2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Also, none of them are women. So that's a negative to begin with in my book. Not someone who believes that the world is magically going to become a better place with more women in-charge; however, at this moment we need one. It's time.

Yeah, after Thatcher and May I have to disagree. What the USA needs is the right President, be that a man or a woman. The right person with the balls to implement change and unite and bring trust back throughout the world and repair alliances destroyed by Trumps ignorance and feckwittery. But just electing someone because she's female is bollocks. It's also hugely sexist and disrespectful.

I like Warren but it's clear she has a mountain to climb. Trump knew what he was doing when he went after her all those months ago. He could see she would be a 2020 rival and I think he's cast enough doubt and attacked her enough that many will dismiss her regardless of what she says or does.

Anyway, the USA has a female President already, AOC! She's just not been elected yet, but she's surely going to be soon.
Listening to Gillibrand , she seems to have gone full progressive and made a good attack on Trump. Her delivery needs working on though.
Listening to Gillibrand , she seems to have gone full progressive and made a good attack on Trump. Her delivery needs working on though.

She said all the right things but her teenage voice just makes it hard to take her seriously.
We now have to find which Dem candidate has the biggest probability in beating Trump. Everything else is secondary.
Does that man understand the concept of 'ground'
Beto Rourke always looks like a man ready to break into a Rap.

He does....although he's more of a rock guy.


How is Peter Buttigieg’s profile in the US? Two of the biggst newspapers in Norway have touted him as the «hottest» candidate for the presidency today - I assume they have only done so because he speaks Norwegian and Noggies love all kinds Norwegian abroad, especially in the US.

That said he does seem like a very interesting candidate, but sadly I can’t see the US elect a gay president just yet.
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How is Peter Buttigieg’s profile in the US? Two of the biggst newspapers in Norway have touted him as the «hottest» candidate for the presidency today - I assume they have only done so because he speaks Norwegian and Noggies love all kinds Norwegian abroad, especially in the US.

That said he does seem like a very interesting candidate, but sadly I can’t see the US elect a gay president just yet.

He’s still viewed as relatively anonymous but is definitely starting to inch up in the polls. I’ve seen him as high as 3 % which is pretty good for a mayor of a relatively small city and on par with the likes of Booker (who I’ve recently seen as low as 3%). Mayor Pete definitely has some buzz behind him so don’t be surprised to see him rise to the mid tier alongside the likes of Warren at some point.

I get the car one but can someone explain(Or video evidence) how the other even happened ?

People are going to eat on the table.
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