2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Looked into this Stonewall Jackson... gotta be a bot account. It's nothing but conspiracy drivel, Trump, anti-Dem, etc.

Naw, don't just dismiss that. Based on seeing friends of friends on FB, there are a LOT of Americans that actually believe that stuff. Its dangerous to just dismiss them as "bots".
Looked into this Stonewall Jackson... gotta be a bot account. It's nothing but conspiracy drivel, Trump, anti-Dem, etc.
Wait, you're telling me that an account named after a confederate general is NOT on the up and up? I am shocked.
Naw, don't just dismiss that. Based on seeing friends of friends on FB, there are a LOT of Americans that actually believe that stuff. Its dangerous to just dismiss them as "boys".
This is the thing - it is hard to take some of the stuff people believe seriously. You find it across the political spectrum, but more so on both extreme ends. The US is very skewed to the right (from my perspective admittedly) and the crazy stuff from that side sticks out the most to me. In debates on platforms where form is more important than content, the crass comments often end up ridiculing someones heartfelt beliefs, thereby cementing the gap between fractions.

Accepting lack of consistency and acknowledging existence of hypocrisy within fractions on your own side doesn't reduce the impact of your message. If you're serious about getting your message across to someone at the other side of the political spectre form yourself, you really need to listen to their concerns and adress them properly. Finding the easiest point for bashing them isn't very useful if your aim is to bridge the gap and get the message across. I think the US need more bridges and less walls at the moment.
I'm no expert in inter-state relations* but shouldn't the first thing out of the Georgia Secretary of State's mouth to a Senator from another state trying to interfere with your vote counting process be "feck off Lindsey you little wankstain cnut"?

*In fairness I am a hardcore adherent to Westphalian principles.
Do the actual quotes support the bold statement in the headline?

In their conversation, Graham questioned Raffensperger about the state’s signature-matching law and whether political bias could have prompted poll workers to accept ballots with nonmatching signatures, according to Raffensperger. Graham also asked whether Raffensperger had the power to toss all mail ballots in counties found to have higher rates of nonmatching signatures, Raffensperger said.

Pretty much, yeah.
The same guy who like a week ago said "we win because of our ideas, they win because they cheat." :lol:

Not suspicious at all. Thank feck the lead is big enough that they need to find 15+ batches like this to overturn it.

I'm sure there are minor irregularities in most counting, technical glitches and whatnot happen as do human mistakes but not generally in the thousands upon thousands, this will be something Rudy will jump on but hey if you got $8mill to do a recount of Wisconsin then by all means.
They are going to do a hand count anyway. But Graham wanting to throw away legal votes is mind boggling. This is the same as any banana republic. Is the USA now changed into a banana republic?
They are going to do a hand count anyway. But Graham wanting to throw away legal votes is mind boggling. This is the same as any banana republic. Is the USA now changed into a banana republic?
No, we don’t rely on exporting bananas. We just organize coups to make money off them.
They are going to do a hand count anyway. But Graham wanting to throw away legal votes is mind boggling. This is the same as any banana republic. Is the USA now changed into a banana republic?
The conversion took place four years ago when the Electoral College decided that an agressive, insecure beta male baboon was preferable to a coherent female Homo sapiens with actual leadership skills.
If it is just a question it is not an offence. And Lady Graham has no authority over him anyway. He is slimey enough to avoid exposing himself.

If you ask someone if they are willing to carry out a contract killing for you, that's also a question ...
It's pretty hard for me to imagine an republican inventing such stories against another prominent republican figure but I guess we'll need confirmation.
Lovely bit of infighting. Long may it continue. :drool:
There's too long between the election and the handover of power in the USA, which I assume is due to the strange Electoral College system and the timing of elections (running into the Christmas and New Year period). Other countries hand over immediately, it seems to work OK.

Of course, I realise there's supposed to be an official transition period, but we now see that a sitting President can scupper that if he feels so inclined.
Or that time he drew on an official estimate of a hurricane path, adding an area he had earlier erroneously claimed was in danger.

This must be peak petty Trump, he's so pathetic :lol:
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