2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Lads. Buttigieg is interesting. Just like Vang.
But even presenters are asking about specifics.

This cycle will be more about specifics/policies I feel than personalities because Bernie is being taken far more seriously and other candidates are having to spell out their ideas.
This can only be good for everyone.
Is he the MSM chosen one? Have they moved on from Harris

Yeah Pete ticks all the boxes better: young, a First (lgbt president), Middle America appeal, high brow appeal (Rhodes scholar), low brow appeal (veteran).
Call me cynical but something doesn’t sit well with Fox giving Bernie a platform like that and giving him such a smooth interview.

I really wouldn’t be surprised if the Trump Admin/GOP already have an effective smear campaign prepared and are trying to earn him the candidacy.
The fact the MSM is pushing him is why I'm wary of him.

Part of the reason he is being talked up is because he talks a very good game. No yelling, class warfare or identity politics (apart from him answering questions about his orientation). The guy rarely puts a foot wrong in interviews or town halls.
Said this earlier - but he's an empty shell in the mould of Beto. Look at his website: https://peteforamerica.com/

There are no policies. Nothing. Zilch.

Compare that to Yang's: https://www.yang2020.com/policies/

It's like night and day. I am not keen on Yang myself, but there's actually some transparency on what he hopes to achieve.

Buttigieg? There isn't, because it's a career move for him. Nothing more. The Dem establishment will coalesce around him because he allows the political centre-right ground to continue their stranglehold on the party.

People need to donate and support Bernie/Warren hard.
Part of the reason he is being talked up is because he talks a very good game. No yelling, class warfare or identity politics (apart from him answering questions about his orientation). The guy rarely puts a foot wrong in interviews or town halls.

He is likeable of course.
Smooth. Too smooth.

About Fox and Bernie. This may be the reverse of CNN and Trump.
The Socialist tag will not stick.
And there are no Democratic voters who can find fault with him.

It is Bernie's to lose.
Lads. Buttigieg is interesting. Just like Vang.
But even presenters are asking about specifics.

This cycle will be more about specifics/policies I feel than personalities because Bernie is being taken far more seriously and other candidates are having to spell out their ideas.
This can only be good for everyone.
This is evidently false since Warren isn’t getting any attention despite having by far the most comprehensive policy roll outs of the entire field.
Said this earlier - but he's an empty shell in the mould of Beto. Look at his website: https://peteforamerica.com/

There are no policies. Nothing. Zilch.

Compare that to Yang's: https://www.yang2020.com/policies/

It's like night and day. I am not keen on Yang myself, but there's actually some transparency on what he hopes to achieve.

Buttigieg? There isn't, because it's a career move for him. Nothing more. The Dem establishment will coalesce around him because he allows the political centre-right ground to continue their stranglehold on the party.

People need to donate and support Bernie/Warren hard.

Its far too early for extensive policies on websites. Most candidates are only just getting set up and hiring staff. Yang's odd juggernaut not withstanding.
Its far too early for extensive policies on websites. Most candidates are only just getting set up and hiring staff. Yang's odd juggernaut not withstanding.
If they are asking for my money, I'd expect them to explain why.
Call me cynical but something doesn’t sit well with Fox giving Bernie a platform like that and giving him such a smooth interview.

I really wouldn’t be surprised if the Trump Admin/GOP already have an effective smear campaign prepared and are trying to earn him the candidacy.

One of the worst aspects of Trump's presidency is that he empowered all the far-right weirdos (racists, misogynists, neonazis, etc). The average republican is not far-right, for sure.

I am now worried that Bernie will similarly empower all the far-left weirdos. And unfortunately the far-left weirdos are as destructive as their far-right cousins.

Of course, Bernie himself is actually much more balanced. However, political choices always have unwanted side-effects. And if Bernie wins the Dem primaries, then all these far-left weirdos will feel that the promised time has arrived and Lenin should be resurrected and lead his disciples to the Holy Land...

Then, it will be very easy for Republicans to gather their supporters and have everyone vote for Trump. Without this, the moderate republicans may feel that they have had enough if that idiot and abstain.
Bernie has the same specifics at least and he obviously faced a stacked deck in 2016.
Also he is far more charismatic.

That is why he is leading.
He doesn’t.

Let’s compare their flagship policy, as outlined on their respective website.

Medicare for All - Sanders.


Wealth Tax - Warren


You’d have to be extremely disingenuous to say they are equal in depth. And yes, he’s more charismatic, and have better street creds now with the progressives as the man who challenged Clinton, that’s the important part.
If they are asking for my money, I'd expect them to explain why.

They don't have to reveal full policy platforms yet, largely because most people who support them either go to their town halls, read their social media feeds, and watch them on TV interviews and have a pretty good sense of where they stand. The website only puts in writing.
One of the worst aspects of Trump's presidency is that he empowered all the far-right weirdos (racists, misogynists, neonazis, etc). The average republican is not far-right, for sure.

I am now worried that Bernie will similarly empower all the far-left weirdos. And unfortunately the far-left weirdos are as destructive as their far-right cousins.

Of course, Bernie himself is actually much more balanced. However, political choices always have unwanted side-effects. And if Bernie wins the Dem primaries, then all these far-left weirdos will feel that the promised time has arrived and Lenin should be resurrected and lead his disciples to the Holy Land...

Then, it will be very easy for Republicans to gather their supporters and have everyone vote for Trump. Without this, the moderate republicans may feel that they have had enough if that idiot and abstain.
Just no. I don’t like leftist/liberal extremists either but they’re nothing compared to extremist right wingers. I’ll take smashed up Starbucks windows over mass killings and running people over. Also, who cares if the far left weirdos feel empowered. That’s such an insignificant part of his supporters. Real hardworking people are the majority.
Just no. I don’t like leftist/liberal extremists either but they’re nothing compared to extremist right wingers. I’ll take smashed up Starbucks windows over mass killings and running people over. Also, who cares if the far left weirdos feel empowered. That’s such an insignificant part of his supporters. Real hardworking people are the majority.

I am not talking about the street level anarchists, nobody gives a fart about them and they are just a handful of people anyway. I am talking about the far-left "intellectuals" who believe they have to "destroy capitalism".

(What "mass killings" are you talking about???)
I am not talking about the street level anarchists, nobody gives a fart about them and they are just a handful of people anyway. I am talking about the far-left "intellectuals" who believe they have to "destroy capitalism".

(What "mass killings" are you talking about???)
Even those wanting to destroy capitalism are so few in numbers. It’s not even close to Bernie’s platform to destroy capitalism. Just take a look at this forum. It’s as liberally intellectual as can be and only Eboue and Silva ever say things like that. As I’ve said, most Bernie supporters just want a government that reps them.

Regarding mass killings, we’ve just had New Zealand happen. Pittsburgh synagogue was a short time ago. There was the Charlottesville protestors being racist as feck and had that one dumb feck run over a lady to death. The one guy who shot up a Charleston church and was fed Burger King afterward. And there was attempt to send bombs to media pundits and politicians by the nutcase in south Florida. Furthermore, consider what’s being said by people online and in person. Most are a bunch of punks but there are a lot of crazy right wingers who can potentially shoot up a place because they really think some violent revolution is coming.
He doesn’t.

Let’s compare their flagship policy, as outlined on their respective website.

Medicare for All - Sanders.


Wealth Tax - Warren


You’d have to be extremely disingenuous to say they are equal in depth. And yes, he’s more charismatic, and have better street creds now with the progressives as the man who challenged Clinton, that’s the important part.

I and many progressives would gladly vote for Warren if she ends up the nominee.

But she wont be.
It's hard not to be inspired by Bernie though. I don't even get the questions he got for going on Fox. Stupid gits. Moderates got their chance in 2016. Let us give a chance to the progressives
He doesn’t.

Let’s compare their flagship policy, as outlined on their respective website.

Medicare for All - Sanders.


Wealth Tax - Warren


You’d have to be extremely disingenuous to say they are equal in depth. And yes, he’s more charismatic, and have better street creds now with the progressives as the man who challenged Clinton, that’s the important part.

I agree with your point as a whole, but on this issue, Bernie does have a bill which he can point to for specifics.

It wont be well received in most circles outside the Sanders bubble, which is why he will likely not call for it outside of healthcare.
He isn't calling for nationalised healthcare (NHS).
I really like Pete, but every time I hear him it's the same word phrase for phrase. You could play bingo with him 'look I think about what this is going to look like in 2054 the year I get to the current age of the current president', 'I have more government experience than the president, more executive experience than the vice president, and more military experience than any man to walk through that door since George H W Bush', 'It might seem cheeky of me to say this as the young guy in the race', 'I wound up getting re-elected with over 80% of the vote, at a time when Mike Pence was the governor', 'Twice, once for a 1,000 year flood and the other for what we were told was a 500 year flood'. You could just copy paste bits together and get his speech word for word. It's not even the same sentiment that he shares each time he goes on TV but worded in different ways, it's the same speech, with the same content word for word, with the inflection in exactly the same place every time and I dunno I've given up watching him because I'm not seeing anything new and I'm not seeing anymore his ability to handle a dynamic conversation that flows and changes between subjects but just him answering questions with the same word for word response he said last week in response to a different question.
I agree with your point as a whole, but on this issue, Bernie does have a bill which he can point to for specifics.

He isn't calling for nationalised healthcare (NHS).

He's more or less proposing an end to the health insurance industry by nationalizing health care.
I and many progressives would gladly vote for Warren if she ends up the nominee.

But she wont be.
What does it have to do with your original point that I addressed?

The fact is policy specifics comes 2nd to personal affinity. You love Sanders, you see him as personifying ‘the Truth’, as you’ve been saying for the last 4 years, that’s why you are going to vote for him, as are the majority of voters. Ultimately, people go for the people they ‘feel’ embody their values, that’s why a no mark like Mayor Buttgig is high in the polls.
He's more or less proposing an end to the health insurance industry by nationalizing health care.

Wasn't he talking about a government insurance scheme rather than a nationalised health system?

The former would be good, the later would be better and save the US a fortune while increasing social mobility and the health of a large % of the population.
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