2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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I think these stats could be key:

Sadly Sanders has alienated the centre-right bulk of dems. But it seems Warren hasn't just yet. Reckon she might possibly be a better bet for providing progressive outcomes, as Bernie will be roadblocked and therefore can't build a winnable coalition with the neolibs. Warren could potentially sneak in, especially as a woman, while promoting similarly progressive ideals.

Worryingly Harris seems like she is made of teflon.

Also "Supoorting" :lol:
"60 Democratic 'activists' in New Hampshire, Iowa, South Carolina, Nevada and Washington, DC"

I wouldn't pay much attention to crap polls like that.
I think these stats could be key:

Sadly Sanders has alienated the centre-right bulk of dems. But it seems Warren hasn't just yet. Reckon she might possibly be a better bet for providing progressive outcomes, as Bernie will be roadblocked and therefore can't build a winnable coalition with the neolibs. Warren could potentially sneak in, especially as a woman, while promoting similarly progressive ideals.

Worryingly Harris seems like she is made of teflon.

Also "Supoorting" :lol:
Can you link the source? I'm curious about what they mean by activist.

There was a similar piece back in December in Politco (I can't find it, might be getting either the outlet or time wrong). He was universally hated among consultants and party insiders and lobbyists. The fact is that he has consistently a 74% approval an 15% disapproval within party voters. I am not sure whom these activists represent.
Can’t take any poll that has the likes of Harris and Booker in the lead particularly seriously, especially since this seems to be made up of party hacks.
Can someone please explain to me why Americans have to register to vote as a Dem or Republican or whatever? Why can you not just register to vote full stop?

You don't have to register as Dem or Rep. You can register to vote as non-partisan. For instance I've never been registered as Dem or Rep, I am always non-partisan.

However some states insist you have to be Dem or Rep to vote in the primary so thats why a lot of people do that.

Really, more states should be like California and de-power the two parties.
hes just so small and dorky. Theres only 3 types of acceptable presidents in this country.

1) killed a wild boar and commited atrocities against native Americans
2) professorly and obsessed with trains
3) wears salmon shorts and boat shoes to yale frat parties and plays soggy biscuit with future titans of industry

That's it. America isnt going to vote for some round headed freak from Indiana who smiles nervously all the time.
You don't have to register as Dem or Rep. You can register to vote as non-partisan. For instance I've never been registered as Dem or Rep, I am always non-partisan.

However some states insist you have to be Dem or Rep to vote in the primary so thats why a lot of people do that.

Really, more states should be like California and de-power the two parties.
It’s really a weird thing to do for non-Americans. No-one knows who I vote for unless I tell them, same with neighbours and friends. Never knew which party my parents voted for, although I had a good idea, but they would never tell me.
He seems to be making exactly the same argument Bernie's been making for years.
Wait!? What is this.............. a Ubik quote reply.

The audio is pretty bad but I think he is saying - ''Turns you against the system, which could lead you to want to blowing up the system and vote for someone like Trump or Bernie''.

Bernie argument is people haven't felt the recovery in the economy and that makes them vote against their actual class interest which is...... ME VOTE FOR ME, BERNIE SANDERS!!!

All Buttigieg does here anyway is both extremes are the same/ horse shoe theory meme. And implying that voting for Trump or Bernie means you want to ''blow up the system'' (God knows what Buttigieg means when talking about the ''system'')again equates that Trump & Bernie are somehow similar and dangerous to America.

Buttigieg is meant to be the smart one.
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Butt-man is on a charge and it's scary. Supposedly not far behind Bernie/Biden, with much lower name recognition.
It’s really a weird thing to do for non-Americans. No-one knows who I vote for unless I tell them, same with neighbours and friends. Never knew which party my parents voted for, although I had a good idea, but they would never tell me.
Yeah, over here, things can get awkward if you ask someone you don't know very well who they voted for.

Biden and Sanders both have measurable support across all age groups, but Biden is the strongest among those over 65 while Sanders is strongest among 18-29-year-old caucus goers. Interestingly, the O’Rourke and Buttigieg don’t register any support among the 18-29 block. Sanders and Biden register in the double digits through most ideological groups. Biden leads Sanders among moderates 26%-17% and somewhat liberal Democrats 19%-13%. Sanders leads 27%-26% among somewhat conservative Democrats, 40%-27% among very conservative Democrats and 24%-9% among very liberal Democrats.

There is also a notable educational divide with Sanders leading 31%-35% among those with only a high school diploma and Biden leading 23%-15% among those with a bachelor’s degree. Among those with a post graduate degree, Buttigieg takes 22% with Biden, Sanders and Harris tied at 11%.

2nd poll (CA was the first) where the ideology stuff isn't making sense, but the age stuff is. Also the education thing seems to be a definite trend now.
Can someone please explain to me why Americans have to register to vote as a Dem or Republican or whatever? Why can you not just register to vote full stop?

Because these are primaries, ie. it is an internal election for a particular party to select their nominee for the general elections. It makes sense that only members of this party can vote. For example, if someone is a republican why should he be allowed to vote for the person who will be the candidate for the democrats?

It is like the Conservatives in England vote to select May or someone else as the head of their party, not everyone is eligible to vote for that.
Because these are primaries, ie. it is an internal election for a particular party to select their nominee for the general elections. It makes sense that only members of this party can vote. For example, if someone is a republican why should he be allowed to vote for the person who will be the candidate for the democrats?

It is like the Conservatives in England vote to select May or someone else as the head of their party, not everyone is eligible to vote for that.
Right...can follow the reasoning there, thank you.
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