2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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People: “we need something different, refreshingly, and works for us!”
DNC: “no no let’s make the same mistake again!”

We really deserve Trumpism politics if Biden is the nominee/elected.

Former Vice President Joe Biden announced his presidential candidacy on Thursday, and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) took the opportunity to ask supporters to donate to his own presidential campaign in an email with the subject line: "Joe Biden."

"It's a big day in the Democratic primary and we're hoping to end it strong. Not with a fundraiser in the home of a corporate lobbyist, but with an overwhelming number of individual donations in response to today's news. Contribute before midnight. It would mean A LOT to our campaign."— Sen. Bernie Sanders' campaign
I doubt he will campaign much more there than he already has after a year or so visiting each of the counties during the Senate race. The notable thing here is the perception of his electability goes up in a Gen if it looks like Texas is in play. It would instantly suffocate all viable paths to 270 for Trump if a Dem were to win there.

Maybe if he stops doing that weird shit of driving himself to campaign stops so he can 'see the country' and avoiding media events.

I really don't understand the appeal of Beto O'Rourke. Sure compared to Ted Cruz he's a great Democrat choice for Texas, but nationally he's a centre right Dem at a time when the party is moving ever leftwards. The rust belt didn't go for Hillary, but apparently they're going to queue up to vote for Beto?
Maybe if he stops doing that weird shit of driving himself to campaign stops so he can 'see the country' and avoiding media events.

I really don't understand the appeal of Beto O'Rourke. Sure compared to Ted Cruz he's a great Democrat choice for Texas, but nationally he's a centre right Dem at a time when the party is moving ever leftwards. The rust belt didn't go for Hillary, but apparently they're going to queue up to vote for Beto?

That “weird driving shit” is actually proper grass roots campaigning where he meets with real voters in public places (including their homes) and answers their actual questions (as opposed to the CNN town halls where everything is pre-screened and filtered). He’s doing what every politician should be doing in this regard irrespective of whether or not avoiding national tv results in a temporary dip in their poll numbers. He’s also not center right - he’s well positioned between establishment and progressive to appeal to both factions, which is why he is drawing staff from every side from Sanders to Obama.
That “weird driving shit” is actually proper grass roots campaigning where he meets with real voters in public places (including their homes) and answers their actual questions (as opposed to the CNN town halls where everything is pre-screened and filtered). He’s doing what every politician should be doing in this regard irrespective of whether or not avoiding national tv results in a temporary dip in their poll numbers.

It's a national campaign in a country with 327 million people. The idea that you can drive around in a car visiting people's houses is ridiculous. Serious candidates do glad-handing and house visits, but they aim for community leaders, precinct captains and prominent local party organizers, and even then its usually just in the early states to make sure they give themselves the best chance of hitting the ground running. Beto just sounds a bit naive and like he's not really ready for the step up to national politics yet.

he’s well positioned between establishment and progressive to appeal to both factions, which is why he is drawing staff from every side from Sanders to Obama.

Shame he's not drawing voters from anyone.
It's a national campaign in a country with 327 million people. The idea that you can drive around in a car visiting people's houses is ridiculous. Serious candidates do glad-handing and house visits, but they aim for community leaders, precinct captains and prominent local party organizers, and even then its usually just in the early states to make sure they give themselves the best chance of hitting the ground running. Beto just sounds a bit naive and like he's not really ready for the step up to national politics yet.

Rest assured these candidates aren’t doing what they do to impress the non-voting peanut galleries of “US political experts” in foreign countries. Also, it’s actually not a national campaign - it’s currently a campaign of a very small handful of states like Iowa, NH, SC, and one or two others where the initial Dem primaries matter the most, so it stands to reason that engaging actual voters there is the polar opposite of naive, it’s actually essential to building a support base over the next 12 months in the lead up to primary season.
Rest assured these candidates aren’t doing what they do to impress the non-voting peanut galleries of “US political experts” in foreign countries. Also, it’s actually not a national campaign - it’s currently a campaign of a very small handful of states like Iowa, NH, SC, and one or two others where the initial Dem primaries matter the most, so it stands to reason that engaging actual voters there is the polar opposite of naive, it’s actually essential to building a support base over the next 12 months in the lead up to primary season.

Well if he suddenly has a huge rise from his 6% in Iowa, 6.4% in New Hampshire and 9% in South Carolina then you may be proven right. Right now he's nowhere and appears to not be going anywhere.
Well if he suddenly has a huge rise from his 6% in Iowa, 6.4% in New Hampshire and 9% in South Carolina then you may be proven right. Right now he's nowhere and appears to not be going anywhere.

It’s probably because he has been largely avoiding the national spotlight so far and simply focusing on meeting voters while the other candidates have been doing town halls and the likes of Buttigieg have been yucking it up with the likes of Ellen and 60 minutes, which in his case was somewhat necessary since he is building his national profile. The likes of Bernie and Warren are already known commodities and Beto spent a good deal of time in the national spotlight last year. It’s still very early in the game.
It's a national campaign in a country with 327 million people. The idea that you can drive around in a car visiting people's houses is ridiculous. Serious candidates do glad-handing and house visits, but they aim for community leaders, precinct captains and prominent local party organizers, and even then its usually just in the early states to make sure they give themselves the best chance of hitting the ground running. Beto just sounds a bit naive and like he's not really ready for the step up to national politics yet.

Shame he's not drawing voters from anyone.

Jimmy Carter did exactly that and then at his inauguration ball many of those people who opened their doors to him were invited to the White House.
I’d say about 5 candidates have a chance of winning the nomination, especially when you consider that early leaders often don’t wind up as the nominee.
who ?

At best I can Biden, Bernie, Harris, Beto/Buttigieg. But when the race is nearing the end then I can see Harris, Beto/Buttigieg vote will the collapse into Biden(And smaller percentage going to Bernie).

There's really only 3 different politics views in all of the candidates -

Left - Bernie

Centre Left - Warren

Centre to Right Wing - Everyone else.

The thing that made Bernie stand out last time and close the gap was his politics. I can't see this with the current lot. There's only so many tables one man can stand on.

Christ, some of those names look straight out of PES, Mixon? Rortugal?.

Why the feck is Julian Castro has identical brother called Mike Truk ?
Didn't even notice that.
Jimmy Carter did exactly that and then at his inauguration ball many of those people who opened their doors to him were invited to the White House.

As nice a guy as Carter is, he's probably not the best poster child for a Democratic nominee..
I’d say about 5 candidates have a chance of winning the nomination, especially when you consider that early leaders often don’t wind up as the nominee.
Biden, Sanders, Warren, Buttigeig and Harris IMO. Chance for Beto maybe.
People: “we need something different, refreshingly, and works for us!”
DNC: “no no let’s make the same mistake again!”

We really deserve Trumpism politics if Biden is the nominee/elected.
The way Pelosi is speaking .This is exactly what she wants. Someone straight down the middle ,who will not rock the status quo or upset her donors . To hell with what her voters want.
This thread should def have a poll for the Democratic primaries. Who would you Caftards vote for right now? I'd have to go for Warren.
who ?

At best I can Biden, Bernie, Harris, Beto/Buttigieg. But when the race is nearing the end then I can see Harris, Beto/Buttigieg vote will the collapse into Biden(And smaller percentage going to Bernie).

There's really only 3 different politics views in all of the candidates -

Left - Bernie

Centre Left - Warren

Centre to Right Wing - Everyone else.

The thing that made Bernie stand out last time and close the gap was his politics. I can't see this with the current lot. There's only so many tables one man can stand on.


Didn't even notice that.

The there lanes (with some degree of overlap) are:

Left: Sanders and Warren

Center Left: Harris, O’Rourke, Buttigieg et al (support some progressive policies while rejecting others)

Centrist - Biden, Hockenlooper, Inslee et al (largely establishment centrists who adhere totraditional Dem norms)

''Why is he always screaming''

Have these people not seen Curb Your Enthusiasm ?

The there lanes (with some degree of overlap) are:

Left: Sanders and Warren

Center Left: Harris, O’Rourke, Buttigieg et al (support some progressive policies while rejecting others)

Centrist - Biden, Hockenlooper, Inslee et al (largely establishment centrists who adhere traditional Dem norms)
I guess it all up to interpretation. Although O'Rourke from what we know is closer to Biden , the guy talked about cutting social security.

Still there's isn't a big enough difference between the centre left and centrist for all of them to hang in to the end.
''Why is he always screaming''

Have these people not seen Curb Your Enthusiasm ?

I guess it all up to interpretation. Although O'Rourke from what we know is closer to Biden , the guy talked about cutting social security.

Still there's isn't a big enough difference between the centre left and centrist for all of them to hang in to the end.

The biggest difference would be that Biden is funded by the old school Dem big donor apparatus, whereas the center left types (most of them at least) are largely reliant on people funded campaigns from actual voters. That’s a significant divergence and it would be increasingly difficult to label anyone who draws their money from actual small amount donations as an establishment centrist. A similar comparison could be made on healthcare policy. Biden will almost certainly support some sort of strengthening and entrenchment of Obamacare, whereas the center left types are going to vacillate more between Medicare for all to Medicare for America or some sort of single player style variant.
Anyone running part from Biden and Bernie are mostly looking for a VP place.

The Dems are so predictable.

They need to sort their shit out and get behind one candidate that can bring the party together and that needs to be done within about a year.

They won't though. They'll go into the primaries with a dozen candidates battling and dividing the party and then wonder what goes wrong.
The Dems are so predictable.

Nah. I think that whole 'let's get behind a candidate' is baloney until after the conventions. Until then a diversity of ideas and hand-to-hand political combat is healthy. The whole 'lets get behind Hilary' movement failed last time when the Republicans had 20 candidates and a fractured primary and Trump still won.

People underestimate that diverse and divided primaries provide much better battle tests the candidates and forcing them to keep evolving instead of becoming stagnant and full of hubris as the Dem nominee was last time.
The Dems are so predictable.

What exactly did you imagine "getting behind one candidate" was supposed to mean? Is everyone just supposed to roll over for Biden, even though he didn't even get into the race before just now? In any case, most of the candidates on that list are nothing-candidates.

Besides, did you see the Republican primaries? They were more divided than anything the Democrats can match, and yet Trump won against the candidate who essentially was the "getting behind one candidate"-candidate. So I'm not sure your prediction is worth anything.

Edit: Damn, @oneniltothearsenal got in there one second before me.
Biden, Sanders, Warren, Buttigeig and Harris IMO. Chance for Beto maybe.

Beto has a chance at nomination. Warren honestly doesn't. She need a big moment to happen to her to have a chance because I can't see her campaign creating one naturally.
The there lanes (with some degree of overlap) are:

Left: Sanders and Warren

Center Left: Harris, O’Rourke, Buttigieg et al (support some progressive policies while rejecting others)

Centrist - Biden, Hockenlooper, Inslee et al (largely establishment centrists who adhere totraditional Dem norms)
Sanders is centre left at a push. The U.S. has a very skewed political spectrum.
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