2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Is a weird poll for one reason-
When Hillary is included the numbers are 34-17-6 Biden Bernie hrc. It makes no sense to me at least.

Anyway I spent yesterday starting at the PDF, this is what I found.

My favourite part of that study (the full PDF) is when only 94% of respondents say that they've heard of the US Military. 88% for the FBI.
The fact Biden says Trump does not represent all Republicans is either naive or confirmation he will do nothing to advance any Democratic agenda.
The Republicans will block and Biden will accept.
With such a candidate it is likely the Democrats will also lose the house.
The typical braindead lbertarian will always talk up how great the economy is.
Reality is that millions of Americans are barely making ends meets.
these shit for brains people and others who advocate voting for the lesser of two evil do not realize that in such a case you still get evil.

Good grief man.
The typical braindead lbertarian will always talk up how great the economy is.
Reality is that millions of Americans are barely making ends meets.
these shit for brains people and others who advocate voting for the lesser of two evil do not realize that in such a case you still get evil.

Good grief man.

I'm not sure I get what you mean. If there's only two possible candidates then what do you do? Voting for the lesser evil seems logical.
I'm not sure I get what you mean. If there's only two possible candidates then what do you do? Voting for the lesser evil seems logical.

By voting for the lesser evil you enable and become part of the lies that are being perpetrated.
The Corporations that push these candidates count on that 'logical choice'.

But life is not about taking the path of least resistance. Its about doing what is right.
By voting for the lesser evil you enable and become part of the lies that are being perpetrated.
The Corporations that push these candidates count on that 'logical choice'.

But life is not about taking the path of least resistance. Its about doing what is right.
So I should vote for someone that can't win?
I'll vote for Bernie if he gets through. I believe in what he says.
So I should vote for someone that can't win?
I'll vote for Bernie if he gets through. I believe in what he says.

Whether its Bernie or someone else, its the issues that matter.
If Bernie and the progressives had not got so close in 2016, so called 'fringe issues' like Universal Health Care would not be at the forefront in the coming cycle.

Many people underestimate the power a private citizen has. It starts at your local level.
You can influence what happens further up. Town Halls are not the only way to do that.
There are many good people who want to serve.
They want to know what is important to you. What will drive you to the voting booth.

Once corporations realize that you will not simply 'accept' they will compromise and move towards the goals that we all share.
Fairness and justice.

We can easily afford Universal Health Care. All the lies about the cost are manufactured.

An individual's vote is powerful.

They need it. They will have to earn it. no one is entitled to it.
It obviously goes without saying that Trump's biggest issue in this election obviously falls with the independents. I don't see what he's going to be able to do to win them over either. I bet good money that he breaks all traditions and refuses to debate with the other Presidential nominees. I just don't see him putting himself in a position where he can be openly criticised and all the dirt that has been revealed used against him with no ability to control the questioning or way of shutting down the person discussing what he is desperate to suppress.
It obviously goes without saying that Trump's biggest issue in this election obviously falls with the independents. I don't see what he's going to be able to do to win them over either. I bet good money that he breaks all traditions and refuses to debate with the other Presidential nominees. I just don't see him putting himself in a position where he can be openly criticised and all the dirt that has been revealed used against him with no ability to control the questioning or way of shutting down the person discussing what he is desperate to suppress.
Kamala debating Trump would be the highlight of her presidency.
I'm not sure I get what you mean. If there's only two possible candidates then what do you do? Voting for the lesser evil seems logical.
No no, apparently it was better to not vote and get Trump ruining the world than to vote for Hillary who agrees with most their positions (just not all of them).
Kamala debating Trump would be the highlight of her presidency.

She’d get eaten alive by Trump in a debate since he doesn’t adhere to any formal debating standards and would basically ask her on national TV how she slept her way into politics by shagging Willie Brown.
No no, apparently it was better to not vote and get Trump ruining the world than to vote for Hillary who agrees with most their positions (just not all of them).

Trump didn't "ruin the world". Reagan, Clinton and Bush already did far more damage than Trump has done and the far right movement has been going on longer than Trump, he is just a symptom.

And your post is off-topic. Take you 2016 trolling to a different thread.
Trump didn't "ruin the world". Reagan, Clinton and Bush already did far more damage than Trump has done and the far right movement has been going on longer than Trump, he is just a symptom.

And your post is off-topic. Take you 2016 trolling to a different thread.
Trump took the US out of the Paris accord and reversed plenty of climate change regulations - ruining the world.

Also it’s not about 2016, it’s more about the principal of voting for the better choice when given a choice of 2. Whilst I don’t agree with Bernie’s position on many things, I’ll try to get him a few votes if it ended up Bernie v Trump
Trump took the US out of the Paris accord and reversed plenty of climate change regulations - ruining the world.

Also it’s not about 2016, it’s more about the principal of voting for the better choice when given a choice of 2. Whilst I don’t agree with Bernie’s position on many things, I’ll try to get him a few votes if it ended up Bernie v Trump

I get that you are all about the polemic hyperbole but that wouldn't have been an issue if Clinton and Obama presidencies had done their job for their people. And the corporations and rich elites have been ruining the world long before Trump ever got to be Pres.
If the Democrats want to win they need to offer meaningful ideas that make people want to vote. Just to post this again because its an important message:

"The story of 2016 is really about nonvoters. And the story of 2020 should be about how to advance a politics that can energize and engage those nonvoters.

Yet the conclusion widely drawn from 2016 — where 57 percent of white voters chose a Republican candidate, in line with every other presidential election in the past nineteen years — is that appealing to working-class, white Trump voters is necessary for the next Democratic challenger. Trump’s 2016 victory — where he won over white voters with no college degree — was less a bellwether than business as usual for white voters: since 1968, 55 percent of them on average have voted for a Republican president."
I get that you are all about the polemic hyperbole but that wouldn't have been an issue if Clinton and Obama presidencies had done their job for their people. And the corporations and rich elites have been ruining the world long before Trump ever got to be Pres.
If the Democrats want to win they need to offer meaningful ideas that make people want to vote. Just to post this again because its an important message:

"The story of 2016 is really about nonvoters. And the story of 2020 should be about how to advance a politics that can energize and engage those nonvoters.

Yet the conclusion widely drawn from 2016 — where 57 percent of white voters chose a Republican candidate, in line with every other presidential election in the past nineteen years — is that appealing to working-class, white Trump voters is necessary for the next Democratic challenger. Trump’s 2016 victory — where he won over white voters with no college degree — was less a bellwether than business as usual for white voters: since 1968, 55 percent of them on average have voted for a Republican president."
Not really, if they want to win they need to find someone who can get those 80k votes in those 3 states.

You're mistaking winning to offering the most popular position.
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