2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Her lack of electability is rooted in the fact that she’s brand new to Congress and beyond her usual grandstanding at Senate hearings (like yesterday), she doesn’t have much to show for herself. That could of course be mitigated if she had some degree of star power like an Obama or Beto, but she just can’t seem to connect with average people and she’s also apparently having problems getting black voters (Biden is currently killing her among Black women) which is pretty ominous in terms of electability.
Her lack of electability is rooted in the fact that she’s brand new to Congress and beyond her usual grandstanding at Senate hearings (like yesterday), she doesn’t have much to show for herself. That could of course be mitigated if she had some degree of star power like an Obama or Beto, but she just can’t seem to connect with average people and she’s also apparently having problems getting black voters (Biden is currently killing her among Black women) which is pretty ominous in terms of electability.
Have you even read the article?

The Progressive Change Campaign Committee, a populist liberal PAC, polled its own members, asking why they supported their candidates of choice, and found basically an inverse relationship between which candidate’s supporters thought their pick would make the “best president” (Warren by a landslide) and which ones were motivated by their belief that their candidate is the most “electable” (Biden). As PCCC co-founder Adam Green put it: “Barely a majority of Biden’s own current supporters believe he would be the best Democratic president.”

The issue at hands isn’t really about Harris, no one gives a toss if she wins or loses, but the perception of ‘electability’ when there’s really nothing substantial to back it up. The two most ‘electable’ candidates currently are two old white men, one perennially failed running for president and now owes his standing to the prestige of a much younger charismatic black man who chose him out of political expediency, the other was demonised throughout the last cycle as a kooky socialist who wouldn’t stand a chance in a general election (and still is, in many quarters). There’s no logic there, just pure Beltway chattering class’s bollocks.
It’s not really about Joe Biden though is it.

And magically one day later... :lol:

[O]ne of [Biden's] most memorable performances came on a trip to Kiev in March 2016, when he threatened to withhold $1 billion in United States loan guarantees if Ukraine’s leaders did not dismiss the country’s top prosecutor, who had been accused of turning a blind eye to corruption in his own office and among the political elite.

The pressure campaign worked. The prosecutor general, long a target of criticism from other Western nations and international lenders, was soon voted out by the Ukrainian Parliament.

Among those who had a stake in the outcome was Hunter Biden, Mr. Biden’s younger son, who at the time was on the board of an energy company owned by a Ukrainian oligarch who had been in the sights of the fired prosecutor general.

They show how Hunter Biden and his American business partners were part of a broad effort by Burisma to bring in well-connected Democrats during a period when the company was facing investigations backed not just by domestic Ukrainian forces but by officials in the Obama administration. Hunter Biden’s work for Burisma prompted concerns among State Department officials at the time that the connection could complicate Vice President Biden’s diplomacy in Ukraine, former officials said.

Hunter Biden, who left Burisma’s board last month, was one of many politically prominent Americans of both major parties who made money in Ukraine over the last decade. In several cases — most notably that of Paul Manafort, President Trump’s former campaign chairman — that business came under criminal investigation that exposed a seedy side of the lucrative Western consulting industry in Ukraine.

The Trump team’s efforts to draw attention to the Bidens’ work in Ukraine, which is already yielding coverage in conservative media, has been led partly by Rudolph W. Giuliani, who served as a lawyer for Mr. Trump in the investigation by the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III. Mr. Giuliani’s involvement raises questions about whether Mr. Trump is endorsing an effort to push a foreign government to proceed with a case that could hurt a political opponent at home.
The story of 2016 is really about nonvoters. And the story of 2020 should be about how to advance a politics that can energize and engage those nonvoters.

Yet the conclusion widely drawn from 2016 — where 57 percent of white voters chose a Republican candidate, in line with every other presidential election in the past nineteen years — is that appealing to working-class, white Trump voters is necessary for the next Democratic challenger. Trump’s 2016 victory — where he won over white voters with no college degree — was less a bellwether than business as usual for white voters: since 1968, 55 percent of them on average have voted for a Republican president.

But rather than center their efforts on progressive nonvoters, establishment Democrats are eagerly citing offhand anecdotes about Biden’s hometown of Scranton, his support from some labor unions, and, it seems, simply pointing to his identity as white and male.

To be clear, no working-class constituency should be written off. Polls show that union membership is a crucial variable in shaping the voting habits of white workers in particular, giving them a common sense about the economy and society that is more in line with progressive politics. Populist rhetoric can also move the needle: Obama won over a fair number of non-college educated white voters in 2012 by painting Mitt Romney as an out-of-touch corporate executive. But prioritizing the slice of white workers that voted for Trump instead of, say, poor and working-class voters of all races who didn’t go to the polls in 2016, makes little sense.
I had a listen to the video posted underneath. Biden has a cringey habit of trying to be overly sincere which is probably the politician's take on "you scratch my back and i'll scratch yours". But that's 14 seconds of about 10 minutes where he says he strongly disagreed with the way Cheney used the Vice Presidency, that when he met in the transition meeting Biden told him he would not keep the national security apparatus Cheney built up to expand his powers, and that Cheney wrote the agenda for Bush whereas Obama and Biden worked as a team.

"I have a harsh view of how the vice presidency, the office was used. So that's why I never, I mean he knew because I was in the Senate during this period, he knew my strong disagreement. Remember he was talked about being an independent in that he was not executive, he was not legislative, he was...I don't know what he was."

"That could not have happened without President Bush permitting it to happen. So that's why I said it was a very different relationship. And I think at the end of it, it appeared he had lost President Bush's confidence. At the end, because of a lot of things I guess. But in terms of the transition he was extremely gracious. But I've done nothing to....there's no similarity between the office."

Again, Biden once again shot himself in the foot with the opening statement...Cheney should be on trial in the Hague. But if you listen to the full clip Mondale also said Cheney's interactions with him were kind...before going on to attack him for his policies for taking things to the dark side not responding to subpoenas, promoting torture and so on. This reporter never mentioned that.

I'm not a fan of selectively chosen clips which are designed to get maximum retweets with a prompted tweet underneath saying "by the way if you want to judge for yourself here's the link".
I had a listen to the video posted underneath. Biden has a cringey habit of trying to be overly sincere which is probably the politician's take on "you scratch my back and i'll scratch yours". But that's 14 seconds of about 10 minutes where he says he strongly disagreed with the way Cheney used the Vice Presidency, that when he met in the transition meeting Biden told him he would not keep the national security apparatus Cheney built up to expand his powers, and that Cheney wrote the agenda for Bush whereas Obama and Biden worked as a team.

Again, Biden once again shot himself in the foot with the opening statement...Cheney should be on trial in the Hague. But if you listen to the full clip Mondale also said Cheney's interactions with him were kind...before going on to attack him for his policies for taking things to the dark side not responding to subpoenas, promoting torture and so on. This reporter never mentioned that.

I'm not a fan of selectively chosen clips which are designed to get maximum retweets with a prompted tweet underneath saying "by the way if you want to judge for yourself here's the link".

That's what these debates typically descend into. Candidate A once said this, what a terrible person they are etc.
That's what these debates typically descend into. Candidate A once said this, what a terrible person they are etc.

Doesn't mean it's right. This reporter scoured through a 5 hour video for 14 seconds to say "gotcha".

Plus if Joe Biden is a closet republican, is Bernie getting flack from his supporters for calling Biden a friend...?
Bennet spouting the same corporate lie, that people want to keep their Employer health care with high premiums and deductibles.
Medicare for All will take away these wonderful health care plans they have. :smirk:

I know loads of people who are perfectly ok with their current employer based insurance schemes. Ultimately people are animated by their own personal interests rather than thinking in big picture terms, which is why Medicare for all won’t be happening anytime soon. A more plausible approach would be the Medicare for America bill which allows everyone to be covered while still giving people the option to retain their current coverage if they so desire.
I know loads of people who are perfectly ok with their current employer based insurance schemes. Ultimately people are animated by their own personal interests rather than thinking in big picture terms, which is why Medicare for all won’t be happening anytime soon. A more plausible approach would be the Medicare for America bill which allows everyone to be covered while still giving people the option to retain their current coverage if they so desire.

That's a devil you know situation. No one would seriously be against Medicare for all if it were to be created. If they were, all it would take for them to change their mind is a friend loved one getting ill and not having to obtain a second or third mortgage to pay for their treatment.
That's a devil you know situation. No one would seriously be against Medicare for all if it were to be created. If they were, all it would take for them to change their mind is a friend loved one getting ill and not having to obtain a second or third mortgage to pay for their treatment.

There are plenty of nuances within that debate. For instance, if people know Medicare for all won’t happen now due to the current political climate and they were instead given an option to get Medicare now or stay on their current employer based plans (thereby covering 100% of the population) or staying on Obamacare (high premiums and 30% uncovered), or worse a Republican plan to go back to the pre-ACA days then the public are more likely to want to move forward with something that is tangibly achievable in the present, with the knowledge that once the government gives the public an entitlement, it is extremely difficult to take it back. So Medicare for all would eventually happen by way of an intermediary step called Medicare for America.
I know loads of people who are perfectly ok with their current employer based insurance schemes. Ultimately people are animated by their own personal interests rather than thinking in big picture terms, which is why Medicare for all won’t be happening anytime soon. A more plausible approach would be the Medicare for America bill which allows everyone to be covered while still giving people the option to retain their current coverage if they so desire.

As Kamela Harris point out in those town halls last week, the way this is framed is extremely misleading. I've never heard a single person even when I was doing academic focus groups say that they liked their employer based insurance.

No one gives a flying feck about keeping their privatized health insurance agent. What people want to keep is the doctor they trust, as Harris pointed out.

This is an extremely important distinction that Harris and all the other Democrats need to hammer home again and again. No one wants to fight to keep their employer based insurance plan. People just want to make sure they can keep the doctors and specialists they already know and trust.

Ain't no one going to the streets to fight to keep employer based health insurance agents
I know loads of people who are perfectly ok with their current employer based insurance schemes. Ultimately people are animated by their own personal interests rather than thinking in big picture terms, which is why Medicare for all won’t be happening anytime soon. A more plausible approach would be the Medicare for America bill which allows everyone to be covered while still giving people the option to retain their current coverage if they so desire.

Those people you know have been misinformed/disinformed. They believe the lies they have been fed.
Lets look at the facts.

it is impossible to have better health care because you have to go through an insurance company.

It will be a lot cheaper to have Medicare For All And you get to see the same doctor or go to any doctor you want to see for huge savings to you.

You are right that Medicare for all wont be happening soon if we keep electing corporate stooges. Because they do not serve the people. They serve corporations.
As Kamela Harris point out in those town halls last week, the way this is framed is extremely misleading. I've never heard a single person even when I was doing academic focus groups say that they liked their employer based insurance.

No one gives a flying feck about keeping their privatized health insurance agent. What people want to keep is the doctor they trust, as Harris pointed out.

This is an extremely important distinction that Harris and all the other Democrats need to hammer home again and again. No one wants to fight to keep their employer based insurance plan. People just want to make sure they can keep the doctors and specialists they already know and trust.

Ain't no one going to the streets to fight to keep employer based health insurance agents

These corporate candidates LIE that with Medicare For All you will lose the right to see your doctor And have to go to some crowded poor people clinic for people who cannot afford health insurance.

God I fecking hate these bastards.
5 top Democrats beat Trump in latest CNN poll

President Donald Trump is facing stiff competition from five of the top candidates running for the Democratic nomination for President in the latest CNN poll.

And the Democrats are winning, by a wide margin.

At the top of the list: former Rep. Beto O’Rourke, who beats Trump by 10 points, 52% to 42%.

Former Vice President Joe Biden and Senator Bernie Sanders each beat Trump by six points. Biden 51% to 45% for Trump, and Sanders 50% to 44% for Trump.

Senator Kamala Harris beats Trump by four points, 49% to 45%.

And Mayor Pete Buttigieg beats Trump 47% to 44%.

The poll of registered voters also shows Senator Elizabeth Warren, who has picked up in other polls this week, losing to Trump, by just one point, 47% to 48%.

Pinch of salt,it is CNN.But saying that i do feel he can be beaten by most of the top candidates
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De Blasio is going to announce next week that he is running for president.

For feck’s sake, that’s plenty of interchangeable middle-aged or older white men in the race.
De Blasio is going to announce next week that he is running for president.

For feck’s sake, that’s plenty of interchangeable middle-aged or older white men in the race.

This is what happens when politicians see the likes of Gabbard, Swallwell, and Moulten run - they feel like they are being left out of the party.
Bernie would have won. Biden would have won. Beto would win. Practically anyone except Hillary would have won
So you think the DNC should just nominate Beto? Not my first choice, but not too bad.
it's a nice ego trip to go around telling people you're running for president
Many people wont be vocal like those protesters.
They simply wont vote for a gay man.

While that's true, I'd also imagine a vast majority of them will already by Trump voters who wouldn't entertain voting Dem, whether the candidate was gay or not.
As Joe Biden storms through Iowa and prepares for his first visit as a presidential candidate in South Carolina, the Democratic front-runner has said he doesn’t “have the time” to lay out the details of his healthcare plan.

“I don’t have time; I don’t want to keep you standing any longer,” Mr Biden said recently in Iowa City, declining to lay out his vision for America’s healthcare future to the assembled crowd, according to POLITICO.

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