2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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from my youtube recommendations. they've been worse than usual lately. tons of jordan peterson, ben shapiro, tucker carlson, triggered compilations, etc.
the video itself is hilariously bad, it just says he has lawsuits in some states.

from my youtube recommendations. they've been worse than usual lately. tons of jordan peterson, ben shapiro, tucker carlson, triggered compilations, etc.
the video itself is hilariously bad, it just says he has lawsuits in some states.

How are you getting such recommendations? i never get these even though I watch some US politics videos also from time to time.
How are you getting such recommendations? i never get these even though I watch some US politics videos also from time to time.

Genuinely confused, this guy isn't a big channel either. The last thing I was bingeing on youtube was clips of The Wire.

from my youtube recommendations. they've been worse than usual lately. tons of jordan peterson, ben shapiro, tucker carlson, triggered compilations, etc.
the video itself is hilariously bad, it just says he has lawsuits in some states.

Can’t you hit “not interested”/“don’t recommend channel” on these things so the algorithm learns not to suggest them?

At some point someone is going to need to shut this down. I don't see how this helps Republicans if it goes into Dec, let alone January. With all sane people acknowledging that Biden won, the only way this can end if he keeps it up is badly. Surely they must see that. He is becoming even more unhinged and if they think this is going to help them in Georgia then I think they are wrong. If the run off was in Dec then maybe, but it is quite literally months away. They can't keep him or his crazy fringe base under control that long if he keeps escalating like this. It is going to end in violence.
At some point someone is going to need to shut this down. I don't see how this helps Republicans if it goes into Dec, let alone January. With all sane people acknowledging that Biden won, the only way this can end if he keeps it up is badly. Surely they must see that. He is becoming even more unhinged and if they think this is going to help them in Georgia then I think they are wrong. If the run off was in Dec then maybe, but it is quite literally months away. They can't keep him or his crazy fringe base under control that long if he keeps escalating like this. It is going to end in violence.
See there’s your problem
See there’s your problem

I know, but that's my point. The majority of the world, the big majority of the US (his election deniers are not all 71 million who voted for him), and the vast majority of his own party know he lost. They have to know that continuing to enable him through January will cause real harm. Forget doing it for the good of the country, they have to know that what he is doing to Fox right now he will do to the republican party next. Very soon they are going to have to choose, REALLY choose if they are for Trump or for America. If they continue to enable him this is the trial that will come to pass.

I know this is morose, but I've had a real shitty day and this is kinda where my mind went.
I know, but that's my point. The majority of the world, the big majority of the US (his election deniers are not all 71 million who voted for him), and the vast majority of his own party know he lost. They have to know that continuing to enable him through January will cause real harm. Forget doing it for the good of the country, they have to know that what he is doing to Fox right now he will do to the republican party next. Very soon they are going to have to choose, REALLY choose if they are for Trump or for America. If they continue to enable him this is the trial that will come to pass.

I know this is morose, but I've had a real shitty day and this is kinda where my mind went.

Once bitten twice shy

I hold all the 70M fully sober and willingly electing him, not once but TWICE. I could understand and forget that first time, but you can't pretend you didn't actually go out there on COVID crisis to put your vote for this guy and all he stands for.
Once bitten twice shy

I hold all the 70M fully sober and willingly electing him, not once but TWICE. I could understand and forget that first time, but you can't pretend you didn't actually go out there on COVID crisis to put your vote for this guy and all he stands for.

I hold them responsible for voting for him as well, but we are past the election. We need to deal with the present and future and the only way that is happening is if the Republicans take control of their damn party. The alternative still has the same outcome, a Biden presidency, but with potentially a horrific toll on America. So I say it again, it is time for a new "vote" for Republicans, either you vote for America or Trump. Democrats can't bail you out this time, we already did that on Nov 3rd.
There has to be some point where Twitter bans his account for getting flagged for virtually every tweet.. Twitter has no obligation to keep his account active.
At some point someone is going to need to shut this down. I don't see how this helps Republicans if it goes into Dec, let alone January. With all sane people acknowledging that Biden won, the only way this can end if he keeps it up is badly. Surely they must see that. He is becoming even more unhinged and if they think this is going to help them in Georgia then I think they are wrong. If the run off was in Dec then maybe, but it is quite literally months away. They can't keep him or his crazy fringe base under control that long if he keeps escalating like this. It is going to end in violence.
He has been escalating since he took the presidency and not only kept his fanbase under control, he expanded it.
I’m not so sure you can call his base a fringe now.
I’m not sure. While 71 million is a concerning figure, we have to remember that a huge proportion of those who vote Republican are simply single issue voters - eg those who vote solely to uphold gun rights, pro life sentiments, etc. I mean it’s depressingly unfortunate that they’re willing to overlook the bigotry and sheer disregard for their country’s integrity by voting for Trump, but I don’t think it means the MAGA cult army is that ‘YUGE’. Their damp squib of a rally over the weekend showed that.
I’m not sure. While 71 million is a concerning figure, we have to remember that a huge proportion of those who vote Republican are simply single issue voters - eg those who vote solely to uphold gun rights, pro life sentiments, etc. I mean it’s depressingly unfortunate that they’re willing to overlook the bigotry and sheer disregard for their country’s integrity by voting for Trump, but I don’t think it means the MAGA cult army is that ‘YUGE’. Their damp squib of a rally over the weekend showed that.

Would it also not be fair to say that there is an element of the "incumbent vote" as well? George W. Bush got about 12 million more votes (+ 2.5% approx.) in 2004 than in 2000.
Sounding more like a malfunctioning bot.
He's like SkyNet as this point. About a month ago it didn't seem like Trump go do anything worse to damage US democracy and, yet, here we are.

I genuinely wouldn't be surprised if, just before he gets dragged out of the Oval Office, he pushes the big red button.
There has to be some point where Twitter bans his account for getting flagged for virtually every tweet.. Twitter has no obligation to keep his account active.
This, he's a goner now anyway, especially now that mashed potatoes for brain Giuliani is the only guy willing to represent him legally. Why wait until January?

I'd also like to see GOP take some responsibility here, this is harmful for the US in so many ways. They're basically sacrificing their country for the toddler Trump at the moment. As he's on his way out they should just bypass him on everything. As an extension of this, if GOP and the Dems can't find a way to unite and cooperate on issues the US will eventually implode. They can't go on like this for too long.
I'm sure he really knows he's lost the election, and I find it weird that he doesn't care about embarrassing himself in this way. He could have earned a lot of plus points by conceding in one sentence and then saying nothing at all in public.
He's like SkyNet as this point. About a month ago it didn't seem like Trump go do anything worse to damage US democracy and, yet, here we are.

I genuinely wouldn't be surprised if, just before he gets dragged out of the Oval Office, he pushes the big red button.
You surely mean the biggest and reddest button there is...
I'm sure he really knows he's lost the election, and I find it weird that he doesn't care about embarrassing himself in this way. He could have earned a lot of plus points by conceding in one sentence and then saying nothing at all in public.
I'm sure he really does believe he's been cheated, that he's the victim here. He is simply hardwired to be unable to accept the idea of losing in any way or form.
I'm sure he really knows he's lost the election, and I find it weird that he doesn't care about embarrassing himself in this way. He could have earned a lot of plus points by conceding in one sentence and then saying nothing at all in public.

I don’t think the man feels embarrassment. I’m sure the emotions leading to it begin to surface, but they always manifest into petulance denial and alternate truth.
I'm sure he really knows he's lost the election, and I find it weird that he doesn't care about embarrassing himself in this way. He could have earned a lot of plus points by conceding in one sentence and then saying nothing at all in public.
I don't think he even does tbh. He's a pathological narcissist, I don't think his tiny mind fathoms the notion of things not going his way, so instead he engages in loopy mental gymnastics to convince himself he's been cheated.
I don't think he even does tbh. He's a pathological narcissist, I don't think his tiny mind fathoms the notion of things not going his way, so instead he engages in loopy mental gymnastics to convince himself he's been cheated.
And surrounds himself with spineless hacks that are only in the room to tell him what he wants to hear.
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