2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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For ths time next year:
It is 324 days, 5 hours, 41 minutes, 46 seconds until the disgusting Marxism-loving arrogant Christophobic nefarious lying imperious preening opportunistic petty heinous hauty Imperialist vengeful pathetic self-centered constantly-golfing despicable Che-idolizing destructive Islamic ruthless tragedy-celebrating malevolent caucasian-hating nasty loathsome homosexual Allah-worshiping failing patronizing oligarchist disasterous anti-American sissified thin-skinned oppressive hateful racist Mohammad-loving traitorous evil supercilious angry incompetent treasonous Supreme-Court-destroying threatening middle-finger-waving breacher-of-trust socialist petulant deviant violence-provoking Constitution-ignoring malignant narcissist noxious Saboteur-In-Chief illegal hideous communist gay crack-smoking pernicious Kenyan crypto-muslim dictator usurping so-called-President "Stompy-Foot" Obama, who is now a confirmed supporter of Islamic terrorists, leaves office.

Trump approval tanks in 5 swing states he won in 2016

Trump has lost major ground in states that were key to his 2016 election victory.

Trump's approval rating has fallen double digits in five key states that he won since the election. The data shows that in addition to his overall poor approval Trump faces electoral college headwinds before the 2020 election.

In Morning Consult's most recent survey, Trump is down in the following swing states: Florida (-24 points), Ohio (-20), Michigan (-19), Wisconsin (-18), and Pennsylvania (-17).

In 2016, Trump won all of those states, which together represent 93 electoral votes. Trump's electoral vote margin of victory was 74 points that year.

By recent comparison, President Barack Obama defeated John McCain by 192 electoral votes in 2008 and Obama beat Mitt Romney by 126 electoral votes in 2012.

Trump also lost the popular vote to Hillary Clinton by nearly 3 million votes.

Since being sworn in, Trump has never had the support of 50 percent or more of the American people when national polls are averaged.

Even in states where he is likely to win re-election, like Texas, Alabama, Mississippi, and Wyoming, Trump has seen steep double-digit declines in support.

The poor showing could very well be the result of a presidency swimming in corruption, incompetence and bigotry. Trump's sole major legislative accomplishment was the tax scam, which rewarded the uber-wealthy and giant corporations and has been resoundingly panned by average Americans.

With the aid of congressional leaders like Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, Trump has been able to pack federal courts and the Supreme Court with right-wing mediocrities of questionable moral character.

But Americans do not approve. In the first national election under Trump's leadership, his party lost control of the House of Representatives by a national popular vote margin of over 9.7 million votes.

When Trump and his ideas are on the ballot, most voters vote against them. And now, in the states he will need the most to win a second term, he is under water.
Seems like none of the Democratic candidates are running away with it.

Bernie is chugging along while Biden is not going to shake off all his touch and feel stuff.
Can see him having his hands behind his back when he talks to a female in future.
Seems like none of the Democratic candidates are running away with it.

Bernie is chugging along while Biden is not going to shake off all his touch and feel stuff.
Can see him having his hands behind his back when he talks to a female in future.

The flap about Biden putting his hands on shoulders looks to have come and gone with no damage, which was probably down to a good number of women coming to Biden’s defense. If they want to topple him it will have to be on policy.
The flap about Biden putting his hands on shoulders looks to have come and gone with no damage, which was probably down to a good number of women coming to Biden’s defense. If they want to topple him it will have to be on policy.

Say what? I kept hearing about Biden being creepy all weekend. Its not going to topple him obviously (it didn't topple Trump or Bill Clinton either) but it definitely weakens his position as the establishment media's chosen one. Also surprised to see you mention policy when usually you are pointing out how its personality that will be more important. That's where I think Biden sinks. The guy really isn't charismatic and is a bit of a entitled elitist when he speaks so once the real campaigning starts his Boring Joe Biden personality is going to hold him back as well as policy.
Say what? I kept hearing about Biden being creepy all weekend. Its not going to topple him obviously (it didn't topple Trump or Bill Clinton either) but it definitely weakens his position as the establishment media's chosen one. Also surprised to see you mention policy when usually you are pointing out how its personality that will be more important. That's where I think Biden sinks. The guy really isn't charismatic and is a bit of a entitled elitist when he speaks so once the real campaigning starts his Boring Joe Biden personality is going to hold him back as well as policy.

The initial uproar has clearly subsided and unless something far worse comes out there wont be any damage.
The initial uproar has clearly subsided and unless something far worse comes out there wont be any damage.

There wasn't any "damage" to Trump either if you put it that way but it definitely hurts him in the primary by weakening his position. By what standard are you judging it has "clearly subsided"? Just because MSNBC hosts are trying to ignore it?
I'd say the perception of Biden has definitely veered away from friendly and affable old veteran politician - he'd be a dreadful pick from the party at this point.
Biden's weakness besides his lack of policies are his speeches and votes that were definitely anti African American.
People voted for Obama. Now Biden does not have him for cover.

But you can see the MSM getting behind him because they think he has the best chance of beating Trump.
There are far more credible candidates running.
Tim Ryan is interesting.
There wasn't any "damage" to Trump either if you put it that way but it definitely hurts him in the primary by weakening his position. By what standard are you judging it has "clearly subsided"? Just because MSNBC hosts are trying to ignore it?

These sorts of things tend to grow or subside. This one looks to be winding down, thus the gleeful exuberance of the Sanders bubble getting excited that Biden's numbers may take a hit may be best replaced by an actual policy debate to take him down.
I'd say the perception of Biden has definitely veered away from friendly and affable old veteran politician - he'd be a dreadful pick from the party at this point.

That's a possibility, another is that he will be widely regarded as the best person to take Trump on. Another is that the public are generally uncomfortable with a near octogenarian being President and would instead go for someone who in their 40s or 50s.
These sorts of things tend to grow or subside. This one looks to be winding down, thus the gleeful exuberance of the Sanders bubble getting excited that Biden's numbers may take a hit may be best replaced by an actual policy debate to take him down.

It weakens him tactically because in the general a Biden candidate doesn't have the moral high ground on that issue. Just like with HRC, 'pussy grabber' is going to ring hollow as all feck to any undecided if Biden is the one saying it.

You can also bet someone is going to use it against him in the debates because in that non-apology video he sounded like someone who would give a eulogy for Strom Thurmond. I think its Biden's past that is eventually going to sink him not a policy debate about 2020.

If the Dem establishment still tries to ram this jerk down the people's throats they are handing another term to Trump IMO. The sooner this Republican-lite is out of the race the better for the Dems chances.
It weakens him tactically because in the general a Biden candidate doesn't have the moral high ground on that issue. Just like with HRC, 'pussy grabber' is going to ring hollow as all feck to any undecided if Biden is the one saying it.

You can also bet someone is going to use it against him in the debates because in that non-apology video he sounded like someone who would give a eulogy for Strom Thurmond. I think its Biden's past that is eventually going to sink him not a policy debate about 2020.

If the Dem establishment still tries to ram this jerk down the people's throats they are handing another term to Trump IMO. The sooner this Republican-lite is out of the race the better for the Dems chances.

We will soon know how things are going to go down since Biden is supposed to announce in the coming weeks and the Dems are going to start debating eachother in June. If come late summer Biden's numbers continue to be what they are now then he will likely be the front runner for much of the primaries.
We will soon know how things are going to go down since Biden is supposed to announce in the coming weeks and the Dems are going to start debating eachother in June. If come late summer Biden's numbers continue to be what they are now then he will likely be the front runner for much of the primaries.

The odds that the polling numbers will be unchanged after the summer are slim to none. I also doubt this primary cycle develops in such a linear and predictable fashion as your posts indicate.
The odds that the polling numbers will be unchanged after the summer are slim to none. I also doubt this primary cycle develops in such a linear and predictable fashion as your posts indicate.
I think as much of a folly it is in predicting an election in the post 2016 world and despite the number of competitors, the reality of how it will progress is rather straightforward.

You have an elder statesman for both the establishment and progressive wings, and 2 younger candidates that (at least in appearance) represent a mix of the two as competition. Then Warren who unfortunately doesn't stand much of a chance given her credentials and Buttigieg who is lining himself up as the most attractive VP pick.
I think as much of a folly it is in predicting an election in the post 2016 world and despite the number of competitors, the reality of how it will progress is rather straightforward.

You have an elder statesman for both the establishment and progressive wings, and 2 younger candidates that (at least in appearance) represent a mix of the two as competition. Then Warren who unfortunately doesn't stand much of a chance given her credentials and Buttigieg who is lining himself up as the most attractive VP pick.

It's a shame Warren doesn't seem charismatic and skilled enough to mount a proper challenge, in an ideal world she'd potentially serve as a good bridge between the two competing wings of the party. Ultimately can't see her going too far, although she could serve as a key player in regards to who she endorses afterwards.
It's a shame Warren doesn't seem charismatic and skilled enough to mount a proper challenge, in an ideal world she'd potentially serve as a good bridge between the two competing wings of the party. Ultimately can't see her going too far, although she could serve as a key player in regards to who she endorses afterwards.
Could she even end up as a VP to add experience to a ticket?... Beto?, Harris? The butt guy?
Could she even end up as a VP to add experience to a ticket?... Beto?, Harris? The butt guy?
Beto would be well served to have her by his side, but unfortunately replacing a Senator in Massachusetts with a Dem isn't as easy as you'd think.

Probably not as hard as replacing Brown should you tag him to try and flip Ohio, but still not a slam-dunk as history has shown us.
Beto would be well served to have her by his side, but unfortunately replacing a Senator in Massachusetts with a Dem isn't as easy as you'd think.

Probably not as hard as replacing Brown should you tag him to try and flip Ohio, but still not a slam-dunk as history has shown us.

Agreed, she would be ideal with him, although the Dems won't want to give up a Senate seat to the other side for it.
I think as much of a folly it is in predicting an election in the post 2016 world and despite the number of competitors, the reality of how it will progress is rather straightforward.

You have an elder statesman for both the establishment and progressive wings, and 2 younger candidates that (at least in appearance) represent a mix of the two as competition. Then Warren who unfortunately doesn't stand much of a chance given her credentials and Buttigieg who is lining himself up as the most attractive VP pick.

Four potential front runners after the debates is pretty unpredictable for me. Especially when you throw in two wild cards that are getting buzz. This isn't the best futures market but its good to get a different perspective than polling and polling

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