2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Do you honestly believe Biden will make the lives of Americans better?
And please don't say he is better than Trump.

I don't think any of the candidates will make a tangible impact on the lives of Americans. A vast majority of the policies being promoted are aspirational, especially if you don't have a cooperative Congress to move them forward. I'm not in the least bit excited about a Biden Presidency although he would be exponentially better than Trump, which if I'm reading the poll correctly, is the general sentiment among a majority of voters. They want Trump gone and some semblance of normalicy restored to where the Presidency isn't a daily cartoonish shit show on display to the entire planet.
I don't think any of the candidates will make a tangible impact on the lives of Americans. A vast majority of the policies being promoted are aspirational, especially if you don't have a cooperative Congress to move them forward. I'm not in the least bit excited about a Biden Presidency although he would be exponentially better than Trump, which if I'm reading the poll correctly, is the general sentiment among a majority of voters.

You are wrong.

A progressive candidate will and can immediate reshape the Supreme Court which is currently stacked with Corporatists.
With a Democratic Congress the filibuster can be removed. Real help can be given. Urgent help with Health Care.

That must be the start.

People? Many are simply trying to survive.
And the media..all of em. lie.

Real journalism is dead.
We have paid stooges spouting lies. The cost of health Care? 27 Trillion?

We must fight this.

Trump is not the problem. He is the result of candidates like Biden.
You are wrong.

A progressive candidate will and can immediate reshape the Supreme Court which is currently stacked with Corporatists.
With a Democratic Congress the filibuster can be removed. Real help can be given. Urgent help with Health Care.

That must be the start.

People? Many are simply trying to survive.
And the media..all of em. lie.

Real journalism is dead.
We have paid stooges spouting lies. The cost of health Care? 27 Trillion?

We must fight this.

Trump is not the problem. He is the result of candidates like Biden.

You're not going to get anyone much more progressive on the court through Senate confirmation than what Obama did with Sotomayor and Kagan, so there's really no advantage to voting Sanders over Biden in this regard.
I meant you can increase the number of seats.
4 more at least with Progressives.
That Has to be the start.

I got that bit. What I'm saying is you're not guaranteed much variance in the sort of SCOTUS candidate you can actually get through the Senate by way of Sanders or Biden. You are going to get roughly similar choices since a GOP Senate (or even a narrowly Dem Senate) aren't going to approve judges too far in left field. Also, Judges are of course not supposed to be political pawns to advance policy.
I got that bit. What I'm saying is you're not guaranteed much variance in the sort of SCOTUS candidate you can actually get through the Senate by way of Sanders or Biden. You are going to get roughly similar choices since a GOP Senate (or even a narrowly Dem Senate) aren't going to approve judges too far in left field. Also, Judges are of course not supposed to be political pawns to advance policy.

There are many Honest judges. They simply need to be looking at what is right for all.
And a Democratic Senator who does not support such judges will not have the President's support.
He or she will be face a primary challenge.
FDR threatened it.

That changed the minds of many. He had the full support of the people.
A President who speaks to the Truth about those who are standing in the way of real help to the people, those senators will be destroyed.

Honestly, if he had the full support of the people he would have done it.

Why do you capitalize words like Truth and Honest? Is there something to it, or is it just random?
Honestly, if he had the full support of the people he would have done it.

Why do you capitalize words like Truth and Honest? Is there something to it, or is it just random?

If FDR had faced real opposition he would have done what he needed to do.
I capitalize those words because a lot of dishonest politicians use them without understanding what they mean.
You are right.

But that does not mean we should give up the fight.

In the end it is about your vote.

The candidate has to earn it. I said elsewhere, most of the candidates will beat Trump.
But i will not vote for a Corporate nominee whatever the cost.
And I can assure you. There are many others who feels like me.

Who said anything about giving up ? We are about 8 minutes into a 90 minute match, with no debates so far. The numbers will fluctuate a lot for a vast majority of the top 6 or so candidates.
You are right.

But that does not mean we should give up the fight.

In the end it is about your vote.

The candidate has to earn it. I said elsewhere, most of the candidates will beat Trump.
But i will not vote for a Corporate nominee whatever the cost.
And I can assure you. There are many others who feels like me.
It's about realising where the tide is at the moment. Which is the dem base and american voters overall rate the presidency as a higher priority than healthcare, living wage etc. This also means even if Bernie was to win, he's going to struggle massively with creating any ''movement'' in the future.

But of course there is a long way to go yet.
I don't think any of the candidates will make a tangible impact on the lives of Americans. A vast majority of the policies being promoted are aspirational, especially if you don't have a cooperative Congress to move them forward. I'm not in the least bit excited about a Biden Presidency although he would be exponentially better than Trump, which if I'm reading the poll correctly, is the general sentiment among a majority of voters. They want Trump gone and some semblance of normalicy restored to where the Presidency isn't a daily cartoonish shit show on display to the entire planet.

If you don't think Biden will make a tangible impact how can you believe he will be exponentially better?
If you don't think Biden will make a tangible impact how can you believe he will be exponentially better?

Because he will obviously blunt and to a degree, undo, the damage Trump has done in terms of both foreign and domestic policy. So not much in the way of tangible progress as we may expect when one "normal" President is replaced by another normal one, but still exponentially better than what we have now.
Because he will obviously blunt and to a degree, undo, the damage Trump has done in terms of both foreign and domestic policy. So not much in the way of tangible progress as we may expect when one "normal" President is replaced by another normal one, but still exponentially better than what we have now.

What do you think he is going to actually undo though? All Biden's big donors love all Trump's deregulation for just one example
It's about realising where the tide is at the moment. Which is the dem base and american voters overall rate the presidency as a higher priority than healthcare, living wage etc. This also means even if Bernie was to win, he's going to struggle massively with creating any ''movement'' in the future.

But of course there is a long way to go yet.

Guys. I respect and understand the motivations of people whose first priority is to be rid of Trump.

The others who think that somehow Biden is the second coming of Obama...the false prophet, you are going to be hugely disappointed.

Reality is as @oneniltothearsenal says, Biden is simply a less obnoxious version of Trump.
All smiles and hugs and continuation of the same harmful policies.

I still feel Bernie will get through to more people than is said.
But either way this will be his last shot.

He will pass on the baton to younger progressives like Alexandria.

That is where the future of this country lies.

And we will get there.
I don’t imagine there would be much divergence from Obama, with probably a bit more cooperation across the aisle.

Biden forcing cooperation 'across the aisle' with McConnell would probably result in worse things for the bottom 90% than Trump fighting with the Dems in Congress.

Biden in January:

The threat posed by climate change is existential. You know, the first meeting we had in what we called the tank over in the pentagon, Barack and I as new president and vice-president getting briefed, you know what the military said our greatest security threat is? Global warming.

The military. The military.

Simple reason, sea levels rise a half a foot or a foot, you have tens of millions of people migrating. That's how wars start. That's how Darfur started. It matters. And you're seeing elements in your city and we're an average above sea level. Delaware in conjunction with the fed and environmental control agency said by the end of the century, it's a long time, hard for anybody to fathom, 8 to 11% of my state will be underwater. Homes destroyed, towns off the map, and I was down the beach in Delaware, when the EPA talked about how levels of rising next thing I see literally the same day, the national realtors on the air saying we've heard these warnings before, don't worry, buy on the beach. It's not a joke.

So, folks, this is real. I don't have to tell you that. But the fact of the matter is that you're on the ground every day, you see it. Hurricanes, drought, wildfires, mudslides. Mayor, you saw it in Austin, record rainfall led to sediment clogging up your city's water system. And you saw it Mayor Hancock in Denver, and dangerous for people to be inside and live without air conditioning. Our government's recent report found that heat stress and drought kill off up to a quarter of our-- it kill off up to a quarter of our corn and soybean crops.

What does it mean for you mayors from the Midwest, Kansas, Iowa, Nebraska. Not a joke. EPA has spoken. They've laid all of this out. Our scientists have spoken. There's no dispute about this among scientists. Since when do we become science deniers? The united nations told us whether you agree with the exact numbers, we have 12 years to act before it's irreversible.

So, say it's ten years or 20 years, nobody's disputing if we fail to act we're going to have a more serious problem. Until the world is destabilized by food and security disasters, until they lose trillions of dollars in the fallout. Until devastation we've already seen a terrifying glimpse of becomes a new normal, maybe that's the only thing that's going to change people's mind, but I believe, I hope you do, we have to put the country back together. When we pulled out of the Paris climate agreement, 400 of you said not a republican or democrat thing, 400 said not us. Not us. Not my city. We're going to meet the standard. Governors across the nation said, not us. We're not going to do it.
I wonder how much of Biden's popularity at this stage is at least partially related to all the (funny to be fair) memes that appeared of him and Obama when they were leaving the White House painting him as the fun goofy guy...
I wonder how much of Biden's popularity at this stage is at least partially related to all the (funny to be fair) memes that appeared of him and Obama when they were leaving the White House painting him as the fun goofy guy...
Been wondering this myself.
I wonder how much of Biden's popularity at this stage is at least partially related to all the (funny to be fair) memes that appeared of him and Obama when they were leaving the White House painting him as the fun goofy guy...

‘Friendship bracelet’.

I’d even go one step further and say it’s all because of it. The public at large never knew, liked or cared about Joe Biden before he was fortunate enough to be picked by Obama. His best presidential run prior to that was dropping out after finishing 5th in Iowa.

It’s essentially now a matter of whether he’d squander all that goodwill over the course of the primary. Already doing a stellar job of alienating youths.
I wonder how much of Biden's popularity at this stage is at least partially related to all the (funny to be fair) memes that appeared of him and Obama when they were leaving the White House painting him as the fun goofy guy...

I doubt memes have anything to do with it, but there's no doubt he's now inexorably connected to Obama. And since Obama has become quite popular, even more so after 2016, he has an automatic base of support. That said, there's a reason he's never really gotten close to winning the nomination, despite trying several times. His numbers look good now, but it'll be interesting to see what they look like after a few debates and a few more months of campaigning (and attacks from other candidates as the clear front-runner).
I doubt memes have anything to do with it, but there's no doubt he's now inexorably connected to Obama. And since Obama has become quite popular, even more so after 2016, he has an automatic base of support. That said, there's a reason he's never really gotten close to winning the nomination, despite trying several times. His numbers look good now, but it'll be interesting to see what they look like after a few debates and a few more months of campaigning (and attacks from other candidates as the clear front-runner).

I'm willing to bet his numbers don't stay this high after both Trump and Sanders start attacking him.
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