2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Mayor Pete is embracing the Jimmy Carter comparisons


He and Carter seem to share similar views on Religion
He and Carter seem to share similar views on Religion

Kloubachar and Booker visited him him a few months ago. Nice to see dems embrace Jimmy after spending years trying to keep a distance from "a failed president"
Be interesting to see who he endorses since he voted for Bernie last time. But also speaks fondly of Biden if you read his books. Biden was one of the first senators to endorse him and very loyal - the first person to inform him Ted Kennedy was going to challenge for the nomination.
actual words: "cory booker says he will name a woman as his running mate, will you make the same pledge?"
the posted tweet: "would you name a woman as a running mate"

so not only did it change from "will you pledge to name a woman" to "would you name a woman", the interviewer then says "...person of color", clearly adding that onto his original question. so its also "will you pledge to name a person of color" and not "would you name a person of color". bernie clearly thinks its too early to commit to any potential vp, regardless of what demographic boxes they check

Bernie was right not to say now.

But if he is the nominee, it will be Nina Turner.
Yeah it's trying to be a gotcha question as if somehow Bernie doesn't pick a women of colour(They always mean a black women, liberals have a real
racial fetishism with black women)then he's somehow a racist. My only issue is Bernie never calls interviewer out for this, he always too nice or too worried that he will alienate at certain voter base.

Also agree with you if Bernie wins he will pick Nina which would will be a brilliant choice.
Yeah it's trying to be a gotcha question as if somehow Bernie doesn't pick a women of colour(They always mean a black women, liberals have a real
racial fetishism with black women)then he's somehow a racist. My only issue is Bernie never calls interviewer out for this, he always too nice or too worried that he will alienate at certain voter base.

Also agree with you if Bernie wins he will pick Nina which would will be a brilliant choice.

If you have heard Nina Turner speak about Bernie, you realize why she supported him so strongly in 2016 and not Hillary.
Bernie actually wants to help all people. He recognizes that black people are the most disadvantaged.
Hillary and other Democrats only want the black vote. They do nothing for them. In fact many of them pass legislation that harms them.
There's no way that's true.

Probably among the democrats that voted Trump it is true.

Trump actually talked a lot of sense during his campaign. Can't fault those who voted him for believing him (or wanting to believe him), after decades of being lied by the democratic party and the

He ended up being more of the same status quo, but it was worth a try, giving the other alternative was hackish Hillary.
Probably among the democrats that voted Trump it is true.

Sure, but.. I mean, isn't that a bit self-evident? Democrats who voted Trump weren't Clinton supporters, so that doesn't really leave us with many options.

This was said in 2016 from several sources and once again said recently.
It makes sense because neither of them gave the same Corporate lines.

Said by who? That's the vaguest possible way you could phrase that.

At the end of the day, most Trump voters were perennial Republicans. And I'm pretty sure most of them wouldn't vote for a self-professed socialist.
Probably among the democrats that voted Trump it is true.

Trump actually talked a lot of sense during his campaign. Can't fault those who voted him for believing him (or wanting to believe him), after decades of being lied by the democratic party and the

He ended up being more of the same status quo, but it was worth a try, giving the other alternative was hackish Hillary.
You mean the Mexicans sending rapists part, or the mocking a disabled reporter part?
Sure, but.. I mean, isn't that a bit self-evident? Democrats who voted Trump weren't Clinton supporters, so that doesn't really leave us with many options.

Said by who? That's the vaguest possible way you could phrase that.

At the end of the day, most Trump voters were perennial Republicans. And I'm pretty sure most of them wouldn't vote for a self-professed socialist.

Trump talked about jobs and health care.
Of course he blamed the Democrats, Obama and illegals for all the problems.

Bernie addresses the very same issues and more except he offers solutions not blame.


Many Trump voters were Reagan Democrats and had traditionally voted Democrat.
But Clinton with NAFTA screwed them.
The Rust belt suffered.
Obama gave his Hope and Change and he also produced nothing.
Trump talked about jobs and health care.
Of course he blamed the Democrats, Obama and illegals for all the problems.

Bernie addresses the very same issues and more except he offers solutions not blame.


Many Trump voters were Reagan Democrats and had traditionally voted Democrat.
But Clinton with NAFTA screwed them.
The Rust belt suffered.
Obama gave his Hope and Change and he also produced nothing.

I don't see how any of this results in the sentence "most Trump voters had Bernie as their second choice". You can think of as many reasons as you want, but there's still no way that most Trump voters had Bernie second. Most Trump voters had other Republican candidates second.
I don't see how any of this results in the sentence "most Trump voters had Bernie as their second choice". You can think of as many reasons as you want, but there's still no way that most Trump voters had Bernie second. Most Trump voters had other Republican candidates second.

This was said several times by presenters on political shows.
You can dispute it of course and say they don't know what they are talking about.

Trump voters rejected other candidates like Jeb Bush, Rubio and Cruz who are deficit hawks

These candidates never addressed their real concerns. Just like Hillary never addressed them.
I think polls like that in red states should be treated as dodgy. Don't get complacent. Quite possible people polled are saying one thing but secretly mean the other. The economic numbers are good so I expect Trump (if it holds to 2020) to have more support there. I don't believe there is that much competitiveness against Trump from so many of the field.
I think polls like that in red states should be treated as dodgy. Don't get complacent. Quite possible people polled are saying one thing but secretly mean the other. The economic numbers are good so I expect Trump (if it holds to 2020) to have more support there. I don't believe there is that much competitiveness against Trump from so many of the field.

Arizona tends to skew to the center for Dems so this sort of number isn’t particularly surprising. Sinema won there last year and David Garcia, who ran as a Sanders style progressive, got clobbered by a very beatable GOP incumbent Governor.
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A lot of unavailable tweets

The account just got suspended. Basically someone asked Biden (in 2007) why Iowa schools are better than DC schools and one of the first things he said was along the lines of "Iowa has less black people". And its obviously not what he said outright but its very telling that his mind immediately went to that and blamed it.
This is why Democrats lost last time . Too much bitter infighting and dirty tricks on each other,.

That's why I don't care what Democrat faces Trump so long as they win
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