2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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I said bootygay because it reads how his name sounds. I wasn't aware he was homosexual when I posted that. I can now see why that could be interpreted in your way. Hardly some homophobic slur though is it?

As for buttman, again, lighten up.
He brings up a good point. It’s never a good idea to follow Warren as her level of policy depth is going to make anyone who precedes or follows her seem a bit shallow. She’s almost at Bill Clinton levels in this regard.
Bill had that level of details on policy? Or do you mean just a bad act to follow generally, in his case due to his stage presence?

I really only remember him for his charisma, which Warren lacks on occasion...
Iowa lawmaker ditches GOP because of Trump: 'I want no part of it'

Iowa state Rep. Andy McKean announced Tuesday that he is leaving the Republican Party because he can no longer support Trump.

"With the 2020 presidential election looming on the horizon, I feel, as a Republican, that I need to be able to support the standard bearer of our party," McKean said. "Unfortunately, that is something I'm unable to do."

In a fiery statement, McKean condemned Trump's constant lying, bullying, and promotion of hate.

Trump sets "a poor example for the nation and particularly for our children by personally insulting, often in a crude and juvenile fashion, those who disagree with him, being a bully at a time when we're attempting to discourage bullying," McKean said in his prepared statement.

McKean said he is disgusted by Trump's "frequent disregard for the truth, and his willingness to ridicule or marginalize people for their appearances, ethnicity, or disability."

Further, he said, Trump has "created an atmosphere that is a breeding ground for hateful rhetoric and actions."

"If this is the new normal, I want no part of it," McKean said.

McKean will re-register as a Democrat later this week.

McKean's defection to the Democratic Party means Republicans have a smaller, 53 to 47 majority in the state House. According to the Iowa Starting Line, the switch significantly increases the chances of the chamber flipping from red to blue in the 2020 election.

McKean joins a growing number of state officials who have abandoned the Republican Party because they can't stand what the GOP has become under Trump.

In December 2018, three Kansas lawmakers (two state senators and one House member) ditchedthe Republican Party in the span of one week.

In the same month, California's Chief Justice, Tani Cantil-Sakauye, left the Republican Party in part because of the GOP's support for Trump's Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh — an alleged sexual predator who was opposed by hundreds of law professors for his "lack of judicial temperament." Republicans overwhelmingly supported Kavanaugh despite credible allegations of both sexual assault and perjury that have been levied against him.

The vast bulk of the Republican Party has stood behind Trump, no matter how toxic his behavior. But some Republicans, like McKean, are listening to their consciences.
Bill had that level of details on policy? Or do you mean just a bad act to follow generally, in his case due to his stage presence?

I really only remember him for his charisma, which Warren lacks on occasion...

Bill was a policy wonk. Even now he can reel off figures and analysis that puts incumbent politicians to shame.
This is a very dumb question.

What's dumb is doing box ticking exercises to evaluate candidates and if they do not meet your criteria to attack them as republican-lite as the tweet above does. This Mayor Pete is the latest to get it. Your criteria is not a broad criteria. I like some of his ideas but I prefer the candidacy of Warren who has similar ideas but willing to delve into depth without getting snarky.
What's dumb is doing box ticking exercises to evaluate candidates and if they do not meet your criteria to attack them as republican-lite as the tweet above does. This Mayor Pete is the latest to get it. Your criteria is not a broad criteria. I like some of his ideas but I prefer the candidacy of Warren who has similar ideas but willing to delve into depth without getting snarky.
Like ?
Its because he sucks and we want a candidate who doesnt suck.
He’s really not that bad and a hell of a lot more preferable to a lot of other Dems. His major policy ideas are in line with yours and much of ours too.
What's dumb is doing box ticking exercises to evaluate candidates and if they do not meet your criteria to attack them as republican-lite as the tweet above does. This Mayor Pete is the latest to get it. Your criteria is not a broad criteria. I like some of his ideas but I prefer the candidacy of Warren who has similar ideas but willing to delve into depth without getting snarky.

No what's dumb is not understanding that some people find policy differences meaningful and evaluate candidates on that basis. Feel free to evaluate candidates however you want but try to grasp that Bernie supporters support him because of his policies and they dont support other people because of their policies and they talk about preferred policies in a primary in order to advance their goals.
So those of us who are going to vote for Bernie are all nervous about an empty suit who does not give specifics about the main concerns Working families have.
Health Care, College Tuition and minimum Wage for starters.

Importantly he does not have any track record on these matters.
Not at all. My main policy goals are Medicare for all, anti-imperialism and ending capitalism. Hes not in line with that.
He’s for Medicare for All.

He doesn’t have much about his foreign policy so it’s hard to say. Some of his supporters claim he’s not for unnecessary intervention whatever that means. But whatever the case, he doesn’t really come off as a war hawk. And according to this article, he has disagreements with Netanyahu’s government if that means anything.

And although he’s not trying to take down capitalism, he disagrees with Trump’s attack on socialism and even praised Bernie’s ideas as a high schooler. Hardly the Republican he is.
He’s for Medicare for All.

He doesn’t have much about his foreign policy so it’s hard to say. Some of his supporters claim he’s not for unnecessary intervention whatever that means. But whatever the case, he doesn’t really come off as a war hawk. And according to this article, he has disagreements with Netanyahu’s government if that means anything.

And although he’s not trying to take down capitalism, he disagrees with Trump’s attack on socialism and even praised Bernie’s ideas as a high schooler. Hardly the Republican he is.

He is not for Medicare for All.
He is talking of a buy in.It will keep Insurance companies in the picture.

My main concern with him and others like him who who do not have a track record is they will say anything.
Our economic system is killing the earth and if your answer isn't even the mildest reforms(Which are still not enough)but instead a Parks & Rec extra then you are just being stupid.
He’s for Medicare for All.

He doesn’t have much about his foreign policy so it’s hard to say. Some of his supporters claim he’s not for unnecessary intervention whatever that means. But whatever the case, he doesn’t really come off as a war hawk. And according to this article, he has disagreements with Netanyahu’s government if that means anything.

And although he’s not trying to take down capitalism, he disagrees with Trump’s attack on socialism and even praised Bernie’s ideas as a high schooler. Hardly the Republican he is.

A public option is not Medicare for all. He left a cushy job to go to Afghanistan in 2014. Hes a careerist and an imperialist. Hes dogshit.
Speaking to high school students in the backyard of a Nashua-area state representative the day after Mr. O’Rourke was in town, Mr. Buttigieg lamented that his party was not sufficiently worried about deficits and suggested that Mr. Trump and Mr. Sanders were two sides of the same coin.

Voters wanted to “blow up the system” in 2016, Mr. Buttigieg said. “Which could lead you to somebody like Bernie and it could lead you to somebody like Trump. That’s how we got where we are.”

In an interview, Mr. Buttigieg said Mr. Sanders’s left-wing proposals were no longer as provocative as in 2016 — “people were refreshed by the novelty of that boldness” — and expressed skepticism that a self-described democratic socialist in his late 70s could win a general election.

“I have a hard time seeing the coalition ultimately coming together there,” he said.

The first attack of the campaign. I don't think Bernie needs to hit back - the H2H polls do the talking in this case.
He is not for Medicare for All.
He is talking of a buy in.It will keep Insurance companies in the picture.

My main concern with him and others like him who who do not have a track record is they will say anything.
Yeah that’s my concern too. But I think the Republican comparisons are lazy.
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