2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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He reps New Jersey and attended Stanford, Yale and Oxford with no connection to South Carolina. I see him as kind of the opposite profile of a SC Democrat unless you think its because of the corporatism?

There's a big African American vote in SC, so Booker will do a bit better there than in other places.
There's a big African American vote in SC, so Booker will do a bit better there than in other places.

I'd think Harris would overwhelmingly take that vote because of the Howard and Oakland connection whereas Booker's profile just looks far more Northeast elite which I'd would not be as appealing. Who knows though at this point I guess
There's a big African American vote in SC, so Booker will do a bit better there than in other places.
I present to you...
This alone prevents him from securing the black vote.
Is there anybody in America who's not running for president?
Half of them should drop out as it comes close to the debates. Since the mid-terms, every fecking moron thinks against Trump is their best chance to win. Imo, there are 4 or 5 with a serious chance - Bernie, Biden, Harris, Warren and may be Booker or Beto at a push - rest should feel free to feck off.
Half of them should drop out as it comes close to the debates. Since the mid-terms, every fecking moron thinks against Trump is their best chance to win. Imo, there are 4 or 5 with a serious chance - Bernie, Biden, Harris, Warren and may be Booker or Beto at a push - rest should feel free to feck off.

It’s all a fundraising game going forward so the likes of Biden, Sanders, O’Rourke, Buttegieg, and Harris are the most likely to be the five to survive the latest. Warren is already running into fundraising issues, so sadly we may not see her in the latter stages.
I'm dubious of any poll that has Booker at 9% and above people like Mayor Butti, Yang and Warren who already have made more impact nationally. I struggle to see where Booker gets any support outside his home state.

Yang absolutely does not belong with Buttigieg and Warner in that sentence. Yang is consistently polling at 1%, if that.
Bernie fans seem worried about Buttigieg. Just look at the way TYT are dissecting him.
Yang absolutely does not belong with Buttigieg and Warner in that sentence. Yang is consistently polling at 1%, if that.

Compared to Booker he does. People need to stop taking this psuedo-scientific polling as some be-all, end-all. Yang has generated far more buzz and publicity so far than Booker and I would bet on him lasting longer in the race because he actually offers new ideas and fresh arguments (unlike people like Booker or Klobucher)
Define empty suit as it relates to him. He's gotten traction because he seems a man of the people who is genuine.
He has barely any name recognition and hes an empty suit like Beto except middle age libs dont write calf cramp tweets about him. His best case scenario is a cabinet position.
Unlike Beto he knows what he is talking about.
Compared to Booker he does. People need to stop taking this psuedo-scientific polling as some be-all, end-all. Yang has generated far more buzz and publicity so far than Booker and I would bet on him lasting longer in the race because he actually offers new ideas and fresh arguments (unlike people like Booker or Klobucher)

Sorry, but you just dismissed polling as "pseudo-scientific", and then immediately followed it up with declaring that Yang has generated far more buzz and publicity. That's nonsense.

If you genuinely think Booker has a much better chance than Yang, then you're living in a bubble. It's not only that Yang isn't well-known, because even among respondents who know about him he's just not very popular. And it's not like he's a newcomer to the race either. He declared as a candidate before basically anyone else.

I very much doubt Booker is going to make any kind of splash, but if Yang wins more than 2% of the vote in any state I'll be shocked.
It’s all a fundraising game going forward so the likes of Biden, Sanders, O’Rourke, Buttegieg, and Harris are the most likely to be the five to survive the latest. Warren is already running into fundraising issues, so sadly we may not see her in the latter stages.

What do you think is the reason for her low numbers? After Biden & Sanders, she is most recognizable because of her senate work and speeches. Her agenda & policies are the most elaborate. They pretty good without them being populist. She is woman, which should be a positive in this cycle against Kumquat.

It's so frustrating seeing her behind in all the polls. Still think Gramps should put his weight behind her and let her have a free run at the progressives.
Define empty suit as it relates to him. He's gotten traction because he seems a man of the people who is genuine.

What does he want to accomplish? Who are his enemies? What does he see as obstacles? He doesn't stand for anything. Hes a guy who has all the credentials that pundits think matter and he speaks well but hes stands for nothing. Just an empty suit.
What do you think is the reason for her low numbers? After Biden & Sanders, she is most recognizable because of her senate work and speeches. Her agenda & policies are the most elaborate. They pretty good without them being populist. She is woman, which should be a positive in this cycle against Kumquat.

It's so frustrating seeing her behind in all the polls. Still think Gramps should put his weight behind her and let her have a free run at the progressives.

She let Sanders take all the risks and do all the work in 16, and couldn’t even risk giving him her endorsement. Now she expects to sweep in and take over the movement he built? Nah..
Bernie fans seem worried about Buttigieg. Just look at the way TYT are dissecting him.

I noticed this aswell. Its quite interesting to see. I think he is actually quite smart and seems to know what he is actually talking about. I think its a bit early to say he is some "empty suit" but i wouldnt start hyping him up too much yet either. The debates could help see how he stacks up, but so far i think he is doing well for a "nobody" mayor from indiana
She just doesn’t have “it”. Great senator, but she ain’t presidential material.

Trump is the current president. Even you and I are presidential material.

I think the media is biased against her because she doesn't give them enough spicy talking material. Talking about implementable policies and ideas is so boring. Everyone wants a fecking show.
Sorry, but you just dismissed polling as "pseudo-scientific", and then immediately followed it up with declaring that Yang has generated far more buzz and publicity. That's nonsense.

If you genuinely think Booker has a much better chance than Yang, then you're living in a bubble. It's not only that Yang isn't well-known, because even among respondents who know about him he's just not very popular. And it's not like he's a newcomer to the race either. He declared as a candidate before basically anyone else.

I very much doubt Booker is going to make any kind of splash, but if Yang wins more than 2% of the vote in any state I'll be shocked.

There is no way to falsify this early political opinion polling. That's why its psuedo-science. Exit polling is a lot better because at least it can be checked against reality and its easy to see where the polling failed (like Kerry in 2004 or Clinton in 2016). But with this early opinion polling there is no way to falsify or check it against objective reality. This is why every statistics professor I had rated this type of early public opinion polling as "bad statistics".
Also as that ridiculously crap poll the guy linked yesterday on feminism shows, most polls are not neutral and even ones that try to be neutral always struggling with the priming problem.

Neither Booker nor Yang has any chance at becoming the nominee. That should be obvious to everyone.

But the difference is that Yang is in the public conversation. He is bringing up issues like UBI and how he talks about human centered capitalism that are being talked about and could potentially influence the direction of the Democrat primaries. Booker has none of that. Booker hasn't brought up a single idea that is being talked about and there is nothing the guy has done that has impacted the primaries in any way. Yang might not have any more of a chance of being nominee than Booker but he is already shaping the conversations people are having far more than Booker ever has (and imo ever will).

This is why its important to go beyond polling and start looking at other methods like futures markets and focus groups.
All the attention going to the likes of Buttigieg and Beto shouls be going to Warren, someone who has actually accomplished something and is known nationally. But I guess it's more important to cover Beto' skateboarding career and Buttigiegs favorite books.

Most importantly she has actual distinct ideas and a reason for running. I'd love to hear the policy differences between Buttigieg, O'Rourke, Swalwell and Ryan. What do they offer that other candidates dont? Why are they running except to further their own careers?
All the attention going to the likes of Buttigieg and Beto shouls be going to Warren, someone who has actually accomplished something and is known nationally. But I guess it's more important to cover Beto' skateboarding career and Buttigiegs favorite books.

Most importantly she has actual distinct ideas and a reason for running. I'd love to hear the policy differences between Buttigieg, O'Rourke, Swalwell and Ryan. What do they offer that other candidates dont? Why are they running except to further their own careers?

My pragmatic side says both Pete and Beto would have a better chance at beating Trump than Warren. She just isn't dynamic enough to win a national election.

I like Warren a lot, I just don't see it from a realistic perspective.
If i could vote I would be all over Warren personally (i like her , i like her ideas, she is a woman she knows what she's doing) . I just dont think she and Bernie can be within the same primary unfortunately. I dont think Beto and Pete are taking any of her oxygen though.
There is no way to falsify this early political opinion polling. That's why its psuedo-science. Exit polling is a lot better because at least it can be checked against reality and its easy to see where the polling failed (like Kerry in 2004 or Clinton in 2016). But with this early opinion polling there is no way to falsify or check it against objective reality. This is why every statistics professor I had rated this type of early public opinion polling as "bad statistics".
Also as that ridiculously crap poll the guy linked yesterday on feminism shows, most polls are not neutral and even ones that try to be neutral always struggling with the priming problem.

Neither Booker nor Yang has any chance at becoming the nominee. That should be obvious to everyone.

But the difference is that Yang is in the public conversation. He is bringing up issues like UBI and how he talks about human centered capitalism that are being talked about and could potentially influence the direction of the Democrat primaries. Booker has none of that. Booker hasn't brought up a single idea that is being talked about and there is nothing the guy has done that has impacted the primaries in any way. Yang might not have any more of a chance of being nominee than Booker but he is already shaping the conversations people are having far more than Booker ever has (and imo ever will).

This is why its important to go beyond polling and start looking at other methods like futures markets and focus groups.
You meant verify ?
All the attention going to the likes of Buttigieg and Beto shouls be going to Warren, someone who has actually accomplished something and is known nationally. But I guess it's more important to cover Beto' skateboarding career and Buttigiegs favorite books.

Most importantly she has actual distinct ideas and a reason for running. I'd love to hear the policy differences between Buttigieg, O'Rourke, Swalwell and Ryan. What do they offer that other candidates dont? Why are they running except to further their own careers?

fair points.

Buttigieg has no specifics. Same goes for Beto. Booker is a wannabe Obama but is further right. Don't trust him at all.
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