2020 US Elections | Biden certified as President | Dems control Congress

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I refuse to apologize for creating the modern world :lol:

deary me, it's cringier than an episode of The Office :lol:

One part of me feels nothing but happiness watching this continual display of tantrum throwing hysteria about living in a society with others. The other part of me thinks, how the feck do we get these people into therapy.
I refuse to apologize for creating the modern world :lol: ...

The wishful-thinking "modern world" in question being that of the 1950s ... where women are subservient housewives, black people are kept firmly in place and John Wayne is idolised.

Meanwhile, 70 years later, back in the actual modern world ...
The wishful-thinking "modern world" in question being that of the 1950s ... where women are subservient housewives, black people are kept firmly in place and John Wayne is idolised.

Meanwhile, 70 years later, back in the actual modern world ...

The Nazis are openly displaying their flag in Murica.
I'm looking forward to seeing how far they'll spin this DOMINION conspiracy. And, I kid you not, they found a link with...... SOROS! Him, again, he's everywhere, the most powerful man on earth. And also.... BILL GATES!
I'm looking forward to seeing how far they'll spin this DOMINION conspiracy. And, I kid you not, they found a link with...... SOROS! Him, again, he's everywhere, the most powerful man on earth. And also.... BILL GATES!

Wonder why Santa hasnt been included in that yet. Socialist giving things away for free illegal immigrant pedofile that he is n all.

There’s a red line one too for firefighters

And one with a green line as well (military? emt's?). Neighbor has a flag with red/blue/green. The same people who would heap abuse on Kaepernick for "disrespecting the flag", or rage against the rainbow version for LGBTQ+, have no problem with people bastardizing it for their own purposes. It's almost like the bedrock of conservatism is hypocrisy.
You may be on to something there.

You know how some people claim that we are living in a simulation. Well, I think here might be a glitch or the evangelicals have activated the console cheats menu, because Liberty fecking University is ranked.
You know how some people claim that we are living in a simulation. Well, I think here might be a glitch or the evangelicals have activated the console cheats menu, because Liberty fecking University is ranked.

And Notre Dame right after getting Barrett on SCOTUS
I'm looking forward to seeing how far they'll spin this DOMINION conspiracy. And, I kid you not, they found a link with...... SOROS! Him, again, he's everywhere, the most powerful man on earth. And also.... BILL GATES!
when I was in secondary school in Ireland we had a michael moore piece on Diebold voting machines from the 2000 election as our assigned reading in our textbook in Eng class. the kabuki theatre is ridiculous
I say we settle this the old fashion way, a brawl. The Dems can send in Fetterman and the Republicans can send in, I don't know, any 2-3 members of congress.
Gym Jordan, Dan Crenshaw and Matt Gaetz.

Actually let’s be generous and throw Tommy Tuberville in there as well.
Gym Jordan, Dan Crenshaw and Matt Gaetz.

Actually let’s be generous and throw Tommy Tuberville in there as well.

Gym would try a reach around,
Crenshaw would <censored b/c we, apparently, can't mock war veterans, even when they are absolute tool bags>
Tommy would switch sides or quit halfway through once his side started losing or NCAA compliance showed up.
Gaetz...Gaetz would get the Mountain treatment, because his face is so...damn....crushable.
@InfiniteBoredom I was wondering why that name sounds familiar, and I realised Fetterman was one of thse very few Dems who ran as left challengers in 2016, inspired by Bernie. They all lost their primaries, including him (I think he ran for governor). Others included a challenger to DWS. All seemed doomed from the start. The 2018 and 2020 challenges were *much* better - except Bernie himself.
Had no idea Fetterman got back and won, I guess he was part of the 2018 batch.
@InfiniteBoredom I was wondering why that name sounds familiar, and I realised Fetterman was one of thse very few Dems who ran as left challengers in 2016, inspired by Bernie. They all lost their primaries, including him (I think he ran for governor). Others included a challenger to DWS. All seemed doomed from the start. The 2018 and 2020 challenges were *much* better - except Bernie himself.
Had no idea Fetterman got back and won, I guess he was part of the 2018 batch.

Everything I have read about him has impressed me. Love that he and his wife thought living in the Lt. Gov mansion was stupid, so they kept living in their house and opened up the mansions pool to local kids.
And one with a green line as well (military? emt's?). Neighbor has a flag with red/blue/green. The same people who would heap abuse on Kaepernick for "disrespecting the flag", or rage against the rainbow version for LGBTQ+, have no problem with people bastardizing it for their own purposes. It's almost like the bedrock of conservatism is hypocrisy.
Think I said it before but Hypocrisy should have an (R) next to it in the dictionary. Also what's up with all those clowns flying Trump flags above the American flag? It shouldn't even be on the same pole for that matter.
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