor there now.
It still will be policies, not personalities in the end.

Biden has no substance. His views no longer resonate with the needs of the electorate.
The others offer lip service.

Sanders and Warren are the only ones who actually bring substance to the table.

Texas is unimportant. It will eventually come to the Democratic side, providing the Democrats nominate honest candidates.

Sanders and Warren are also to a degree cannibalising one another's support. She has been climbing a bit lately, not coincidentally during a period where his numbers have gone down a bit (which may have also had a bit to do with Biden's announcement).
Sanders and Warren are also to a degree cannibalising one another's support. She has been climbing a bit lately, not coincidentally during a period where his numbers have gone down a bit (which may have also had a bit to do with Biden's announcement).


Progressives will be inclined to support either.
Once the primaries start Sanders will pick up delegates at a greater rate.

As for AZ it is a moderate state. No longer a solid GOP with where the party is. It is winnable.
Texas have 22 different media market, which is insanely expensive for an underdog party to get a foothold in and change minds.

They also have too big of an population, which makes tantalisingly close margin in polls hard to translate to actual election swings.

The state’s Hispanic population, which Dems need to win, actually are much more receptive towards the GOP than their other states’ counterparts.

Robert Francis raised 50m and still lost against the most unlikeable man in the world. In a presidential year you are talking about 100m+ to be dumped in there to make a long play, that’s unwise even with corporate backers.
Well, if you raise the specter of the idea of TX being in play it at least forces the other side to commit more resources to what they previously held as a safe space. So it sort of cuts both ways.

You do bring up a good point about the state’s Hispanic population. They are often treated as a homogeneous voting block destined to be Democrat by some, which is remarkably naive. Speaking from personal experience interacting with people there regularly...

Progressives will be inclined to support either.
Once the primaries start Sanders will pick up delegates at a greater rate.

As for AZ it is a moderate state. No longer a solid GOP with where the party is. It is winnable.

Moderate isn't a good label for AZ imo. More than anything else Arizona is libertarian, even with the demographic shift of people moving there from California and the Northeast seaboard. So when the GOP swings far-right on cultural war stuff, Arizona appears to move left. And when the Democrats focus heavily on things like affirmative action and gun control then Arizona appears to swing to the right.
I love youtube live chat


Eric WoodBiden needs to show a live ABORTION to show how progressive he can be

Thomas T. BerryNo, Biden is behind. Same on his youtube channel

Michael Loudermilklol

Thomas T. BerryOh, Hi Eric

Thomas T. BerryWelcome to Biden wait show party

Liberals Need To Get Deported MAGA 45I can say something like the color pink sucks and dems get bent out of shape

Thomas T. BerryYes this is not a good angle

Mo ASleepy orange cheeto Trump

Chad AllenLoser Trump

Paul WooBernie!!!


Frank DobbsShow the crowd.

Liberals Need To Get Deported MAGA 45IMPEACH MAXINE WATERS

acroyear23Biden will drop out after a few debates.

Chad AllenDeport Melanie

Mo Areckless trump.

wasperstingusa usa usa maga 2020 Trump defeats biden 2020

Rachel KrumpelmanSnooze ... no thanks Biden. I'm not cool with more years of status quo, establishment Democracy version 1.0. Bernie 2020!!!!!
Biden rally at the moment sounds like the beginning of cult indoctrination video - We are one people, We are one America(Born In The USA plays in the background).

I think I would have more respect for the american people if the voted for a second Trump term than a Biden presidency. Joke sort of
That would a require a population who think beyond simple catchphrases.
Born down in a dead man's town
The first kick I took was when I hit the ground
End up like a dog that's been beat too much
Till you spend half your life just covering up
Born in the U.S.A., I was born in the U.S.A.
I was born in the U.S.A., born in the U.S.A.
Got in a little hometown jam
So they put a rifle in my hand
Sent me off to a foreign land
To go and kill the yellow man

Born in the U.S.A., I was born in the U.S.A.
Born in the U.S.A., born in the U.S.A.

Yeah frankly you would have thought these days somebody in the PR team would be questioning that
It never ceases to amaze me that Born in the USA is used at rallies, when it's actually a very unpatriotic song by design.
Would be funny if Trump campaign's start with 'Land of the free' from The Killers.
At this point I’m genuinely wondering if he’s not actually a creep but actually had some social disorder that means he doesn’t understand personal boundaries.

I mean, when you’ve had to apologise for this behaviour already because you know it will have a detrimental impact on your quest to become POTUS and then you continue to make these mistakes in front of crowds of hundreds and thousands of people with cameras covering every single angle, I find it harder and harder to believe it’s because he’s taking the opportunity to cop a cheeky feel or a display of masculine overconfidence and lean more towards him being a bit on the spectrum and struggling to recognise someone’s personal space.
Biden is an idiot like Trump.
Yep pretty much. I think I've said it before but if Biden wins the nomination then it will two general elections in a row where americans will have to chose the least racist of their already very racist grandparents.

At this point I’m genuinely wondering if he’s not actually a creep but actually had some social disorder that means he doesn’t understand personal boundaries.

I mean, when you’ve had to apologise for this behaviour already because you know it will have a detrimental impact on your quest to become POTUS and then you continue to make these mistakes in front of crowds of hundreds and thousands of people with cameras covering every single angle, I find it harder and harder to believe it’s because he’s taking the opportunity to cop a cheeky feel or a display of masculine overconfidence and lean more towards him being a bit on the spectrum and struggling to recognise someone’s personal space.
Biden is just a old boomer. He doesn't actually think he has done anything wrong so he's not going to change his attitude.
At this point I’m genuinely wondering if he’s not actually a creep but actually had some social disorder that means he doesn’t understand personal boundaries.

I mean, when you’ve had to apologise for this behaviour already because you know it will have a detrimental impact on your quest to become POTUS and then you continue to make these mistakes in front of crowds of hundreds and thousands of people with cameras covering every single angle, I find it harder and harder to believe it’s because he’s taking the opportunity to cop a cheeky feel or a display of masculine overconfidence and lean more towards him being a bit on the spectrum and struggling to recognise someone’s personal space.
He got the creepette syndrome.
When you spent your life having smoke blown up your ass about what a great person you are, there’s little need to rectify your behaviour when faced with criticisms.
The bigger they are the harder they fall

Starting to makes sense to me why this guy has failed to win presidency so many times.

Dumbo fan at a Kamala Harris rally, on his best behaviour, shouting

......”Trump’s yer daddy, and he’s yer momma’s daddy too and he’s gonna win in 2020 ye pack of murdrous dawgs”.

If nothing else Dumbo is outin’ all the screwballs in the US that have been hidden for so long. Note them well if you live in their neighbourhood.
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