2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Americans are stupid.

It just hasn’t been sold properly. Not everyone gets their news from Sanders rallies, TYT, or Kyle Kulinski’s YouTube podcast. More debates are needed at the MSM level so the various candidates can make their cases before the public.

Americans are stupid.

Its also how the healthcare/big pharma lobbies have been spending hundreds of millions to influence perception.

First not a single one of these polls I have seen has set up objective and empirical honest questions. All these polls are complete shit at framing. Then, second we don't know how the respondents of the polls have been primed. Priming is a well established phenomenon from psych and econ. Without knowing exactly how the respondents have been primed these polls are fairly crap imo.

Although @Raoul made a great point earlier. The biggest challenge is going to be selling public option/universal healthcare to the people who might like the idea of universal healthcare but they also have these strong conservative frames like "I don't want to pay taxes to help X" where X can be anything from immigrants to the poor to racial groups. You can bet dollars to donuts that big pharma and private health care marketing are going to hitting that angle subtly in dozens of ways.
It just hasn’t been sold properly. Not everyone gets their news from Sanders rallies, TYT, or Kyle Kulinski’s YouTube podcast. More debates are needed at the MSM level so the various candidates can make their cases before the public.

Its also how the healthcare/big pharma lobbies have been spending hundreds of millions to influence perception.

First not a single one of these polls I have seen has set up objective and empirical honest questions. All these polls are complete shit at framing. Then, second we don't know how the respondents of the polls have been primed. Priming is a well established phenomenon from psych and econ. Without knowing exactly how the respondents have been primed these polls are fairly crap imo.

Although @Raoul made a great point earlier. The biggest challenge is going to be selling public option/universal healthcare to the people who might like the idea of universal healthcare but they also have these strong conservative frames like "I don't want to pay taxes to help X" where X can be anything from immigrants to the poor to racial groups. You can bet dollars to donuts that big pharma and private health care marketing are going to hitting that angle subtly in dozens of ways.
Your both right but Donald Trump is president and then add to that the countless go fund pages Americans seem to have just for paying medical bills. To still think any small forward steps let alone with healthcare is the correct answer is beyond frustrating(Well its stupid). Its like watching a oil tanker turn.
Its not just Fox News that helps spread misinformation about Single Payer.
CNN and MSNBC also do that. Except they ask loaded questions.
Mentioning huge numbers when the issues needs to be addressed from the individuals point of view.

Its not hard. But remember we are talking about corporations.
Privatisation. Who would have thought Pharma companies would put profits before customers.
Link isn’t working for me

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We need to know more.
Five candidates have expressed firm pro-environment views, but we need to know more about their positions.

Mayor Pete Buttigieg (South Bend, Ind.) ― Supports the Green New Deal.

Former HUD Secretary Julian Castro ― Supports the Green New Deal.

Sen. Kamala Harris (Calif.) ― Supports the Green New Deal.

Sen. Amy Klobuchar (Minn.) ― Supports the Green New Deal.

Former Rep. Beto O’Rourke (Texas) ― Supports the Green New Deal.
Try again.


We need to know more.
Five candidates have expressed firm pro-environment views, but we need to know more about their positions.

Mayor Pete Buttigieg (South Bend, Ind.) ― Supports the Green New Deal.

Former HUD Secretary Julian Castro ― Supports the Green New Deal.

Sen. Kamala Harris (Calif.) ― Supports the Green New Deal.

Sen. Amy Klobuchar (Minn.) ― Supports the Green New Deal.

Former Rep. Beto O’Rourke (Texas) ― Supports the Green New Deal.
That worked, thanks
A somewhat unfairly bleak account of Sanders imo.
Yeah I see this as the starting blocks as to why some liberals won't vote Sanders if he wins the nomination. Similar to the Clinton voters who voted Republican in 08.

Not that it would matter though.
He’s third in a recent Iowa poll apparently, which can’t yet be taken seriously since the guy in first isn’t even in the race.

He's getting 2016 Bernie level turnout at his rallies as well, which is probably a more suggestive metric.
He's getting 2016 Bernie level turnout at his rallies as well, which is probably a more suggestive metric.

Yep, he’s definitely moving up from the minnows to mid tier, which is bad news for the likes of Klobuchar, Gillibrand, and Booker since he seems to attract the types of people each of the three will need to make their own moves.
I like Buttigieg because 1) he generally talks sense and 2) he seems to be pissing off the majority of the Hillary base.
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Ahh right. Although I'm not sure anonymous twitter accounts is tantamount to anything more than just random people spouting off. If the Clinton crowd are pissed about anything on the Dem side from 2016, its Sanders having attacked her as a corporatist as he did ("Show us your Goldman speeches" etc.) A good number of them are still pissed about that...because it was "her turn" and Bernie, in their estimation, softened her up for Trump to take advantage, which of course is largely nonsense since she could've easily read the political tea leaves and preemptively taken on more progressive positions and campaigned more in the rust belt.
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