2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Harris and Warren are both running so you can't say there are no women running. The right question to ask is why are Warren and Harris "polling" below those three men?

I was talking about candidates leading or raising huge amounts at this time.

Yeah, nominating a woman because it’s her time worked a treat last time around, didn’t it?

No but we have some decent candidates this time, dumdum.

- Lizzy Warren is fantastic. A highly educated progressive candidate with a good senate record.
- Harris comes across as a bit of snake-oil saleswoman, but she has her good points.
- Klobuchar is a centrist, who is a better bet than Joe fecking Biden. (And I know she was a bitch to a couple of idiot interns. Who cares. Get over it world!)

None of them come with a huge baggage like Hillary.

I was at a Beto “meet and greet” event yesterday. Very positive atmosphere and plenty of policy discussed. He does tend to start off speaking in fairly wide platitudes which I would think will gradually get replaced with more policy once he officially kicks off his campaign next weekend.

Let's hope so. His house record is a bit sketchy and doesn't fill me with much confidence.

Though, he seems to be the media darling. Already the anointed one. Which is a bit annoying.
The two people who talked policy (Sanders, then Clinton) lost last time. It's all about hand size.
Clinton didn't talk policy for too long. She had her deplorables moment and then it was all "anti Donald". At least how I remember it.
Clinton didn't talk policy for too long. She had her deplorables moment and then it was all "anti Donald". At least how I remember it.

She talked policy far more than Trump during their debates. He was more fixated on parading Bill's accusers and talking about locking her up.
Is he still performing weird arm movements?

The arm movement hype is real. I was a couple of feet away and thought I may get poked in the eye at some point.

Well...your post is a load of nonsense..

Sanders will be 79 by the time he takes office. That's really old. Most candidates are offering to bring in some sort of Universal Health Care; it's not exclusive to him. Other things such as free tuition have no chance of passing the congress. He is a populist in the other direction.

Biden is as uninspiring as they come. Announcing a female VP candidate of color as his running mate this early is his brilliant idea. Come on!

Beto doesn't have any policy positions. His trick is to gauge the mood of the room and then decide on his position. With all the goodwill he has acquired in Texas, he should try to win Cornyn's seat that is coming up for reelection in 2020 instead of believing that he is somehow "born to run". What a load of nonsense that is, huh?

Also, none of them are women. So that's a negative to begin with in my book. Not someone who believes that the world is magically going to become a better place with more women in-charge; however, at this moment we need one. It's time.

What is this casual ageism about? As long as he’s still medically fit for office (and there’s no reason to believe his isn’t) there is no problem – Trump is only 5 years younger.

Sanders is far more committed to Universal Healthcare than others who are already trying to redefine what it means – They’re doing the same with “reparations”, just throwing it out there meaninglessly without giving any detail whatsoever as to what it may entail. Of course the policies wont pass exactly as he’s proposing – The point is you’d rather negotiate down from his position than anyone else’s and he’s less likely to capitulate to other interests given his extensive record. Sanders is clearly the most progressive candidate running – I do like Warren but she’s way too inclined to be seen as a moderate – That may actually serve her well in office to be fair. That and she’s already shown horrendous judgement in dealing with Trump’s garbage.

I’m not defending Beto or Biden. Just pointing out that holding an election loss in Texas against a Democrat is just ridiculous. I’m shocked you wouldn’t support Biden given his Abrams selection and that everyone over 75 is apparently one foot in the grave.

I would love to see a woman president too but it shouldn’t be at the expense of better candidates. Warren would be a pretty close second to Sanders for me but I don’t think it’s realistic that she beats Trump. She has charisma but it’s not the type that will resonate with a hugely sexist electorate – I’d bet right now the first female president will probably be a Republican.

Beto’s gonna win it though. The money is behind him and he is a very good communicator.

I find the constant fawning over civility and decency a tad nauseating at times (and generally an indicator someone doesn't actually have a lot to say) but that quote does feel slightly out of context - he goes on to mention the specific example of McCain refuting racists in his own party and him defending Obama. Which doesn't necessarily paint McCain in a glowing light as such when we examine his policy record, but at least allows him to come across as slightly better as other Republican counterparts who'd embrace that blatant racism to a far greater extent.
What is this casual ageism about? As long as he’s still medically fit for office (and there’s no reason to believe his isn’t) there is no problem – Trump is only 5 years younger.

Sanders is far more committed to Universal Healthcare than others who are already trying to redefine what it means – They’re doing the same with “reparations”, just throwing it out there meaninglessly without giving any detail whatsoever as to what it may entail. Of course the policies wont pass exactly as he’s proposing – The point is you’d rather negotiate down from his position than anyone else’s and he’s less likely to capitulate to other interests given his extensive record. Sanders is clearly the most progressive candidate running – I do like Warren but she’s way too inclined to be seen as a moderate – That may actually serve her well in office to be fair. That and she’s already shown horrendous judgement in dealing with Trump’s garbage.

I’m not defending Beto or Biden. Just pointing out that holding an election loss in Texas against a Democrat is just ridiculous. I’m shocked you wouldn’t support Biden given his Abrams selection and that everyone over 75 is apparently one foot in the grave.

I would love to see a woman president too but it shouldn’t be at the expense of better candidates. Warren would be a pretty close second to Sanders for me but I don’t think it’s realistic that she beats Trump. She has charisma but it’s not the type that will resonate with a hugely sexist electorate – I’d bet right now the first female president will probably be a Republican.

Beto’s gonna win it though. The money is behind him and he is a very good communicator.

I don't think it's necessarily unfair to point it out though. Plenty of older people who are in superb shape and superb health heading into their 80s can sadly end up declining physically and mentally at a much quicker rate as soon as illness strikes. And while I don't think that should necessarily deter people from voting for Bernie (if he gets in his VP can always take over should the worst happen) I don't think it's unfair to consider it either. It's generally normal for people to retire in their 60s if possible, after all - someone working in what's essentially a nation's most important job when they're well above that is obviously going to raise eyebrows because it's outside the norm.
I find the constant fawning over civility and decency a tad nauseating at times (and generally an indicator someone doesn't actually have a lot to say) but that quote does feel slightly out of context - he goes on to mention the specific example of McCain refuting racists in his own party and him defending Obama. Which doesn't necessarily paint McCain in a glowing light as such when we examine his policy record, but at least allows him to come across as slightly better as other Republican counterparts who'd embrace that blatant racism to a far greater extent.
Possibly but it was completely empty. McCain jumped at any chance to blow up brown people abroad. At least most Republicans are honest with their intentions.
I don't think it's necessarily unfair to point it out though. Plenty of older people who are in superb shape and superb health heading into their 80s can sadly end up declining physically and mentally at a much quicker rate as soon as illness strikes. And while I don't think that should necessarily deter people from voting for Bernie (if he gets in his VP can always take over should the worst happen) I don't think it's unfair to consider it either. It's generally normal for people to retire in their 60s if possible, after all - someone working in what's essentially a nation's most important job when they're well above that is obviously going to raise eyebrows because it's outside the norm.

Fair points.

But it makes you think why Bernie is running. Because he cannot see anyone out there that is going to do what needs to be done.
I predict Joe Biden is the next President of the United States.

I think the DNC will prop him up because he has the best chance of taking away key votes for Trump. I think their goal is remove Trump no matter what and Bernie Sanders in a run off vs Trump is risky because of the radical socialism card.

Elizabeth Warren is closer to Bernie than Biden by far and on policy I think she has a practical head knowing it will be incremental progress to get things passed, but for some reason there doesn't seem much enthusiasm for her.

Beto is an empty suit.
I predict Joe Biden is the next President of the United States.

I think the DNC will prop him up because he has the best chance of taking away key votes for Trump. I think their goal is remove Trump no matter what and Bernie Sanders in a run off vs Trump is risky because of the radical socialism card.

Elizabeth Warren is closer to Bernie than Biden by far and on policy I think she has a practical head knowing it will be incremental progress to get things passed, but for some reason there doesn't seem much enthusiasm for her.

Beto is an empty suit.

Biden will be a big factor no doubt but I doubt the DNC has much sway at this point after the 2016 fiasco. The determining factor for Uncle Joe will be whether he loses support at some point by saying something utterly stupid.
Biden will be a big factor no doubt but I doubt the DNC has much sway at this point after the 2016 fiasco. The determining factor for Uncle Joe will be when he loses support at some point by saying something utterly stupid.
Fixed that for you
It's a tragedy that Warren isn't getting more support this cycle. She is hands down the strongest on policy depth.

As someone pointed out Warren is the Lisa Simpsons of American. Correct positions but boringggggggggggg.

That, and the fact that people don't vote on just policy alone. Many simply vote on a personality that they can identify with, which is how the past 4 Presidents were elected.
That, and the fact that people don't vote on just policy alone. Many simply vote on a personality that they can identify with, which is how the past 4 Presidents were elected.
The way she talks about health care is a good example of this. She hasn't got the charisma to sell a pro market/mild improvement approach and she hasn't got the political beliefs to go for the easy sell of medicare for all.
That, and the fact that people don't vote on just policy alone. Many simply vote on a personality that they can identify with, which is how the past 4 Presidents were elected.
People are not wrong when they claim US elections are popularity contests.
I predict Joe Biden is the next President of the United States.

I think the DNC will prop him up because he has the best chance of taking away key votes for Trump. I think their goal is remove Trump no matter what and Bernie Sanders in a run off vs Trump is risky because of the radical socialism card.

Elizabeth Warren is closer to Bernie than Biden by far and on policy I think she has a practical head knowing it will be incremental progress to get things passed, but for some reason there doesn't seem much enthusiasm for her.

Beto is an empty suit.

He'd be a safe candidate no doubt and is probably the most relatable to blue collar workers. I'd expect him to win back Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania where he's from. On the other hand he's also a two time loser who struggled under intense public scrutiny in his failed attempts at the presidency.

A lot about his past will be brought up, things that young democrats might not be aware of, like how he dismissed Anita Hill's allegations of sexual abuse against Clarence Thomas or his significant role in the 1994 violent crime control act which of course expanded the mass incarceration system.

There's a lot here for younger voters to unpack. Don't sleep on Beto though, he could end up being Biden's or another candidate's running mate. I could also see Castro and Booker being possible running mates as well. I really like Warren though, but America is not going to vote her in.
He'd be a safe candidate no doubt and is probably the most relatable to blue collar workers. I'd expect him to win back Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania where he's from. On the other hand he's also a two time loser who struggled under intense public scrutiny in his failed attempts at the presidency.

A lot about his past will be brought up, things that young democrats might not be aware of, like how he dismissed Anita Hill's allegations of sexual abuse against Clarence Thomas or his significant role in the 1994 violent crime control act which of course expanded the mass incarceration system.

There's a lot here for younger voters to unpack. Don't sleep on Beto though, he could end up being Biden's or another candidate's running mate. I could also see Castro and Booker being possible running mates as well. I really like Warren though, but America is not going to vote her in.

That was the perception of the past based on his own background but the newer blue collar types are also interested in more progressive policies which is where Sanders may have an edge.
Bernie out-performed Hillary in one of the only regions that matter, the upper-Midwest. I don’t see Biden bettering him to an extent that would give Joe enough of an edge (at least in the context of the perceived electability).
That was the perception of the past based on his own background but the newer blue collar types are also interested in more progressive policies which is where Sanders may have an edge.

I agree. Sanders will be formidable.
President Sanders with a Democratic House and Senate will appoint four Socialist judges.
Get rid of the filibuster.
Pass Universal Health Care, Expand Social Security by lifting caps and capping payouts to top earners. Bring guranteed Housing and Free College Tuition.
Raise taxes on the Super Rich.
Close the loopholes where Trillions are kept Off Share
Start massive Infrastructure program.

It can happen. If there is a will.
I'm with ye but Mitch McConnell says go feck yourself.
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