2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Turtleface is correct about the public option. It would quickly end private health insurance.

He also said that as long as he is there that the Green New Deal would never get through and Medicare for all will never happen.

The fact is the cnut is proud of saying shit like that. He's despicable, he makes my skin crawl.
Right. He's basically admitted that the government plan would be cheaper which in effect would mean the insurance industry would go away.

But private health insurance still exists in Europe, Canada and Australia and Japan. It won't go away but will just be much reduced and focused on niches that aren't as efficient in massive health systems (for instance things like MRIs will still have a big market for paying customers that don't want to wait and I'm sure the selfish in Congress will figure out a way to keep their luxury private health insurance that is subsidized by the taxpayers.
But private health insurance still exists in Europe, Canada and Australia and Japan. It won't go away but will just be much reduced and focused on niches that aren't as efficient in massive health systems (for instance things like MRIs will still have a big market for paying customers that don't want to wait and I'm sure the selfish in Congress will figure out a way to keep their luxury private health insurance that is subsidized by the taxpayers.

Of course but Public option isn't seen like that in the USA. They see that as the government selling insurance plans which of course would mean the majority would go yo them for a cheaper option. What the disingenuous feck doesn't admit is that UHC would give it to everyone for free with no insurance needed at all and that people who could afford it would pay for private care. The only trouble is you can guarantee private insurance would go insane so ironically would be unfair to those that chose it. But the point still stands that his one sided, selfish opinion is still the one that counts the most.
Of course but Public option isn't seen like that in the USA. They see that as the government selling insurance plans which of course would mean the majority would go yo them for a cheaper option. What the disingenuous feck doesn't admit is that UHC would give it to everyone for free with no insurance needed at all and that people who could afford it would pay for private care. The only trouble is you can guarantee private insurance would go insane so ironically would be unfair to those that chose it. But the point still stands that his one sided, selfish opinion is still the one that counts the most.

How does it work in the UK (I think you are UK) or any other European country you are familiar with?
What about for MRIs? For instance I wasn't thinking about private insurance in every case but rather private markets like just paying out of pocket for an MRI that is done within days as opposed to waiting months?
How does it work in the UK (I think you are UK) or any other European country you are familiar with?
What about for MRIs? For instance I wasn't thinking about private insurance in every case but just paying out of pocket for an MRI that is done within days as opposed to waiting months?

Honestly I don't know. I've had 5 MRI's in 4 years and 2 were scheduled and yes there was a bit of a wait, but it wasn't urgent so I wasn't bothered. I can't comment on private as I haven't got it. What I can say though is the UK is a bad example to use atm as the Tories are doing their best to destroy the NHS (and many other things like the Police Force) because they want to eventually have the same insurance system the US has because they don't want us all to have access to healthcare when they could be making money from it at the same time as they hate the fact poor people benefit without contributing towards it.
Honestly I don't know. I've had 5 MRI's in 4 years and 2 were scheduled and yes there was a bit of a wait, but it wasn't urgent so I wasn't bothered. I can't comment on private as I haven't got it. What I can say though is the UK is a bad example to use atm as the Tories are doing their best to destroy the NHS (and many other things like the Police Force) because they want to eventually have the same insurance system the US has because they don't want us all to have access to healthcare when they could be making money from it at the same time as they hate the fact poor people benefit without contributing towards it.

That's a bit depressing to be honest. I remember about 10 years ago reading a breakdown on some forum that broke things down and concluded that Australia would be a much better model for the US to follow than UK (and I think he mentioned a few other European countries like France as well)
That's a bit depressing to be honest. I remember about 10 years ago reading a breakdown on some forum that broke things down and concluded that Australia would be a much better model for the US to follow than UK (and I think he mentioned a few other European countries like France as well)

Honestly, I love and adore our NHS and will defend it to the core BUT! The Tories have been systematically deatroying many of our institutions and changing so much It's been impossible to kesp up. Basically since we voted out of the EU, the country has been divided and immensely distracted and why we have all been arguing about the referendum result and the absolute farce that we all knew Brexit would be, the Tories have been ripping funding from everywhere. Education has suffered badly, the emergency services, especially the Police force have been decimated as have pensions, bugets and benefits right across the board, especially to the sick.

It's only now people are waking up and realising so hopefully it can be repaired before it's all truly broken (or sold off) but I can assure you our system was something to be proud of and can be again. Greed is the problem as much as selfishness and entitlement of not wanting anyone else to have a chance to succeed as the illusion of opportunity and success is all they want us to have

This is temporary imo, but still reinforces the likelihood that he's drained votes from literally every other candidate in the field. Once his numbers come back to earth, everyone else's (at least among the top 6 or so) should again rise. The debates in June should go a long way towards stabilizing the numbers.
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Biden is Trump lite.
When the debates start, people's eyes will be opened.

How often have we heard about 12 years being critical for Climate Change. Yet this guy is cavalier about it all.

If that's Sanders' approach then it wont move the needle at all. He needs to stick to policy differences instead of churlish class warfare stuff.
Climate Change is serious as is health Care.
Those and other policies are what Bernie is running on.

It is my opinion about Biden being Trump lite. Think many would agree.

I doubt many would agree since Biden is broadly viewed as the guy who could actually rid us of Trump. He's obviously not a progressive by any stretch but to label him as Trump light is obviously well off the mark when you consider what Trump brings to the table.
I doubt many would agree since Biden is broadly viewed as the guy who could actually rid us of Trump. He's obviously not a progressive by any stretch but to label him as Trump light is obviously well off the mark when you consider what Trump brings to the table.

The fact he is obviously not mental like Trump is unimportant.
He will do little to advance any Democratic causes.

He wont rock the boat for sure.


Importantly he does not believe in anything.
The fact he is obviously not mental like Trump is unimportant.
He will do little to advance any Democratic causes.

He wont rock the boat for sure.


Importantly he does not believe in anything.

I'd imagine his policies will be roughly in the same ball park as Obama's, which received fairly broad support in the 8 years preceding Trump.
I'd imagine his policies will be roughly in the same ball park as Obama's, which received fairly broad support in the 8 years preceding Trump.
But the outcome was Trump and the Republicans wining every level of government in 2016, right ?
But the outcome was Trump, right ?

He wasn't an outcome of Obama, he was an outcome of a perfect storm of stupidity from a variety of disparate sources ranging from Clinton, to the rise of the Tea Party, to Comey, to Russian influence, to his own con artistry etc.
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I'd imagine his policies will be roughly in the same ball park as Obama's, which received fairly broad support in the 8 years preceding Trump.

Every election is an election of change.
Hillary ran on no change and look what happened.
The fact is Health care needs and Climate Change action urgency have moved.
They need to be addressed.
Being anti-Trump once again is not enough.

Trump is so toxic, Biden will won , if it is him. But he will do nothing and end up a one term president.
He wasn't an outcome of Obama, he was an outcome of a perfect storm of stupidity from a variety of disparate sources ranging from Clinton, to the rise of the Tea Party, to Comey, to Russian influence etc.
I completely disagree(Inequality went up under Obama, The democratic party lost all electoral gains it made in 2008 part from the presidency, the Flint mess etc) with that but lets say you are correct then Obama policies were completely useless at changing the state of the country. If a few individuals can change the outcome of the politics of the most powerful country then what the hell was Obama doing for 8 years ?

Although I think your view is the majority view held by democratic voters. That Trump popped up out of well rather large air and isn't the result of decades of awful policy. Which sucks because as someone who lives in a country which free healthcare, its pretty dam great.
I completely disagree(Inequality went up under Obama, The democratic party lost all electoral gains it made in 2008 part from the presidency, the Flint mess etc) with that but lets say you are correct then Obama policies were completely useless at changing the state of the country. If a few individuals can change the outcome of the politics of the most powerful country then what the hell was Obama doing for 8 years ?

Although I think your view is the majority view held by democratic voters. That Trump popped up out of well rather large air and isn't the result of decades of awful policy. Which sucks because as someone who lives in a country which free healthcare, its pretty dam great.

The inequality bit is a long term trend that has been creeping upwards since the early 70s and since Obama got elected while the economy was in complete freefall, his eight years were never going to be able to reverse that since his main priority when he was sworn in was to avoid the country falling into a potential depression. I agree that Trump is a symptom of longer term systemic issues which one President alone won't be able to fix. It's going to take longer term structural policy changes across multiple administrations (at least) to accomplish that.
FDR took over near the top of the spike in 1933

By 1941 (end of his second term) inequality was in a serious downward trend, well below pre-FDR levels. For reference, Obama-era numbers don't improve from where this graph cuts off.
FDR took over near the top of the spike in 1933

By 1941 (end of his second term) inequality was in a serious downward trend, well below pre-FDR levels. For reference, Obama-era numbers don't improve from where this graph cuts off.

This one also drives home what yours is suggesting. Things were on a fairly normal trajectory until the mid 70s and then began to significantly diverge around the time of the Reagan tax cuts.

It's going to take longer term structural policy changes across multiple administrations (at least) to accomplish that.

The worrying thing is both party core voting base have no actual intension of fixing this, let alone the high up figures in the parties. The dem leadership race this year really comes down to - Do You Want 08 Nostalgia Or A Chance At Healthcare ? While there is lot of time left, its worrying for any longer term change that Biden is polling so high and someone like Warren is almost getting nothing.

And the rest of american is left every four years with two choices that don't improve the current situation at all. Its bleak.

The worrying thing is both party core voting base have no actual intension of fixing this, let alone the high up figures in the parties. The dem leadership race this year really comes down to - Do You Want 08 Nostalgia Or A Chance At Healthcare ? While there is lot of time left, its worrying for any longer term change that Biden is polling so high and someone like Warren is almost getting nothing.

And the rest of american is left every four years with two choices that don't improve the current situation at all. Its bleak.

Healthcare will over time be the seminal issue that drags the country further left imo. Once some form of single payer or public option is passed, the country will quickly realize the benefits and vote in more politicians who can move the needle. At the moment, all we have is Obamacare and employer sponsored plans, which doesn't inspire that sort of passion from all sides of the electorate as it does in the progressive ranks. Once passed however, even Republicans like the ones Liz Warren addressed in an earlier tweet I posted, will take notice since at the end of the day healthcare is a fundamental human need and not some commodity that can be bought when needed.
Some insightful analysis here from CNN:

Broke: no war but class war

Woke: no war but generational war

Sanders currently leads Biden among 18-29 year old voters, by an impressive 41% to 11%. However, Sanders’ support weakens with age: 30-49 year olds only break for Sanders 29% to 26%, as compared to 50-64 year olds who break for Biden 42% to 19%. Among those over 65, Biden has a strong lead, beating Sanders 52% to 7%.

main results of the poll:

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It's painful for the American political system that Biden is best the Dems can come up with.
Fox News viewers are more likely to back Sen. Bernie Sanders than people who tend to watch MSNBC, according to a new Morning Consult poll.

The poll found that 22% of Fox News viewers who also identified as potential Democratic primary voters back Sanders compared to just 13% of MSNBC viewers.

Sanders was an outlier in this regard, as every other 2020 Democratic included in the poll had more support among MSNBC viewers than those who tend to watch Fox News.

The only candidate with more support among Fox News viewers than Sanders was Joe Biden (42%), but the former vice president also had more support among MSNBC viewers overall (44%).
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