2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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I'm telling ya'll, Buttman is the establishment choice. Better connected than you think, and doesn't stand for progressive ideals.

Klobuchar was absolutely calamitous last night. At one point she accused Cuomo of hovering over her while she was talking.
Watched up to the start of Harris' town hall. Warren did well. She sounded very passionate. Bernie was Bernie. Klobuchar was mixed.
Maybe a few months ago. It's odd to say that in regards to Beto's coverage recently.

He’s been campaigning heavily in the primary states and generally avoiding TV appearances. Once he gets back on TV and doing town halls the numbers will start creeping up.
Sanders is a movement builder who understands how change happens, and that it will take all of us. Warren is a cautious policy wonk who sat out 2016. Sanders is fundamentally redistributive and about worker power. Warren is fundamentally regulatory. Not the same.

Good comment.

He brings up a good point. It’s never a good idea to follow Warren as her level of policy depth is going to make anyone who precedes or follows her seem a bit shallow. She’s almost at Bill Clinton levels in this regard.
I notice that too but that was honestly a stupid question (assuming it's the Harvard grad gal) to begin with. His platform isn't even close to the Soviet flavor of socialism.

Not sure if he’s referring to the Harvard girl, especially since half the questions on the night seemed to be from Harvard students.
Not sure if he’s referring to the Harvard girl, especially since half the questions on the night seemed to be from Harvard students.
AH ok, I wasn't aware since I couldn't watch the whole thing. I'm specifically referring to one of the videos posted above, where the tweet asks if we could convert Harvard into a water park.
He brings up a good point. It’s never a good idea to follow Warren as her level of policy depth is going to make anyone who precedes or follows her seem a bit shallow. She’s almost at Bill Clinton levels in this regard.

Bernie has details especially on health care for example.
But importantly he has the track record of fighting for justice from way back when he fought segregation.

Warren would be a very acceptable second choice for me.

The debates in June will help highlight the main areas where action needs to be taken for working families.
Almost all the students were clearly center right at least if not actually right wing.

Most of the students asked pretty good questions, the only notable exceptions being the Sanders socialism question and Warren getting asked something similar about when she was a Republican.
Mayor Pete seems to be the only one talking about amending the constitution when it comes to money in politics. All the others including Bernie pay it lip service ,hopefully they will come out strongly against this.
Not really sure why you think that's funny enough to keep reposting. It's not going to stick, and just makes you look like a dickhead.
It's a bit of harmless patter combined with a hard to remember name. Nothing more. But seeing as you are so infuriated by it, I'll make sure to continue.
Mayor Pete seems to be the only one talking about amending the constitution when it comes to money in politics. All the others including Bernie pay it lip service ,hopefully they will come out strongly against this.

He's the only one openly taking lobbyist money. I wouldn't trust him on this, at all.
I think your definition of harmless patter differs to most peoples. Calling gay people buttman is typically seen as offensive.
It's a play on his name. Not his sexuality. Lighten up.
Hard to remember? Huh? It really isn't.
Do you guys get off on this shit or what? I used the word buttman twice. It's a football forum not a congressional hearing.
It's a play on his name. Not his sexuality. Lighten up.

It's clearly not, when your next attempt was bootygay. Not sure who you think you're fooling but it's clearly a dig at his sexuality.

Do you guys get off on this shit or what? I used the word buttman twice. It's a football forum not a congressional hearing.

It doesn't need to be a congressional hearing to not be a bellend
I'm telling ya'll, Buttman is the establishment choice. Better connected than you think, and doesn't stand for progressive ideals.

That's clutching at straws and trying to invent a story out of thin air by that journalist. Just the other day he defended Harvard students protesting one of their professors agreeing to represent Harvey Weinstein, saying that while everyone has a right to a lawyer you can still protest the willingness of a lawyer to represent a client (free speech). Nothing wrong with disagreeing with Mayor Pete, you just seem to be going to a weird level to do so.
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