2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Trump is basically now Cartman in the Fishsticks episode on South Park

Yes, I believe that you believe you helped write that joke. That's how people like you work! Your ego is so out of whack that it will do whatever it can to protect itself. And people with a messed up ego can do these mental gymnastics to convince themselves they're awesome, when really, they're just douchebags!
Throughout the thread you've said you're not a Trump supporter but at the same time said things like "I think you Americans are going to miss him", "over here people think Biden looks like a three-time loser", and various other throwaway comments that express support for Trump that you attach to other groups on the basis of essentially no evidence.

I have not supported either candidate as my vote really doesn't exist in the US! I was expressing a view of each candidate as based on, and perceived, by various conversations I have had with people in the UK. I never claimed it was in anyway a scientific analysis.

I do have a perception that many Americans, will indeed miss Trump. His supporters obviously, but also his enemies, to whom he has been a figure of hate of course, someone who they could demonize; however also for many of his enemies he has seemed to be a 'figure of fun' and when he's gone, they will have no one to laugh at, to make jokes about, etc. Of course Trump has also been the No.1 'scapegoat'... in fact sometimes by his own hand... for many, so when he has gone... there will be no-one for his enemies to blame either.
Although I suspect that won't deter them!

For many in the UK, Biden has always looked as though his main claim to fame was that he wasn't Trump. He comes across as a 'nice man' but Biden always seemed a lightweight and he didn't stand a chance against either Obama or Hilary for the Democratic nomination and he is there now somehow by default. However it seems Joe may have the last laugh, even on his democratic colleagues, if the voting totals are true, he gathered more votes than either Obama or Clinton when they made their bids for the Presidency! not so much 'Sleepy Joe' Biden... but 'Smoking Joe' Biden.

Hell, he wrote a book about his evil intentions.
Most people only read his book once he came into power... the back orders broke all records!!!
I have not supported either candidate as my vote really doesn't exist in the US! I was expressing a view of each candidate as based on, and perceived, by various conversations I have had with people in the UK. I never claimed it was in anyway a scientific analysis.

I do have a perception that many Americans, will indeed miss Trump. His supporters obviously, but also his enemies, to whom he has been a figure of hate of course, someone who they could demonize; however also for many of his enemies he has seemed to be a 'figure of fun' and when he's gone, they will have no one to laugh at, to make jokes about, etc. Of course Trump has also been the No.1 'scapegoat'... in fact sometimes by his own hand... for many, so when he has gone... there will be no-one for his enemies to blame either.
Although I suspect that won't deter them!

For many in the UK, Biden has always looked as though his main claim to fame was that he wasn't Trump. He comes across as a 'nice man' but Biden always seemed a lightweight and he didn't stand a chance against either Obama or Hilary for the Democratic nomination and he is there now somehow by default. However it seems Joe may have the last laugh, even on his democratic colleagues, if the voting totals are true, he gathered more votes than either Obama or Clinton when they made their bids for the Presidency! not so much 'Sleepy Joe' Biden... but 'Smoking Joe' Biden.

Most people only read his book once he came into power... the back orders broke all records!!!

Here we are, nearly 2 weeks after the election, and Trump is still blocking access to funding for Biden's transition team, still denying Biden intelligence briefings, still denying he lost the election, still firing officials he doesn't like, still working to undermine faith in democracy, still allowing Covid-19 to spiral out of control.

It's clear he is pursuing a scorched earth policy, with the single, deliberate intention of causing, before he's forced from office, as much damage as possible to the fabric of American society.

It's beyond outrageous. IMO it's even beyond reasonable grounds for suspicion that Trump was long ago recruited - via blackmail and financial inducements - as a Russian agent.
Here we are, nearly 2 weeks after the election, and Trump is still blocking access to funding for Biden's transition team, still denying Biden intelligence briefings, still denying he lost the election, still firing officials he doesn't like, still working to undermine faith in democracy, still allowing Covid-19 to spiral out of control.

It's clear he is pursuing a scorched earth policy, with the single, deliberate intention of causing before he's forced from office, as much damage as possible to the fabric of American society.

It's beyond outrageous. IMO it's even beyond reasonable grounds for suspicion that Trump was long ago recruited - via blackmail and financial inducements - as a Russian agent.
Its almost like Vladdy , Kimmy and Winnie (the Pooh) have pitched in to make this happen.
I'm sure he really knows he's lost the election, and I find it weird that he doesn't care about embarrassing himself in this way. He could have earned a lot of plus points by conceding in one sentence and then saying nothing at all in public.

He genuinely doesn't seem to understand simple emotional nuance. He appears to think that any acceptance on his part of failure would be seen as unforgivable, even over ridiculously small things. It seems like that's a terrible result of his fathers attitude towards him and his brother while they were growing up. That's why you see ridiculous things like the time he said Alabama would hit by the hurricane, and instead of later just saying 'oops my bad, I misspoke' he went to the insane extreme of altering a forecast map with a sharpie to avoid having to accept any mistake.

It's extremely sad really, he's a very broken man. Unfortunately its also extremely terrifying given what chaos it has caused and now may cause as we head into a time when he will be desperate to avoid feeling humiliated.
At this point they should just make a mini version of the oval office, give him a pretend phone and red button, up his Aderall dose and let him sit and play pretend president for the next 4 years. I don't think he'd notice the difference.
I just remembered Drump uses a sharpie to sign official documents. :lol:

Or that time he drew on an official estimate of a hurricane path, adding an area he had earlier erroneously claimed was in danger.

This is an interesting one

Essentially makes it harder for Murkowski to be primaried from the right.
Yes I think he will be missed. It's like an enthralling tv series. But in real life as the most powerful man in the world. POTUS.
I think if he makes and acts in a TV series as himself in the WH he will make lots of more money.
It could be subtitled in many languages and Donald Trump starring as Donald Trump. He may even win an Oscar instead of the Nobel Peace Price.
At some point someone is going to need to shut this down. I don't see how this helps Republicans if it goes into Dec, let alone January. With all sane people acknowledging that Biden won, the only way this can end if he keeps it up is badly. Surely they must see that. He is becoming even more unhinged and if they think this is going to help them in Georgia then I think they are wrong. If the run off was in Dec then maybe, but it is quite literally months away. They can't keep him or his crazy fringe base under control that long if he keeps escalating like this. It is going to end in violence.
But might it not help the GOP to keep saying that the elections are rigged? In order to get as many people to vote as possible, as people feel they need to help beat the Democrats, who start with a headstart because of their cheating?
But might it not help the GOP to keep saying that the elections are rigged? In order to get as many people to vote as possible, as people feel they need to help beat the Democrats, who start with a headstart because of their cheating?

“What’s the point in voting? they’ve rigged it to win anyway”
“What’s the point in voting? they’ve rigged it to win anyway”
Yeah, that's the other side. I think I said earlier in this thread that I have no idea what a reasonable GOP strategy would be for Georgia; everything has pros and cons. Hope they try and do everything and it blows up in their faces.
He genuinely doesn't seem to understand simple emotional nuance. He appears to think that any acceptance on his part of failure would be seen as unforgivable, even over ridiculously small things. It seems like that's a terrible result of his fathers attitude towards him and his brother while they were growing up. That's why you see ridiculous things like the time he said Alabama would hit by the hurricane, and instead of later just saying 'oops my bad, I misspoke' he went to the insane extreme of altering a forecast map with a sharpie to avoid having to accept any mistake.

It's extremely sad really, he's a very broken man. Unfortunately its also extremely terrifying given what chaos it has caused and now may cause as we head into a time when he will be desperate to avoid feeling humiliated.
Yes, you make good points about the family dynamics. Still, he's going to love being entitled to call himself "President" for the rest of his life.
Yes, you make good points about the family dynamics. Still, he's going to love being entitled to call himself "President" for the rest of his life.

The next few months do really scare me though. Even setting aside that he has major criminal investigations waiting him as soon as he’s out of office, his entire temperament and personality suggest he won’t and can’t hand over power easily. And he has millions of rabid supporters who are increasingly buying into the idea that the election was illegitimate.
Yes I think he will be missed. It's like an enthralling tv series. But in real life as the most powerful man in the world. POTUS.
I think if he makes and acts in a TV series as himself in the WH he will make lots of more money.
It could be subtitled in many languages and Donald Trump starring as Donald Trump. He may even win an Oscar instead of the Nobel Peace Price.

He stopped being funny ages ago it's a tragedy now. Hell i think it's a carwreck I doubt even comedy can top this
Again... This guy is going to run a 25 million people strong interference exercise for years.

He will tweet. He will rally. He will enrich himself.

He’s not going away. He BEAT Hillary and still goes in on her. He WON the Electoral College and still maintains the popular vote was rigged. He STILL maintains his Inauguration crowd was the biggest ever.

His base will remain. America will remain divided. There will be violence. He will support civil disobedience.
Yes I think he will be missed. It's like an enthralling tv series. But in real life as the most powerful man in the world. POTUS.
I think if he makes and acts in a TV series as himself in the WH he will make lots of more money.
It could be subtitled in many languages and Donald Trump starring as Donald Trump. He may even win an Oscar instead of the Nobel Peace Price.
That's a horrible thought for me as imo a lot of people have problems separating TV life from real life. He could use it to undermine Biden in TV viewers eyes, and of course big himself up in the process.
How is this fecker still spouting his shite when he's losing court cases all over the place. Its pathetic.

He knows he's lost. This is to bring his 70+ million supporters with him after January and besides, they need to keep this shit up because they may lose the Senate in Georgia. This is about power, nothing else. Biden with a blocking GOP Senate would be seen as a win for conservatives.
But might it not help the GOP to keep saying that the elections are rigged? In order to get as many people to vote as possible, as people feel they need to help beat the Democrats, who start with a headstart because of their cheating?
“What’s the point in voting? they’ve rigged it to win anyway”
He knows he's lost. This is to bring his 70+ million supporters with him after January and besides, they need to keep this shit up because they may lose the Senate in Georgia. This is about power, nothing else. Biden with a blocking GOP Senate would be seen as a win for conservatives.

But I don't think it will help. His base is not 70 million plus, he might think it is, but its not even close to that. People like my neighbor who had a Trump sign and voted for him, but only because he was a Republican, will not be following him to some magical Trump party. If the Republicans keep coddling him then they are going to get crushed when he turns on them. And he WILL turn on them. He has no loyalty to anyone or anything other than himself and maybe his children (some of them). If this keeps up one or both of two things will happen. American will be torn apart or the Republican party will be torn apart. I don't know how they don't see this.
Hopefully he tries to go his own way politically and splits the vote on the right.

You just know he'd love nothing more than to start the Trump Party.
You might wanna get that checked out.
With whom should I check it out with?
If you ask Trump supporters they say 'Yah Sure'; if you ask his enemies they say 'No way', both Trump as well as Biden, polled more than any previous Presidential Candidate in history, so its correct to say "I do have a perception that many Americans, will indeed miss Trump."
Here we are, nearly 2 weeks after the election, and Trump is still blocking access to funding for Biden's transition team, still denying Biden intelligence briefings, still denying he lost the election, still firing officials he doesn't like, still working to undermine faith in democracy, still allowing Covid-19 to spiral out of control.

It's clear he is pursuing a scorched earth policy, with the single, deliberate intention of causing, before he's forced from office, as much damage as possible to the fabric of American society.

It's beyond outrageous. IMO it's even beyond reasonable grounds for suspicion that Trump was long ago recruited - via blackmail and financial inducements - as a Russian agent.
He will squeal like a pig when he’s a private citizen with no presidential protection to stop him being investigated fully.

either that or he’ll end up dead from those very people who won’t want him dishing the dirt (of which I’m sure he’s got plenty!)
Yes I think he will be missed. It's like an enthralling tv series. But in real life as the most powerful man in the world. POTUS.
I think if he makes and acts in a TV series as himself in the WH he will make lots of more money.
It could be subtitled in many languages and Donald Trump starring as Donald Trump. He may even win an Oscar instead of the Nobel Peace Price.

A political drama about a mentally disabled elderly underdog who makes it into the White House against all odds and resistance through dishonesty and lies? Sounds like a combination of Forrest Gump, Up and House of Cards with some The Invention of Lying mixed into it. Has Oscar written all over it, IMO.
But I don't think it will help. His base is not 70 million plus, he might think it is, but its not even close to that. People like my neighbor who had a Trump sign and voted for him, but only because he was a Republican, will not be following him to some magical Trump party. If the Republicans keep coddling him then they are going to get crushed when he turns on them. And he WILL turn on them. He has no loyalty to anyone or anything other than himself and maybe his children (some of them). If this keeps up one or both of two things will happen. American will be torn apart or the Republican party will be torn apart. I don't know how they don't see this.

Putin didn't have to lift a finger.
But I don't think it will help. His base is not 70 million plus, he might think it is, but its not even close to that. People like my neighbor who had a Trump sign and voted for him, but only because he was a Republican, will not be following him to some magical Trump party. If the Republicans keep coddling him then they are going to get crushed when he turns on them. And he WILL turn on them. He has no loyalty to anyone or anything other than himself and maybe his children (some of them). If this keeps up one or both of two things will happen. American will be torn apart or the Republican party will be torn apart. I don't know how they don't see this.

That's the problem right there. Your neighbour probably lacks critical thinking skills to realize that Trump isn't even a Republican. He knew the easiest path to power and supporters stoking his ego was to run on a Republican ticket.
That's the problem right there. Your neighbour probably lacks critical thinking skills to realize that Trump isn't even a Republican. He knew the easiest path to power and supporters stoking his ego was to run on a Republican ticket.

Absolutely. He is retired and has voted Repub his entire life. They could have run a ham sandwich and that is who he would have voted for. If Trump creates the "Trump Party" he will not follow. I have a feeling a large majority of those 70 million feel the same.
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