2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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If you think it somehow reinforces your fantasy, isn’t it funny how all the irregularities and frauds detected thus far are all in Republican controlled states, or by Republicans? Rigged for sure.
And in a “heavily Trump leaning county” where the poll workers would be from said county...

9D chess by the Trumpsters.
"Baseless suspicions"... Hmmmm!

Georgia, famously anti-Republican. It only has a Republican State House, a Republican State Senate, a Republican Governor, a Republican Lieutenant Governor, a Republican Attorney General, a Republican Secretary of State and a Republican Supreme Court. We should have expected them to try to rig the election in favour of of a Democrat.
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Georgia, famously anti-Republican. It only has a Republican State House, a Republican State Senate, a Republican Governor, a Republican Lieutenant Governor, a Republican Attorney General, a Republican Secretary of State and a Republican Supreme Court. We should have expected them to try to right the election in favour of of a Democrat.
Its fascinating that people still are not ignoring that poster, me included. Some internal drive to keep pointing out his inadequacy.
Georgia, famously anti-Republican. It only has a Republican State House, a Republican State Senate, a Republican Governor, a Republican Lieutenant Governor, a Republican Attorney General, a Republican Secretary of State and a Republican Supreme Court. We should have expected them to try to rig the election in favour of of a Democrat.

Remember to thank rich suburbanites for saving america.

From my twitter account, this got no likes :mad:

Any chance this is broadcast? Guessing not if it’s a court appearance but then again this is America and C-Span are probably allowed in.
"Baseless suspicions"... Hmmmm!
You're right. One memory card being found definitely proves that millions of votes were compromised. It's a good thing that Trump knew of this evidence before he threw around accusations that would otherwise appear to be desperate and baseless. Hopefully cool heads prevail and the military stage a coup to ensure Trump remains President, probably also making it a life term to ensure the stability of the nation. I like to eat shoes
some more:

unless the population of east cleveland has collapsed, that is a dramatic fall.

to me it looks like people quitting the process

What do you mean, Nate Cohn in his second tweet graphic says that Black turnout did increase, just not to the numbers seen in other groups. This makes sense when you consider that Trump turned out non-college whites like a cult leader does to his followers. It makes sense therefore that the overall percentages may have decreased.

The math in Georgia simply is impossible from a Dem perspective without a strong showing from Black voters. We have a lot to thank the Black voters from Detroit, Philly, and Atlanta for, not to mention Hispanics in AZ.
That looks huge, and the guy who tweeted it also said that census data doesn't show East Cleveland population declining that much.

There definitely is a decline in voter outreach on the Dem side but Cuyahoga County is not a big enough part of the state to overcome the numbers that Trump is pulling, especially in eastern Ohio these days. Think it is a waste of money to invest in Ohio.

Anyways if you want to really worry about poor Dem outreach to diverse voters, there is plenty to focus on in South Florida and along the Rio Grande. Now those are numbers that I would call catastrophic from a Dem perspective and need to be rectified quickly. 50% among South Americans?!?! Totally unacceptable, all the Dem establishment party leaders in these areas and maybe at the national level focused on Latino outreach should be fired ASAP.
It's a good thing that Trump knew of this evidence before he threw around accusations that would otherwise appear to be desperate and baseless.

Yes, perhaps Donald figured he had the 'inside track' and knowing that if Republican officials are 'fecking' things up, then surely the dozy Democrats are doing the same thing in Democratic areas... its quite analytical thinking.... for Trump that is!
You're right, this is clear evidence that the republicans are trying to steal the election. Ballots just "turning" up.
Yes and Donald will think so too! "Both sides are now trying to steal my election"

We should have expected them to try to rig the election in favour of of a Democrat.

Won't be the first time we've heard about a 'failed coup'... not quite got the hang of it, either side!

all the irregularities and frauds detected thus far

Not long ago we were being told there were no irregularities, no frauds, no miscounts,... so do you now think there will be more discovered?
What do you mean, Nate Cohn in his second tweet graphic says that Black turnout did increase, just not to the numbers seen in other groups. This makes sense when you consider that Trump turned out non-college whites like a cult leader does to his followers. It makes sense therefore that the overall percentages may have decreased.

The math in Georgia simply is impossible from a Dem perspective without a strong showing from Black voters. We have a lot to thank the Black voters from Detroit, Philly, and Atlanta for, not to mention Hispanics in AZ.

the share of registered voters who are black has been mostly constant/very marginal decline compared to the decline in vote share.

yes, most minorities do and will support the democratic party, just as most rich people do and will support the GOP, but the trends seem to be pointing the other way, whether it's turnout drops or actual vote shifts (like with floridan cubans or in southern texas).
the share of registered voters who are black has been mostly constant/very marginal decline compared to the decline in vote share.

yes, most minorities do and will support the democratic party, just as most rich people do and will support the GOP, but the trends seem to be pointing the other way, whether it's turnout drops or actual vote shifts (like with floridan cubans or in southern texas).

I doubt those Black voters are voters from past elections who didn't vote this time, they are more likely to be folks who have never voted. That's why I shy away from characterizing it as quitting the process, rather we should frame it as "we are not doing enough/providing enough reason to encourage all African American voters to turnout for the Dems, how can we message in a better way to reach these groups and drive turnout even further?" Luckily GA is one of the few states in the country where the local Dem groups know what they are doing so I'm not concerned from a long term perspective.

EDIT: Should emphasize that while I'm not too concerned about black voter turnout, I am very concerned about Latino voter trends as you mention at the end of your post. Now that is nightmare stuff and represents true incompetence. Folks like Chuck Rocha need to be given the keys and all the funding they could want to rectify this situation.
Yes and Donald will think so too! "Both sides are now trying to steal my election"
That's not how his brain works. These votes favoured him, even if you had footage of Tiffany filling them in and could 100% prove they were fraudulent he'd still claim they were legit.

He'd also ask who the young lady was, but that's a different matter entirely.
... Not long ago we were being told there were no irregularities, no frauds, no miscounts,... so do you now think there will be more discovered?

Every free and fair election contains a tiny number of irregularities, frauds and miscounts. The point is that (a) they are statistically insignificant compared to the overall vote; and (b) they are virtually all uncovered and corrected (in terms of the vote count) as part of the normal auditing and checking process.

Anyone who claims otherwise is either ignorant of the actual processes involved or wilfully trying to undermine faith in the vote-counting process.
Not long ago we were being told there were no irregularities, no frauds, no miscounts,... so do you now think there will be more discovered?
quotes or it didn’t happen.

No one said there were absolutely zero irregularities or fraud being committed, you are talking about a country of 350 millions with processes from ballot design to voting system varying from state to state, sometimes counties to counties, human errors are part of the system, that’s why recounts usually vary anywhere from a few to dozens to couple of hundreds, depending on the tally.

What is being laughed at is this absurd notion that this somehow is proof of widespread fraud favoring one candidate, when the one alleging the fraud has the whole state apparatus behind him, the election in the states being contested were ran by his party, and all of the irregularities/fraud/baseless allegations thus far are all from that particular side. Some conspiracy that is.

As expected, he's just grifting his way through this shitshow while he still can. I mean he's completely destroyed his reputation and legacy as a once-respected former mayor but I guess he considers it a small price to pay for filling his coffers.

Would be amusing to see if he stays loyal to Donito Mussolini once he's reduced to being a washed out, broke, jail-bound citizen. Would be hilarious if he just washes his hands off him after all this is done.
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