2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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The GOP primary debates gave us some of the biggest laughs though.

They always have. In 2012 I got great enjoyment out of Rick Perry's inability to remember the third federal agency he wanted to dissolve, Herman Cain's 9-9-9, Newt Gingrich's moon base, Michelle Bachmann's evil eyes and Rick Santorum's santorum. Four years before that we had Maverick John McCain's brave decision to pick literal idiot folksy Sarah Palin as his running mate, whose inability to name which newspapers she used to read (answers included: most of them, all of them, any of them) became an SNL sketch which I am pretty sure was just Tina Fey repeating her words verbatim, and whose decision to quit half-way through her term as Governor of Alaska (which, if you didn't know, is close to both Russia and Canada, giving her clear foreign policy credentials) in no way made her a quitter. It was because, to (mis)quote General Douglas MacArthur, "we’re not retreating; we are advancing in another direction".

More chilling was part of the crowd at a Republican primary debate shouting "yeah!" when OG Reddit Hero Ron Paul (Reddit was clearly just beta testing for Donald Trump, I now realize) was asked if someone who chose not to get health insurance and still got sick should just be left to die.

And through all of this, Donald Trump would pop his head out every once in a while, just to make sure everyone still remembered he existed, and I'd sit there and imagine how great it would be if he finally decided to actually run the next time instead of just talking about it. Clearly I'm to blame for all of this.
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More chilling was part of the crowd at a Republican primary debate shouting "yeah!" when OG Reddit Hero Ron Paul (Reddit was clearly just beta testing for Donald Trump, I now realize) was asked if someone who chose not to get health insurance and still got sick should just be left to die.
He got cheers for this and boos for being against torture and bombing Iran. The GOP base is amazing.
I remember Trump saying he would not let anyone without health insurance just die or summat like that.
Rubio and someone else asked..well how to we pay covering these people.

Now look at what Trump is doing.

The fact is they are All cnuts.
The main issues Iowa voters are concerned about are Health Care and Climate Change.
Issues Bernie has been fighting for.

Biden has no Health Care plan...he will talk up the Great ACA....:smirk:
Do you really think Midwestern voters' #1 or 2 issue is climate change? I seriously doubt that.

Biden spoke about the bill on the Senate floor in January 1987 in terms that seem uncannily familiar to present-day warnings. He discussed, among other ills, the threat to human habitat resulting from melting polar ice caps and rising sea levels.

"Life on this planet exists only under highly specialized circumstances," Biden said during a Senate session. "Indeed, so special are these circumstances that even a small rise in temperature could disrupt the entire complicated environment that has nurtured life as we know it."

The measure also called on the president to make climate change a higher priority item on the U.S.-Soviet agenda.

"President Reagan told Secretary General Gorbachev ‘that if we had an invasion from Mars, both sides would put aside our differences.’ While not an exterrestrial threat, global warming could prove no less dangerous," Biden said.
Have you not seen the floodings all over the Mid west in the news?

It clearly is an issue.


Do you think Iowans want to hear that the crops they’re growing are basically feedstock for global warming, due to the remarkable portion of climate change that can be attributed to the meat industry? Or that the ethanol they provide is at best a net-neutral for the environment? Perhaps we should campaign on the algae blooms that wreck the Mississippi delta due to their fertilizer runoff...

When has someone ever won over an electorate by campaigning on the idea that the fundamentals of their economy will have to be destroyed?
Do you think Iowans want to hear that the crops they’re growing are basically feedstock for global warming, due to the remarkable portion of climate change that can be attributed to the meat industry? Or that the ethanol they provide is at best a net-neutral for the environment? Perhaps we should campaign on the algae blooms that wreck the Mississippi delta due to their fertilizer runoff...

When has someone ever won over an electorate by campaigning on the idea that the fundamentals of their economy will have to be destroyed?

Firstly Climate Change is a concern for all.
Secondly The large floods have devested not just homes but farms too.
And I only glanced at this which was quoted in Morning Joe which is pushing Biden who currently is ahead in a poll there.

Its a matter of survival for them and for everyone.
Way past the economics.

And why does addressing Climate Change issues mean the fundamentals of their economics have to be destroyed.
This is not coal country.
But guess what even there they know coal mining is no longer viable.
Midwest Democrats it probably is.

Farming is only a tiny percentage of the overall workforce - agriculture only produces 5% of total personal income in Iowa for example. And a large chunk of farmland is owned by foreign investors
I'm not sure what farmland being owned by foreign investors has to do with it, and the proportion of farming being directly attributed to individuals' income doesn't help that argument either as the manufacturing and service sectors that do make up the bulk of employent are largely the result of the agriculture sector.
I'm not sure what farmland being owned by foreign investors has to do with it, and the proportion of farming being directly attributed to individuals' income doesn't help that argument either as the manufacturing and service sectors that do make up the bulk of employent are largely the result of the agriculture sector.

Because they aren't owned by family homesteaders doing subsistence farming which tends to be the image us city dwellers have when we think of farmers (I have a ousin who married a midwest farmer and he works for a farming conglomerate whereas his grandfather used to own their own family farm)

North America has long been focused on cash crops and there is no reason the bulk of these industry can't easily adapt to new cash crops that help a more green economy - hemp for example which should be used for paper rather than trees could easily replace a lot of geographically illogical ranching and farming (such as the ridiculously resource inefficient ranches in central California that are relics from an earlier era).

For the Democrat primary climate change is an important issue even in the midwest because a lot of people worry about not just tomorrow for themselves but a future living for their children and grandchildren.
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Because they aren't owned by family homesteaders doing subsistence farming which tends to be the image us city dwellers have when we think of farmers (I have a ousin who married a midwest farmer and he works for a farming conglomerate whereas his grandfather used to own their own family farm)

North America has long been focused on cash crops and there is no reason the bulk of these industry can't easily adapt to new cash crops that help a more green economy - hemp for example which should be used for paper rather than trees could easily replace a lot of geographically illogical ranching and farming (such as the ridiculously resource inefficient ranches in central California that are relics from an earlier era).

For the Democrat primary climate change is an important issue even in the midwest because a lot of people worry about not just tomorrow for themselves but a future living for their children and grandchildren.
I'm aware of how the business of agriculture is practised in its modern incarnations. But that doesn't change my point.

The economy of a place like Iowa is subsidized on things inherently destructive to the environment. In a popular vote then, do you run your campaign on tearing all that down, with some abstract hope of rebuilding? I wouldn't...not if I was trying to win.
I'm aware of how the business of agriculture is practised in its modern incarnations. But that doesn't change my point.

The economy of a place like Iowa is subsidized on things inherently destructive to the environment. In a popular vote then, do you run your campaign on tearing all that down, with some abstract hope of rebuilding? I wouldn't...not if I was trying to win.

For the Democrat primary I still see climate change in top 3 issues. For instance this was a poll of Iowa Dems

"Overall, 51 percent of voters ranked health care as their top concern in the poll, followed by 29 percent who listed climate change or protecting the environment. Other top issues included immigration (14 percent), education (14 percent) and jobs (13 percent)."

Some interesting numbers buried in here.


In summary:

- Biden has gained 10 points over all since announcing

- He is polling comparably strong among men and women as well as among whites and non whites

- A staggering 47% of his support comes from low income voters, 77% overall support from people making 100k or less

- His announcement has siphoned votes away from all other previously competitive candidates ranging from Sanders to Beto to Warren to Buttigieg (only Harris remains unchanged).

- He polls higher than all other candidates combined on the "who do you think would make the best leader" question, including across all age groups, income ranges, and among independents.

- He polls higher than every other candidate combined on electability

- Trump has a suffocating stranglehold on the GOP base with 84% support

- 54% of independents say they will "definitely not vote" for Trump in 2020

- People overwhelmingly support the Liz Warren 2% wealth tax on people making $50 or more

- Overall, voters privilege the concept of leadership over policy ideas (only the 18-34 demo disagree)

- Independents side with Republicans in opposing he 70% tax rate for people making $10m and above

- Independents narrowly side with Republicans in opposing free public colleges. The answer remains narrowly no even if it could be funded by a 70% tax on people making 10m or more

- Independents side with Dems on student loan forgiveness, but oppose it if it means taxing the wealthy

- People overwhelmingly reject prisoners voting
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When the debates start the mask will fall away.
Biden will make the lives of the poor especially African Americans worse.

In the end when people see what Biden and his ilk stand for, their eyes will be opened.

As for progressives it is our duty to destroy Biden's candidacy.He is nothing but a bag man for the various corporations.
When the debates start the mask will fall away.
Biden will make the lives of the poor especially African Americans worse.

In the end when people see what Biden and his ilk stand for, their eyes will be opened.

As for progressives it is our duty to destroy Biden's candidacy.He is nothing but a bag man for the various corporations.

Maybe progressives should join forces with Rudy Giuliani and go on a fact finding trip to Ukraine.
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