2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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trump personally did climate change guys it has nothing to do with decades of misuse of the worlds resources and scientific suppression from fossil fuel industry that will continue under the paris agreement

all we need to do it elect someone who is only racist in private and uses dogwhistles instead of being openly racist and we'll undo decades of climate damage while pumping up those oil numbers and changing nothing about the way our economy is structured

why aren't you voting for me
I get that you are all about the polemic hyperbole but that wouldn't have been an issue if Clinton and Obama presidencies had done their job for their people. And the corporations and rich elites have been ruining the world long before Trump ever got to be Pres.
If the Democrats want to win they need to offer meaningful ideas that make people want to vote. Just to post this again because its an important message:

"The story of 2016 is really about nonvoters. And the story of 2020 should be about how to advance a politics that can energize and engage those nonvoters.

Yet the conclusion widely drawn from 2016 — where 57 percent of white voters chose a Republican candidate, in line with every other presidential election in the past nineteen years — is that appealing to working-class, white Trump voters is necessary for the next Democratic challenger. Trump’s 2016 victory — where he won over white voters with no college degree — was less a bellwether than business as usual for white voters: since 1968, 55 percent of them on average have voted for a Republican president."

The scourge of this country has been the Centrist candidate who did not do anything positive for the working people but in fact stabbed their backs.
Clinton is the best example.
Hey why not nominate his wife who was worse.
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Telling people who care about climate change to vote dem over republican for policy reasons is offensively ignorant, both parties have long standing policies of imprisoning climate protestors and doing everything in their power to make life easier and more profitable for fossil fuel companies. They both take lobbying cash from the industry. They both propagate economic systems that have allowed climate change to accelerate endlessly. They've both rejected and pushed back against even the most milquetoast protests, i.e the children's protests of recent months which is the most benign shit in the world which are treated with contempt in Washington.

The Paris agreement is a sack of shit designed for world leaders to pat themselves on the back for doing shit all to actually tackle the problem. It's not going to save anyone and isn't going to slow down or even reverse any of the problems.
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Record turn out for young people in 2018.

Biden: not on my watch.

- opposed busing to end de-segregation
- unfair treatment of Anita Hill
- fanatical support for the horrific 1994 crime bill and 3 strikes
- big sponsor of the bankruptcy bill that credit card companies wanted
- supported the Iraq War and Patriot failing to conduct due diligence as was his duty
- threw the people under the bus to favor profits of pharmaceuticals and greedy HMO

"I have no empathy" - Joe Biden

Looks like Biden and I agree on something. He has no empathy.
- opposed busing to end de-segregation
- unfair treatment of Anita Hill
- fanatical support for the horrific 1994 crime bill and 3 strikes
- big sponsor of the bankruptcy bill that credit card companies wanted
- supported the Iraq War and Patriot failing to conduct due diligence as was his duty
- threw the people under the bus to favor profits of pharmaceuticals and greedy HMO

"I have no empathy" - Joe Biden

Looks like Biden and I agree on something. He has no empathy.

We need to actively do everything to destroy his candidacy.
Non of the others are as horrific as this bag man for the corporations.
- opposed busing to end de-segregation
- unfair treatment of Anita Hill
- fanatical support for the horrific 1994 crime bill and 3 strikes
- big sponsor of the bankruptcy bill that credit card companies wanted
- supported the Iraq War and Patriot failing to conduct due diligence as was his duty
- threw the people under the bus to favor profits of pharmaceuticals and greedy HMO

"I have no empathy" - Joe Biden

Looks like Biden and I agree on something. He has no empathy.
and he is one of the frontrunners for the Democrats:wenger:
The scourge of this country has been the Centrist candidate who did not do anything positive for the working people but in fact stabbed their backs.
Clinton is the best example.
Hey why not nominate his wife who was worse.

When I hear the Clinton-Biden people talk I really feel I am being gaslighted (gaslit?).

Its like the entire shift in wealth from the bottom 90% to the top 1% doesn't matter at all because they won some sensational victory over the Republicans in committee forcing McConnell to agree to 7 instead of a 6 on some regulatory form the rules of which were written by the industry lobbyists to begin with.
When I hear the Clinton-Biden people talk I really feel I am being gaslighted (gaslit?).

Its like the entire shift in wealth from the bottom 90% to the top 1% doesn't matter at all because they won some sensational victory over the Republicans in committee forcing McConnell to agree to 7 instead of a 6 on some regulatory form the rules of which were written by the industry lobbyists to begin with.

But hey they Are better than Trump.

So hold your nose and jump into the shit bucket..err and vote for them.
Biden will probably win. He'll become president, make no improvements to the lives of Americans and continue Americas murderous foreign policy and we'll be here in 2023 with a lot of posters wondering how it's possible that a clone of Adolf Hitler is resonating with primary voters.
I still think if Biden wins he will lose to Trump.

A lot of people have forgotten just how effective Trump was in 2016. He's going to get even more air time than last time, Trump is literally going to call Biden a loser for his son dying in Iraq and half of American will talk about what this mean for the country, this outrage will forever change the nation etc and the other half will fecking love it and scream to lock up Joe Biden dead son. Meanwhile no one anything to the working classes so they stay home and don't vote.
I still think if Biden wins he will lose to Trump.

A lot of people have forgotten just how effective Trump was in 2016. He's going to get even more air time than last time, Trump is literally going to call Biden a loser for dying in Iraq and half of American will talk about what this mean for the country, this outrage will forever change the nation etc and the other half will fecking love it and scream to lock up Joe Biden dead son. Meanwhile no one anything to the working classes so they stay home and don't vote.

If he loses it wont be because of Trump, it will be because progressives don't turn out to vote. Trump is banking on the fact that Dems will be at war which will suppress their turnout numbers and gift him a 2nd term.
I still think if Biden wins he will lose to Trump.

A lot of people have forgotten just how effective Trump was in 2016. He's going to get even more air time than last time, Trump is literally going to call Biden a loser for his son dying in Iraq and half of American will talk about what this mean for the country, this outrage will forever change the nation etc and the other half will fecking love it and scream to lock up Joe Biden dead son. Meanwhile no one anything to the working classes so they stay home and don't vote.

Bill O'reilly has been making the rounds talking up Biden and how only Biden can beat Trump. I think the Republicans are less scared of Biden than a progressive surge like Bernie could provide.
Bill O'reilly has been making the rounds talking up Biden and how only Biden can beat Trump. I think the Republicans are less scared of Biden than a progressive surge like Bernie could provide.

Every Republican I know is scared of Biden and none of them are scared of Sanders, because they view him and his policies as the most extreme and thus the easiest to beat.
Every Republican I know is scared of Biden and none of them are scared of Sanders, because they view him and his policies as the most extreme and thus the easiest to beat.
I think politics has changed. Obama's victory was a sign of what was/is needed to win elections these days. Look at the midterms. People are tired of the same old politics. Though Biden is typically strong in the states that matter but then so is Bernie.
Every Republican I know is scared of Biden and none of them are scared of Sanders, because they view him and his policies as the most extreme and thus the easiest to beat.

A good sign for Sanders then. No Democrat I knew was scared of Trump in 2015 either.
I think Biden can win as most of the others including Bernie and Warren.
The real problem will come after.
Because Biden will do feck all.

And we will have another extreme candidate on the other side who will blame minorities...or perhaps I should say non-white people for white people having a fecked up life and we will get to race riots.
I think politics has changed. Obama's victory was a sign of what was/is needed to win elections these days. Look at the midterms. People are tired of the same old politics. Though Biden is typically strong in the states that matter but then so is Bernie.

It completely depends on how you view the midterms. A majority of those exit polled last November (something like 64%) said they voted for or against Trump (GOP in support, Dems as a check), while about 33% said they didn't vote based on anything related to Trump. That will likely continue next November, where the Dems are going to go for something they can feel can actually win the election instead of put forth aspirational policies that make people feel good during the campaign but never wind up getting implemented.
If he loses it wont be because of Trump, it will be because progressives don't turn out to vote. Trump is banking on the fact that Dems will be at war which will suppress their turnout numbers and gift him a 2nd term.

Progressives not turning out to vote for Biden should not be surprise for Dems given what happened with Hillary in 2016. Even back then when some said Biden should have run, I always maintained that he would get the same pushback as Hillary did with the left. Only reason he may gotten elected back then is lack of misogyny factor.
Nominating another centrist establishment candidate is like Dem party double daring progressives not to risk another term of Trump instead of actually trying out an actual progressive and letting loyal centrists come through to win the election.
I still think if Biden wins he will lose to Trump.

A lot of people have forgotten just how effective Trump was in 2016. He's going to get even more air time than last time, Trump is literally going to call Biden a loser for his son dying in Iraq and half of American will talk about what this mean for the country, this outrage will forever change the nation etc and the other half will fecking love it and scream to lock up Joe Biden dead son. Meanwhile no one anything to the working classes so they stay home and don't vote.
Didn't his son die from cancer?

If Biden loses, it won't because fo Trump, but it would be because a lot of progressive voters won't vote for a centre-right politician like Biden.
She is smart enough to respond Trump got to be president by sleeping with Putin.

Hillary said something similar when she said he was a Russian puppet. None of that stuff sticks and only winds bringing the candidate down to Trump’s level instead of embarrassing him. Also see what happened when Rubio tried to tussle with him on hand size. It always ends badly.
Hillary said something similar when she said he was a Russian puppet. None of that stuff sticks and only winds bringing the candidate down to Trump’s level instead of embarrassing him. Also see what happened when Rubio tried to tussle with him on hand size. It always ends badly.

Not sure there's any evidence that going down to his level is what cost those candidates. Trump beat everyone, including the ones who didn't really go after him.
Not sure there's any evidence that going down to his level is what cost those candidates. Trump beat everyone, including the ones who didn't really go after him.

It feeds into the narrative he wants, which is to do battle with other candidates, give them nicknames and then leverage that new branding further on the campaign trail. Taking him head on in this regard rarely if ever works for who ever is doing it. The one candidate who came out of the GOP primaries with his head intact, Kasich, was the one who barely spent any time taking Trump on and instead actually tried to talk about issues.
Hillary said something similar when she said he was a Russian puppet. None of that stuff sticks and only winds bringing the candidate down to Trump’s level instead of embarrassing him. Also see what happened when Rubio tried to tussle with him on hand size. It always ends badly.

It sticks when it's a man saying it. That's not me trying to be sexist - it's just how the public responds still in this day and age. If it were solely down to policy then Warren should be wiping the floor with the field yet she's always been below Biden/Bernie in the polls, and even Beto now and again. I think in many voters mind it's clearly about projection of strength i.e. manliness because we think of the commander-in-chief of the biggest military in the world needing to be macho.
Mayor Pete is embracing the Jimmy Carter comparisons

It sticks when it's a man saying it. That's not me trying to be sexist - it's just how the public responds still in this day and age. If it were solely down to policy then Warren should be wiping the floor with the field yet she's always been below Biden/Bernie in the polls, and even Beto now and again. I think in many voters mind it's clearly about projection of strength i.e. manliness because we think of the commander-in-chief of the biggest military in the world needing to be macho.

The Dems would be better of just sticking to policy. Trump hates being confronted with wonkish specifics and would be found out fairly quickly if his opponent avoided attacking and kept things as dignified as possible. Staying positive deprives him of his oxygen to control the narrative.
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