2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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I really like Pete, but every time I hear him it's the same word phrase for phrase. You could play bingo with him 'look I think about what this is going to look like in 2054 the year I get to the current age of the current president', 'I have more government experience than the president, more executive experience than the vice president, and more military experience than any man to walk through that door since George H W Bush', 'It might seem cheeky of me to say this as the young guy in the race', 'I wound up getting re-elected with over 80% of the vote, at a time when Mike Pence was the governor', 'Twice, once for a 1,000 year flood and the other for what we were told was a 500 year flood'. You could just copy paste bits together and get his speech word for word. It's not even the same sentiment that he shares each time he goes on TV but worded in different ways, it's the same speech, with the same content word for word, with the inflection in exactly the same place every time and I dunno I've given up watching him because I'm not seeing anything new and I'm not seeing anymore his ability to handle a dynamic conversation that flows and changes between subjects but just him answering questions with the same word for word response he said last week in response to a different question.
You could say the same for Sanders and Yang as well. It’s not uncommon for politicians to reuse the same phrases and sentences over and over.
What does it have to do with your original point that I addressed?

The fact is policy specifics comes 2nd to personal affinity. You love Sanders, you see him as personifying ‘the Truth’, as you’ve been saying for the last 4 years, that’s why you are going to vote for him, as are the majority of voters. Ultimately, people go for the people they ‘feel’ embody their values, that’s why a no mark like Mayor Buttgig is high in the polls.

Absolutely. Likeability and relatability are at a minimum on par with policy.
He's more or less proposing an end to the health insurance industry by nationalizing health care.
The insurance industry =/= healthcare. The NHS has govt hospitals, doctors, etc - not his plan.
You could say the same for Sanders and Yang as well. It’s not uncommon for politicians to reuse the same phrases and sentences over and over.

The difference is, they change up the wording or the inflection so that it's just a standard continuation of conversation, with Pete he literally reverts to a robotic mode of answering it in syllable for syllable exactly the same way he's answered it a few times before. People like Sanders etc will throw in a 'look.... *pause*' when they get annoyed or need to think about something, but Pete will throw in those words in exactly the same place, every time he answers questions in the same way. I can answer a question to person A and if 2 days later person B asks me the same question I'll give more or less the same answer but in a somewhat different tone of voice and with somewhat similar wording. To revert back to the exact same words in the exact same tone, with the same inflection on the same words and throwing in wording like 'look.... *pause for effect*... the deal is' every single time inferring that I needed a moment to construct my sentence when actually you've been delivering this line repeatedly for weeks. It just is starting to have a fake feel to it. It's literally a copy paste job with no deviation at all which you do see among other candidates even if they are delivering the same message repeatedly.

It's difficult to really put properly into words, but it's just starting to feel very old. It'd help if I saw an actual lengthy conversation with him like Yang on Joe Rogan, and not just panel shows where he gets asked the same predictable questions to see if he can actually hold a conversation about different issues and not have prepared answers.
The insurance industry =/= healthcare. The NHS has govt hospitals, doctors, etc - not his plan.
We sort of have government run doctors/hospitals with the military. And based on my experience growing up, they’re okay for the normal stuff, but private doctors have usually been better quality. Given the chance, my family tried to get into a private doctor’s office any chance we could.
The difference is, they change up the wording or the inflection so that it's just a standard continuation of conversation, with Pete he literally reverts to a robotic mode of answering it in syllable for syllable exactly the same way he's answered it a few times before. People like Sanders etc will throw in a 'look.... *pause*' when they get annoyed or need to think about something, but Pete will throw in those words in exactly the same place, every time he answers questions in the same way. I can answer a question to person A and if 2 days later person B asks me the same question I'll give more or less the same answer but in a somewhat different tone of voice and with somewhat similar wording. To revert back to the exact same words in the exact same tone, with the same inflection on the same words and throwing in wording like 'look.... *pause for effect*... the deal is' every single time inferring that I needed a moment to construct my sentence when actually you've been delivering this line repeatedly for weeks. It just is starting to have a fake feel to it. It's literally a copy paste job with no deviation at all which you do see among other candidates even if they are delivering the same message repeatedly.

It's difficult to really put properly into words, but it's just starting to feel very old. It'd help if I saw an actual lengthy conversation with him like Yang on Joe Rogan, and not just panel shows where he gets asked the same predictable questions to see if he can actually hold a conversation about different issues and not have prepared answers.
Didn’t know it was word for word. I haven’t really watched him too much so I’ll take your word for it.
The insurance industry =/= healthcare. The NHS has govt hospitals, doctors, etc - not his plan.

Yes I agree with that, however the funding mechanism in the US would be nationalized which means the private insurance market would go away. The fact that the government wouldn't own all the hospitals wouldn't preclude the broad perception that an entire industry was being shifted from market driven to government run.
We sort of have government run doctors/hospitals with the military. And based on my experience growing up, they’re okay for the normal stuff, but private doctors have usually been better quality. Given the chance, my family tried to get into a private doctor’s office any chance we could.

Ironically the VA have been recently moving towards referring their patients to private clinics to reduce the wait times at VA hospitals.
What does it have to do with your original point that I addressed?

The fact is policy specifics comes 2nd to personal affinity. You love Sanders, you see him as personifying ‘the Truth’, as you’ve been saying for the last 4 years, that’s why you are going to vote for him, as are the majority of voters. Ultimately, people go for the people they ‘feel’ embody their values, that’s why a no mark like Mayor Buttgig is high in the polls.

I agree with Sanders on his policies. If I loved Sanders I would have voted for Hillary.
Warren has little chance of winning.

As for Pete B. He is a shiny new toy.
The debates will clear things up.
I agree with Sanders on his policies. If I loved Sanders I would have voted for Hillary.
Warren has little chance of winning.

As for Pete B. He is a shiny new toy.
The debates will clear things up.

I can't see Buttiegeg doing anything but well in the debates. He's easily the most articulate of the candidates.
Wasn't he talking about a government insurance scheme rather than a nationalised health system?

The former would be good, the later would be better and save the US a fortune while increasing social mobility and the health of a large % of the population.

he was.

Ultimately it will lead to the Nationalisation of health care and we would have better benefits.
Just curious, of the three media darlings as of late, who would you all get behind if it came down to it: Harris, Beto, or Buttigieg?
The difference is, they change up the wording or the inflection so that it's just a standard continuation of conversation, with Pete he literally reverts to a robotic mode of answering it in syllable for syllable exactly the same way he's answered it a few times before. People like Sanders etc will throw in a 'look.... *pause*' when they get annoyed or need to think about something, but Pete will throw in those words in exactly the same place, every time he answers questions in the same way. I can answer a question to person A and if 2 days later person B asks me the same question I'll give more or less the same answer but in a somewhat different tone of voice and with somewhat similar wording. To revert back to the exact same words in the exact same tone, with the same inflection on the same words and throwing in wording like 'look.... *pause for effect*... the deal is' every single time inferring that I needed a moment to construct my sentence when actually you've been delivering this line repeatedly for weeks. It just is starting to have a fake feel to it. It's literally a copy paste job with no deviation at all which you do see among other candidates even if they are delivering the same message repeatedly.

It's difficult to really put properly into words, but it's just starting to feel very old. It'd help if I saw an actual lengthy conversation with him like Yang on Joe Rogan, and not just panel shows where he gets asked the same predictable questions to see if he can actually hold a conversation about different issues and not have prepared answers.

Mayor Pete should absolutely do a lengthy podcast. Loved hearing to Yang. I thought there was a NPR Podcast on Pete but I have heard very little of him, so I'll have to take your word.
Trump vetoes resolution to end U.S. participation in Yemen’s civil war
The move, which had been expected, marks the second veto of Trump’s presidency.

“This resolution is an unnecessary, dangerous attempt to weaken my constitutional authorities, endangering the lives of American citizens and brave service members, both today and in the future,” Trump said in a statement.

The measure had passed the House on a 247-to-175 vote earlier this month and was approved by the Senate last month with the support of seven Republicans.

This month’s House vote marked the first time both chambers had acted to invoke the same war-powers resolution to end U.S. military engagement in a foreign conflict.
(in this thread because Bernie authored the resolution)
The difference is, they change up the wording or the inflection so that it's just a standard continuation of conversation, with Pete he literally reverts to a robotic mode of answering it in syllable for syllable exactly the same way he's answered it a few times before. People like Sanders etc will throw in a 'look.... *pause*' when they get annoyed or need to think about something, but Pete will throw in those words in exactly the same place, every time he answers questions in the same way. I can answer a question to person A and if 2 days later person B asks me the same question I'll give more or less the same answer but in a somewhat different tone of voice and with somewhat similar wording. To revert back to the exact same words in the exact same tone, with the same inflection on the same words and throwing in wording like 'look.... *pause for effect*... the deal is' every single time inferring that I needed a moment to construct my sentence when actually you've been delivering this line repeatedly for weeks. It just is starting to have a fake feel to it. It's literally a copy paste job with no deviation at all which you do see among other candidates even if they are delivering the same message repeatedly.

It's difficult to really put properly into words, but it's just starting to feel very old. It'd help if I saw an actual lengthy conversation with him like Yang on Joe Rogan, and not just panel shows where he gets asked the same predictable questions to see if he can actually hold a conversation about different issues and not have prepared answers.

You should check out his Breakfast Club interview. He goes well off the usual MSM script here, mainly because the questions are so off the cuff.

You should check out his Breakfast Club interview. He goes well off the usual MSM script here, mainly because the questions are so off the cuff.

Awesome, I'll give that a listen to. I listened to Yang on there but every time I watch this show the guy who sits on the guests right always comes across ignorant as feck about everything he tries to talk about while the guy who sits opposite tries to reign him in.
Just curious, of the three media darlings as of late, who would you all get behind if it came down to it: Harris, Beto, or Buttigieg?

Kamala Harris

Between, Bernie and Buttgieg have gotten the maximum coverage over the last month according to 538.
Lizzy Warren has raised the second highest amount of all the democrats despite her being behind in all the polls.
Just curious, of the three media darlings as of late, who would you all get behind if it came down to it: Harris, Beto, or Buttigieg?

I went to a Beto event recently and walked away pretty impressed. At the end of the day I would vote for any Dem this cycle since the stakes for the country of risking a second Trump term and the permanent damage it would do in terms of judges, environmental policy, and the general morale of the country, are just too high to not take any action at all.
Just curious, of the three media darlings as of late, who would you all get behind if it came down to it: Harris, Beto, or Buttigieg?

I think that all three would be good presidents if they were elected, especially compared to the current one. Personally, from what I have seen so far, I like Buttigieg, but I am afraid that he'd be an easy target for Trump. Realistically, I believe that Beto has the easiest path in beating Trump. Beto would definitely win California, and vs Trump he has a realistic chance in winning Texas, too.

On the other hand, California votes on Super Tuesday primaries this time (March 3, 2019). And Harris has a lot of support in California...
I think that all three would be good presidents if they were elected, especially compared to the current one. Personally, from what I have seen so far, I like Buttigieg, but I am afraid that he'd be an easy target for Trump. Realistically, I believe that Beto has the easiest path in beating Trump. Beto would definitely win California, and vs Trump he has a realistic chance in winning Texas, too.

On the other hand, California votes on Super Tuesday primaries this time (March 3, 2019). And Harris has a lot of support in California...

The chance of the Dems winning Texas during a heavy turnout Gen election where a Texan could get elected POTUS would seem to favor Beto in this regard. Whoever the Dem is they will likely get a fairly high turnout to compete strongly in all swing and purple states.
Watched the town hall with Andrew Yang . He really bossed it ,came across as very confident ,clever ,funny and answered all questions in detail.Whoever becomes the Presidential candidate i hope they will seek out people like him to hear out his ideas.
Awesome, I'll give that a listen to. I listened to Yang on there but every time I watch this show the guy who sits on the guests right always comes across ignorant as feck about everything he tries to talk about while the guy who sits opposite tries to reign him in.
That's their shtick
Re Beto & Buttlieg, have we really not learned from Obama about the dangers of picking charisma candidates? Sure he was a lovely guy and after Bush seemed far better than he actually was, but 8 years of Obama did feck all to reduce income inequality, he personally wasn't interested in universal healthcare, and his reaction to the banks fecking the world was to hire lots of ex-bankers and hedge fund people to rebuild the economy.

Beto or Buttlieg would just end up being more of the same old. Establishment presidents from wealthy privileged backgrounds who have done their media training and know how to make the poor folks feel fuzzy, while doing feck all to actually help them.

If this race isn't won by Bernie then the Dems are fecked.
Re Beto & Buttlieg, have we really not learned from Obama about the dangers of picking charisma candidates? Sure he was a lovely guy and after Bush seemed far better than he actually was, but 8 years of Obama did feck all to reduce income inequality, he personally wasn't interested in universal healthcare, and his reaction to the banks fecking the world was to hire lots of ex-bankers and hedge fund people to rebuild the economy.

Beto or Buttlieg would just end up being more of the same old. Establishment presidents from wealthy privileged backgrounds who have done their media training and know how to make the poor folks feel fuzzy, while doing feck all to actually help them.

If this race isn't won by Bernie then the Dems are fecked.
The question was about having to choose between Beto, Pete, and Harris. I don't foresee Harris being any better on policy.

I like Beto's chances in the GE the best at the moment, therefore he gets the nod. All we need from them is to just win, baby...
I like Beto's chances in the GE the best at the moment, therefore he gets the nod. All we need from them is to just win, baby...

Why? Trump only won in the first place because Dem's have moved so far away from their traditional base that they lost the Rust Belt. So say Beto (a seemingly centre-right Texan) wins, what will actually change? Sure there will be 4 or even 8 years of slight improvement generally, but its not going to win back all those working class people when they realize that yet again their lives aren't actually improving in any significant way. So then Trump v2.0?
Why? Trump only won in the first place because Dem's have moved so far away from their traditional base that they lost the Rust Belt. So say Beto (a seemingly centre-right Texan) wins, what will actually change? Sure there will be 4 or even 8 years of slight improvement generally, but its not going to win back all those working class people when they realize that yet again their lives aren't actually improving in any significant way. So then Trump v2.0?
Because otherwise the giant mine to be built on top of one of the great pristine fisheries on earth will be greenlit, courts will continue to be packed crony judges, and we won't rejoin the Paris Accord. 4 more years of Trump won't be just 4 more years of damage, it'll be 40.

I'll take my chances with a Trump 2.0 appearance. A backlash against Bernie will make that possibility more likely anyway.
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