2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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You are wrong about the Senate. It was highly favourable for the Trump party last year and all they did was win in Supper Red States. Look at the map again.

Next year the Dems will be in power without any problem.

Congress for the Dems came in with hate for Trump. Its a combination of Progressives and others who just want honesty and decency back.

Its not Pelosi pulling the strings.

You should look at the map. Most of the Republican seats up for election are in deep red states and bankers for the Repubs. Plus, the Alabama seat that the Jones holds now is sure to go to whoever is the Republican candidate. Maine, Colorado & Arizona are the only seats that the Dems can realistically hope to overturn. Which is not going to be enough to take control of the senate. Don't think 2022 is much favorable either.

"It's not Pelosi pulling the strings" - what the feck does that even mean? A lot of the progressive candidates that were propped up bu Bernie and AOC lost the elections. The Repub seats that turned were by moderate Democrats in the mid-west and surrounding areas.
Neither of these are correct. The senate heavily favored the GOP in 2018, it wont on 2020.

And its nonsense that centrists won the Dems the House.

It's not.

It's not nonsense. Go find proof that it was the progressive candidates & not the moderates that helped turned the house.

And please some simple verifiable facts. Don't want to read a 500 word term paper plagiarized from various books and articles.
It's not.

It's not nonsense. Go find proof that it was the progressive candidates & not the moderates that helped turned the house.

And please some simple verifiable facts. Don't want to read a 500 word term paper plagiarized from various books and articles.

I see the last cycle as simply a repudiation of Trump where Dems generated sufficient voter enthusiasm and turnout to win back the house. The same election that brought us AOC also brought us the likes of Kyrsten Sinema and of the 69 most competitive districts only 15 of those had candidates supporting Medicare for all, which suggests the bulk of candidates were running on traditional Dem (not progressive) policies.
I see the last cycle as simply a repudiation of Trump where Dems generated sufficient voter enthusiasm and turnout to win back the house. The same election that brought us AOC also brought us the likes of Kyrsten Sinema and of the 69 most competitive districts only 15 of those had candidates supporting Medicare for all, which suggests the bulk of candidates were running on traditional Dem (not progressive) policies.

You are right. The progressives like Omar, Ocasio-Cortez, Pressley & Talib get all the minutes in the press being progressive women of color, but the truth is that the 25+ seats the Dems were able to overturn were won mostly by moderate democrats. Some of the progressive issues may have help propel them but the candidates who won cannot be termed as progressives.

In 2020, it would serve the democrats well to go with a similar message. Any sudden tilt towards the left will be a recipe for disaster. Incremental progress may not be ideal but it's still good.
It's not.

It's not nonsense. Go find proof that it was the progressive candidates & not the moderates that helped turned the house.

And please some simple verifiable facts. Don't want to read a 500 word term paper plagiarized from various books and articles.

You made the first assertion. Where the feck is your proof backing up your original claims ?
You should look at the map. Most of the Republican seats up for election are in deep red states and bankers for the Repubs. Plus, the Alabama seat that the Jones holds now is sure to go to whoever is the Republican candidate. Maine, Colorado & Arizona are the only seats that the Dems can realistically hope to overturn. Which is not going to be enough to take control of the senate. Don't think 2022 is much favorable either.

"It's not Pelosi pulling the strings" - what the feck does that even mean? A lot of the progressive candidates that were propped up bu Bernie and AOC lost the elections. The Repub seats that turned were by moderate Democrats in the mid-west and surrounding areas.

You forgot GA and NC.
Not a given GOP win there.

You win elections by running on issues that matter.
Health Care, Minimum Wage and Education.
Not the same ol middle of the road nonsense.
Pelosi has to listen to the members and what they want.
The democratic party is moving left even if the Corporations want things their own way.
You forgot GA and NC.
Not a given GOP win there.

You win elections by running on issues that matter.
Health Care, Minimum Wage and Education.
Not the same ol middle of the road nonsense.
Pelosi has to listen to the members and what they want.
The democratic party is moving left even if the Corporations want things their own way.

You don't win elections in Georgia and North Carolina by running on that, though. If you think the 2020 Senate map is an easy win for Dems, then you're setting yourself up for massive disappointment. It's not impossible to win, but they'd do very well to make it happen.
You don't win elections in Georgia and North Carolina by running on that, though. If you think the 2020 Senate map is an easy win for Dems, then you're setting yourself up for massive disappointment. It's not impossible to win, but they'd do very well to make it happen.

The Demographics are changing in those two states.
It wont be a given for the Republicans.
Abrahms actually won. The cnut disenfranchised so many voters.

In a presidential year its about coat tails.

Trump wants to gut the ACA without a replacement plan. Even Republicans are dismayed.
So it IS about issues.

All Trump has is out right racism. Sure that plays to his base , who btw are concerned about the same issues as the rest of the population except they blame non white people for them not getting what they need.

Bernie resonates across all demographics...even the racists. With them it is a matter of which is greater. Hatred or listening to an honest man.
You don't win elections in Georgia and North Carolina by running on that, though. If you think the 2020 Senate map is an easy win for Dems, then you're setting yourself up for massive disappointment. It's not impossible to win, but they'd do very well to make it happen.

Those issues aren't really the problem for the Dems either. Whenever I talk to people from deep red states they never complain about Bernie and his policies its always the identity politics, gun control and immigration they think when they think its too far to the left. Those 3 issues hurt the Dems a lot more even in the South than universal healthcare and good education hurts them.
Those issues aren't really the problem for the Dems either. Whenever I talk to people from deep red states they never complain about Bernie and his policies its always the identity politics, gun control and immigration they think when they think its too far to the left. Those 3 issues hurt the Dems a lot more even in the South than universal healthcare and good education hurts them.

Aye, generally I'd imagine a lot of Republicans in southern states won't mind a lot of left-wing populist economic policies provided they're marketed in a way which doesn't terrify them and doesn't make it look like outright communism. What they don't like is when those same economic initiatives also go to minority groups. Then it's a handout...
Aye, generally I'd imagine a lot of Republicans in southern states won't mind a lot of left-wing populist economic policies provided they're marketed in a way which doesn't terrify them and doesn't make it look like outright communism. What they don't like is when those same economic initiatives also go to minority groups. Then it's a handout...

Yes this is a great way to put it. Its really about how the Democrats try to market these ideas. They certainly aren't unpopular but the opposition is already spending money on anti-public healthcare PR.

I am not sure about that. What "issues that matter" was Obama running for? Trump? Bush junior?

A lot actually. He was opposing Bush's Iraq War for both the Guantanamo Bay stuff and the Halliburton connection, he frequently talked about financial reform and fixing the problems that led to the finance crisis, he was anti-fossil fuel and oil lobbyist and he talked about healthcare even mentioning the public option multiple tines. That he failed to really follow through with any meaningful change is why people might forget that he actually campaigned on some populist liberal ideas at the time (anti-Iraq war, finance reform, anti-fossil fuel and healthcare) and thats why so many 18-24 year olds I knew at the time thought he really would create change
I am not sure about that. What "issues that matter" was Obama running for? Trump? Bush junior?

None. But it helps those on the left who refused to vote just to keep out Trump, wash themselves of responsibility for all the kids in cages, LGBT rights roll backs, irreversible climate damage, SCOTUS picks, or the unprecedented rise in deadly white Nationalist violence, because the Democrats didn’t provide a positive enough alternative to the guy who literally said junkie Mexican rapists were coming to kill them in their beds and Hillary was running a murderous pedophile ring out of a pizza parlour....
None. But it helps those on the left who refused to vote just to keep out Trump, wash themselves of responsibility for all the kids in cages, LGBT rights roll backs, irreversible climate damage, SCOTUS picks, or the unprecedented rise in deadly white Nationalist violence, because the Democrats didn’t provide a positive enough alternative to the guy who literally said junkie Mexican rapists were coming to kill them in their beds and Hillary was running a murderous pedophile ring out of a pizza parlour....

several examples were listed in the post literally above yours
several examples were listed in the post literally above yours

It's a shame Clinton didn't campaign for any positive things then, isn't it? Or make any attempt to reach out to those poor, lost, forgotten working class voters (sic: only the white ones though) that Trump appealed to, with his uniquely positive policies? ... That's what swung it. Definitely not all the racism.
It's a shame Clinton didn't campaign for any positive things then, isn't it? Or make any attempt to reach out to those poor, lost, forgotten working class voters that Trump appealed to, with his uniquely positive policies? ... That's what swung it. Definitely not all the racism.

she had a very progressive platform that she would walk back the second it became inconvenient for her and everyone knew it. her "reaching out to the working class" means feck all because our communities have been through this before when her husband pushed through nafta and told everyone that retraining would fix the lost jobs. there are so many people in the rust belt states who just tune her out because they know shes full of shit because shes proven it before.

as for trump, yeah of course his voters are racist. america is a hugely racist country. but obama won racist voters because they believed he would change their lives for the better. no one believed she would
So, if I’m getting this right... you’ve gone from “Trump is all Hillary’s fault, she didn’t do enough to win voters round” to “she had a good platform, but nothing she did could’ve won anyone round anyway!”... Cool beans.

Look, we’ve done this. I’ve no desire to defend Hillary titting Clinton. She’s a fecking robot. And I’m under no illusion that a whole swathe of working class America has been hammered by years of corrosive neoliberalism. But I’m also not willing to embrace any supposed working class heroes who were willing to throw their black, muslim, latino or gay brethren under the huge, thundering fascist bus that is Donald Trump - a bus that could very well kill them, and already has - in the name of making some parochially righteous point about disenfranchisement. Because all Trump was promising was to hurt them. That’s all his entire campaign said. “Vote for me and I’ll hurt them”

So sure, Hillary ain’t great, but she absolutely wasn’t “just as bad” and anyone still Sarandoning to that tune is an idiot.. or just pathologically unwilling to admit to themselves that they fecked up.

It’ll take America decades to pull themselves back to even vaguely the centre. Even if the likes of Bernie get elected, he’ll spend his entire first term slowly fighting congress to overturn half of what Trumps done... if that.

The whole things just depressing as shit... I’m just glad it’s not happening in Engla.... oh..

Kill me.
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So, if I’m getting this right... you’ve gone from “Trump is all Hillary’s fault, she didn’t do enough to win voters round” to “she had a good platform, but nothing she did could’ve won anyone round anyway!”... Cool beans.

Look, we’ve done this. I’ve no desire to defend Hillary titting Clinton. She’s a fecking robot. And I’m under no illusion that a whole swathe of working class America has been hammered by years of corrosive neoliberalism. But I’m also not willing to embrace any supposed working class heroes who were willing to throw their black, muslim, latino or gay brethren under the huge, thundering fascist bus that is Donald Trump - a bus that could very well kill them, and already has - in the name of making some parochially righteous point about disenfranchisement.

Sure, Hillary ain’t great, but she absolutely wasn’t “just as bad” and anyone still Sarandoning to that tune is an idiot.. or just pathologically unwilling to admit to themselves that they fecked up.

It’ll take America decades to pull themselves back to even vaguely the centre. Even if the likes of Bernie get elected, he’ll spend his entire first term slowly fighting congress to overturn half of what Trumps done... if that.

The whole things just depressing as shit... I’m just glad it’s not happening in Engla.... oh..

that's not an accurate summation of my views at all.

And since you brought it up, you never responded to this from the last time around.

you say "but hillary was shit" as if its just a glib response. hillary clinton would have caused death for thousands of people whose names you and i will never know in countries we will never visit. you cant frame that as a moral choice unless you value those lives differently.
its never been about "making some parochial righteous point". Its about not being able to stomach voting for someone who would cause so much death and misery around the world.

I think you are really misrepresenting (or misunderstanding) other peoples views. I know you like to go on a rant from time to time but maybe take a step back because the assumptions you're basing it on aren't accurate in this case.
What people want in any election is Honesty and Decency from someone who is going to represent them, be it president or your local council.
When we keep 'settling' we eventually get a Trump.
For corporations it really does not matter if it is a Trump or another so called centrist.
They are only interested in profits.
The Democratic Party tries to appear decent because it needs minority votes. But they do feck all for them.

If Bernie becomes President, he will need help to implement his agendas...our agendas.
The Courts, the artificial blocks in the Senate all will have to be addressed.

You only achieve this through power.
Yes. They will fight it.
But nothing worthwhile is easy.
And we need to be prepared to do whatever needs to be done.
History has taught us this.
that's not an accurate summation of my views at all.

And since you brought it up, you never responded to this from the last time around.

its never been about "making some parochial righteous point". Its about not being able to stomach voting for someone who would cause so much death and misery around the world.

I think you are really misrepresenting (or misunderstanding) other peoples views. I know you like to go on a rant from time to time but maybe take a step back because the assumptions you're basing it on aren't accurate in this case.

If we are talking zero sum game, who do you think would have caused the most misery? Trump and his republican imperialists or Hillary and her hawkish neolibs?
What people want in any election is Honesty and Decency from someone who is going to represent them, be it president or your local council.
When we keep 'settling' we eventually get a Trump.
For corporations it really does not matter if it is a Trump or another so called centrist.
They are only interested in profits.
The Democratic Party tries to appear decent because it needs minority votes. But they do feck all for them.

If Bernie becomes President, he will need help to implement his agendas...our agendas.
The Courts, the artificial blocks in the Senate all will have to be addressed.

You only achieve this through power.
Yes. They will fight it.
But nothing worthwhile is easy.
And we need to be prepared to do whatever needs to be done.
History has taught us this.
That’s simply not true is it? Do you think all Trumpites are stupid enough to think he’s honest and decent? They support/vote for him because he aligns with their political views and/or agenda.

You got Trump because a sizable portion of the voters refused to settle (no more debating the right and wrong, just a fact).

The Dems do little for the minorities, but still more than the GOP.

Let’s not pretend everyone has the same agenda, Bernie’s may align with yours (and a sizable portion of the voters), but ultimately not everyone supports his positions.
The major difference between a Trump and Clinton presidency is that the republicans wouldn't hesitate to impeach her, while the democrats will continue to pussyfoot around and be too cowardly to do anything.
The major difference between a Trump and Clinton presidency is that the republicans wouldn't hesitate to impeach her, while the democrats will continue to pussyfoot around and be too cowardly to do anything.

What exactly are they supposed to do? They can't successfully impeach him, and trying anyway will seriously endanger their chances in 2020 (both for President and Congress).

Also, this is silly:

The major difference between a Trump and Clinton presidency

What about health care? The environment? Not actively enabling white supremacists?
What about health care?
what about it? the ACA (which sucks) is still there and Hillary wouldn't have changed anything, she said in the campaign trail that single payer isn't happening

The environment?
what about it? it was fecked before, it's still fecked and she'd have kept fecking it

Not actively enabling white supremacists?
the republican party has been actively doing their best to disenfranchise black people and courting racists for decades, all thats happened is that people can't wilfully ignore it now
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seriously healthcare and the environment, what fecking planet are you on that make you think Hillary and her section of the democratic party will do anything other than continue to screw poor people and pollute our air
seriously healthcare and the environment, what fecking planet are you on that make you think Hillary and her section of the democratic party will do anything other than continue to screw poor people and pollute our air

I mean, the ACA isn't great, but it's obviously better than stripping it with no replaced provisions whatsoever, which is what Trump wanted to do. Similarly Hilary wouldn't have exactly been an environmental champion but would've at least taken moderate measures to address the issue, unlike Trump who doesn't believe in it outright. Whether or not the leftist swing would've happened in 2018 had Trump not wanted is up for debate, but if it had then she'd have faced plenty of internal party pressure to shift further to the left. And if we're arguing that she's the type of candidate who doesn't really believe in anything and will do what she has to for votes, then it's fairly conceivable she'd have bowed to party pressure at least somewhat.
I mean, the ACA isn't great, but it's obviously better than stripping it with no replaced provisions whatsoever, which is what Trump wanted to do.
This would have made no difference to the people who are being left in the streets to die because EMT think they don't look like they can afford an ambulance. Anyone who opposes single payer healthcare has no place making moral appeals on healthcare.

Similarly Hilary wouldn't have exactly been an environmental champion but would've at least taken moderate measures to address the issue, unlike Trump who doesn't believe in it outright.
This makes her worse. If you believe we're in the middle of a catastrophic climate change event and your solution is to tell people to recycle more you can feck off.

Whether or not the leftist swing would've happened in 2018 had Trump not wanted is up for debate, but if it had then she'd have faced plenty of internal party pressure to shift further to the left.
Well, it did, and Hillarys section of the party hasn't bowed down to the internal pressure. Instead they've told children, to their face, we won't do shit about climate change and enacted fiscal policies that make leftist economic policies more difficult.

And if we're arguing that she's the type of candidate who doesn't really believe in anything and will do what she has to for votes, then it's fairly conceivable she'd have bowed to party pressure at least somewhat.
A handful of leftist politicians haven't made much of a dent to congressional policy, it would be arrogant and foolish to assume they would get a Clinton presidency on their side.
The long term political goal in democratic primaries should be to turn the party as a whole into a leftist institution, that's not going to happen with candidates like the Clintons or anyone on their wing of the party.
This would have made no difference to the people who are being left in the streets to die because EMT think they don't look like they can afford an ambulance. Anyone who opposes single payer healthcare has no place making moral appeals on healthcare.
So because it's not great or even good, it's fundamentally the same as something objectively worse? You also appeal to emotions in your first sentence, but that argument can be just as well made for the people who would have been better off without Trump actively drying to dismantle ACA.

This makes her worse. If you believe we're in the middle of a catastrophic climate change event and your solution is to tell people to recycle more you can feck off.
This is nonsense. Again, Clinton may not have been great for the environmental cause, but Trump is actively detrimental to it.
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