2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Among the ideologues on either side of the Dem divide, I'm interested in whether there's a significant portion of the party who are ultimately just interested most in whichever candidate seems strong and looks likely to get Trump out: i.e. people who might hypothetically be on the left, but who'll be incredibly enthusiastic for Biden if he runs a strong campaign, and vice versa. Interesting to think about although don't have any figures on it.
It's the way Republicans seem to vote so it doesn't seem far fetched more and more Dems have started to adopt that train of thought.
Looks like it might come down to Biden and Sanders or Warren. Sanders and Warren are pretty similar in the people they appeal to, Biden will appeal to the center on both sides.
Looks like it might come down to Biden and Sanders or Warren. Sanders and Warren are pretty similar in the people they appeal to, Biden will appeal to the center on both sides.

Biden is leaching off of Harris, Buttigieg, and Beto. Sanders and Warren are leaching off one another. Something will have to give at some point, probably after Super Tuesday.
Social media built up Beto and Buttigieg so I'm a little surprised that given a twitter search for Biden generates results of negativity to "meh" that his poll numbers are rising.
Social media built up Beto and Buttigieg so I'm a little surprised that given a twitter search for Biden generates results of negativity to "meh" that his poll numbers are rising.
He’ll get votes from all the people not on social media
MSM building up Biden like the Messiah.
Social media built up Beto and Buttigieg so I'm a little surprised that given a twitter search for Biden generates results of negativity to "meh" that his poll numbers are rising.

Social media narratives don’t always translate into reality, especially among the vast majority of people who don’t sit on Twitter for most of the day. This is probably also part of the perceptual disconnect in 2016 that allowed Trump to sneak into the Presidency.
Just read the three strike rule was Biden's baby.
How can Dems do this? The man should be in political exile.
Disappointing she's not running for the senate. Suspect she will be the VP nominee if Biden wins the race.

I like how they are dismissing Sanders when talking up Biden.

I smell fear.

The Biden love is fairly normal once a candidate declares. It will gradually taper off and then the real debate will begin - see Harris after she declared then promptly disappeared from the spotlight, same with Beto, and now Buttigieg is starting to already feel a bit expired. Biden will come back to earth in a few weeks which will dovetail nicely with the first televised debates in June.
The Biden love is fairly normal once a candidate declares. It will gradually taper off and then the real debate will begin - see Harris after she declared then promptly disappeared from the spotlight, same with Beto, and now Buttigieg is starting to already feel a bit expired. Biden will come back to earth in a few weeks which will dovetail nicely with the first televised debates in June.

Wasn't Biden polling consistently high even well before he declared? I don't think its something that will taper off too much. He has a steady hold on fiscally conservative, well earning democrats who are socially liberal.
People are getting way to tied up in the early polls .When the talking starts we will see if Biden is anywhere near the top. For the record Biden as made a lot of terrible decisions.

He’s been a strong Wall Street ally
He voted to gut welfare
He wrote the original ‘94 crime bill and has defended it ever since
He voted for the Iraq War
He voted and likely laid the groundwork for the USA PATRIOT Act
He allowed Anita Hill to be silenced and shamed

And he as failed miserably in his previous Presidential races ,so much so i bet Obama took pity on him.
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The Biden love is fairly normal once a candidate declares. It will gradually taper off and then the real debate will begin - see Harris after she declared then promptly disappeared from the spotlight, same with Beto, and now Buttigieg is starting to already feel a bit expired. Biden will come back to earth in a few weeks which will dovetail nicely with the first televised debates in June.


Have you noticed how many former Bush people are so actively supporting Biden and other Democratic candidates?

If you need proof of where the Democratic party is now.
Wasn't Biden polling consistently high even well before he declared? I don't think its something that will taper off too much. He has a steady hold on fiscally conservative, well earning democrats who are socially liberal.

Yep. Much of the very early polling is largely name recognition, but now that he has declared it will be more about his actual viability to win. The numbers will definitely fluctuate significantly once debate season starts in a couple of months.
Just read the three strike rule was Biden's baby.
How can Dems do this? The man should be in political exile.

Yeah its horrible if the Dems actually nominate him. Biden has already said enough to lose my vote in the General so I hope he doesn't win.
Why is Biden so reluctant to properly apologise to Anita Hill? Surely doing so would help his public image?
Why is Biden so reluctant to properly apologise to Anita Hill? Surely doing so would help his public image?

Guy has out of control hubris like many corporate Dems

He is probably bitching and moaning in private because he thinks he did nothing wrong in his entire career
How can who do this? You do realise this is a democratic process , right?

How can Democrat voters actually vote for the guy with such a right wing record who kicks off his campaign at a fundraiser with Comcast and privatized health care execs and Republican donors.

If that's who the Democrats want to nominate and who they want to appeal to then they clearly don't need my vote.
How can Democrat voters actually vote for the guy with such a right wing record who kicks off his campaign at a fundraiser with Comcast and privatized health care execs and Republican donors.

If that's who the Democrats want to nominate and who they want to appeal to then they clearly don't need my vote.
I am not saying it is positive outcome , however people here seem a bit on the idealistic side. Currently it looks to me as if the democratic party is heading towards a split, which would be really bad news.
Is there anything in particular that makes you say that, or is it a case of "I don't like the results so it's fake news"?

1. They don't list their methodology or make it transparent
2. The data cannot be checked against objective results unlike Exit polling that can be confirmed how accurate it is
3. There are well established statistical sampling problems with both landline calling and internet polling being inherently not representative

I am not saying it is positive outcome , however people here seem a bit on the idealistic side. Currently it looks to me as if the democratic party is heading towards a split, which would be really bad news.

Why is it progressives like myself that won't vote for Biden are always disparaged as "idealistic" while the centrists that won't for Bernie or will vote Trump over Bernie (as they voted McCain over Obama when they didn't get their Clinton nominee in 2008) are never called out by the media for it?

I don't consider my decision to not vote Biden "idealistic" in any way. Its a perfectly rational and logical response to being directly screwed over by policies that Biden has championed over the years. For me, my decision is 100% practical.
I am not saying it is positive outcome , however people here seem a bit on the idealistic side. Currently it looks to me as if the democratic party is heading towards a split, which would be really bad news.

What you are seeing is the reality of the situation.

A party that long ago stopped representing the American people.
What we now have is a pure corporate party with some members who have been elected by ordinary people who are simply speaking to the needs of working people.
The split is inevitable.

The Republican party is openly corrupt.
Following a demagogue who is only interested in staying in power to escape justice for all his crimes including treason.
1. They don't list their methodology or make it transparent
2. The data cannot be checked against objective results unlike Exit polling that can be confirmed how accurate it is
3. There are well established statistical sampling problems with both landline calling and internet polling being inherently not representative

Why is it progressives like myself that won't vote for Biden are always disparaged as "idealistic" while the centrists that won't for Bernie or will vote Trump over Bernie (as they voted McCain over Obama when they didn't get their Clinton nominee in 2008) are never called out by the media for it?

I don't consider my decision to not vote Biden "idealistic" in any way. Its a perfectly rational and logical response to being directly screwed over by policies that Biden has championed over the years. For me, my decision is 100% practical.
So you would rather take 4 more years of Trump, than Biden?
So you would rather take 4 more years of Trump, than Biden?

My personal belief in voting is that everyone should vote for who they believe makes the best President not who they think "can win". I believe if everyone voted the way I do we never would have had such shitty candidates as 2016 vomited up with the lowest common denominator system the US evolved into.

I don't believe voting "lesser of two evils" will ever make anything better. Practically speaking we got into this mess by the transformation of the Democrats by the Clintons and their allies from a party sort of for the people into a corporate party that just wants to win at all costs.

Only by voting candidates with actual moral values like Bernie or Warren or Yang (though I disagree with some of this stuff I trust Yang to mean well for the people, I do not trust Biden at all to mean well for the people) can we ever improve life for the common people (IE the bottom 60-90% whatever).
I remember Giuliani was front runner in polls for a long time in 2007 and was tipped to be the nominee by the media. We know that didn’t last.
Amidst all this it is helpful to remind ourselves that the (slight)majority of Democrats consider themselves moderate/conservatives.

Getting the nomination will be an uphill battle for any progressive/leftie, but it’s certainly not because of some nefarious party power play behind the scene. If you can’t connect to that audience, they will have their candidate.
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