2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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A public option is not Medicare for all. He left a cushy job to go to Afghanistan in 2014. Hes a careerist and an imperialist. Hes dogshit.
My mistake regarding medicare for all. I did hear him say he was medicare for all to be fair. But why is his military service equivalent to being an imperialist?
the American military is an imperialist force

no. it is not.

We need to have the strongest military in the world. Certainly Air Power that cannot be challenged.

That does not mean we use it like we are doing in Yemen.

We use military for Defence only.
I would support provoking Russia into a conflict though, who are actively attacking us.
no. it is not.

We need to have the strongest military in the world. Certainly Air Power that cannot be challenged.

That does not mean we use it like we are doing in Yemen.

We use military for Defence only.
I would support provoking Russia into a conflict though, who are actively attacking us.

He is. Hes not a poor kid who didnt have other options. Hes a Harvard grad who had a cushy job.
Becoming an officer after having a cushy job makes you an imperialist? How about point to actual examples of imperialist ideas and policies that he’s mentioned?
Becoming an officer after having a cushy job makes you an imperialist? How about point to actual examples of imperialist ideas and policies that he’s mentioned?

By all accounts from what I've read his role in the military itself was (for the most part) fairly cushy as well. He was doing a lot of data/admin work for the most part. And he certainly doesn't seem to be particularly clinical or brutal when questioning US involvement in foreign wars etc.
no. it is not.

We need to have the strongest military in the world. Certainly Air Power that cannot be challenged.

That does not mean we use it like we are doing in Yemen.

We use military for Defence only.
I would support provoking Russia into a conflict though, who are actively attacking us.
You are seriously bonkers if you really think that.

:( i didn't know
Becoming an officer after having a cushy job makes you an imperialist? How about point to actual examples of imperialist ideas and policies that he’s mentioned?

Afghanistan is an imperialist war. He went over there in 2014 for fecks sake. Hes not a naive kid who lost a family member on 9/11. He joined an imperialist occupying force for the purpose of advancing his political career.

Any military can be used in the right way. ie. for defence only or in the wrong way as has happened in the US in recent decades.

We certainly cannot go unarmed can we?

I'd say it extends beyond the last few decades...
By all accounts from what I've read his role in the military itself was (for the most part) fairly cushy as well. He was doing a lot of data/admin work for the most part. And he certainly doesn't seem to be particularly clinical or brutal when questioning US involvement in foreign wars etc.

He was a convoy driver (among a few other things). Not particularly cushy given the IED threat.
I'd say it extends beyond the last few decades...

Five decades, really. Using few is acceptable in that sense.

The integrity of US involvement in the world wars is unquestionable. Korea is debatable and probably lands on the side of just considering how well South Korea is doing. Only from the late 1960s do things start to become morally bankrupt.
Five decades, really. Using few is acceptable in that sense.

The integrity of US involvement in the world wars is unquestionable. Korea is debatable and probably lands on the side of just considering how well South Korea is doing. Only from the late 1960s do things start to become morally bankrupt.

Mosaddegh 1953 Iran was a big one.
That's CIA, though. I was looking at it from a military perspective.

splitting hairs mate.
the US has been run by Big Money always.
They tell the government what to do and in turn the government uses the military and CIA or whatever to do their work.
That's why I say, its the government that needs to be changed.
Really for the People. Not for Big Business.
Any nation attacking us needs to be punished.

'Accidents will happen'

By that standard a whole lot of fecking nations would need to attack the US :wenger: Something like 5 a day with the current commander in chief.
..if they can.

Goes back to my belief we need to have
a government that serves the people.

Of course they can't, but neither can the US seriously attack Russia (mutually assured destruction isn't a thing of the past even if history books treat it as such).

Simultaneously claiming the US aren't imperialists and justifying the US's actions with it's very empire is kind of confusing to outsiders though...

It's in US voters hands to give themselves a government that serves them.
splitting hairs mate.
the US has been run by Big Money always.
They tell the government what to do and in turn the government uses the military and CIA or whatever to do their work.
That's why I say, its the government that needs to be changed.
Really for the People. Not for Big Business.

I feel like the CIA does what it wants and some things the government asks.

The rise of the MIC in the 60s really changed things.
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