2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Trump is the current president. Even you and I are presidential material.

I think the media is biased against her because she doesn't give them enough spicy talking material. Talking about implementable policies and ideas is so boring. Everyone wants a fecking show.
Trump, as moronic and embarrassing as he is, still gives off a "boss" or an alpha vibe. I just don't see that with Warren, even though her policies are infinitely better for this country. On the other hand look at Bernie. You know he's there to take charge whether you like him or not. And I think other voters more or less sense that too. Warren in my opinion would be better suited to the Senate, which with a progressive President, would be tremendously helpful to the cause.
All the attention going to the likes of Buttigieg and Beto shouls be going to Warren, someone who has actually accomplished something and is known nationally. But I guess it's more important to cover Beto' skateboarding career and Buttigiegs favorite books.

Most importantly she has actual distinct ideas and a reason for running. I'd love to hear the policy differences between Buttigieg, O'Rourke, Swalwell and Ryan. What do they offer that other candidates dont? Why are they running except to further their own careers?
Good point
At least Yang has a huge number of credible, thought-out policies on his website. Buttigieg's is an empty shell, as is Beto's. Much rather Yang got attention, if any were to be given to outsiders with minimal experience.
What do you think is the reason for her low numbers? After Biden & Sanders, she is most recognizable because of her senate work and speeches. Her agenda & policies are the most elaborate. They pretty good without them being populist. She is woman, which should be a positive in this cycle against Kumquat.

It's so frustrating seeing her behind in all the polls. Still think Gramps should put his weight behind her and let her have a free run at the progressives.

It has to do with Warren and Sanders occupying the same progressive lane within the Dem electorate, which given Sanders’ cultish following, is siphoning the necessary votes from Warren to gain any of her own traction against the broader field. This explains why she is lagging despite having extensive policy depth and experience. If she was more of a hybrid like Beto (one foot I progressive and one in the center), she would probably have more luck, but she is obviously not the type to sell out her views for political expediency.
It has to do with Warren and Sanders occupying the same progressive lane within the Dem electorate, which given Sanders’ cultish following, is siphoning the necessary votes from Warren to gain any of her own traction against the broader field. This explains why she is lagging despite having extensive policy depth and experience. If she was more of a hybrid like Beto (one foot I progressive and one in the center), she would probably have more luck, but she is obviously not the type to sell out her views for political expediency.

No doubt her being a woman has something to do with it as well. Not a lot, but something.
Warren did not endorse Sanders because she was a Democrat. Understandable.
But she lost credibility with Bernie supporters.
I remember Nina Turner have a right go at her then.

If people take time to listen to her, she is very impressive and believable.
Warren did not endorse Sanders because she was a Democrat. Understandable.
But she lost credibility with Bernie supporters.
I remember Nina Turner have a right go at her then.

If people take time to listen to her, she is very impressive and believable.

She also lacks the rock star type persona that is increasingly needed in modern Presidential campaigns. Sanders, Beto, and Biden have it (as does Trump), but sadly Warren is a bit too wonkishly granular to be taken seriously in a game of soundbites and tweets.
She also lacks the rock star type persona that is increasingly needed in modern Presidential campaigns. Sanders, Beto, and Biden have it (as does Trump), but sadly Warren is a bit too wonkishly granular to be taken seriously in a game of soundbites and tweets.

I'm honestly not convinced Biden really has it. We'll see, but I suspect his approval rating will drop quite a bit once he actually gets in the race and we start having debates and more media appearances. He's becoming something of a specialist in failure when it comes to Presidential campaigns.

(Though some suspect he might not get in the race at all, since he's apparently tired of losing and would only run if he was nailed on to win the nomination).
She also lacks the rock star type persona that is increasingly needed in modern Presidential campaigns. Sanders, Beto, and Biden have it (as does Trump), but sadly Warren is a bit too wonkishly granular to be taken seriously in a game of soundbites and tweets.

Yes. She comes across like a school teacher which is a turnoff.

Pity though.

If she chose to run for Governor in MA, I can see her winning.
Biden has a history.
He also lacks specific ideas.

Two strikes.

Finally he may not have the energy to do it.

Better for him to go out on a high. Being associated with a presidency that still has many wishing it could have continued.
If you've had a good government salary all your life, enjoyed good health and lived frugally, its quite possible to have a million in assets at Bernie's age.
If you've had a good government salary all your life, enjoyed good health and lived frugally, its quite possible to have a million in assets at Bernie's age.
I thought his being a millionaire was talked about around last year, after his book sold well. That plus govt income, of course.
Regional familiarity. Speaking their language.

No one else will have Pete's level of effect in that region aside from Brown, who's senate seat we can't give up.

he doesnt speak their language. both his parents were college professors. he went to harvard. theres tons of unremarkable democratic mayors of medium size cities in the midwest. every mayor of south bend since 1972 has been a democrat. it's not like hes accomplished anything by being elected there. according to 538 he didnt even get 1% in Michigan, got to 1% in Wisconsin and 6% in Pennsylvania.

Biden and Bernie are far more popular in the midwest.
Regional familiarity. Speaking their language.

No one else will have Pete's level of effect in that region aside from Brown, who's senate seat we can't give up.

He’s definitely a rising star who will continue to rise, and frankly I’d be surprised if he doesn’t position himself as the top VP pick for a number of candidates. The fact that he’s this polished at 37 also suggests he will be in the mix for the POTUS job for the next several cycles (unless he gets it before).
Kirsten Gillibrand town hall on CNN. She's out of her depth IMO

Agreed. She may wind up doing more damage than good to her political brand if she stays in the 1-2 range and has to embarrassingly bow out early due to lack of funds or interest.
What does he want to accomplish? Who are his enemies? What does he see as obstacles? He doesn't stand for anything. Hes a guy who has all the credentials that pundits think matter and he speaks well but hes stands for nothing. Just an empty suit.
Okay understandable. Hopefully we'll see more as the campaign continues.
The fracture isnt something that can be mended by not running too many candidates in the primary or avoiding attack ads. The party is fractured between people who see Trump as an anomaly and want to go back to an Obama type in office so they dont have to claim to be Canadian on their European cruise and the people who see Trump as the result of decades of neoliberalism and the hollowing out of the democratic party and the country in order to make wall street increasingly richer.

In a normal country these two groups wouldn't have to share a party but since we have a stupid system, a stupid constitution and a very stupid populace, we are stuck fighting these battles within one of the two main parties.
Feck Obama. Feck Biden. And feck the feckless cowardly establishment dems.


They're 100% correct. The greatest strength of the right is that they will unite behind anyone who benefits them, while the left spends more time fighting against the wrong shade of left rather than trying to actually beat the right.

It was the Hillary/Sanders divide that got Trump in, and it's the same in Britain. "I'm a Labour voter but I can't support Blair/Corbyn/Brown etc" while the Tories happily seize on that and put the likes of Cameron and May into power.
They're 100% correct. The greatest strength of the right is that they will unite behind anyone who benefits them, while the left spends more time fighting against the wrong shade of left rather than trying to actually beat the right.

It was the Hillary/Sanders divide that got Trump in, and it's the same in Britain. "I'm a Labour voter but I can't support Blair/Corbyn/Brown etc" while the Tories happily seize on that and put the likes of Cameron and May into power.

Eboue explains it concisely above and Hilary was probably the only candidate Trump could have beaten in 2016.

I actually think he has strengthened his position since then because he consolidated his base and he won't have a libertarian taking over 3% of the popular vote (four and half million voted Libertarian about 3 times more than voted Green).
They're 100% correct. The greatest strength of the right is that they will unite behind anyone who benefits them, while the left spends more time fighting against the wrong shade of left rather than trying to actually beat the right.

It was the Hillary/Sanders divide that got Trump in, and it's the same in Britain. "I'm a Labour voter but I can't support Blair/Corbyn/Brown etc" while the Tories happily seize on that and put the likes of Cameron and May into power.

Spot on. It’s the all or nothing approach on policies like healthcare that will get Trump another four years in office.
Spot on. It’s the all or nothing approach on policies like healthcare that will get Trump another four years in office.

Explain your logic here. Hopefully backed up by facts

My working theory is corporate Democrates would prefer Donald Trump having another 4 years to Bernie Sanders getting elected. Do you disagree?
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Let's look at this calculation.

Libertarian candidate received 4.5 million votes in 2016
Green only received 1.5 million votes in 2016

(and just for the record Bernie got 111,000 write in votes and the ultra conservative Constitution Party drew in 200,000 votes.)

Over 90 million people did not vote. Look how many states Did Not Vote had more support than either party:

By all accounts Trump has consolidated his base so its reasonable to conclude he has already locked up another one to 3.5 million votes. Every conservative media host has been marshaling their audience to fall in line.

The only way the Democrats are going to win is by articulating a vision that can draw in a few million of those 90 million that hated Clinton and Trump so much they didn't vote or simply didn't care.

I don't see any winning math there for the Democrats if they try to fight over this mythic few million Republican-lite moderates that supposedly voted for Trump but now some corporate Dem can peel them away from Trump? Does No Drama actually think there are tens of millions of passionate moderates that didn't vote in 2016 just waiting for the right corporate centrist to inspire them in droves?

That sounds like the strategy of wishful thinkers not people with an understanding of public relations and the electorate.

So where is mediocre, uninspiring centrist supposed to pull all these extra votes to upset Trump from? The hardcore corporate centrists who didn't vote but somehow outnumber the 80% of Americans that don't have more than $400 in savings?
Explain your logic here. Hopefully backed up by facts

Standard divide and conquer stuff. One side pushing towards the center and a return to post-Trump normality and the other intoxicated by its own hubris and self-righteousness, resulting in two subtribes who privilege their own interests over that of the party, which results in a split vote where one side largely stay home on Election Day, while the GOP back Trump at about 90%. Trump will definitely win if such a scenario plays out, and it very well might.
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