2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Just curious, of the three media darlings as of late, who would you all get behind if it came down to it: Harris, Beto, or Buttigieg?

Definitely Beto. During his Senate campaign he didn't waver in his support for universal healthcare and from his speeches I feel he is much closer to a progressive vision than the other two. Mayor Pete I think would be the most susceptible to corporate and wealthy special interest influence due to how green he is so for me out of those three its

1. Beto
2. Harris
3. Pete
Because otherwise the giant mine to be built on top of one of the great pristine fisheries on earth will be greenlit, courts will continue to be packed crony judges, and we won't rejoin the Paris Accord. 4 more years of Trump won't be just 4 more years of damage, it'll be 40.

I'll take my chances with a Trump 2.0 appearance. A backlash against Bernie will make that possibility more likely anyway.

I think there's far less chance of a backlash from people if they see a politician actually helping them, rather than promising to and then doing nothing.
Definitely Beto. During his Senate campaign he didn't waver in his support for universal healthcare and from his speeches I feel he is much closer to a progressive vision than the other two. Mayor Pete I think would be the most susceptible to corporate and wealthy special interest influence due to how green he is so for me out of those three its

1. Beto
2. Harris
3. Pete

MSM looooves him.

You think the corporations are dumb?
Why? Trump only won in the first place because Dem's have moved so far away from their traditional base that they lost the Rust Belt. So say Beto (a seemingly centre-right Texan) wins, what will actually change? Sure there will be 4 or even 8 years of slight improvement generally, but its not going to win back all those working class people when they realize that yet again their lives aren't actually improving in any significant way. So then Trump v2.0?

The successful Dem will win back the Obama coalition, which is far broader than the "rust belt". Trump won in large part because he won white women and the next Dem nominee will need to figure out how to undo that.



Because otherwise the giant mine to be built on top of one of the great pristine fisheries on earth will be greenlit, courts will continue to be packed crony judges, and we won't rejoin the Paris Accord. 4 more years of Trump won't be just 4 more years of damage, it'll be 40.

I'll take my chances with a Trump 2.0 appearance. A backlash against Bernie will make that possibility more likely anyway.
And as someone who lives in Florida, I just can't do a protest vote if it ever had to come down to that. Too much at stake for the world.
The Obama coalition existed because he was a generational talent and the country was beyond fed up with Bush. It's not a strategy that can just be employed at will. It happened in very specific circumstances that wont be replicated any time soon.
The Obama coalition existed because he was a generational talent and the country was beyond fed up with Bush. It's not a strategy that can just be employed at will. It happened in very specific circumstances that wont be replicated any time soon.

Well exactly.

Those democrats who voted twice for Obama and abandoned the Democratic party, will need to be won over.
The key is by offering them what Bernie is fighting for starting with Medicare Care for all.
Well exactly.

Those democrats who voted twice for Obama and abandoned the Democratic party, will need to be won over.
The key is by offering them what Bernie is fighting for starting with Medicare Care for all.

Yup. They’ve been promised the stars for years by Dems and then let down. To win them back they have to believe the nominee is someone who will actually follow through. With Bernie he’ll deliver or die trying. He’s been consistent his whole career.
Yup. They’ve been promised the stars for years by Dems and then let down. To win them back they have to believe the nominee is someone who will actually follow through. With Bernie he’ll deliver or die trying. He’s been consistent his whole career.

The nominee won’t have any option of following through since Congress won’t be cooperative. The Republicans would instantly start a campaign to disrupt and block any policies from moving forward, especially since they would be completely antithetical to GOP interests. The Dems would be largely split on the important issues like healthcare and education, so all you would see is a frustrated Sanders moaning about other elements obstructing him and how great things would be if everyone simply cooperated with him (much as Trump is doing in the present).
The nominee won’t have any option of following through since Congress won’t be cooperative. The Republicans would instantly start a campaign to disrupt and block any policies from moving forward, especially since they would be completely antithetical to GOP interests. The Dems would be largely split on the important issues like healthcare and education, so all you would see is a frustrated Sanders moaning about other elements obstructing him and how great things would be if everyone simply cooperated with him (much as Trump is doing in the present).

If it was not Sanders, do you think anything will get done?
If it was not Sanders, do you think anything will get done?

Very little will get done in terms of the big policies irrespective of who is elected. The bigger the policy the less chance it will get passed because opponents will mobilize to disrupt it. The unfortunate nature of the balance of power in American politics.
Very little will get done in terms of the big policies irrespective of who is elected. The bigger the policy the less chance it will get passed because opponents will mobilize to disrupt it. The unfortunate nature of the balance of power in American politics.

Two things that can change that.

Stuff the courts
get rid of the filibuster in the Senate.

Pass all the programs that help the vast majority.

They will love it.
The chance of the Dems winning Texas during a heavy turnout Gen election where a Texan could get elected POTUS would seem to favor Beto in this regard. Whoever the Dem is they will likely get a fairly high turnout to compete strongly in all swing and purple states.

Yes. Especially for Texas, vs Trump, perhaps Harris will not get as many votes because she will be labeled "a liberal from California", and Californians are not well liked (they are jealous of us!). And Buttigieg will lose votes from the religious conservatives because he is gay.

But Trump vs Beto in Texas... I don't see how Trump can attack him. Texas is probably winnable for Beto. And Beto vs Trump will be a landslide in California. Winning Texas+California... well, you are halfway there!
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You should check out his Breakfast Club interview. He goes well off the usual MSM script here, mainly because the questions are so off the cuff.

Okay so I used to work with a guy with the surname Buttegieg. He was a Maltese guy and I believe it's a name of Maltese origin. He was insistent on pronouncing it correctly and it's absolutely butchered in that video.

Kind of how they do the same with Lewandowski I guess. Anyway, I've not yet recovered from this but will watch the rest of the video now.
Okay so I used to work with a guy with the surname Buttegieg. He was a Maltese guy and I believe it's a name of Maltese origin. He was insistent on pronouncing it correctly and it's absolutely butchered in that video.

Kind of how they do the same with Lewandowski I guess. Anyway, I've not yet recovered from this but will watch the rest of the video now.

The pronunciation of names changes based on where they're used, though. No doubt they say it differently in Malta, but that doesn't mean that guy said it wrong. Basically the guy whose name it is gets to decide.
The nominee won’t have any option of following through since Congress won’t be cooperative. The Republicans would instantly start a campaign to disrupt and block any policies from moving forward, especially since they would be completely antithetical to GOP interests. The Dems would be largely split on the important issues like healthcare and education, so all you would see is a frustrated Sanders moaning about other elements obstructing him and how great things would be if everyone simply cooperated with him (much as Trump is doing in the present).

Presidents always have power, especially in that first 6 months. Congress is always very scared of ostracizing the public by immediately obstructing their choice. After 6 months that window can close pretty fast, but if a President rides that initial wave of election enthusiasm they can force through at least some of their mandate.
Presidents always have power, especially in that first 6 months. Congress is always very scared of ostracizing the public by immediately obstructing their choice. After 6 months that window can close pretty fast, but if a President rides that initial wave of election enthusiasm they can force through at least some of their mandate.

That may have been partially true before 2008 but it’s definitely not the case in the present. The moment one party wins the Presidency, the opposition party immediately begin to disrupt their ability to implement their agenda in order to create the conditions to gain seats during the following mid terms. This largely started when Obama won his first term and the GOP made a pact to do everything in their power to dilute and disrupt his agenda, which resulted in them winning bigly in 2010. The Dems did the exact same thing following Trump’s win and in both instances the opposition party was rewarded handsomely for not cooperating with the President. So going back to your original point, the conditions simply aren’t amenable towards cooperation in today’s hyper tribal political environment.
That may have been partially true before 2008 but it’s definitely not the case in the present. The moment one party wins the Presidency, the opposition party immediately begin to disrupt their ability to implement their agenda in order to create the conditions to gain seats during the following mid terms. This largely started when Obama won his first term and the GOP made a pact to do everything in their power to dilute and disrupt his agenda, which resulted in them winning bigly in 2010. The Dems did the exact same thing following Trump’s win and in both instances the opposition party was rewarded handsomely for not cooperating with the President. So going back to your original point, the conditions simply aren’t amenable towards cooperation in today’s hyper tribal political environment.

The Republicans are openly corrupt. But because the Democrats are also owned by corporations, they only give lip service.
That is why no real policies as needed by Americans will be implemented.
Only an outsider can do it.

You can be articulate and clever. In the end its about substance.

If there is no real change after the Democrats take charge, you will have another Trump except he will be even harsher and we will have blood on the streets.
The democrats to win need to stay away from socialism if they want to win, a few people at work coming from democrat families are ready to not vote at all in 2020 because of that, they will vote for Biden only.
The democrats to win need to stay away from socialism if they want to win, a few people at work coming from democrat families are ready to not vote at all in 2020 because of that, they will vote for Biden only.

Do you think your friends are enough to tip the election ?
The democrats to win need to stay away from socialism if they want to win, a few people at work coming from democrat families are ready to not vote at all in 2020 because of that, they will vote for Biden only.
I can live with that
Do you think your friends are enough to tip the election ?

There are probably a lot of people like his friends. Including all these refugees from central-south america who know how well socialism worked for Cuba, Venezuela, etc.

The easiest strategy for the republicans will be to label the Dem candidate as a "socialist". It may not be as bad as it was 40 years ago, but for someone like Trump it's still a powerful tool.
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