2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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We are about 10 months from the first primary?

Even after people announce its still a name recognition game.
It is the debates that will bring clarity to positions people hold.

And this time people will be looking for specifics.

was listening to a couple of guests on MSNBC. They mentioned what I have been hearing talking to others and even legislators.
Attending town halls allows you to hear what people are thinking.
What is important to them.

They are not going to be satisfied with cookie cutter responses.
We are about 10 months from the first primary?

Even after people announce its still a name recognition game.
It is the debates that will bring clarity to positions people hold.

And this time people will be looking for specifics.

was listening to a couple of guests on MSNBC. They mentioned what I have been hearing talking to others and even legislators.
Attending town halls allows you to hear what people are thinking.
What is important to them.

They are not going to be satisfied with cookie cutter responses.

Yep. We are at the very beginning of the process. Biden hasn't even announced yet. Beto's actual campaign launch isn't for another 10 days, and the rest of them are only just getting started. Its still largely a name recognition game at this point.
Yep. We are at the very beginning of the process. Biden hasn't even announced yet. Beto's actual campaign launch isn't for another 10 days, and the rest of them are only just getting started. Its still largely a name recognition game at this point.

My memory may not be all that good about 2016.
But it seems we are starting very early.
It may well be people like Harris may only be biding their time after her announcement.
I'm all for hearing what candidates have to say.
Even if say one is a conservative. I want to listen providing that candidate is honest about his or her views instead of saying things to please progressives without any substance.
How did Beto O'rouke outraise Bernie saunders?

College Student Grills Beto With Substantive Question

Love that question
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Why would she accept that? It's a ceremonial position.
Why would she accept that? It's a ceremonial position.

Really? It would be a huge step up for her if she actually won as part of the ticket. Only question is if she would want to be associated with a Biden presidency. If someone like Obama is giver the scheme his blessing then I can see her being on board even if she knows that she is being used to shore up afro-american vote and possibly some progressives one who strongly want some representation from women of color on the ticket.
Why would she accept that? It's a ceremonial position.

She could be President if something happens to Biden...who is already near the average lifespan of an American male. But yeah, it does come across as a bit desperate and presumptuous imo. He needs to go out and win the nomination like everyone is and then look at VPs.
Just don't think she would sell out her values. However close it takes her to the presidency. People like Biden don't just die either, they linger.
If true. Smacks of tokenism and desperation from Biden.

Also its just arrogant of Biden to even consider publicly announcing this. He's behaving like he's going to be the nominee despite the primaries being a year away.
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Once he's cleared of anything serious in meuller's fake probe I'll be shocked if Trump doesn't ride that wave to another term in office.
Once he's cleared of anything serious in meuller's fake probe I'll be shocked if Trump doesn't ride that wave to another term in office.
All those indictments and prison sentences indicates that you are wrong.
Probably a combination of serious and wanting to re-audition his services to Trump before the 2020 campaign starts.

There's no way Trump would hire Bannon again, surely? They haven't exactly been the best of friends since Bannon was fired, as happens with literally everyone who no longer works for Trump.
There's no way Trump would hire Bannon again, surely? They haven't exactly been the best of friends since Bannon was fired, as happens with literally everyone who no longer works for Trump.

Yes highly doubtful Trump would bring Brannon back, but that wouldn’t stop Bannon from attempting.
Early days but the guys leading or raising the most money are three white dudes:

- One of whom is an 80 year freebie promising Grandpa, whose big ticket ideas have little chance of passing congress.
- then we have another Gramps with no charisma and no policy positions.
- the last one is a too cool for school Frat boy who thinks he was born to do it, even though he failed to beat an absolute weapon for a senate seat just a few months back.

What an inspiring bunch! Trump is going to win a second term. Good times!
Early days but the guys leading or raising the most money are three white dudes:

- One of whom is an 80 year freebie promising Grandpa, whose big ticket ideas have little chance of passing congress.
- then we have another Gramps with no charisma and no policy positions.
- the last one is a too cool for school Frat boy who thinks he was born to do it, even though he failed to beat an absolute weapon for a senate seat just a few months back.

What an inspiring bunch! Trump is going to win a second term. Good times!

This is pretty much a load of nonsense.

It’s as diverse a field as you could hope for. Calling Sanders a freebie promising grandpa is laughable given he’s barely left of centre in international terms. His big ticket idea is basically common sense which even if not passed as he’s proposing will definitely improve on one of the least efficient health care systems in the world.

Much as I may dislike Biden and Beto those criticisms are also ridiculous. O’Rourke “failed” in Texas. Cruz is actually quite popular among Republican despite being a reptile.

The Washington Examiner is extreme social conservative bias. Its run by the Anshutz people who are massive anti-LGBT cnuts (among other vile things). Its like linking Breitbart here as a source Raoul
This is pretty much a load of nonsense.

It’s as diverse a field as you could hope for. Calling Sanders a freebie promising grandpa is laughable given he’s barely left of centre in international terms. His big ticket idea is basically common sense which even if not passed as he’s proposing will definitely improve on one of the least efficient health care systems in the world.

Much as I may dislike Biden and Beto those criticisms are also ridiculous. O’Rourke “failed” in Texas. Cruz is actually quite popular among Republican despite being a reptile.

Well...your post is a load of nonsense..

Sanders will be 79 by the time he takes office. That's really old. Most candidates are offering to bring in some sort of Universal Health Care; it's not exclusive to him. Other things such as free tuition have no chance of passing the congress. He is a populist in the other direction.

Biden is as uninspiring as they come. Announcing a female VP candidate of color as his running mate this early is his brilliant idea. Come on!

Beto doesn't have any policy positions. His trick is to gauge the mood of the room and then decide on his position. With all the goodwill he has acquired in Texas, he should try to win Cornyn's seat that is coming up for reelection in 2020 instead of believing that he is somehow "born to run". What a load of nonsense that is, huh?

Also, none of them are women. So that's a negative to begin with in my book. Not someone who believes that the world is magically going to become a better place with more women in-charge; however, at this moment we need one. It's time.
President Sanders with a Democratic House and Senate will appoint four Socialist judges.
Get rid of the filibuster.
Pass Universal Health Care, Expand Social Security by lifting caps and capping payouts to top earners. Bring guranteed Housing and Free College Tuition.
Raise taxes on the Super Rich.
Close the loopholes where Trillions are kept Off Share
Start massive Infrastructure program.

It can happen. If there is a will.
Well...your post is a load of nonsense..

Sanders will be 79 by the time he takes office. That's really old. Most candidates are offering to bring in some sort of Universal Health Care; it's not exclusive to him. Other things such as free tuition have no chance of passing the congress. He is a populist in the other direction.

Biden is as uninspiring as they come. Announcing a female VP candidate of color as his running mate this early is his brilliant idea. Come on!

Beto doesn't have any policy positions. His trick is to gauge the mood of the room and then decide on his position. With all the goodwill he has acquired in Texas, he should try to win Cornyn's seat that is coming up for reelection in 2020 instead of believing that he is somehow "born to run". What a load of nonsense that is, huh?

Also, none of them are women. So that's a negative to begin with in my book. Not someone who believes that the world is magically going to become a better place with more women in-charge; however, at this moment we need one. It's time.

Harris and Warren are both running so you can't say there are no women running. The right question to ask is why are Warren and Harris "polling" below those three men?
The Washington Examiner is extreme social conservative bias. Its run by the Anshutz people who are massive anti-LGBT cnuts (among other vile things). Its like linking Breitbart here as a source Raoul

Seems like a reasonable article. Maybe ignore the narrative and just go by the The Bannon quote.
Seems like a reasonable article. Maybe ignore the narrative and just go by the The Bannon quote.

I don't like sharing links to far right media sources because the clicks do help them.

Could have just said "Bannon said he thinks Beto-Harris is a the worst ticket for Trump". Its not like Bannon has any credibility to begin with and no idea if he is being honest or trolling so its not worth helping an Anshutz propaganda source by linking to it imo
Not someone who believes that the world is magically going to become a better place with more women in-charge; however, at this moment we need one. It's time.
Yeah, nominating a woman because it’s her time worked a treat last time around, didn’t it?
Early days but the guys leading or raising the most money are three white dudes:

- One of whom is an 80 year freebie promising Grandpa, whose big ticket ideas have little chance of passing congress.
- then we have another Gramps with no charisma and no policy positions.
- the last one is a too cool for school Frat boy who thinks he was born to do it, even though he failed to beat an absolute weapon for a senate seat just a few months back.

What an inspiring bunch! Trump is going to win a second term. Good times!
Do you expect to be taken seriously with statements such as the bolded one?
Well...your post is a load of nonsense..

Sanders will be 79 by the time he takes office. That's really old. Most candidates are offering to bring in some sort of Universal Health Care; it's not exclusive to him. Other things such as free tuition have no chance of passing the congress. He is a populist in the other direction.

Biden is as uninspiring as they come. Announcing a female VP candidate of color as his running mate this early is his brilliant idea. Come on!

Beto doesn't have any policy positions. His trick is to gauge the mood of the room and then decide on his position. With all the goodwill he has acquired in Texas, he should try to win Cornyn's seat that is coming up for reelection in 2020 instead of believing that he is somehow "born to run". What a load of nonsense that is, huh?

Also, none of them are women. So that's a negative to begin with in my book. Not someone who believes that the world is magically going to become a better place with more women in-charge; however, at this moment we need one. It's time.

I was at a Beto “meet and greet” event yesterday. Very positive atmosphere and plenty of policy discussed. He does tend to start off speaking in fairly wide platitudes which I would think will gradually get replaced with more policy once he officially kicks off his campaign next weekend.
I was at a Beto “meet and greet” event yesterday. Very positive atmosphere and plenty of policy discussed. He does tend to start off speaking in fairly wide platitudes which I would think will gradually get replaced with more policy once he officially kicks off his campaign next weekend.
Is he still performing weird arm movements?
I was at a Beto “meet and greet” event yesterday. Very positive atmosphere and plenty of policy discussed. He does tend to start off speaking in fairly wide platitudes which I would think will gradually get replaced with more policy once he officially kicks off his campaign next weekend.

Policy details is what will separate the candidates.
What they are and how do we pay for them are fair questions.
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