2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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That looks like poor and misleading wording. The numbers do not show that Fox News viewers are more likely to back Bernie than MSNBC viewers, only potential Democratic primary voters, of which there are many more watching MSNBC than Fox News. The numbers do say something, but not what the headline suggests.
That looks like poor and misleading wording. The numbers do not show that Fox News viewers are more likely to back Bernie than MSNBC viewers, only potential Democratic primary voters, of which there are many more watching MSNBC than Fox News. The numbers do say something, but not what the headline suggests.

It's still a remarkable find given the assumptions regarding MSNBC's viewership and Bernie support.

GOP Pollster Thinks Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Is The Only Democrat Who Could Match Donald Trump

“The public is really frustrated about being forgotten or left behind. And those two emotions, which elected Donald Trump, are alive not just on the right but also on the left,” he said. “It’s the reason why Bernie Sanders did so well in 2016 and why, I’ll be blunt with you, I think he is the most likely nominee in 2020.”
It could be her trying to appeal to a pro-military demographic to raise awareness about climate change. It may make some people more inclined to listen to it if the military is involved. My opinion anyway.
Possibly although I always find that such awful line to take(The British Labour are similar with regards to the police and austerity). But could be Warren being honest. She did vote for the huge increase to the american military budget not too long ago.
Possibly although I always find that such awful line to take(The British Labour are similar with regards to the police and austerity). But could be Warren being honest. She did vote for the huge increase to the american military budget not too long ago.
The Pentagon is probably one of the government agencies most sensitive to climate change, due to our variety of bases scattered around the world.

And they are fully aware of this.

GOP Pollster Thinks Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Is The Only Democrat Who Could Match Donald Trump

“The public is really frustrated about being forgotten or left behind. And those two emotions, which elected Donald Trump, are alive not just on the right but also on the left,” he said. “It’s the reason why Bernie Sanders did so well in 2016 and why, I’ll be blunt with you, I think he is the most likely nominee in 2020.”
Thankfully, she can’t run in 2020. Let her get a tad more seasoning & some legislative years under her belt & run in 2028.
We already have enough white Democratic men running in the primary for feck’s sake, can’t see what the mayor of NYC brings at all to the table.
Possibly although I always find that such awful line to take(The British Labour are similar with regards to the police and austerity). But could be Warren being honest. She did vote for the huge increase to the american military budget not too long ago.

People are always quite conservative when it comes to crime and (to an extent by extension) stuff like the military, if you can pander to them ever so slightly it's quite often sensible politicking.
People are always quite conservative when it comes to crime and (to an extent by extension) stuff like the military, if you can pander to them ever so slightly it's quite often sensible politicking.
Sort of. But in the end you never move the dial more to the left and the constant lack of honesty does show in the end.

Plus this is the best case, I'm decently confident that if Labour were to get into power the police number would be mostly harmless community officers (Thats the hope anyway)but from Warren's record I don't think she is pandering.
Sort of. But in the end you never move the dial more to the left and the constant lack of honesty does show in the end.

Plus this is the best case, I'm decently confident that if Labour were to get into power the police number would be mostly harmless community officers (Thats the hope anyway)but from Warren's record I don't think she is pandering.

Corbyn's the perfect example of someone though who despite being a leftist who has been attacked for his attitudes to security, made a decent go of outflanking May on crime in 2017 after various terrorist attacks because he recognised there was a decent opportunity to do so. Whether we actually needed more police officers or not was immaterial - it was just a good chance to score some political points and he wisely seized on said opportunity. Most politicians will when given the chance in that regard.
Corbyn's the perfect example of someone though who despite being a leftist who has been attacked for his attitudes to security, made a decent go of outflanking May on crime in 2017 after various terrorist attacks because he recognised there was a decent opportunity to do so. Whether we actually needed more police officers or not was immaterial - it was just a good chance to score some political points and he wisely seized on said opportunity. Most politicians will when given the chance in that regard.

My argument is that Corbyn is pandering but actually Warren isn't(Because of her voting record).

My argument is that Corbyn is pandering but actually Warren isn't(Because of her voting record).

Fair, time will tell, although she's probably better than some Dems in that regard. Although agreed that Bernie remains by far the best choice from a leftist POV.
If we want any more proof.
A Republican in Democrat's clothing.

I’ve said it a few times now but if the GOP were the same party they were under Reagan then Biden, Schumer, Pelosi and co would have drifted over to the red side by now.
I’ve said it a few times now but if the GOP were the same party they were under Reagan then Biden, Schumer, Pelosi and co would have drifted over to the red side by now.


None of these people stand for American working families.
This is why we got Trump.'

And somehow it is the voters fault for not voting for a Republican in pantsuit.

If Bernie is not the nominee, Trump second term is on the cards.
Some somewhat interesting early analysis from a Dem super PAC, with Ohio not looking rosy but Penn/Mich/Wisc turning the tide in the end.

The telling bit here being the Dems are more optimistic about Texas than Ohio.


Texas will definitely be in play next cycle imo. Still a GOP lean but winnable if the Dems get the right two people on the ticket. Losing Texas would more or less snuff out all feasible paths to 270 for Trump since he could go on to win PA, FL, OH, NC, WI, MI, and AZ and still lose the Presidency. Let's hope the Dems choose wisely so they can win TX.
Texas will definitely be in play next cycle imo. Still a GOP lean but winnable if the Dems get the right two people on the ticket. Losing Texas would more or less snuff out all feasible paths to 270 for Trump since he could go on to win PA, FL, OH, NC, WI, MI, and AZ and still lose the Presidency. Let's hope the Dems choose wisely so they can win TX.
Even Beto is losing on polls against Trump and he actually lost the senate race against an unpopular senator (relatively speaking). Texas might come in play in the future, but no chance in hell Dems are winning it this cycle.
Even Beto is losing on polls against Trump and he actually lost the senate race against an unpopular senator (relatively speaking). Texas might come in play in the future, but no chance in hell Dems are winning it this cycle.

There's actually a recent poll with Beto outperforming against Trump, so who knows.

Also, the bit about not beating Cruz because he's so unpopular is a bit of a misnomer. If not for Trump, there's a decent likelihood Cruz would've been the GOP nominee and may actually be in the White House right now. He basically barely held serve in a previously solid red state because of the popularity of his opponent and his ability to turn out more people than your average run of the mill Dem, which is why the result was far closer than the polls in the final two weeks indicated.
There's actually a recent poll with Beto outperforming against Trump, so who knows.

Also, the bit about not beating Cruz because he's so unpopular is a bit of a misnomer. If not for Trump, there's a decent likelihood Cruz would've been the GOP nominee and may actually be in the White House right now. He basically barely held serve in a previously solid red state because of the popularity of his opponent and his ability to turn out more people than your average run of the mill Dem, which is why the result was far closer than the polls in the final two weeks indicated.

This poll is for entire US, not for Texas, right?
Obviously if he does well nationally, he will probably do very well in his home state.
I don't buy it. Every Democrat bar Liz is doing better than Trump in polls, but no one is going to beat him in deep red states.

Trump is more popular than Ted in Texas nowadays, and still Ted in the end defeated Beto by 3 points or so. I would be very surprised if Beto goes within 3 points of Trump there (and any other Democrat won't be within 5 points of Trump). On Republican circles, Trump is more popular than he was in 2016 election.

Obviously, it would be fantastic if Democrats win Texas. It would mean that Republicans cannot win the elections in the future, and so they will need to pivot to center-right instead of whatever the feck they are now.
I don't buy it. Every Democrat bar Liz is doing better than Trump in polls, but no one is going to beat him in deep red states.

Trump is more popular than Ted in Texas nowadays, and still Ted in the end defeated Beto by 3 points or so. I would be very surprised if Beto goes within 3 points of Trump there (and any other Democrat won't be within 5 points of Trump). On Republican circles, Trump is more popular than he was in 2016 election.

You're overplaying Trump's popularity. He is down considerably in most states since the 2016 election. He's more popular in GOP circles and in red states now, but that's because the GOP base has shrunk from 33% to roughly 28%, which makes for a greater concentration of popularity in the Republican party but significantly less so among independents who are the ones who will decide the elections. Demos like white women and rust belt voters who helped elect Trump are trending in the Dem direction at the moment.

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Trump may win Texas.But he cannot win the election. He will lose the Senate too.
Every Senator who voted to repeal pre-existing conditions will pay a price.
Health Care and Climate Change will have a huge impact on this election.

I still think it will be Bernie to fight Trump.
He is doing the right things. Attacking Biden's policies. And people across all lines believe he is honest.
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