2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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Alright Tony


The tiger tail :lol:
A political drama about a mentally disabled elderly underdog who makes it into the White House against all odds and resistance through dishonesty and lies? Sounds like a combination of Forrest Gump, Up and House of Cards with some The Invention of Lying mixed into it. Has Oscar written all over it, IMO.
You could cast Gary Busey for it.
Hopefully he tries to go his own way politically and splits the vote on the right.

You just know he'd love nothing more than to start the Trump Party.

Yes indeed, Trump will probably take a leaf out of his pal Nigel Farage's playbook and form a shadow party, or party in waiting.[ NB. this is not the same thing as a 'pressure group' with a party, it is something independent which can shift the balance of power in certain areas/matters and is independent of the host party's organisation machinery] It is a party that's akin to a political guerilla force ready to moblise on Trump's say so. Trump will then attempt to play 'fast and loose' with the Republicans, on specific issues, e.g. Gun law is a probable favourite no doubt; either offering to support them, or to mount rivals to split their vote in marginal elections/issues.

Farage did this in the UK with the Brexit Party, demonstrating in the last MEP elections that he could annihilate the Tories, then doing a deal with Boris and the Tories, for the next GE. Farage's party didn't really challenge the Tories anywhere, but stood in what became known as the 'red wall' constituencies, eventually drawing large swathes of voters from Labour, who were either annoyed about the Labour stance on Brexit and/or who had no time for its then leader Jeremy Corbyn. This led to one of the Tories largest wins in a GE for years, with an 80 seat majority

Instead of fighting a rearguard action of sniping from behind cover, Trump may try possibly to follow Sara Palin's advice... "Don't retreat, reload"
Donnie just work up and drank too much diet coke ...

Isn't that the same lady from the other day? When she goes onto fox news she worked 24 hours (6am-6am) but in the video from he statement she works 22.5hours (6:00am-4:30am), then changes the times again nearly half way through.
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That's the problem right there. Your neighbour probably lacks critical thinking skills to realize that Trump isn't even a Republican. He knew the easiest path to power and supporters stoking his ego was to run on a Republican ticket.

Isn't he? He's done basically exactly what the GOP would want him to do, policy wise. And when he hasn't, he's actively changed GOP policy to match his own views. Whatever else it is, the GOP is now and still the party of Trump. Trumpism is not dead.
But I don't think it will help. His base is not 70 million plus, he might think it is, but its not even close to that. People like my neighbor who had a Trump sign and voted for him, but only because he was a Republican, will not be following him to some magical Trump party. If the Republicans keep coddling him then they are going to get crushed when he turns on them. And he WILL turn on them. He has no loyalty to anyone or anything other than himself and maybe his children (some of them). If this keeps up one or both of two things will happen. American will be torn apart or the Republican party will be torn apart. I don't know how they don't see this.
The turtle is one of the savviest political operatives. He will dump Trump the second he ceases to be useful. He will know how to time it as well.

All this time I've been stupid enough to think that medical and pharmaceutical advancements were down to meticulous science and the enormous effort of a whole scientific community building on shared falsifiable knowledge.

All this time... and not once did it occur to me that the world is developed through double bogeys and inflammatory tweets. Silly me!
Isn't he? He's done basically exactly what the GOP would want him to do, policy wise. And when he hasn't, he's actively changed GOP policy to match his own views. Whatever else it is, the GOP is now and still the party of Trump. Trumpism is not dead.

He's a transactional opportunist, which generally means morality isn't a factor in his decision making, which of course lends itself to being closer to the Republicans than Democrats. Everyone in Trump's world is an obstacle or a stepping stone, including the Republican party itself.
He's a transactional opportunist, which generally means morality isn't a factor in his decision making, which of course lends itself to being closer to the Republicans than Democrats. Everyone in Trump's world is an obstacle or a stepping stone, including the Republican party itself.

Yes, but do motivations really matter when he's a) enacted a Republican agenda and b) shaped the GOP after himself?
Yes, but do motivations really matter when he's a) enacted a Republican agenda and b) shaped the GOP after himself?

His motivations aren't to implement a Republican agenda, they are to expand his own personal political power by using them as a vehicle. If he thought he could collaborate on a policy with the Dems (for example, he has been a critic of going to war in the past) then he would do that as well. At the end of the day, Republicans know that someone who has given as much money as Trump has to the Clintons, Schumer, and other Dems, is not their friend and they will dump him the instant the opportunity presents itself.
Once bitten twice shy

I hold all the 70M fully sober and willingly electing him, not once but TWICE. I could understand and forget that first time, but you can't pretend you didn't actually go out there on COVID crisis to put your vote for this guy and all he stands for.
Well that's because they agree with his agenda. You can't vote for someone and not support all their biased views. You can't just be selective and agree with some of his views and ignore the others. For instance all the Latinos and other colored folks that voted for him how are they justifying his support for white supremacist proud boys agenda ? Is it oh he's a racist but ....I just don't get how or where they are coming up with any positives to justify that. Nothing can outweigh that and if they voted for him they are supporting racism and all his other fun traits.
Well that's because they agree with his agenda. You can't vote for someone and not support all their biased views. You can't just be selective and agree with some of his views and ignore the others. For instance all the Latinos and other colored folks that voted for him how are they justifying his support for white supremacist proud boys agenda ? Is it oh he's a racist but ....I just don't get how or where they are coming up with any positives to justify that. Nothing can outweigh that and if they voted for him they are supporting racism and all his other fun traits.

And in many ways, the Republican party has moved towards Trump as a mutual bargain to advance their own positions. For example, "build the wall", go after China with tarrifs, engage with North Korea etc....are examples of the the party adopting Trump positions as opposed to vice versa.
He's a transactional opportunist, which generally means morality isn't a factor in his decision making, which of course lends itself to being closer to the Republicans than Democrats. Everyone in Trump's world is an obstacle or a stepping stone, including the Republican party itself.
I am no insider, but this is one of the best factual descriptions I have seen of how Trump interacts with his surroundings.
And in many ways, the Republican party has moved towards Trump as a mutual bargain to advance their own positions. For example, "build the wall", go after China with tarrifs, engage with North Korea etc....are examples of the the party adopting Trump positions as opposed to vice versa.
And soon they'll just drop him, get off the hook and carry on as usual.

In the US, the idolisation of the self-serving (as some honourable expression of "freedom") combines easily with an absolute belief in an archaic form of representative democracy. This does indeed require a lot of mental gymnastics, a sport which is widespread throughout but where the Republicans dominate.
Isn't he? He's done basically exactly what the GOP would want him to do, policy wise. And when he hasn't, he's actively changed GOP policy to match his own views. Whatever else it is, the GOP is now and still the party of Trump. Trumpism is not dead.
Massive tax cuts, ignoring science, demonisation of immigrants... yup, checks out. There were plenty of Trumps in the GOP before Trump, he was just the best at tapping into that particular strain.

I think the only ways he's really altered course are trade and national security.
Yes, but do motivations really matter when he's a) enacted a Republican agenda and b) shaped the GOP after himself?
Only because they were nice to him and kissed his ass. If the Republicans were on his case over all the lies and emoluments clause breaking he would have done nothing for them.
His motivations aren't to implement a Republican agenda, they are to expand his own personal political power by using them as a vehicle. If he thought he could collaborate on a policy with the Dems (for example, he has been a critic of going to war in the past) then he would do that as well. At the end of the day, Republicans know that someone who has given as much money as Trump has to the Clintons, Schumer, and other Dems, is not their friend and they will dump him the instant the opportunity presents itself.

You're being way too kind to the GOP here.
He's a transactional opportunist, which generally means morality isn't a factor in his decision making, which of course lends itself to being closer to the Republicans than Democrats. Everyone in Trump's world is an obstacle or a stepping stone, including the Republican party itself.
Sounds pretty much like the definition of a parasite.
Well that's because they agree with his agenda. You can't vote for someone and not support all their biased views. You can't just be selective and agree with some of his views and ignore the others. For instance all the Latinos and other colored folks that voted for him how are they justifying his support for white supremacist proud boys agenda ? Is it oh he's a racist but ....I just don't get how or where they are coming up with any positives to justify that. Nothing can outweigh that and if they voted for him they are supporting racism and all his other fun traits.

This isn't true. A lot of people vote for the candidate/party that they most agree with compared to what they think are the alternatives, without necessarily agreeing with all the views held by that candidate/party.

So, some Latinos vote for Trump because they've been persuaded to think of Biden as a communist (however laughable that notion is) - i.e. they support the "anti-communist" candidate, even if they don't like his racism.
Sounds pretty much like the definition of a parasite.

Agreed, although both sides are benefiting from the bargain. Trump keeps the Republican party in line by intimidating them into submission through his media acolytes who wield power over the GOP voters who vote Republicans in or out, and in return Trump rewards them by pushing conservative policies as a carrot for their obedience. Most Republicans, even those who publicly support him, probably hate him behind the scenes and can't wait for him to leave.
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And in many ways, the Republican party has moved towards Trump as a mutual bargain to advance their own positions. For example, "build the wall", go after China with tarrifs, engage with North Korea etc....are examples of the the party adopting Trump positions as opposed to vice versa.
Exactly. He's pretty much their scapegoat. Whenever he spews his nonsense it gets dismissed as him being stupid donald. Meanwhile the GOP is smiling with glee because he's getting their message across without the severe scrutiny that comes with enticing violence and racism. He has been conditioning all the idiots and it gets dismissed because it's just stupid trump. This is a mutual agenda and his actions just paved the way for future GOP candidates who do the same damn thing. They are just not so vocal and a little more polished but we all know this is what they will always represent.
BBC Panarama has a "will Biden be able to unite the US" episode scheduled for now. But it's not starting - technical hitch....
Agreed, although both sides are benefiting from the bargain. Trump keeps the Republican party in line by intimidating them into submission through his media acolytes who wield power over the GOP voters who voter Republicans in or out, and in return Trump rewards them by pushing conservative policies as a carrot for their obedience. Most Republicans, even those who publicly support him, probably hate him behind the scenes and can't wait for him to leave.

Didn’t China effectively profit from the tariffs as the farmers paid the tariffs and the US government subsidised the farmers accordingly whereas China placed tariffs in response and did no such subsidising for their manufacturers who were better placed to absorb the tariffs.
This isn't true. A lot of people vote for the candidate/party that they most agree with compared to what they think are the alternatives, without necessarily agreeing with all the views held by that candidate/party.

So, some Latinos vote for Trump because they've been persuaded to think of Biden as a communist (however laughable that notion is) - i.e. they support the "anti-communist" candidate, even if they don't like his racism.
Well it depends on which view is most important to you. For me I'll never vote for an openly racist candidate no matter how solid his other views may be. Why denounce my kind but still expect my vote ? They can feck right off.
He will definitely do a better job than trump and improve the current climate.

When there is a faction of possibly tens of millions who reject his election, believe his Presidency is a fraud and that their leader was ousted illegally, no Biden won’t be able to unite them.
His motivations aren't to implement a Republican agenda, they are to expand his own personal political power by using them as a vehicle. If he thought he could collaborate on a policy with the Dems (for example, he has been a critic of going to war in the past) then he would do that as well.

He vetoed a bill that passed the Democratic House and Republican Senate restricting US support fo Saudi airstrikes on Yemen.
Agreed, although both sides are benefiting from the bargain. Trump keeps the Republican party in line by intimidating them into submission through his media acolytes who wield power over the GOP voters who voter Republicans in or out, and in return Trump rewards them by pushing conservative policies as a carrot for their obedience. Most Republicans, even those who publicly support him, probably hate him behind the scenes and can't wait for him to leave.
I heard some professor in american politics say that Mitch McConnell actually hates his guts, but he spotted the oppourtunity. If you watch some vids from the summer of 2016 loads of prominent GOP politicians said they loathed him, Graham, Zodiac Killer, Collins ++. There was a nice collage of interviews where they ripped into him.
When there is a faction of possibly tens of millions who reject his election, believe his Presidency is a fraud and that their leader was ousted illegally, no Biden won’t be able to unite them.
Sadly this is true and trump is really not helping with his daily demented twitter escapades. Hopefully in time they can change but they believe in a madman so I highly doubt it. One can just hope.
Watching this BBC program about the election and i really dont understand the whole 'stolen election' thing, and how the Trump fans keep saying 'prove the election was won fairly'... surely the proof should be the responsibility of the Trump fans to show its a fake election... or am I missing something?
Watching this BBC program about the election and i really dont understand the whole 'stolen election' thing, and how the Trump fans keep saying 'prove the election was won fairly'... surely the proof should be the responsibility of the Trump fans to show its a fake election... or am I missing something?
You're looking for logical reasoning from Trump supporters.
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